337 research outputs found

    Data-driven depth and 3D architectural layout estimation of an interior environment from monocular panoramic input

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    Recent years have seen significant interest in the automatic 3D reconstruction of indoor scenes, leading to a distinct and very-active sub-field within 3D reconstruction. The main objective is to convert rapidly measured data representing real-world indoor environments into models encompassing geometric, structural, and visual abstractions. This thesis focuses on the particular subject of extracting geometric information from single panoramic images, using either visual data alone or sparse registered depth information. The appeal of this setup lies in the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of data acquisition using 360o images. The challenge, however, is that creating a comprehensive model from mostly visual input is extremely difficult, due to noise, missing data, and clutter. My research has concentrated on leveraging prior information, in the form of architectural and data-driven priors derived from large annotated datasets, to develop end-to-end deep learning solutions for specific tasks in the structured reconstruction pipeline. My first contribution consists in a deep neural network architecture for estimating a depth map from a single monocular indoor panorama, operating directly on the equirectangular projection. Leveraging the characteristics of indoor 360-degree images and recognizing the impact of gravity on indoor scene design, the network efficiently encodes the scene into vertical spherical slices. By exploiting long- and short- term relationships among these slices, it recovers an equirectangular depth map directly from the corresponding RGB image. My second contribution generalizes the approach to handle multimodal input, also covering the situation in which the equirectangular input image is paired with a sparse depth map, as provided from common capture setups. Depth is inferred using an efficient single-branch network with a dynamic gating system, processing both dense visual data and sparse geometric data. Additionally, a new augmentation strategy enhances the model's robustness to various types of sparsity, including those from structured light sensors and LiDAR setups. While the first two contributions focus on per-pixel geometric information, my third contribution addresses the recovery of the 3D shape of permanent room surfaces from a single panoramic image. Unlike previous methods, this approach tackles the problem in 3D, expanding the reconstruction space. It employs a graph convolutional network to directly infer the room structure as a 3D mesh, deforming a graph- encoded tessellated sphere mapped to the spherical panorama. Gravity- aligned features are actively incorporated using a projection layer with multi-head self-attention, and specialized losses guide plausible solutions in the presence of clutter and occlusions. The benchmarks on publicly available data show that all three methods provided significant improvements over the state-of-the-art

    El problema de la comunicación conocimiento acción en las metáforas o modelos de profesionalidad docente - Primera parte

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    In this paper we discusse the issue of the metheoretical problem of kowledge-action communication in education. Moreover, we analyse the incidence of different paradigma (the "symbolical- interpretative", the "critical", and the transition from one to the other) in: the perspectives in which we think of teacher  ("metaphors" or "models" of "teachers" proffessionality"), the "models" used in "didactic research" and in "educational projects evaluation".</p

    Illicium A modular transpilation toolchain from Pharo to C

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    International audienceThe Pharo programming language runs on the OpenSmalltalk-VM. This Virtual Machine (VM) is mainly written in Slang, a subset of the Smalltalk language dedicated to VM development. Slang is transpiled to C using the Slang-to-C transpiler. The generated C is then compiled to produce the VM exe-cutable binary code. Slang is a powerful dialect for generating C because it benefits from the tools of the Smalltalk environment, including a simulator that runs and debugs the VM. However, the Slang-to-C transpiler is often too permissive. For example, the Slang-to-C transpiler generates invalid C code from some Smalltalk concepts it does not support. This makes the Slang code hard to debug as the errors are caught very late during the development process, which is worsen by the loss of the mapping between the generated C code and Slang. The Slang-to-C transpiler is also hard to extend or adapt to modify part of the translation process. In this paper we present Illicium, a new modular transpila-tion toolchain based on a subset of Pharo targeting C through AST transformations. This toolchain translates the Pharo AST into a C AST to generate C code. Using ASTs as source and target artifacts enables analysis, modification and validation at different levels during the translation process. The main translator is split into smaller and replaceable translators to increase modularity. Illicium also allows the possibility to introduce new translators and to chain them together, increasing reusability. To evaluate our approach, we show with a use case how to extend the transpilation process with a translation that requires changes not considered in the original C AST

    Actualización del efecto del entrenamiento de fuerza isométrica sobre la presión arterial: revisión sistemática y metánalisis

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    Objetivo: Realizar una revisión sistemática con metanálisis para cuantificar los efectos del entrenamiento en la presión arterial con el ejercicio isométrico. Participantes y métodos: Se realizó una revisión sistemática con metanálisis en estudios de intervención aleatorizados de más de 4 semanas en adultos (mayores de 18 años). Se actualizó una anterior revisión (Carlson et al., 2014) con una búsqueda realizada en Pubmed y Sportdiscus desde 31 de Julio de 2013 hasta el 31 de Octubre de 2016. 3 nuevos artículos fueron sumados a los anteriores 9 artículos de la anterior revisión, obteniendo así un total de 12 artículos y 322 participantes. Resultados: Se observaron las siguientes reducciones. La presión arterial sistólica se redujo mostrando un tamaño del efecto de 1,55 (95%CI de 0,85 a 2,26, P<0,01) y la presión arterial diastólica se redujo 0,86 (95%CI de 0,31 a 1,40, P<0,01) Conclusión: La presión arterial se redujo de forma significativa y sus resultados son similares a otras revisiones que utilizan otras modalidades de ejercicio diferentes. Se sugiere que puede ser una modalidad de ejercicio complementaria para el control de la presión arterial en personas con hipertensión

    Utilización del "inventario de creencias didácticas y epistemológicas (ICDE)" en la diferenciación de poblaciones de docentes de ciencias de nivel medio (en formación) de la ciudad de Córdoba. Comparación con un grupo de docentes (en ejercicio) de ese nivel

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    This work has the following objectives: To describe and to analyse sorne epistemological and didactical explicit beliefs in Pre service Science Teachers Secondary School populations of Córdoba city which were different with regard to the institutional origin (university and non university Institutions)and with regard scientific specialities (Biology, Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics). To compare these Pre service Science Teachers Secondary School explicit beliefs with those obtained from a group of In Service Teachers of the same leve!, which are specialists in the mentioned knowledge areas. The explicit beliefs are described, analysed and compared through the results obtained in the "Didactical and Epistemological beliefs lnventOl)' (ICDE)". The methodology used and statistical procedures are presented. The results are analysed and sorne conclusions are expressed.</p

    Importance of competency assessment in primary education

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    Toda la legislación tiene en cuenta la importancia de la evaluación de todos los elementos de la Programación Didáctica, desde la idoneidad para el grupo/clase hasta la propia actuación pedagógica. Tras una adecuada justificación se establecen una serie de fases que estructuran el proceso de evaluación competencial. A continuación, se establecen algunos informes tanto de carácter prescriptivo como complementarios, a iniciativa de centros o docentes, para finalmente realizar un análisis de la evaluación por competencias estableciendo y definiendo instrumentos o recursos. La Bibliografía apoya, fundamenta y concluye un tema complejo y extenso pero relevante en la educación del siglo XXI.All the legislation takes into account the importance of the evaluation of all the elements of Didactic Programming, from the suitability for the class to the own pedagogical action. After an adequate justification, a series of phases are established that structure the process of competential evaluation. Next, some reports are prescriptive as well as complementary, at the initiative of schools or teachers, to finally carry out an analysis of the evaluation by competences establishing and defining instruments or resources. The Bibliography supports, bases and concludes a complex and extensive but relevant subject in the education of the 21st century

    How to work Inclusive Education and Attencion to Diversity

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    La inclusión precisa de un desprendimiento general de las ideas competitivas que se nos han inculcado a lo largo de nuestras vidas. La competencia es la que nos lleva a querer ser mejores que los demás, es quien nos dicta las reglas de comportamiento social, quien nos permite disculpar y escudar nuestros actos: en nombre de la competencia somos capaces de cualquier cosa. La inclusión conlleva combatir a la exclusión en todos sus frentes.The incorporation adds a general detachment of the competitive ideas that they have inculcated us along our lives. The competition is the one that leads us to wanting to be better than the others, is the one who dictates the rules of social behavior, who allows us to forgive and to shield our acts: in name of the competition we are capable of any thing. The incorporation carries to fight to the exclusion in all his foreheads