44 research outputs found


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    Considering the importance of the forest component in agroforestry systems (SAFs), this study aimed to analyze the dynamics of canopy cover, temperature and soil moisture in three agroforestry systems, which have different arrangements, having in common the production of black pepper (Piper nigrum L.), in Belterra and Mojuí dos Campos, in Pará, inserted in properties of family farmers. Data collection for moisture, soil temperature and canopy cover was performed monthly for nine months (April to December/2017). These measurements were performed at six points in the rows and between the rows of perennial planting in each system. It was concluded that the canopy cover with in the evaluated systems can be considered, in SAFs 1 and 2, as a factor that regulates the amount of light that reaches the system, influencing the soil moisture, both in the row and between the rows. However, soil temperature was the variable that suffered the least interference and that interfered least in the other variables analyzed.Considerando la importância del componente forestalenlos sistemas agroforestales (SAF), este estudiotuvo como objetivo analizar la dinámica de la cobertura del dosel, la temperatura y la humedad del suelo entres sistemas agroforestales, que tienen diferentes arreglos, teniendo em común la producción de pimienta negra (Piper nigrum L.), em Belterra y Mojuí dos Campos, en Pará, insertos em propiedades de agricultores familiares. La recolección de datos de humedad, temperatura del suelo y cobertura del dosel se realizo mensualmente durante nueve meses (abril a diciembre/2017). Estas mediciones se realizaronen seis puntos de lossurcos y entre lossurcos de siembra perene en cada sistema. Se concluyó que la cobertura del dosel dentro de los sistemas evaluados puede ser considerada, em los SAF 1 y 2, como um factor que regulala cantidad de luz que llega al sistema, influyendo em la humedad del suelo, tanto em hilera como entre hileras. Sin embargo, la temperatura del suelo fue la variable que menos interferência sufrió y la que menos interfirió em las demás variables analizadas.Considerando a importância do componente florestal nos sistemas agroflorestais (SAFs) este trabalho objetivou analisar a dinâmica da cobertura de dossel, temperatura e umidade do solo em três sistemas agroflorestais, que dispõem de arranjos diferentes, tendo em comum a produção de pimenta-do-reino (Piper nigrum L.), em Belterra e Mojuí dos Campos, no Pará, inseridos em propriedades de agricultores familiares. A coleta de dados para umidade, temperatura do solo e a cobertura do dossel foi realizada mensalmente durante nove meses (abril a dezembro/2017). Estas medições foram realizadas em seis pontos nas linhas e nas entrelinhas de plantio perene de cada sistema. Concluiu-se que a cobertura de dossel dentro dos sistemas avaliados pode ser considerada, nos SAFs 1 e 2, como um fator que regula a quantidade de luz que chega no sistema, influenciando na umidade do solo, tanto na linha quanto na entrelinha. No entanto, a temperatura do solo foi a variável que menos sofreu interferência e que menos interferiu nas demais variáveis analisadas

    Actin stress fiber organization promotes cell stiffening and proliferation of pre-invasive breast cancer cells

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    This deposit is composed by the main article and supplementary files of the publication.Studies of the role of actin in tumour progression have highlighted its key contribution in cell softening associated with cell invasion. Here, using a human breast cell line with conditional Src induction, we demonstrate that cells undergo a stiffening state prior to acquiring malignant features. This state is characterized by the transient accumulation of stress fibres and upregulation of Ena/VASP-like (EVL). EVL, in turn, organizes stress fibres leading to transient cell stiffening, ERK-dependent cell proliferation, as well as enhancement of Src activation and progression towards a fully transformed state. Accordingly, EVL accumulates predominantly in premalignant breast lesions and is required for Src-induced epithelial overgrowth in Drosophila. While cell softening allows for cancer cell invasion, our work reveals that stress fibre-mediated cell stiffening could drive tumour growth during premalignant stages. A careful consideration of the mechanical properties of tumour cells could therefore offer new avenues of exploration when designing cancer-targeting therapies.Bloomington Drosophila Stock Centre; Vienna Drosophila Research Center (VDRC); Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank (DSHB); Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) grant: (IF/01031/2012); Laço Grant in breast cancer 2015; Alexander von Humboldt Foundation grant: (Alexander von Humboldt Professorship); Liga Portuguesa contra o Cancro/Pfizer.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    This study had as general objectives comprehenda how educators promote health in a Municipal Center for Early Childhood Education (MCECE) of the municipal network in the interior of Bahia. Data collection was performed using a semi-structured interview. For data analysis, content analysis was chosen, where 3 (three) categories emerged: Health and health promotion: meanings attributed by teachers; Health promotion practices at school; The pandemic and the new health care in school contexts. In this way, it is concluded that the pedagogical practices are aimed at promoting health directly linked to child care, emphasizing the need for family participation, describing the techniques for producing this care. Health and care must be part of the routine of schools, talking about health is necessary in different contexts, it is necessary to change the idea that education is associated only with school, and health only with health services, overcoming the isolated practices through integrated work.Este estudio tuvo como objetivo comprender cómo los educadores promueven la salud en un Centro Municipal de Educación Infantil (CMEI) de la red municipal del interior de Bahía. La recolección de datos se realizó mediante una entrevista semiestructurada. Para el análisis de los datos se optó por el análisis de contenido, donde surgieron 3 (tres) categorías: Salud y promoción de la salud: significados atribuidos por los docentes; Prácticas de promoción de la salud en la escuela; La pandemia y la nueva atención a la salud en contextos escolares. Así, se concluye que las prácticas pedagógicas están dirigidas a la promoción de la salud directamente vinculada al cuidado del niño, enfatizando la necesidad de la participación de la familia, describiendo las técnicas para producir ese cuidado. La salud y el cuidado deben ser parte del cotidiano de las escuelas, hablar de salud es necesario en diferentes contextos, es necesario cambiar la idea de que la educación se asocia solo a la escuela, y la salud solo a los servicios de salud, superando las prácticas aisladas a través del trabajo integrado.Esse estudo teve como objetivo geral compreender como os educadores promovem a saúde em um Centro Municipal de Educação Infantil (CMEI) da rede municipal no interior da Bahia. A coleta de dados foi realizada a partir da entrevista semi-estruturada. Para análise de dados, optou-se pela análise de conteúdo, onde emergiram 3 (três) categorias: Saúde e promoção da saúde: significados atribuídos pelos professores; Práticas de promoção à saúde na escola; A pandemia e os novos cuidados de saúde nos contextos escolares. Desta forma, conclui-se que as práticas pedagógicas estão voltadas para promoção da saúde ligadas diretamente ao cuidado com à criança, enfatizando a necessidade de participação da família, descrevendo as técnicas para produção desse cuidado. A saúde e o cuidado devem fazer parte da rotina das escolas, falar de saúde se faz necessário em diversos contextos, precisa-se modificar a ideia de que a educação está associada apenas à escola, e a saúde somente aos serviços de saúde, superando as práticas isoladas por meio de um trabalho integrado

    Garbage in, garbage out: how reliable training data improved a virtual screening approach against SARS-CoV-2 MPro

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    Introduction: The identification of chemical compounds that interfere with SARS-CoV-2 replication continues to be a priority in several academic and pharmaceutical laboratories. Computational tools and approaches have the power to integrate, process and analyze multiple data in a short time. However, these initiatives may yield unrealistic results if the applied models are not inferred from reliable data and the resulting predictions are not confirmed by experimental evidence.Methods: We undertook a drug discovery campaign against the essential major protease (MPro) from SARS-CoV-2, which relied on an in silico search strategy –performed in a large and diverse chemolibrary– complemented by experimental validation. The computational method comprises a recently reported ligand-based approach developed upon refinement/learning cycles, and structure-based approximations. Search models were applied to both retrospective (in silico) and prospective (experimentally confirmed) screening.Results: The first generation of ligand-based models were fed by data, which to a great extent, had not been published in peer-reviewed articles. The first screening campaign performed with 188 compounds (46 in silico hits and 100 analogues, and 40 unrelated compounds: flavonols and pyrazoles) yielded three hits against MPro (IC50 ≤ 25 μM): two analogues of in silico hits (one glycoside and one benzo-thiazol) and one flavonol. A second generation of ligand-based models was developed based on this negative information and newly published peer-reviewed data for MPro inhibitors. This led to 43 new hit candidates belonging to different chemical families. From 45 compounds (28 in silico hits and 17 related analogues) tested in the second screening campaign, eight inhibited MPro with IC50 = 0.12–20 μM and five of them also impaired the proliferation of SARS-CoV-2 in Vero cells (EC50 7–45 μM).Discussion: Our study provides an example of a virtuous loop between computational and experimental approaches applied to target-focused drug discovery against a major and global pathogen, reaffirming the well-known “garbage in, garbage out” machine learning principle