878 research outputs found

    Embalse subterráneo, Brasil.

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    Se tiene conocimiento de la técnica de almacenamiento de agua através del uso de embalses subterráneos en varias partes del mundo; en Arizona, Estados Unidos; en el desierto de Negev, en Israel; en las rcgiones áridas de Africa del Norte y en el desierto del Sahara. en Irán

    Efficiency of Combined Processes Coagulation/Solar Photo Fenton in the Treatment of Landfill Leachate

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    The combined coagulation-solar photo Fenton treatment of leachate from the sanitary landfill located in Atlantico-Colombia was investigated. Firstly, the efficiency of two alternative combined treatments for the reduction of chemical oxygen demand in leachate was assessed, coagulation with poly-aluminum chloride followed by solar photo-Fenton process (Treatment 1) and coagulation with FeCl3·6H2O followed by ferrioxalate-induced solar photo-Fenton process (Treatment 2). Afterwards, treatments 1 and 2 were compared with the treatment currently used in the sanitary landfill (only coagulation with poly-aluminum chloride), in terms of efficiency and costs. An optimization study of alternative treatments was performed combining central-composite experimental design and response surface methodology. The optimum conditions resulted in a chemical oxygen demand reduction of 73 % and 80 % for Treatment 1 and 2, respectively. Both alternative treatments for the leachate are more efficient than the treatment currently used in the sanitary landfill (chemical oxygen demand reduction of 20 %). In terms of costs, treatment 1 would be the most competitive to implement in the sanitary landfill, since this would have an increase of 13.3 % in the total unitary cost compared to an increase of 39.5 % of treatment 2

    Embalse para riego de salvación, Brasil.

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    EI aprovechamiento deI agua que escurre en Ia superficie deI suelo es una técnica de captación de agua de lluvia que data de 4 000 anos atrás, siendo utilizada por los agricultores de Ia edad de bronce en e\ desierto de Negev en Israel. En ese entonces, recogían Ias piedras encontradas en Ia superficie dei suelo para aumentar Ia cantidad de agua a escurrir; también, construían tanques de almacenamiento y diques divisorios con Ia finalidad de captar y conducir agua hacia Ias partes bajas de los campos para regar sus cultivos.bitstream/item/109825/1/Artigo-Everaldo.pd

    Primary herpes simplex virus type 1 infection with acute liver failure in solid organ transplantation: Report of three cases and review

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    Herpes virus infections is not uncommon in solid organ transplantation patients. We report 3 cases with primary Herpes simplex virus type-1 (HSV1) infection with acute liver failure (ALF). This is a rare and potentially fatal entity that could be a donor-derived infection. Although the initial clinical presentation is non-specific, it should be considered as a differential diagnosis in HSV-negative serology patients with liver failure and empirical treatment must be started in combination with a drastic reduction of immunosuppression. A strategy of HSV prophylaxis for pre-transplant HSV seronegative patients must be stablished in order to reduce the risk of clinical disease.© 2022 Published by Elsevier Ltd

    Immune cell status, cardiorespiratory fitness and body composition among breast cancer survivors and healthy women: a cross sectional study

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    Methods: We examined whether immune cell profiles differ between healthy women (n = 38) and breast cancer survivors (n = 27) within 2 years of treatment, and whether any group-differences were influenced by age, cytomegalovirus infection, cardiorespiratory fitness and body composition. Using flow cytometry, CD4+ and CD8+ T cell subsets, including naïve (NA), central memory (CM) and effector cells (EM and EMRA) were identified using CD27/CD45RA. Activation was measured by HLA-DR expression. Stem cell-like memory T cells (TSCMs) were identified using CD95/CD127. B cells, including plasmablasts, memory, immature and naïve cells were identified using CD19/CD27/CD38/CD10. Effector and regulatory Natural Killer cells were identified using CD56/CD16. Results: Compared to healthy women, CD4+ CM were +Δ21% higher among survivors (p = 0.028) and CD8+ NA were −Δ25% lower (p = 0.034). Across CD4+ and CD8+ subsets, the proportion of activated (HLA-DR+) cells was +Δ31% higher among survivors: CD4+ CM (+Δ25%), CD4+ EM (+Δ32%) and CD4+ EMRA (+Δ43%), total CD8+ (+Δ30%), CD8+ EM (+Δ30%) and CD8+ EMRA (+Δ25%) (p 0.305, p < 0.019). The association between fat mass index and HLA-DR+ CD8+ EMRA T cells withstood statistical adjustment for all variables, including age, CMV serostatus, lean mass and cardiorespiratory fitness, potentially implicating these cells as contributors to inflammatory/immune-dysfunction in overweight/obesity

    Inexperienced clinicians can extract pathoanatomic information from MRI narrative reports with high reproducibility for use in research/quality assurance

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Although reproducibility in reading MRI images amongst radiologists and clinicians has been studied previously, no studies have examined the reproducibility of inexperienced clinicians in extracting pathoanatomic information from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) narrative reports and transforming that information into quantitative data. However, this process is frequently required in research and quality assurance contexts. The purpose of this study was to examine inter-rater reproducibility (agreement and reliability) among an inexperienced group of clinicians in extracting spinal pathoanatomic information from radiologist-generated MRI narrative reports.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Twenty MRI narrative reports were randomly extracted from an institutional database. A group of three physiotherapy students independently reviewed the reports and coded the presence of 14 common pathoanatomic findings using a categorical electronic coding matrix. Decision rules were developed after initial coding in an effort to resolve ambiguities in narrative reports. This process was repeated a further three times using separate samples of 20 MRI reports until no further ambiguities were identified (total n = 80). Reproducibility between trainee clinicians and two highly trained raters was examined in an arbitrary coding round, with agreement measured using percentage agreement and reliability measured using unweighted Kappa (<it>k</it>). Reproducibility was then examined in another group of three trainee clinicians who had not participated in the production of the decision rules, using another sample of 20 MRI reports.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The mean percentage agreement for paired comparisons between the initial trainee clinicians improved over the four coding rounds (97.9-99.4%), although the greatest improvement was observed after the first introduction of coding rules. High inter-rater reproducibility was observed between trainee clinicians across 14 pathoanatomic categories over the four coding rounds (agreement range: 80.8-100%; reliability range <it>k </it>= 0.63-1.00). Concurrent validity was high in paired comparisons between trainee clinicians and highly trained raters (agreement 97.8-98.1%, reliability <it>k </it>= 0.83-0.91). Reproducibility was also high in the second sample of trainee clinicians (inter-rater agreement 96.7-100.0% and reliability <it>k </it>= 0.76-1.00; intra-rater agreement 94.3-100.0% and reliability <it>k </it>= 0.61-1.00).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>A high level of radiological training is not required in order to transform MRI-derived pathoanatomic information from a narrative format to a quantitative format with high reproducibility for research or quality assurance purposes.</p

    Hsp90 orchestrates transcriptional regulation by Hsf1 and cell wall remodelling by MAPK signalling during thermal adaptation in a pathogenic yeast

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    Acknowledgments We thank Rebecca Shapiro for creating CaLC1819, CaLC1855 and CaLC1875, Gillian Milne for help with EM, Aaron Mitchell for generously providing the transposon insertion mutant library, Jesus Pla for generously providing the hog1 hst7 mutant, and Cathy Collins for technical assistance.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    The catalytic role of uranyl in formation of polycatechol complexes

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    To better understand the association of contaminant uranium with natural organic matter (NOM) and the fate of uranium in ground water, spectroscopic studies of uranium complexation with catechol were conducted. Catechol provides a model for ubiquitous functional groups present in NOM. Liquid samples were analyzed using Raman, FTIR, and UV-Vis spectroscopy. Catechol was found to polymerize in presence of uranyl ions. Polymerization in presence of uranyl was compared to reactions in the presence of molybdate, another oxyion, and self polymerization of catechol at high pH. The effect of time and dissolved oxygen were also studied. It was found that oxygen was required for self-polymerization at elevated pH. The potential formation of phenoxy radicals as well as quinones was monitored. The benzene ring was found to be intact after polymerization. No evidence for formation of ether bonds was found, suggesting polymerization was due to formation of C-C bonds between catechol ligands. Uranyl was found to form outer sphere complexes with catechol at initial stages but over time (six months) polycatechol complexes were formed and precipitated from solution (forming humic-like material) while uranyl ions remained in solution. Our studies show that uranyl acts as a catalyst in catechol-polymerization