179 research outputs found

    Consequences of Anthropic Actions in Cullera Bay (Spain)

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    Urbanization and anthropogenic activities have generated significant imbalances in coastal areas. This study analysed the shoreline evolution of the Bay of Cullera (Spain), characterized by strong urban and tourist pressure and with important human interventions during the last century. The evolution of the shoreline was analysed using 60 years of aerial images since the 1950s of the seabed, the maritime climate and the distribution of sediment, as well as anthropogenic actions, such as urban development or the channelling of the Júcar River through the integration of information in a geographical information system (GIS). The results showed: (i) Changes in landuse, in which the substitution of the crop and mountain areas by urban areas was mainly observed. (ii) A general increase in the beach area, although there were important periods of erosion in some points due to anthropic actions. (iii) A significant decrease in the median sediment size in the whole bay since 1987, with a current D50 of 0.125–0.180 mm. The analysis carried out has made it possible to identify trends in coastal accumulation and regression in the different sections of the sector, as well as to demonstrate the usefulness and advantages of GIS.This research was funded by the Generalitat Valenciana through the project GV/2019/017 (Estudio sobre el desgaste y composición de los sedimentos y su influencia en la erosión de las playas de la Comunidad Valenciana)

    Concessions within the maritime-terrestrial public domain on the beaches of southeastern Spain

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    Tourism makes an important contribution to the economies of some territories, especially ‘sun and sand’ tourism that uses public domain areas. Some of these areas are operated through concession systems. This article studies the evolution of 31 eminently touristic beaches in 5 provinces of the Spanish Mediterranean coast during the period 2005–2016, analysing both their physical (shoreline evolution) and administrative (concessions documents) aspects. For this purpose, orthophotos interpreted by Geographic Information Systems are used, as well as the concession contract for each beach. The results obtained show that first, there is no relationship between the evolution of the shoreline and the surface area that is assigned under the concession agreement. Second, concessions do not follow uniform criteria (i.e., set boundaries, surface area, annual fee or distance from the water line). Despite the existence of specific legislation applicable to the entire Spanish coastline, there also exist loopholes in it. The conclusion of the study is that for the sustainable management of these areas, it is necessary to link the physical aspects of beaches with the management of the public domain. This would achieve a balance between the natural, economic and social aspects of the territory, and would ensure that there is no decrease in the quality of the beach, which would have a negative impact on visitor satisfaction. This is crucial to avoid in the tourism sector, which is a key GDP contributor for many countries

    Monitoring the dune-beach system of Guardamar del Segura (Spain) using UAV, SfM and GIS techniques

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    Dune ecosystems play a key role in coastal dynamics, so it is essential to measure their movements with high precision and monitor their changes over time. It is crucial to have a system that allows us to know the natural and anthropic impacts affecting these ecosystems. The aim of this study is to ascertain the historical evolution of the dune system of Guardamar del Segura (Spain) and its relationship with coastal erosion. Likewise, it is also intended to assess the state of the foredune restoration works carried out in 2011. To this end, a comparison of existing cartographic data has been undertaken by using geospatial analysis techniques through Geographic Information Systems (GIS). As a novelty, a low takeoff weight UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) has been used to produce a high-precision 3D model from two-dimensional images using photogrammetric techniques, such as Structure from Motion (SfM). This technique made it possible to obtain a digital terrain model of high density and precision (30 pt/m2 and RMSE Z of 0.173 m). The results show a constant erosion of both the beach and the foredune, with an overall loss of 143,561 m3 of material in the period analyzed (2001–2017). The anthropogenic restoration actions executed within this period have not been effective. In fact, erosion has increased in the period 2016–2017, with a significant reduction in the beach width and sea waves directly affecting the foredune. The main conclusion is that the combined use of UAV and SfM techniques is an excellent procedure to periodically supervise dune ecosystems with high precision and significant time and cost savings

    Trapping flocking particles with asymmetric obstacles

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    Asymmetric obstacles can be exploited to direct the motion and induce sorting of run-and-tumble particles. In this work, we show that flocking particles which follow the Vicsek model aligning rules experience collective trapping in the presence of a wall of funnels made of chevrons, concentrating at the opposite side of the wall of funnels to run-and-tumble particles. Flocking particles can be completely trapped or exhibit a dynamical trapping behaviour; these two regimes open the door to the design of a system with two perpendicular flows of active particles. This systematic study broadens our understanding of the emergence of collective motion of microorganisms in confined environments and directs the design of new microfluidic devices able to control these collective behaviours

    Red metodológica para Ingeniería y Empresa (Grado Ingeniería Civil) basada en técnicas de aprendizaje colaborativo

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    Después de varios años de trabajo dedicados a perfilar una nueva metodología docente para la impartición de asignaturas en las titulaciones de Ingeniería Civil, los autores han entendido que el siguiente objetivo de su trabajo debe derivar hacia la optimización de procedimientos de aplicación práctica. La línea de acción de este equipo se orientó hacia los criterios de formación en competencias propugnadas por el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior, y se entendió que la metodología debía diseñarse mediante una combinación de técnicas de aprendizaje colaborativo y convencional. Una vez elaborado y puesto en práctica en varias asignaturas, se trata de componer un sistema que se conviene en denominar estructura de red metodológica, válido para posibilitar la aplicación del método diseñado mediante la combinación coordinada de la docencia en tres ámbitos diferentes: clases denominadas seminarios teórico-prácticos, clases de prácticas de problemas y clases de prácticas con ordenador, todas ellas de dos horas de duración. Dado que las distintas clases son dirigidas por diferentes profesores y tienen distintas periodicidades, se considera fundamental planificar la impartición de la materia procurando la máxima sinergia posible entre los tres ámbitos de trabajo, y ello compone el objetivo del presente trabajo

    Causes of the different behaviour against erosion: Study case of the Benidorm Beaches (1956–2021)

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    Coastal erosion is a natural phenomenon that is becoming a growing problem along coastlines around the world. In this research, the evolution of two beaches located in Benidorm (Spain) has been studied: Poniente Beach and Levante Beach. Both have similar characteristics, but present a different morphological behaviour. An analysis of shoreline evolution has been carried out using aerial images. Then, waves and incident storms were studied and, finally, a sedimentological analysis was performed. From the results obtained, the eastern zone of Poniente Beach presents higher rates of erosion than the western zone. This erosion trend disappeared in the last analysed period due to a change in the incoming wave regime. A decrease in the frequency of waves coming from the east caused the erosion and tilting suffered by this beach. In Levante Beach, the intensity of the waves was reduced, making erosion rates lower. Furthermore, important differences were found from the sedimentological study, such as the lack of homogeneity in sediment grain sizes and a worse wear behaviour on Poniente Beach compared to Levante Beach, which means that these two beaches behave differently facing erosion. This accurate knowledge of the factors mentioned will provide adequate tools for its future management.This work was supported by the European Commission through the project “Smart Control of the Climate Resilience in European Coastal Cities” (SCORE)

    Chapter Relationship between shoreline evolution and sediment wear

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    The main objective to this work is to establish a relationship between shoreline evolution and sediment wear. The shoreline evolution trend is similar to of the results obtained by the accelerated particle wear test (APW). However, the relationship between the number of APW test cycles and the years of shoreline evolution is not clear. In Guardamar beach the ratio (years/cycles) is 9.7, in Marineta Casiana beach (it is 5.6, and in Arenal beach it is 3. Differences may be due to the different mineralogical composition and morphology of the sand particles

    Plan de negocios: empresa de servicios de salud

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    Proyecto Integrador (II)--FCEFN-UNC, 2015Trata de un plan de negocios para una empresa de servicios médicos. Más específicamente, un centro de día para adultos mayores en la ciudad de San Salvador de Jujuy. Se analiza el mercado donde estaría inserta la empresa, el perfil del cliente y el servicio ofrecid

    Empleo de drones (RPAS) para la elaboración de material audiovisual docente en asignaturas de Ingeniería Civil

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    El presente trabajo estudia la utilización de drones telecomandados de uso comercial (RPAS) para producir material audiovisual específico de diversas asignaturas de las titulaciones de Ingeniería Civil. Se trata de un equipamiento de alta tecnología y coste relativamente asequible, en torno a 1.300 euros, para producir material audiovisual que hasta ahora únicamente podría ser obtenido empleando medios mucho más limitados (fotografías aéreas y de satélite) o mucho más costosos, tales como vuelos fotográficos específicos. De este modo, se valorará la viabilidad de introducción de una nueva herramienta tecnológica de innovación educativa hasta ahora no empleada en la elaboración de material docente, analizando sus principales ventajas y limitaciones