110 research outputs found

    El tratamiento de la información sobre la población en la prensa

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    Intentar integrar los conocimientos que adquieren los alumnos en los centros educativos con el mundo exterior es no siempre una tarea fácil. En el presente trabajo se expone la experiencia llevada a cabo por dos profesores de Instituto de Enseñanza Secundaria de Sevilla, poniéndose de manifiesto las posibilidades didácticas que ofrecen los medios de comunicación, y en concreto la prensa, para el estudio de la demografía, ciencia que participa a su vez de dos disciplinas como son las Matemáticas y la Geografía.Trying to integrate the knowledge that students acquire at schools into the outside world is not always an easy task. In this work, it is presented the experience carried out by two teachers of Secondary School of Seville, highlighting the educational possibilities that the media, and in particular the press, offers for the study of the demography, a science that also takes part in two disciplines, such as Mathematics and Geography

    It is all about our impulsiveness – How consumer impulsiveness modulates neural evaluation of hedonic and utilitarian banners

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    This study was supported by two Excellence Projects awarded by the Junta de Andalusia [REF: B-SEJ-220-UGR18 and A-SEJ-426-UGR20], a grant from the Fundacion Ramon Areces [CISP18A6208] and a grant from the Plan of the Vice-rectorate of Research of the UGR (Program 20, application 82). We thank Universidad de Granada/CBUA for funding to make this paper open access.The increasing number of active Internet users has encouraged companies to compete to design the most efficient online ads for their target audience. While some companies build their ads based on the functional and instrumental benefits of their advertised products (i.e., utilitarian banners), others emphasize the experiential, personal, and emotional advantages of purchasing their product (i.e., hedonic banners). This is the first study to use neuroimaging to address the debate in the literature regarding the processing and effectiveness of these types of messages. By means of functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI), we explored the neural mechanisms by which an individual consumer trait, namely consumer impulsiveness, influences the evaluation of hedonic and utilitarian banners. The neural results revealed that more impulsive consumers exhibit a higher level of activation in brain regions linked to reward, trust, emotion, as well as a reduction of activity in self-control brain networks, when viewing hedonic banners. Consumers reporting lower levels of impulsiveness (i.e., prudent users), in turn, exhibited stronger activation in brain regions associated with self-control and cognition when evaluating utilitarian banners. Consequently, on the basis of an objective and neuropsychological approach, these results can be used to inform companies about the type of online advertising they should use based on the characteristics of their target audience.Junta de Andalusia B-SEJ-220-UGR18 A-SEJ-426-UGR20Fundacion Ramon Areces CISP18A6208UGRUniversidad de Granada/CBU

    Broadband 1 x 2 polymer optical fiber switches using nematic liquids crystals

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    Compact 1 × 2 multimode fiber optic switches are demonstrated using nematic liquid crystals, a polarization beamsplitter and polarizers. Different structures are proposed for showing that even using NLC with low polarization crosstalk, the device working can be improved using alternative configurations. The switch output ports exhibit an optical interchannel crosstalk less than −22 dB, 7 dB fiber to fiber loss and simultaneous operation at 650 and 850 nm with a low power consumption. Applications of the switch include coarse WDM and optical fiber sensor networks.Publicad

    Optical router for optical fiber sensor networks based on a liquid crystal cell

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    Optical fiber sensor networks are evolving rapidly. They are used because of the inert nature of optical fibers allowing no electromagnetic interference and safe applications in inflammable atmospheres; other relevant characteristics are their low weights and wide bandwidths as a transmission medium. In any case, it is very interesting to have specific components such as optical routers for selecting a certain path in a network with no optical to electrical and electrical to optical conversions. In this paper, we propose an all-optical router based on liquid crystals, polarizers, and a spatial split polarization beam splitter. The implemented device is designed to operate with visible light and it has been tested with plastic optical fibers. It has a crosstalk of 14 dB between selected ON channels and nonoperative OFF channels and 11-dB insertion losses. An average switch time of 100 ms is measured. The device checks the optical power level in each channel and, in case of failure, automatically switches to an operative channel while an alarm is activated.Publicad

    La utilización de la prensa como recurso didáctico en Geografía

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    El tratamiento que en las Enseñanzas Medias se le da a la ciencia geográfica se caracteriza por tener un enfoque principalmente teórico y en ocasiones, excesivamente memorístico. Las posibilidades de modificar este tratamiento son múltiples y en muchísimos casos altamente interesantes para despertar una mayor motivación en el alumno. En este caso concreto los autores proponen la utilización de la prensa como un recurso didáctico de primer orden para adecuar la actualidad cotidiana a una disciplina en la que la puesta al día de los conocimientos y de las informaciones es fundamental para comprender el desarrollo de nuestro país y del mundo en su conjunto en el momento presente.Secondary Education’s treatment of geographical science is characterized by having a mainly theoretical focus and, occasionally, being memory dependent. The possibilities to modify this treatment are many and, in lots of cases, result highly interesting to boost student’s motivation. In this particular case the authors propose the use of press as a main didactic resource to adequate everyday topical events to a discipline in which being up to date in knowledge and information results essential to understand the development of our country and the world in its whole in the present moment

    Formalidades del despido disciplinario: la carta de despido

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    El presente trabajo tiene como objeto de estudio los aspectos formales de una de las modalidades de despido más comúnmente usadas en España, el despido disciplinario. Dentro de dichas formalidades, el estudio se ha centrado en los requisitos ordinarios de la carta de despido, a saber, la mención de los hechos que motivan el despido y la fecha de efectos del despido. A lo largo del análisis, que ha versado básicamente sobre la doctrina y jurisprudencia existente en la materia, se ha tenido muy presente la finalidad última perseguida por el legislador a la hora de la imposición de dichas formalidades, cual es la defensa del trabajador afectado frente a la decisión tomada unilateralmente por la empresa. Junto con dichos requisitos, se han examinado brevemente otros requisitos adicionales, entre los que cabría citar como ejemplos la comunicación de la decisión extintiva a los representantes de los trabajadores, el plazo para efectuar el despido y la necesidad de comunicación de la citada carta a través de los cauces legales pertinentes. No cabe finalizar el presente estudio sin hacer un somero repaso de las vías de subsanación, ex-ante y ex-post, establecidas en caso de incumplimiento de los requisitos formales impuestos al empresario

    How consumer ethnocentrism modulates neural processing of domestic and foreign products: A neuroimaging study

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    Consumer services literature offers substantial evidence that ethnocentric consumers tend to prefer domestic over foreign products. Yet no research to date has delved into the question how consumer ethnocentrism (CE) modulates the neural processing of products. This is the first study resorting to neuroimaging to explore to what extent CE levels affect the processing of domestic (Spain) and foreign (USA and China) products. The brain data yielded by neuroimaging reveal that highly ethnocentric consumers experience a greater degree of activation in brain regions linked to self-reference and reward when processing domestic products and a greater activation in brain regions related to risk in the case of foreign products.2018-1

    Fragmentation in Araucaria araucana forests in Chile: quantification and correlation with structural variables

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    Landscape fragmentation is one of the main threats to South American temperate forests due to population growth, conversion of native forests to plantations of exotic species and non-sustainable timber harvesting. The lack of forest connectivity can interfere with pollination, seed dispersal, biodiversity and landscape quality. Species with relatively limited seed dispersal are potentially more sensitive to the landscape fragmentation. Araucaria araucana (Mol.) K. Koch is a long-lived, slow-growing, relict conifer in South America’s temperate forests with large seeds possessing a limited dispersal range. The objective of the study was to identify priority areas for Araucaria conservation based on fragmentation quantification and correlation with structural variables and regeneration conditions. Results from the FRAGSTATS® and CONEFOR® software indicated that Araucaria connectivity has increased in sites located in the central Andean Range in comparison to other sites, because of reduced human and livestock pressure as well as the relative absence of commercial plantations. The proximity index ranged from 6.01 m to 34834.2 m, and the probability of connectivity has significantly increased (175663 ha) in the central Andean Range. Significant relationships were found between the Simpson’s index (or the probability of connectivity) and basal area, and between the mean largest patch index and crown diameter. The largest patch index (r = 0.6; p < 0.05) and the area-weighted mean proximity index (r = 0.767; p < 0.05) were the most important landscape metrics influencing Araucaria regeneration. Furthermore, the integration of spatial pattern analysis obtained from satellite images and aerial photographs with forest and regeneration characterization from field sampling allowed to identify the most vulnerable areas. The methodology presented here can assist in the identification of target areas for spatial conservation, including management needs under the current budget restrictions.Trabajo financiado por: Universidad de Córdoba (Chile). Servicio de Investigación. Beca 207-141-018-1.0 Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores. Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo. Becas A/023099/09, A/030789/10 Gobierno de Extremadura. Consejería de Economía, Competitividad e Innovación. Ayuda EconómicapeerReviewe

    Propuesta de Rediseño del atrio y la plaza cívica de San Pedro Yosotatu, Tlaxiaco, Oaxaca.

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    “Los espacios públicos tienen la capacidad de albergar en sí a la sociedad y al mismo tiempo permite la realización de diversas actividades, las cuales pueden ser de manera acertada o errónea debido al diseño que tiene cada espacio. Tal es el caso de la comunidad de San Pedro Yosotatu, Oaxaca; cuyas características en sus espacios públicos carecen de criterios de diseño para la realización de sus actividades. La plaza cívica de la comunidad se presenta como un espacio abierto el cual carece de un diseño que permita integrar otros espacios y equipamientos; ya que dentro de este espacio se sitúa la tienda comunitaria DICONSA, la cual reduce las dimensiones de la plaza, así mismo se presenta infraestructura eléctrica como son postes de luz, los cuales obstaculizan la circulación y la realización de actividades sociales, políticas y culturales. Conjuntamente se integra ante la plaza un mercado, el cual se encuentra en obra negra, generando disyunción entre un espacio público y un equipamiento. Por otra parte, el atrio de la Iglesia de San Pedro carece de criterios de diseños, como son el definir sus áreas para la realización de sus actividades eclesiásticas, los accesos norte-sur los cuales no cuentan con las dimensiones apropiadas para el ingreso al templo”