153 research outputs found

    Alonso de Vandelvira y Philibert de l'Orme: dos tratados, dos maneras

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    The manuscript Libro de traças y cortes written by the andalusian architect Alonso de Vandelvira before 1590, is the first book entirely dedicated to the topic of stereotomy -i. e. the planning of the single stone elements in structures with complex shape. On this subject which would become a main discipline in the formation of architects, the only previous text, known until now, is contained in Philibert de l'Orme’s treatise of Architecture, printed in 1567. This comparative study aims to clarify the relation between both texts.El manuscrito Libro de traças y cortes de Alonso de Vandelvira, terminado en torno a 1590, es el primer compendio dedicado enteramente a la estereotomía, es decir, al planeamiento del corte de la piedra de cada uno de los componentes de un elemento arquitectónico de forma compleja. El primer acercamiento escrito a este saber técnico, que llegó a ser posteriormente una disciplina fundamental para la formación de los arquitectos, fueron los capítulos contenidos en el tratado de arquitectura de Philibert de l’Orme, publicado en 1567. En este estudio comparativo se pretende aclarar la relación entre ambos textos

    Die Kathedrale von Jaen

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    Der Beitrag beschreibt kurz die Baugeschichte der Kathedrale mit besonderer Betonung der Hängekuppel der Kirchenschiffe. Ihr Bau hat eine große Verbindung mit einigen geometrischen Aufgaben für den Steinschnitt, welche Alonso de Vandelvira, der Sohn des Dommeisters Andrés de Vandelvira, in seinem Traktat „Libro de traças de cortes de piedras“ erklärt

    «Troneras a regla» según Alonso de Vandelvira: trazado y geometría

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    [EN] Linteled embrasures (or «troneras a regla») are described in a small section within the treatise «Libro de traças de corte de piedras» by the Andalusian Alonso de Vandelvira that has not yet been studied. Among the four examples that contain this chapter, the two «troneras a regla torre cavada y redonda» (linteled embrasures in a concave-round tower) attract special attention. The particular geometric strategy used to trace them forces to vary the original shape of its intrados. The methods used to resolve these embrasures also appear in other titles of the treatise, but they do not have the same effect there. This article seeks to understand the characteristics of this transformation from the reproduction of the process explained by Vandelvira and its graphic reinterpretation. Using the same methodology, its development has also been compared with those of other proposed examples in the treatise.[ES] Las «troneras a regla» constituyen un pequeño apartado apenas estudiado dentro del tratado «Libro de traças de cortes de piedras» del andaluz Alonso de Vandelvira. De entre las cuatro trazas que lo componen son las dos «troneras a regla torre cavada y redonda» las que llaman la atención especialmente. La estrategia geométrica seguida para hacer posible su traza, representada entre los folios 41v. y 43r., obliga a variar la forma originaria de su intradós. Los métodos utilizados para desarrollar estas troneras aparecen también en otros títulos del tratado, pero no tienen las mismas consecuencias. En este artículo se busca entender algunas de las características del uso de esta transformación y comparar su proceso de traza con el de otros casos propuestos en el tratado.Aranda Alonso, M. (2022). «Troneras a regla» según Alonso de Vandelvira: trazado y geometría. Revista de Historia de la Construcción. 1(1):63-74. https://doi.org/10.4995/hc.2021.15339OJS637411Alviz, P. (ca. 1/2 s. XVI). Manuscrito de trazas de cantería. Madrid: Biblioteca Nacional de España. Mss/12686.Aranda Alonso, María. 2018. Las copias manuscritas de F.L. Goiti y B. Sombigo del «Libro de traças de cortes de piedras» de Alonso de Vandelvira: análisis comparativo de algunos aspectos de su realización. En Titivillus = International Journal of Rare Book: Revista Internacional sobre Libro Antiguo 4: 139-151.https://doi.org/10.26754/ojs_titivillus/titivillus.201803169Aranda Alonso, María. 2019. Reflexiones sobre la geometría, concepción y desarrollo de las troneras en el «Libro de traças de cortes de piedras» de Alonso de Vandelvira. En Actas del Undécimo Congreso Nacional de Historia de la Construcción: Soria, 9 - 12 octubre 2019, coord. por Santiago Huerta Fernández, Ignacio Javier Gil Crespo, 1: 71-80. Madrid: Instituto Juan de Herrera.Calvo López, José. (1999). «Cerramientos y trazas de montea» de Ginés Martínez de Aranda. Tesis Doctoral. Universidad politécnica de Madrid.García Baño, Ricardo. 2017. El manuscrito de cantería mss. 12686 de la Biblioteca Nacional de España. Tesis doctoral. Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena.Lázaro de Goiti, Felipe. Fragmentos de dibuxos y discursos de arquitectura de Alonso de Vande Elvira copiados y ordenados a caso por Felipe Lázaro de Goiti. s.f. Madrid: Biblioteca Nacional. Mss/12744Martínez de Aranda, Ginés. ca. 1598-1608. Cerramientos y trazas de montea. Madrid: Biblioteca del Servicio Histórico Militar. MS-457.Palacios González, Jose Carlos. 1990. Trazas y cortes de piedra en el renacimiento español. Madrid: Ministerio de Cultura.Portor y Castro, Juan de. 1708-1719. Cuaderno de arquitectura. Madrid: Biblioteca Nacional. Mss/9114.Ribes i Ferrer, Josep. 1708. Llibre de trasas de vias y muntea. Manuscrito. Barcelona: Biblioteca de Cataluña.Vandelvira, Alonso de. ca. 1575-1591. Libro de traças de cortes de piedras. Copias: Sombigo y Salcedo, Bartolomé. 1670 [¿] ETSAM (Ms. RAROS 31) (Facs. ed. Palacios González, J. C. 2015. Madrid: Instituto Juan de Herrera.) Lázaro Goiti, Felipe. 1646. Madrid: Biblioteca Nacional. Mss/12719

    Las copias manuscritas de F.L. Goiti y B. Sombigo del «Libro de traças de cortes de piedras» de Alonso de Vandelvira: análisis comparativo de algunos aspectos de su realización

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    Stereotomy was a fundamental branch of the design and carving of architectural features in stone Alonso de Vandelvira’s treatise allows us to study the theoretical geometrical exercises available to stonemasons and architects when planning structures and buildings. Up to now this treatise has been studied exclusively for its content. This paper draws upon a codicological analysis of the two most complete copies known of the treatise in order to introduce other aspects of those exercises’ evolution.La estereotomía fue una rama fundamental para el diseño y talla de elementos arquitectónicos realizados en piedra. En el tratado de Alonso de Vandelvira se puede ver la secuencia teórica de los ejercicios geométricos que canteros y arquitectos tenían a su disposición para la planificación de estructuras y edificios. Hasta el momento este tratado ha sido valorado únicamente por sus contenidos. A partir del análisis codicológico de las dos copias manuscritas conocidas más completas por las que se conoce el tratado, este artículo pretende introducir otros aspectos en la discusión sobre el desarrollo de los ejercicios

    The Vault with Curvilinear Ribs in the "Hall of Arms" in the Albrechtsburg Meissen: Studies on the Concept, Design and Construction of a Complex Late Gothic Rib Vault

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    The current state of research on the design and construction of late Gothic vaults is principally based on the interpretation of sources, but rarely on surveys of existing vaults. In particular the idea for the criteria upon which the radii of the single ribs and arches were determined (so-called "principal arch"), is found to derive from sources dating from later periods when Gothic vaulting was no longer generally practised. In fact, this interpretation cannot be supported by geometric surveys on existing vaults: the plain contradiction to the actual geometric properties of some of the vaults studied so far have called for a critical revision of this interpretation. For investigating the design criteria and procedures starting from the built object, and also debating the methodological aspects of using the "building as source", a rewarding subject is the vault with curvilinear ribs in the "Hall of Arms" in the Albrechtsburg at Meissen (Germany), which was built by Jacob Heilmann in 1521. This is due to its ambitious design, high quality of execution and good state of preservation. A detailed survey of this structure is presented, discussing different aspects of the design, construction, and detailing, e.g.: Investigations on the geometrical concept of the vault by means of "reverse geometric engineering", on the background of the problem mentioned above. Further, the stone-cutting of the single members of the vault, which offers interesting aspects of standardization and its limits in nerves with double curvature: standardization in medieval constructions has been object of discussion, but not yet studied in the ambit of late Gothic vault construction. The question whether and how the vault surface was determined in the design, being the principle structural feature working as a shell structure; this is of particular interest as the relation between the rib system and the shell is complex and has consequences on the stone-cutting of the arches. The question how the design specifications for the single rib members could be derived from the general concept of the curves (clarified in the survey); the context to the graphic sources and technical prose related to late Gothic vault design and structural design. The aim is to understand the entire design process, the criteria of the decisions taken, their relation to the contemporary theory, and the communication process which took place for the creation of this extremely demanding structure

    A logic-algebraic tool for reasoning with Knowledge-Based Systems

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    A detailed exposition of foundations of a logic-algebraic model for reasoning with knowledge bases speci ed by propositional (Boolean) logic is presented. The model is conceived from the logical translation of usual derivatives on polynomials (on residue rings) which is used to design a new inference rule of algebro-geometric inspiration. Soundness and (refutational) completeness of the rule are proved. Some applications of the tools introduced in the paper are shown.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2013-41086-

    Extending Attribute Exploration by Means of Boolean Derivatives

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    We present a translation of problems of Formal Context Analysis into ideals problems in F2[x] through the Boolean derivatives. The Boolean derivatives are introduced as a kind of operators on propositional formulas which provide a complete calculus. They are useful to refine stem basis as well as for extending attribute exploration

    Pharmaceutical Products and Pesticides Toxicity Associated with Microplastics (Polyvinyl Chloride) in Artemia salina

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    Pharmaceutical products, as well as insecticides and antimicrobials, have been extensively studied, but knowledge of their effects—especially those caused by their mixtures with microplastics— on aquatic organisms remains limited. However, it should be borne in mind that the state of knowledge on acute and chronic effects in aquatic organisms for pharmaceuticals and pesticides is not similar. In response, this investigation analyzed the presence of microplastics (polyvinyl chloride) and their impacts on the toxicity of chlorpyrifos (an insecticide) and triclosan (an antibacterial) when they coincide in the environment, alongside the two most consumed drugs of their type (hypolipemic and anticonvulsant, respectively), namely simvastatin and carbamazepine, in Artemia salina. LC50 and cholinesterase enzyme activity were calculated to determine the possible neurotoxicity associated with emergent contaminants in the treatments. The LC50 values obtained were 0.006 mg/dm3 for chlorpyrifos, 0.012 mg/dm3 for chlorpyrifos associated with microplastics, 4.979 mg/dm3 for triclosan, 4.957 mg/dm3 for triclosan associated with microplastics, 9.35 mg/dm3 for simvastatin, 10.29 mg/dm3 for simvastatin associated with microplastics, 43.25 mg/dm3 for carbamazepine and 46.50 mg/dm3 for carbamazepine associated with microplastics in acute exposure. These results indicate that the presence of microplastics in the medium reduces toxicity, considering the LC50 values. However, exposure to chlorpyrifos and carbamazepine, both alone and associated with microplastics, showed a decline in cholinesterase activity, confirming their neurotoxic effect. Nevertheless, no significant differences were observed with the biomarker cholinesterase between the toxicant and the toxicant with microplastics.This research was funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Investigacion y Universidades (REF.: RTI2018-096771-B-100)

    Nuestra primera startup: El TFG en el Grado en Ingeniería Química

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    Se plantea constituir una compañía startup con un grupo de estudiantes del TFG del Grado en Ingeniería Química cuyo objetivo es el diseño de una planta química para la producción de fertilizantes

    Different PCA approaches for vector functional time series with applications to resistive switching processes

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    This paper is motivated by modeling the cycle-to-cycle variability associated with the resistive switching operation behind memristors. Although the data generated by this stochastic process are by nature current–voltage curves associated with the creation (set process) and destruction (reset process) of a conductive filament, the statistical analysis is usually based on analyzing only the scalar time series related to the reset and set voltages/currents in consecutive cycles. As the data are by nature curves, functional principal component analysis is a suitable candidate to explain the main modes of variability associated with these processes. Taking into account this data-driven motivation, in this paper we propose two new forecasting approaches based on studying the sequential cross-dependence between and within a multivariate functional time series in terms of vector autoregressive modeling of the most explicative functional principal component scores. The main difference between the two methods lies in whether a univariate or multivariate PCA is performed so that we have a different set of principal component scores for each functional time series or the same one for all of them. Finally, the sample performance of the proposed methodologies is illustrated by an application on a bivariate functional time series of reset/set curves.Universidad de Granada / CBU