61 research outputs found

    Evaluation of an expert system for the generation of speech and language therapy plans

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    Background: Speech and language pathologists (SLPs) deal with a wide spectrum of disorders, arising from many different conditions, that affect voice, speech, language, and swallowing capabilities in different ways. Therefore, the outcomes of Speech and Language Therapy (SLT) are highly dependent on the accurate, consistent, and complete design of personalized therapy plans. However, SLPs often have very limited time to work with their patients and to browse the large (and growing) catalogue of activities and specific exercises that can be put into therapy plans. As a consequence, many plans are suboptimal and fail to address the specific needs of each patient. Objective: We aimed to evaluate an expert system that automatically generates plans for speech and language therapy, containing semiannual activities in the five areas of hearing, oral structure and function, linguistic formulation, expressive language and articulation, and receptive language. The goal was to assess whether the expert system speeds up the SLPs’ work and leads to more accurate, consistent, and complete therapy plans for their patients. Methods: We examined the evaluation results of the SPELTA expert system in supporting the decision making of 4 SLPs treating children in three special education institutions in Ecuador. The expert system was first trained with data from 117 cases, including medical data; diagnosis for voice, speech, language and swallowing capabilities; and therapy plans created manually by the SLPs. It was then used to automatically generate new therapy plans for 13 new patients. The SLPs were finally asked to evaluate the accuracy, consistency, and completeness of those plans. A four-fold cross-validation experiment was also run on the original corpus of 117 cases in order to assess the significance of the results. Results: The evaluation showed that 87% of the outputs provided by the SPELTA expert system were considered valid therapy plans for the different areas. The SLPs rated the overall accuracy, consistency, and completeness of the proposed activities with 4.65, 4.6, and 4.6 points (to a maximum of 5), respectively. The ratings for the subplans generated for the areas of hearing, oral structure and function, and linguistic formulation were nearly perfect, whereas the subplans for expressive language and articulation and for receptive language failed to deal properly with some of the subject cases. Overall, the SLPs indicated that over 90% of the subplans generated automatically were “better than” or “as good as” what the SLPs would have created manually if given the average time they can devote to the task. The cross-validation experiment yielded very similar results. Conclusions: The results show that the SPELTA expert system provides valuable input for SLPs to design proper therapy plans for their patients, in a shorter time and considering a larger set of activities than proceeding manually. The algorithms worked well even in the presence of a sparse corpus, and the evidence suggests that the system will become more reliable as it is trained with more subjects.Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo RegionalXunta de GaliciaMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad | Ref. TIN2013-42774-

    Un altre urbanisme és possible. La nova praxi urbana davant del canvi d'època

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    Aquest article passa revista a una munió d’iniciatives que estan sorgint en el camp de la urbanística i de l’arquitectura davant la percepció general de canvi d’època. Aquesta iniciatives parteixen del fet que l’urbanisme és política, i es basen en quatre principis: estratègia del “re” (reciclar, regenerar, rehabilitar, etc.), mediació i participació social, transdisciplinarietat i Beta permanent (disseny col·laboratiu).Este artículo pasa revista a una multitud de iniciativas que están surgiendo en el campo de la urbanística y la arquitectura ante la percepción general de cambio de época. Esta iniciativas parten de que el urbanismo es política, y se basan en cuatro principios: estrategia del "re" (reciclar, regenerar, rehabilitar, etc.), mediación y participación social, transdisciplinariedad y Beta permanente (diseño colaborativo)

    Instituciones, migración, remesas y pobreza. Los casos de Rancho Narváez y Yalvanté, Chiapas, México

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    This paper aims to analyze the role played by formal and informal institutions in sending, receiving, and using remittances in two indigenous communities in Mexico with a historical experience of migration and high poverty levels. It explores the socioeconomic dynamics of the migrants' territories of origin, focusing on the influence of socially shared rules, as well as family and community agreements concerning decisions about consumption, investment, and/or savings in recipient households. The findings presented were obtained from fieldwork conducted during 2019 and 2020 in two sites in San Juan Chamula, in which 35 interviews were made and 30 surveys were applied to key stakeholders. The conclusions highlight the need to strengthen institutions in order to promote a productive use of foreign income and emphasize the importance of these money transfers to reduce poverty.El objetivo de este artículo es analizar el papel de las instituciones, formales e informales, en el envío, la recepción y el uso de remesas en dos comunidades indígenas de México con una histórica experiencia migratoria y con altos niveles de pobreza. Se exploran las dinámicas socioeconómicas de los territorios de origen de los migrantes prestando especial atención a la influencia que tienen las reglas socialmente compartidas y los acuerdos familiares y comunitarios en las decisiones de consumo, inversión o ahorro en los hogares receptores. Los resultados que se muestran se obtuvieron a partir del trabajo de campo realizado durante dos años, 2019 y 2020, en dos parajes de San Juan Chamula, donde se aplicaron 35 entrevistas y 30 encuestas a actores clave. Entre las conclusiones destaca la necesidad de fortalecer las instituciones para que se propicie un uso productivo de los ingresos foráneos, y al mismo tiempo se enfatiza la importancia que tienen estas transferencias monetarias en la contención de la pobreza

    Frecuencia de alexitimia y factores relacionados en pacientes con fibromialgia tratados en un hospital público de Lima, Perú.

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    Objective: To determine the frequency of alexithymia and associated factors in patients with fibromyalgia, and the relationship between alexithymia with functional capacity, pain intensity, depression and general variables (age, sex, time of illness, degree of instruction, and years of study) in fibromyalgia. Material and methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study of patients with fibromyalgia from the Rheumatology service of a  public hospital in Lima, Perú. A sociodemographic record, TAS-20, MD-HAQ and CES-D were applied. Results. Of the 126 patients with fibromyalgia, 60 had alexithymia (47.62%); 24 alexithymic patients had depression (40 %), and 39 had functional disability (65 %). In the bivariate analysis, alexithymia was significantly related to greater comorbidity, less education, greater pain intensity, greater fatigue and more reported symptoms. In the multivariate analysis, years of study (£ 11 years) were the only factor related to alexithymia (TAS-20) (p=0.010, OR: 2.589 [1.249 – 5.365]). Conclusions: This study shows a considerable frequency of alexithymia in fibromyalgia patients and, in the multivariate analysis,  the finding is significantly related to a lower number of years of study.Objetivo: Determinar la frecuencia de alexitimia y factores relacionados en pacientes con fibromialgia, y la relación entre alexitimia y capacidad funcional, intensidad de dolor, depresión y variables generales (edad, sexo, tiempo de enfermedad, grado de instrucción y años de estudio) en fibromialgia. Material y métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal en pacientes con fibromialgia del Servicio de Reumatología de un hospital público de Lima, Perú. Se aplicó una ficha sociodemográfica, la TAS-20, el MD-HAQ y la CES-D. Resultados: De los 126 pacientes con fibromialgia, 60 (47,62 %) mostraron   alexitimia, 24 de ellos presentaron depresión (40%) y 39, discapacidad funcional (65%). En el análisis bivariado la alexitimia se relacionó significativamente con mayor comorbilidad, menor grado de instrucción, mayor intensidad de dolor, mayor fatiga y más síntomas reportados. En el análisis multivariado, años de estudio (£11 años) fue el único factor relacionado a alexitimia (TAS-20) (p=0,010, OR: 2,589 [1,249 – 5,365]). Conclusiones: Se demuestra una frecuencia considerable de alexitimia en pacientes con fibromialgia y, en el análisis multivariado, este hallazgo se relaciona significativamente con un número menor de años de estudio

    CosmoHub: Interactive exploration and distribution of astronomical data on Hadoop

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    We present CosmoHub (https://cosmohub.pic.es), a web application based on Hadoop to perform interactive exploration and distribution of massive cosmological datasets. Recent Cosmology seeks to unveil the nature of both dark matter and dark energy mapping the large-scale structure of the Universe, through the analysis of massive amounts of astronomical data, progressively increasing during the last (and future) decades with the digitization and automation of the experimental techniques. CosmoHub, hosted and developed at the Port d'Informació Científica (PIC), provides support to a worldwide community of scientists, without requiring the end user to know any Structured Query Language (SQL). It is serving data of several large international collaborations such as the Euclid space mission, the Dark Energy Survey (DES), the Physics of the Accelerating Universe Survey (PAUS) and the Marenostrum Institut de Ciències de l'Espai (MICE) numerical simulations. While originally developed as a PostgreSQL relational database web frontend, this work describes the current version of CosmoHub, built on top of Apache Hive, which facilitates scalable reading, writing and managing huge datasets. As CosmoHub's datasets are seldomly modified, Hive it is a better fit. Over 60 TiB of cataloged information and 50×10 astronomical objects can be interactively explored using an integrated visualization tool which includes 1D histogram and 2D heatmap plots. In our current implementation, online exploration of datasets of 10 objects can be done in a timescale of tens of seconds. Users can also download customized subsets of data in standard formats generated in few minutes.CosmoHub has been partially funded through projects of the Spanish national program “Programa Estatal de I + D + i” of the Spanish government. The support of the ERDF fund is gratefully acknowledged

    New paleoseismic data for the Alhama de Murcia Fault in the La Salud alluvial fan (Lorca-Totana segment) Betic Cordillera

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    La Falla de Alhama de Murcia (FAM) es una falla de desgarre sinestral y cierta componente inversa, que fue la responsable del terremoto más catastrófico producido en España en los últimos 50 años, el terremoto de Lorca de 2011 (Mw 5.2). En este trabajo se presenta el estudio de dos trincheras paleosísmicas excavadas en la superficie del abanico aluvial de La Salud que se encuentra cubriendo la traza de la FAM en el sector oriental del segmento Lorca-Totana. La excavación de las trincheras se apoya en la realización de una prospección geofísica mediante tomografía eléctrica y perfiles GPR con el objetivo de obtener nuevos datos de recurrencia sísmica en esta zona de la falla. Tanto las trincheras como los datos geofísicos son coherentes con la existencia de un plano de falla buzando 30º hacia el sur que deforma visiblemente los últimos depósitos del abanico. Las trincheras nos indican la ocurrencia de entre 3 y 6 eventos paleosísmicos de ruptura superficial en los últimos 31 ky.The Alhama de Murcia Fault (FAM) is a left-lateral strike-slip fault with reverse component. This fault is located in the southeast of Spain and produces the 2011 Lorca earthquake (Mw 5.2), that was the most catastrophic earthquake occurred in Spain in the last 50 years. In this paper we present the analysis of two paleoseismic trenches excavated in La Salud alluvial fan, with the aim to obtain new recurrence data for the eastern section of the Lorca- Totana segment of the fault. The structure that we observed in the trenches is recognizable in the electric tomography and GPR profiles undertaken in the study area. Both the paleoseismic trenches and the geophysics analysis are consistent with the existence of a fault plane dipping 30º to the south. This fault plane deforms the younger fluvial fan deposits. The paleoseismic study indicates the existence of between 3 and 6 surface rupture events in the last 31 ka for this strand of the fault.Depto. de Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y PaleontologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO)pu

    Actualizando la base de datos de fallas activas en el Cuaternario de Iberia a la versión 4 (QAFI v.4): cambios en la forma y en el fondo

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    Reunión Ibérica sobre Fallas Activas y Paleosismología (3ª. 2018. Alicante). - Texto en español con resumen y palabras claves en inglés y españolSe presentan a la comunidad científica los principales cambios que conllevará la actualización a la versión 4 de la base de datos QAFI. El nombre de la base de datos se modifica pasando a ser “Quaternary-Active Faults…”. Se sustituye el término “segment” por “section”. Se omiten las estimaciones automáticas de magnitud máxima y recurrencia. Se amplía la extensión de la base de datos al margen norteafricano. Se creará una nueva base de datos con aquellas fallas cuya actividad en el cuaternario ha quedado descartada en base a evidencias geológicas publicadas. También se exponen diversas mejoras en relación con la visualización de las fallas en la aplicación web, y se solicita colaboración para mejorar la parte de asociaciones con la sismicidad. Finalmente, se prospectan futuras aplicaciones de la QAFI: la clasificación de falla activa del Eurocódigo-8 y una base de datos de fuentes sismogénicas tipo falla. = We present to the scientific community the main changes that would affect the QAFI database in the process of updating to version 4. The name of the database changes, being now: “Quaternary-Active Faults…”. The term fault “segment” is substituted by “section”. Version 4 will not include automatic estimations of maximum magnitude nor recurrence interval. The spatial coverage of the database is extended to the north of Africa. A new complementary database with faults with proof of no Quaternary activity will be created. We also describe foreseen improvements in the visualization of the fault traces in the web application, and we ask for collaboration to improve the fault relationships with seismicity. Finally, we prospect about future uses of the QAFI database: active fault definition in Eurocode-8 and a seismogenic fault-sources database.Instituto Geológico y Minero de España, EspañaDepartamento de Geología y Geoquímica, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, EspañaDepartamento de Geodinámica, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, EspañaGrupo RISKNAT, Departament de Dinàmica de la Terra i de l’Oceà, Universitat de Barcelona, EspañaGeosciences Research Division, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, Estados UnidosInstituto de Ciencias del Mar, EspañaDepartamento de Ciencias de la Tierra, Universidad de Zaragoza, EspañaDepartamento de Biología y Geología, Física y Química Inorgánica, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, EspañaDepartamento de Ciencias de la Tierra y el Medio Ambiente, Universidad de Alicante, EspañaDepartamento de Geodinámica, Universidad de Granada, EspañaGNS Science, Nueva ZelandaDepartamento de Geologia, Universidade de Lisboa, PortugalUnidade de Geologia, Hidrogeologia e Geologia Costeira, Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia, Portuga