9 research outputs found


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    The research aims to understand the role played by the supervising teacher in assisting intellectually disabled students in developing noble character. This includes understanding the approaches and teaching methods used, partices of etiquette in eating and drinking in daily life, courtesy towards others and greetings both within and outside of school. The approach used in this research is qualitative and the type of research is phenomenology. Data collection techniques involve interviews and observations. Data analysis is conducted using descriptive analytics. The results of the research indicate the efforts of the supervising teacher in cultivating noble character through practices such as handshaking and greetings, etiquette in eating and drinking in daily life and the application of courtesy for both typically developing children and children with special needs

    Society As the Possible Villain in 'Menjelang Magrib': Social Thriller Critical Genre Analysis

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    The aim of the study is to analyze the Indonesian film Menjelang Magrib released in 2022 using critical genre theory. The movie is potentially a social thriller, where the antagonist is not an individual but rather society. This qualitative research adopts a descriptive approach and will gather data through observation methods with heuristic and hermeneutic readings of selected character dialogues relevant to the topic of analysis. The findings indicate that the society in the film indeed serves as the antagonist, as it discriminates against a person with mental health problems by shackling her and acting selfishly towards the environment. The movie sheds light on the issue of discrimination and environmental degradation and depicts society as the cause of these problems. The use of critical genre theory provides a framework for understanding the societal elements at play in the film and helps to analyze the film's message and purpose. Overall, the study supports the notion that Menjelang Magrib can be analyzed as a social thriller, where society serves as the antagonist

    Capaian program pendidikan keaksaraan dan kesetaraan tahun 2015-2017

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    Buku Capaian Program Pendidikan Keaksaraan dan Kesetaraan tahun 2015-2017 memberikan gambaran tentang hasil kegiatan dan program yang telah dilakukan selama kurun waktu 3 tahun. Buku capaian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan informasi keberhasilan program yang lebih memacu terhadap peningkatan pencapaian kinerja Ditbindiktara. Termasuk tantangan, hambatan, solusi dan upaya perbaikan untuk memenuhi target renstra pada tahun berikutny


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    Delivering ideas in a form of paragraphs, there are certain rules to follow for it to be accepted and easily understood by the targeted readers. However, with the rise of social media and the internet, there must be also changes in the world of language and literature. Some rules do not apply in this type of media, especially on Twitter. In 2012 Twivortiare, a novel consisting of a tweet compilation by Ika Natassa was released. This book is widely accepted by readers. In a text structure and text signal, this is very unusual. Using critical textual analysis the author finds out how ideas are being delivered in this type of literary work, whether it is disconnected or compiled. Through this analysis it is concluded that as long as the ideas are intact and can be understood by readers, twitterature is considered a literary work


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    This study investigates the learning and reinforcement of gender roles throughout people's lives and the evolution of women's roles in Indonesia. By conducting a comparative analysis of two novels (Bumi Manusia by Pramoedya Ananta Toer and Antologi Rasa by Ika Natassa) the study explores the depictions of gender progression in Indonesian literature. Specifically, the analysis focuses on how gender roles and expectations have evolved between the era depicted in both literary works. In Bumi Manusia, women are depicted in traditional roles such as prostitutes, mistresses, wives, helpers, and teachers, whereas in Antologi Rasa, women hold positions as respectable as men, highlighting the progress of gender equality in present times. Additionally, the analysis examines the autonomy of the characters in terms of education, career, and family choices, highlighting the freedom women characters have in Antologi Rasa compared to the restrictions placed upon women in Bumi Manusia. The comparison of these novels provides valuable insight into the changing attitudes and roles of women in Indonesian society

    Panduan Dialog Global: Pendidikan Komunikasi Global untuk Siswa Sekolah Dasar

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    Kemampuan untuk berkomunikasi merupakan sebuah skill atau keahlian dasar yang harus dimiliki manusia. Buku ini ada membahas berbagai macam bentuk komunikasi dan kemudian mengantar pembaca pada salah satu bentuk komunikasi terefektif dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, yaitu DIALOG

    Twitterature: A Textual Analysis of the Compilation of Ideas or the Disconnection of IT

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    Delivering ideas in a form of paragraphs, there are certain rules to follow for it to be accepted and easily understood by the targeted readers. However, with the rise of social media and the internet, there must be also changes in the world of language and literature. Some rules do not apply in this type of media, especially on Twitter. In 2012 Twivortiare, a novel consisting of a tweet compilation by Ika Natassa was released. This book is widely accepted by readers. In a text structure and text signal, this is very unusual. Using critical textual analysis the author finds out how ideas are being delivered in this type of literary work, whether it is disconnected or compiled. Through this analysis it is concluded that as long as the ideas are intact and can be understood by readers, twitterature is considered a literary work

    Trik Rahasia Kerja Kilat dengan Microsoft Word

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    Buku Trik Rahasia Kerja Kilat dengan Microsoft Word adalah sebuah panduan praktis yang ditulis untuk membantu pengguna Microsoft Word memaksimalkan penggunaan program ini dalam waktu yang efisien. Buku ini didesain dengan fokus pada penggunaan kombinasi huruf dan angka kunci pada keyboard untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaan pengetikan dengan cepat dan rapi. Dalam buku ini, para pembaca akan diperkenalkan pada berbagai trik dan tips yang dapat membantu mereka menyelesaikan pekerjaan dengan lebih efektif dan efisien. Trik dan tips ini mencakup berbagai topik, mulai dari memanfaatkan shortcut keyboard, mempercepat format dokumen, hingga pengaturan tampilan dokumen agar lebih profesional. Salah satu keunggulan buku ini adalah kemampuannya untuk mengatasi masalah umum yang sering dihadapi oleh pengguna Microsoft Word, seperti pengaturan tampilan dokumen, pemformatan dokumen, dan pengaturan ukuran teks dan spasi. Buku ini juga menawarkan trik untuk memaksimalkan penggunaan fitur-fitur kunci dalam Microsoft Word, seperti fitur tabulasi, pengaturan margin, dan pengaturan halaman. Buku ini ditulis dengan gaya yang mudah dipahami, membuatnya mudah diikuti oleh pengguna yang tidak terbiasa dengan Microsoft Word. Panduan ini juga didukung oleh gambar-gambar dan ilustrasi yang jelas, membuatnya lebih mudah dipahami dan diikuti oleh pembaca