16 research outputs found


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    AbstractThis study aims to examine the concept of authority of the State Leader in taking a policy from the perspective of SiyasahSyar'iyah. This is a conceptual study that examines the literature relating to the authority of the state leader in taking policy. The policy of a state leader can be considered void if it contradicts the texts which are qat'iy, both qat'iyyuaddilalah and qat’iyyuattsubut. A state leader may adopt a policy based on the principle of maslahat and not in conflict with detailed arguments. The head of state in taking a policy has fulfilled the spirit of the Islamic Law even though the conditions and places have changed when doing ijtihad. The legal provisions that are taken must include applied laws that are expressly explained by Islamic Sharia which must be carried out or abandoned.Keywords: Authority; State Leader; Policy; SiyasahSyar’iyah. AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menelaah konsep otoritas kepala Negara dalam mengambil suatu kebijakan dalam kacamata Siyasah Syar’iyah. Kajian ini merupakan kajian konseptual yang menelik literatur yang berkaitan dengan otoritas kepala Negara dalam menentukan kebijakan. Kebijakan seorang kepala Negara dapat dianggap batal bila bertentangan dengan nash yang bersifat qat’iy, baik qat’iyyu addilalah maupun qat’iyyu attsubut. Seorang kepala Negara boleh mengambil suatu kebijakan dengan berpedoma prinsip maslahat dan tidak bertentangan dengan dalil-dalil bersifat rinci. Kepala negara dalam mengambil suatu kebijakan telah memenuhi semangat Syariat Islam walau kondisi dan tempat mengalami perubahan ketika melakukan ijtihad. Ketentuan hukum yang diambil harus meliputi hukum-hukum terapan yang secara tegas dijelaskan oleh syariat Islam yang sifatnya harus dilakukan atau ditinggalkan. Kata Kunci: Otoritas; Kepala Negara; Kebijakan; Siyasah Syar’iyah

    Hukuman Kebiri Kimia Bagi Pelaku Kekerasan Seksual Terhadap Anak Perspektif Fiqh Siyasah

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    Responding to the high number of sexual violence against children, President Jokowi enacted the Regulation of Child Protection which in regulated chemical castration punishment as an additional penalty for perpetrators of sexual violence. However, a few years after the enactment, case of sexual violence against children remained high, but in fact there were no perpetrators of sexual violence that were castrated with chemicals. Because, the competence to do the castration chemistry  by profession of doctor, but the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) refused to become the executor of castration chemistry, for reason of  a humanity and violate a medical oath. Based on it, a chemical castration  need to be explored in the perspective of Fiqh Siyasah. This research is a socioyuridical study, which relies on qualitative data, so to describe the castration  punishment in Siyasah Fiqh perspective, the author used two approaches, that was  the statutory approach and conceptual approach. The result of the research show that, normalizing chemical castration as an additional type of penalty for perpetrators of sexual violence is based on the consideration that (i) sexual violence against children is a very dangerous crime because this crime did not appear to the surface, (ii) made many victims accompanied with a long trauma, (iii) can even encourage victims to do suicide. (iv) In another, the perpetrators were not only Indonesian citizen, but foreigner who came to Indonesia in the guise of tourists and had a desire to look for a victim. However, out of these consideration, in the perspective of fiqh siyasah, based on the agreement of the cleric the application of chemical castration to perpetrator of sexual violence is unlawful. But the perpetrator can be convited to death, if the act is done repeatedly

    Sistem Pengangkatan Presiden dalam Fikih Siyasah

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    The majority of Islamic scholars have argued that the president appoint a (Caliph) is obligatory. That is because human life can not possibly be a good, safe, prosperous and mutual respect between each other except in the presence of a leader. The presence of a leader is crucial understanding of living in a pluralistic community. This article examines the arguments concerning the obligation to appoint a leader, where there is a difference of opinion in terms of the mechanism of selection and appointment of a leader.DOI: 10.15408/ajis.v15i1.284

    The Radicalism Prevention Policy in State Islamic Religious Universities in South Sulawesi: An Overview of Maqasid Syari'ah

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     This study aims to raise the perspective of Islamic law on the policy of preventing radicalism at PTKIN in South Sulawesi, which is by dharuriyyat al-khamsah in maqasid shari'ah. This research is qualitative research with a maqasid sharia approach with data collection methods obtained through documentation and interviews. The results of this study found that; First, The stipulation of the Chancellor's Decree regarding the ethics committee and appointing several lecturers from the leadership element, as well as the involvement of senior lecturers providing an understanding of peace and Islam as a religion of rahmatan lilalamin, then supervising academic activities, having strict, active, and consistent duties in carrying out ethics committee sessions, considered capable of preventing radically oriented behaviour. Second, build the image of the campus as a centre for Islamic studies and Bugis culture. Third, to provide room for discussion, both through seminars and face-to-face, especially with students exposed to radicalism. Fourth, make a study of Religious Deradicalization, which aims to prevent radicalism and strengthen religious moderation. When viewed from the perspective of maqaṣhid shari'ah, some of these efforts in preventing radicalism in several PTKIN in South Sulawesi are very important to determine as the main factor in efforts to deradicalize religion and also religious moderation. As relevant to the values of maqaṣhid shari'ah, which uses some of its features, namely universality, the interplay of hierarchies, and openness (freedom of the academic pulpit)

    Non-Binary Gender in Siyasah Syar'iyah Perspective: Study at Religious Universities in South Sulawesi

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    Non-binary gender is a legally recognized phenomenon that is present within global civilization, including the nation of Indonesia. The primary objective of this article is to analyze the concept of non-binary individuals within the context of religious universities, specifically from the standpoint of siyasah syar'iyah. This study employs a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods, adopting a siyasah syar'iyah framework. Data was acquired utilizing two methods, including in-depth interviews, literature reviews, and surveys. The research study involved conducting interviews with informants who were specifically selected from the academic and religious communities in South Sulawesi. The literature under consideration comprises scholarly journal articles, books, and legal rules. Concurrently, a survey research study was undertaken at five Religious Universities located in the region of South Sulawesi. This study posits that under the framework of gender, non-binary is identified as a distinct category alongside men and women. Nevertheless, the Islamic law refutes the notion of gender and sexuality diversity, asserting that it contradicts sharia law, deviates from the inherent character of humanity, and raises legal issues such as inheritance and marriage. In addition to promoting non-discriminatory attitudes towards individuals, Islamic law also emphasizes the need of satisfying the rights of Non-Binary Gender individuals, provided that such fulfillment does not impede the realization of other human rights. According to siyasah syar'iyah, it is the responsibility of the state, as mandated by legislative rules, to ensure the provision of protection, guidance, and counseling to individuals, with the aim of fostering a life that promotes virtue and harmony within society

    Ceruk Pasar Muslim Milenial Perbankan Syariah

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    Perkembangan perbankan syariah di Indonesia sangat progresif dan signifikan. Dari tahun ke tahun pertumbuhan bank syariah di Indonesia mengalami peningkatan yang tinggi. Menjamurnya perbankan syariah di Indonesia tidak terlepas dari payung hukum berupa peraturan perundangundangan dan peraturan pemerintah yang mendukung dan memberikan kepastian hukum terhadap beroperasinya perbankan syariah. Buku ini dapat menjadi referensi bagi mahasiswa untuk memperdalam bidang kajian ekonomi dan hukum ekonomi syariah

    How to Attract Millennials? Indonesian Sharia Banking Opportunities

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    Age is often one of the factors determining the target market of a business. By knowing the potential customer's age, we determine what kind of marketing strategy should be proposed. Along with the times, many business people are eyeing millennials because of their consumptive lifestyle. It is not surprising that millenials have now dominated consumer database


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    نسمع كثيرا دعوات حفظ الأمن ونشر السلام في الأرض وبين الدول وما وصلت إليه جهود نشر مبادئ الإسلام وحظر استخدام القوة والسلاح وفض النزاعات بالطرق السلمية وغير ذلك مما يعد سمة الإعلام والعلاقات الدولية المعاصرة، غير أن الواقع المرير الذي نشهده اليوم يتمثل بانتشار الحروب والنزاعات ونسمع عن الإبادات الجماعية هنا وهناك، كما نسمع عن الصراعات والقتل كل يوم. وعلى الرغم من كل المآسي التي حدثت والخسائر المادية والبشرية التي وقعت مما يشيب لها الولدان التي دفعت العقلاء والحكماء في كل الدول والمجتمعات إلى النداء لوقف العنف وما ميثاق الأمم المتحدة ومواثيق حقوق الإنسان إلا نتيجة لكل هذا. غير أن العنف مستمر، والقتل مستحر، والسلم ضعيف، والقوة هي صاحبة الكلمة، وكأن العالم يتجه للانتحار، وصيحات العقلاء ومواثيق السلام حبر على الورق والضحية هم الضعفاء من الدول والأفراد. وهاهنا يأتى تميز الفقه الإسلامي في معالجته للعنف ويتميز في قدرته على بيان السبل من أجل حفظ الأمن وتحقيق السلام العالمي وتثبيت حقوق الإنسان التى كانت منبثقة من الأحكام الشرعية مؤيدة بالقرآن والسنة النبوية الشريفة كما سنرى في هذا البحث.نسمع كثيرا دعوات حفظ الأمن ونشر السلام في الأرض وبين الدول وما وصلت إليه جهود نشر مبادئ الإسلام وحظر استخدام القوة والسلاح وفض النزاعات بالطرق السلمية وغير ذلك مما يعد سمة الإعلام والعلاقات الدولية المعاصرة، غير أن الواقع المرير الذي نشهده اليوم يتمثل بانتشار الحروب والنزاعات ونسمع عن الإبادات الجماعية هنا وهناك، كما نسمع عن الصراعات والقتل كل يوم. وعلى الرغم من كل المآسي التي حدثت والخسائر المادية والبشرية التي وقعت مما يشيب لها الولدان التي دفعت العقلاء والحكماء في كل الدول والمجتمعات إلى النداء لوقف العنف وما ميثاق الأمم المتحدة ومواثيق حقوق الإنسان إلا نتيجة لكل هذا. غير أن العنف مستمر، والقتل مستحر، والسلم ضعيف، والقوة هي صاحبة الكلمة، وكأن العالم يتجه للانتحار، وصيحات العقلاء ومواثيق السلام حبر على الورق والضحية هم الضعفاء من الدول والأفراد. وهاهنا يأتى تميز الفقه الإسلامي في معالجته للعنف ويتميز في قدرته على بيان السبل من أجل حفظ الأمن وتحقيق السلام العالمي وتثبيت حقوق الإنسان التى كانت منبثقة من الأحكام الشرعية مؤيدة بالقرآن والسنة النبوية الشريفة كما سنرى في هذا البحث

    State of Nature in the Perspective of Fiqh Siyasah (A Comparison Study between the Thoughts of Al-Mawardi and Thomas Hoobes)

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    The concept of State of Nature is important in political theory because it helps us understand the origin of political authority and the role of government in society. The State of Nature refers to the hypothetical condition of human beings before or without political association. The analysis is about the comparison of Islamic and western views by using two figures, Al-Mawardi and Thomas Hobbes. This research aims to compare their opinion regarding the State of Nature from the perspective of Siyasah Syar’iyyah. This research uses a comparative approach and content analysis. This study discusses the critical analysis of Thomas Hobbes and Al-Mawardi's views on the concept of a state of nature. Thomas Hobbes conducted that the state of nature is the basic nature of humans who are suspicious of each other at war to find happiness or Hobbes calls it Homo humini lupus, which mean the state of the werewolf for other humans, in contrast to Al-Mawardi's view that humans are deliberately created as weak creatures so that they need interaction to help each other, humans are social creatures who need other people to survive. The research results show that Al-Mawardi and Thomas Hobbes have different views about the State of Nature. According to Al-Mawardi, humans are born in a good natural state, whereas according to Thomas Hobbes, humans are born in a bad natural state. Apart from that, Al-Mawardi argued that humans have rights that must be respected by the state, while Thomas Hobbes argued that humans must surrender their rights to the state for the sake of security and peace.Konsep State of Nature penting dalam teori politik karena membantu kita memahami asal usul otoritas politik dan peran pemerintah dalam masyarakat. State of Nature mengacu pada kondisi hipotetis manusia sebelum atau tanpa asosiasi politik. Analisisnya mengenai perbandingan pandangan Islam dan Barat dengan menggunakan dua tokoh yaitu Al-Mawardi dan Thomas Hobbes. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan pendapat mereka mengenai Keadaan Alam dalam sudut pandang Siyasah Syar’iyyah. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan komparatif dan analisis isi. Kajian ini membahas analisis kritis terhadap pandangan Thomas Hobbes dan Al-Mawardi terhadap konsep state of natural. Thomas Hobbes mengemukakan bahwa keadaan alam adalah sifat dasar manusia yang saling curiga dalam berperang untuk mencari kebahagiaan atau Hobbes menyebutnya Homo humini lupus yang berarti keadaan manusia serigala bagi manusia lainnya, berbeda dengan Al-Mawardi. berpandangan bahwa manusia sengaja diciptakan sebagai makhluk yang lemah agar memerlukan interaksi untuk saling membantu, manusia adalah makhluk sosial yang membutuhkan orang lain untuk bertahan hidup. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Al-Mawardi dan Thomas Hobbes mempunyai pandangan berbeda tentang State of Nature. Menurut Al-Mawardi, manusia dilahirkan dalam keadaan fitrah yang baik, sedangkan menurut Thomas Hobbes, manusia dilahirkan dalam keadaan fitrah yang buruk. Selain itu, Al-Mawardi berpendapat bahwa manusia mempunyai hak yang harus dihormati oleh negara, sedangkan Thomas Hobbes berpendapat bahwa manusia harus menyerahkan haknya kepada negara demi keamanan dan ketertiba

    The Law and State Authority in Economic Activities on Fixed Price of Market in Accordance with Islamic Jurisprudence.

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    Tas?îr or fixed price often becomes a matter of economic activities in society. This is caused by particular economics agents claiming either they get winnings or losses. To solve this, the government as decision maker should play their rules in deciding fixed price which is fair to all economic agents, involved producers, distributors and consumers. Therefore, this article is aimed at reviewing how the Islamic perspectives on fixed price, and how the government authority, intervention and control regarding to it. Therefore, if government does so, it is believed that the economics transaction is possibly run well in accordance with the norms and existed laws