325 research outputs found

    Implementation of Generalized Vector Space Model Method at Automatic Assessment of Online Essay Exam

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    The aim of the study was to design and implement automatic testing of online essay examinations using the Generalized Vector Space Model (GVSM) method. This data is obtained through (1) Literature Study (2) Observation (3) Documentation. The results of this study indicate that the automatic scoring system with the GVSM weighting method and the cosine similarity similarity calculation method have the accuracy of the assessment with an average of 66%

    Pengaruh Kompetensi, Komunikasi Dan Budaya Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Dinas Pendidikan Dan Kebudayaan Propinsi Sulawesi Tengah

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    This research is almed to: 1) analyzing the effect of competence, communication and work culture simultaneously toward the employee performance, 2) analyzing the effect of competence partially towards the employee performance, 3) anlyzing the effect of communication partially towards the employee performance, 4) analyzing the effect of work culture partially towards the employee performance.This research is conducted as explanation research in explaining the relation between research variables which involves 58 Employees Of Education and Cultural Office Of Central Sulawesi which is taken using purposive sampling technique. Based on the result of the research using multiple regression analysis, concluded: 1) competence, communication and work culture simultaneously have a positive and significant effect toward the employee performance, 2) partially competence have a positive and significant effect towards the employee performance, 3) partially communication have a positive and significant effect towards the employee performance, 4) partially work culture have a positive and significant effect towards the employee performanc

    Analisis pengaruh kualitas pelayanan terhadap loyalitas nasabah

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Loyalitas Nasabah PD BPR NTB Sumbawa. Jenis penelitian ini adalah asosiatif. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan yaitu kuesioner, teknik skor yang digunakan dalam kuesioner penelitian ini adalah skala Likert. Populasi yang digunakan yaitu nasabah yang berkunjung ke PD BPR NTB Sumbawa.  yang berjumlah 100 nasabah dengan sampel penelitian yaitu nasabah yang sering mengunjung.  sebanyak 50 nasabah dengan sampling yang digunakan yaitu insidental sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu (1) observasi, (2) kuesioner, (3) wawancara, dan (4) studi pustaka. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan yaitu uji validitas, uji reliabiltas, regresi linear sederhana, kofesian korelasi, uji determinasi dan uji t (uji t dua pihak). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian maka dapat di ambil kesimpulan bahwa ada pengaruh yang signifikan antara kualitas pelayanan terhadap Loyalitas nasabah PD BPR NTB Sumbawa

    Faktor Dominan Perkara Cerai Gugat dan Implikasinya terhadap Kerukunan Keluarga Pasca Cerai (Studi Pengadilan Agama Parepare kelas 1B Tahun 2019-2020).

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    Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kasus perceraian cerai gugat lebih dominan dari cerai talak di Kantor Pengadilan Agama Parepare kelas 1B dari tahun 2019-2020. Data pengadilan di tahun 2019 cerai gugat sebanyak 440 perkara dan cerai talak 103 perkara, sedangkan di tahun 2020 cerai gugat sebanyak 357 perkara dan cerai talak sebanyak 80 perkara. Persentase dari kasus cerai gugat mengindikasikan peningkatan kuantitas dan kualitas ketidakpuasan para isteri terhadap kehidupan perkawinan mereka, terutama terhadap suami mereka, tidak melaksanakan tugas dan kewajiban sebagaimana mestinya. Faktor yang mempengaruhi cerai gugat di Pengadilan Agama Parepare terdiri dari 13 faktor yaitu pihak ketiga, mabuk, madat, judi, meninggalkan salah satu pihak, dihukum penjara, poligami, kekerasan dalam rumah tangga (KDRT), cacat badan, perselisihan dan pertengkaran terus menerus, kawin paksa, murtad, dan ekonomi. Ketiga belas faktor tersebut merupakan alasan-alasan seorang istri dalam mengajukan cerai, merinci ke dalam faktor yang paling dominan pada faktor ekonomi, meninggalkan salah satu pihak, serta perselisihan dan pertengkaran terus menerus. Keterkaitan antara satu dengan yang lainya membuat perselisihan dan pertengkaran terus menerus menjadi yang paling dominan yaitu di tahun 2019 sebanyak 151 perkara dan di tahun 2020 sebanyak 166 perkara. Dan dampak yang muncul akan dialami keluarga kedua belah pihak suami maupun istri, dan yang lebih parah adalah dampak kepada psikologis anak. akibat dampak yang timbul membuat kerukunan antar keluarga pasca cerai sangat sulit untuk rukun Kembali

    The Domination of Divorce by Litigation Cases; Factors and Implications (a Case Study of Parepare Religious Court Class IB)

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    Divorce is a phenomenon of family division involving husband and wife with an increasing percentage in Indonesia. The increase in divorce cases in court is due to the insistence on divorce by litigation and divorce by talaq as the main initiative of husband and wife at the Parepare Religious Court. In order to discuss these issues, the data was collected using a field research (qualitative descriptive) system, so that the results showed that divorce cases from 2019-2020 showed that divorce by litigation was more dominant than divorce by talaq at the Parepare Religious Courts Class 1B. The presentation of the increasing number of divorces by litigation indicated that the wives were dissatisfied with the duties and obligations of their husbands in their marital life. Meanwhile, the factors that influenced divorce by litigation at the Parepare Religious Court consisted of 13 factors, namely third parties, drunkenness, mandates, gambling, leaving one party, imprisoned, polygamy, Domestic Violence (DV), disability, disputes or quarrels continuously, forced marriage, apostasy, and economics. In reality, economic problems, leaving one party and disputes or quarrels continuously were the highest causes in the 2019-2020 timeframe. As a result, divorce cases affected the children's psychology and the disharmony of each part

    30. Cardiovascular risk factors burden in Saudi Arabia: The africa middle east cardiovascular epidemiological (ace) study

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    Limited data exit on the epidemiology of cardiovascular risk factors in Saudi Arabia particularly in relation to the differences between local citizens and expatriates. The aim of this analysis is to describe the current prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors among patients attending general practice clinics in Saudi Arabia. In a cross- sectional epidemiological study, the presence of cardiovascular risk factors (hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidaemia, obesity, smoking, and abdominal obesity) was evaluated in stable adult outpatients attending primary care clinics in Saudi Arabia. Groups comparison were made between local Saudi patients and expatriates. A total of 550 participant were enrolled form different clinics in Saudi Arabia (71% were male, mean age was 43±10 years). Nearly half of the study cohort had more than two cardiovascular risk factors (49.6%). Dyslipidemia had the highest prevalence (68.4%). Furthermore, prevalence of hypertension (47.5% vs. 31.4%), dyslipidaemia (75.2% vs. 55.1%) and abdominal obesity (63.9% vs. 52.2%) were higher among expatriates compare to Saudis (p-value<0.001). This analysis clearly shows that there is a high prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors prevalence in Saudi population. In addition, a significant proportion of patients with risk factors have poor overall control. Programmed community based screening is needed for all cardiovascular risk factors in Saudi Arabia. Increased awareness and improved primary care services may decrease incidence of coronary artery disease and improve overall quality of life

    Kajian penggunaan jerami dan pupuk N, P, dan K pada lahan sawah irigasi

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    Kajian penggunaan jerami dan pupuk N, P, dan K dilaksanalcan pada lahan sawah irigasi di desa Sikku Ale, kecamatan Cempa, Pinang, pada MK. 2001. Kegiatan berlangsung dari bulan Juli sampai Nopember 2001. Percobaan disusun dalam rancangan petak terpisah dengan 4 ulangan. Petak Utama adalah jerami padi (J), yaitu tanpa jerami (Jo) dan dengan jerami 2 Oa (Jr), dan Anak Petak adalah pemupukan (P), yaitu pupuk N (P1), NP (P2), NK (P3), PK (P4), dan NPK (1\u275). Tujuan kajian adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan pupuk organik jerami dan kombinasi pupuk N, P, dan K terhadap pertumbuhan dan basil padi. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa, penggunaan pupuk organik yang bersumber dari jerami pada musim tanam pertama belum memberikan pengaruh yang nyata terhadap pertumbuhan dan komponen hasil padi, namun ada kecenderungan pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman yang menggunakan bahan organik lebih tinggi dibanding tanpa pupuk organik baik secara tunggal maupun interalcsinya dengan pupuk N, P, dan K. Perlakuan pemupukan secara tunggal memberikan pengaruh yang nyata terhadap pertumbuhan dan komponen hasil padi, kecuali terhadap bobot 1.000 biji. Perlakuan P4, yaitu tanpa nitrogen (Petnupulcan PK) memberikan rata-rata pertumbuhan (tinggi tanaman) dan komponen hasil yang terendah, dan berbeda nyata dengan perlakuan pemupukan lainnya. Demikian juga perlakuan tanpa pupuk N, baik yang menggunakan pupuk organik maupun tanpa pupuk organik memberikan basil yang terendah. Tanaman padi pada lokasi kajian rnemerlukan tambahan pupuk nitrogen untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan hasil padi. Penggunaan pupuk organik berupa jerami perlu dilakukan setiap musim tanam untuk dapat meningkatkan produktivitas lahan dan sebaiknya digunakan jika C/N rasio sudah rendah, yaitu < 20. Assassment of straw and N, P, and K fertilizer was conducted on irrigation lowland rice at Sikku Ale village, sub district of Cempa, Pinang, DS. 2001. The activity take place from July to November, 2001. The trial was carry out on split plot design with 4 replications. The main plot is rice straw (J), i.e. without straw (J5) and with straw 2 Oa (b), while sub plot is N, P, and K fertilizer (P), which is N fertilizer (Pi), NP (112), NK (1\u273), PK (1\u274), and NPK (Ps). The aims of this assass were known effect of organic fertilizer straw and N, P, and K fertilizer for growth and yield of rice. The result showed that the use of organic fertilizer that source from rice straw in the first sowing time non significant for growth and yield componen of rice, however, the growth and yield of rice that using of organic fertilizer disposed more high compared to without organic fertilizer, a single or interaction with N, Iand K fertilizer. Fertilizer treatment as a single was give the significant effect for growth and rice yield componen, except weight of 1,000 seeds. P4 treatment, that without nitrogen (PK fertilizer) was give growth means (plant high) and yield componen which lower, and significant with others treatment of fertilizer. Thus, the treatment without N fertilizer, that using and without organic fertilizer was give the lower of yield. Rice on assassment location need of nitrogen fertilizer added for increasing the growth and yield of rice. Using of organic fertilizer such as straw need to doing every sowing time for increasing of land productivity and have to use if C/N ratio is low, i.e. < 20. Key Words : Assassment, organic fertilizer straw, N, P, and K fertilizer, irrigation lowland ric

    'Illat and Wisdom in Use Ultrasonography (USG) during Iddah Period: Comparative Study

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    The Iddah phenomenon is a contemporary issue in which the essence of the Iddah period for women experiences certain problems, including the prohibition of women during their Iddah period from accepting proposals or getting married, lack of understanding of the determination of the Iddah period, gender inequality issues, and conflicting understandings of law and calculation of the Iddah period. Consequently, the use of ultrasound during the Iddah period has become a topic of discussion. This article discusses the contextualization of Islamic law that seeks to place illat and wisdom at the center of cases involving the use of ultrasound during the Iddah period to determine the cleanliness of a woman's uterus, so that the existence of illat becomes the basis for legal istinbat, which then gives birth to wisdom. The research method employed is qualitative with literature review, which attempts to establish a connection between the relevant literature and the article's discussion. This study's findings identify the use of ultrasound during the Iddah period as a criterion for the existence of illat and the wisdom that underlies its legal determination. Therefore, the existence of ultrasonography (USG) during the Iddah period based on a theological approach cannot be used as a benchmark (illat) for uterine hygiene for women and does not affect the essence of the wisdom contained therein, including for matters that are clear and certain that are used to establish and determine whether or not a law exists.The Iddah phenomenon is a contemporary issue in which the essence of the Iddah period for women experiences certain problems, including the prohibition of women during their Iddah period from accepting proposals or getting married, lack of understanding of the determination of the Iddah period, gender inequality issues, and conflicting understandings of law and calculation of the Iddah period. Consequently, the use of ultrasound during the Iddah period has become a topic of discussion. This article discusses the contextualization of Islamic law that seeks to place illat and wisdom at the center of cases involving the use of ultrasound during the Iddah period to determine the cleanliness of a woman's uterus, so that the existence of illat becomes the basis for legal istinbat, which then gives birth to wisdom. The research method employed is qualitative with literature review, which attempts to establish a connection between the relevant literature and the article's discussion. This study's findings identify the use of ultrasound during the Iddah period as a criterion for the existence of illat and the wisdom that underlies its legal determination. Therefore, the existence of ultrasonography (USG) during the Iddah period based on a theological approach cannot be used as a benchmark (illat) for uterine hygiene for women and does not affect the essence of the wisdom contained therein, including for matters that are clear and certain that are used to establish and determine whether or not a law exists

    Pembuatan Peta 3D Urban Model Untuk Visualisasi Dampak Banjir

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    3D modeling is a process to create 3D objects that you want to put in a visual form. A 3D model is a mathematical representation of any three-dimensional object (either inanimate or living). A model is technically graphical until it is visually displayed. Because 3D models are not limited to virtual space. A model can be displayed visually as a two-dimensional image through a process called 3D rendering, or used in non-graphical computer simulations and calculations. In this case, the geographic information system can present a form of modeling of a hydrological phenomenon such as flooding in an area. This study aims to analyze the flood and visualize it in the form of threedimensional modeling to see the impact of a flood threat due to the Jelateng river’s overflow. This study emphasizes information related to the impact caused by the overflow of the Jelateng river. Making a 3D urban map model will be used as a representation of the appearance of the Jelateng river area and then it will be visualized using DEMNAS data on the ArcScene with the animation manager so that the visualization can be seen according to the scenario that will be carried out. The results of the study are expected to provide an overview of the impact of the flooding of the common river with 3D model visualization, as well as input for local governments in decisionmaking
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