330 research outputs found

    Corporeidad y lenguaje: la acción como texto y expresión

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    The present work has as objective to analyse the embodied dimension of language, reviewing the conceptual issues of cognition, mind and language. Starting from the emerging of new data and knowledge that come from different disciplinary areas and taking Merlau-Ponty’s phenomenology as epistemological option, creating a critique to the functional approaches of language and its contrast with the mention author’s descriptions and also the cognitive sciences. The results of the study are oriented to explicit and show the language as a process of vivid body or corporeal manifestation and presence, which establish the possibility of considering movement, understood as intentionality in movement, as a text or discursive non-verbal interpretation.El presente trabajo aborda un análisis sobre la dimensión encarnada del lenguaje, revisando los supuestos conceptuales de la cognición, mente y lenguaje. A partir de la emergencia de nuevos antecedentes y conocimientos provenientes de diferentes aéreas disciplinares y tomando la fenomenología de Merleau-Ponty como opción epistémica se realiza una crítica de las aproximaciones funcionales del lenguaje y su contraste con descripciones fenomenológicas y de las ciencias cognitivas. Los resultados del trabajo se orientan a explicitar el lenguaje como un proceso que expresa el cuerpo vivido o corporeidad, lo que establece la posibilidad de considerar la motricidad, entendida como intencionalidad en despliegue, como un texto o interpretación discursiva no verbal.  

    Identificación de nuevos marcadores moleculares y contribución de mecanismos de splicing en patologías tumorales endocrinas

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    Cancer represents one of the main challenges for the human being, in that it encompasses some of the most severe and health-threatening pathologies worldwide. Although great efforts are being implemented and significant advances are being reached in basic, translational and clinical research over the last decades, the development of novel and more global and useful therapeutic strategies in Oncology is hampered by the heterogeneity and complexity of this disease. In order to tackle these difficulties, Hanahan and Weinberg proposed in 2000 and updated in 2011 a group of common alterations shared by most cancer types, which were defined as the hallmarks of cancer. Some of those cancer hallmarks are related with hormonal signaling, which is considered an important element in the control of malignant features. In this context, this Thesis has been mainly focused in the study of diverse endocrine-related cancers, such as prostate cancer (PCa), which is strongly influenced by the hormonal milieu, and different types of neuroendocrine tumors (NETs). Indeed, PCa is one of the tumor pathologies with highest incidence in men and one of the most common causes of cancer-related deaths among worldwide population. On the other hand, NETs comprise a markedly heterogeneous group of neoplasia originated from the diffuse neuroendocrine system that have been typically classified by their location. Among them, this Thesis have been focused on pancreatic tumors (PanNETs). Finally, we will also analyze a tumor type closely related, as it is the case of pituitary neuroendocrine tumors (PitNETs). One of the hormonal axes classically related to different types of tumors and that has represented the central interest of our group is the system comprised by somatostatin and its receptors (SST1-SST5). Particularly, this system has been classically linked to neuroendocrine tumors (NETs, PitNETs), wherein synthetic somatostatin agonists are widely used to act on several of its receptors (e.g. SST2, SST5), which represent useful therapeutic targets in these pathologies. In this context, it is remarkable the growing relevance of SST5 as putative therapeutic target of novel somatostatin analogs, and due to the discovery of novel truncated splicing variants (e.g. SST5TMD4), which are related with the aggressiveness of several cancer types. Nonetheless, very little is known about the biogenesis of SST5 from its gene, SSTR5, and about the role of other SST receptors in endocrine-related tumors. The growing identification of abnormal splicing variants that, similar to the above mentioned SST5TMD4, are overexpressed in different cancer types reinforces the idea that the alteration of the splicing process may be involved in the development and aggressiveness of tumor pathologies, through the dysregulation of the normal alternative splicing pattern and the generation of aberrant isoforms with oncogenic potential. In fact, over the last years, the alteration of the splicing process is being considered as a novel and transversal cancer hallmark, in that it seems to be affecting to all the hallmarks previously described. However, the information regarding the splicing process and its dysregulation is still scarce in some tumor pathologies, including NETs. Thus, for all the reasons indicated above, the general aim of this Thesis was to determine the role of somatostatin receptors and splicing machinery in different types of endocrine-related cancers and neuroendocrine tumors, as well as the underlying regulatory mechanisms, with the final purpose of discovering novel biomarkers and pharmacologic targets with potential to improve the diagnostic and therapeutic approaches in these pathologies.El cáncer es uno de los mayores retos que afronta la humanidad, pues comprende algunas de las patologías más graves que afectan a la salud a nivel mundial. Aunque se están realizado grandes esfuerzos y se han logrado avances significativos en investigación básica, clínica y traslacional durante las últimas décadas, el desarrollo de nuevas estrategias terapéuticas en oncología, más globales y a la vez precisas y eficientes, está limitado por la enorme heterogeneidad y complejidad de esta enfermedad. Para enfrentarse a dichas dificultades, Hanahan y Weinberg propusieron en el año 2000 y actualizaron en 2011 un grupo de alteraciones comunes compartidas por la mayoría de los tipos de cáncer a diferentes niveles, que se conocen como hallmarks o pilares del cáncer. Algunos de estos hallmarks están relacionados con la señalización hormonal, que se considera un componente importante en el control de la malignidad tumoral. En este contexto, la presente Tesis se ha enfocado fundamentalmente en el estudio de cánceres relacionados con el sistema endocrino, como el cáncer de próstata (CaP), fuertemente dependiente de la regulación hormonal, y distintos tipos de tumores neuroendocrinos (TNEs). El CaP es una de las patologías tumorales de mayor incidencia en hombres y una de las causas de muerte más comunes relacionadas con el cáncer en la población mundial. Por su parte, los TNEs son un grupo de neoplasias marcadamente heterogéneo, que surgen del sistema neuroendocrino difuso y se ha clasificado habitualmente según la localización del tumor. Concretamente, esta Tesis se enfoca en los tumores pancreáticos (PanNETs). Por último, analizaremos también un tipo tumoral estrechamente relacionado, los tumores neuroendocrinos hipofisarios (PitNETs)

    Servicio de comunicación causal bidirecciional sin contención.

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    Las arquitecturas jerárquicas de comunicación causal se presentan como una alternativa habitual para reducir el elevado tamaño de la información de control causal a enviar en cada mensaje, cuando la comunicación se realiza entre un subconjunto de procesos que pertenecen a un grupo muy numeroso. Sin embargo, en estas arquitecturas, los nodos intermedios de la jerarquía padecen un efecto indeseable denominado efecto convoy. Estos nodos intermedios tienden a generar ráfagas de envíos que sobrecargan tanto a los nodos de los niveles inferiores de la jerarquía como a la red, provocando pérdidas de mensajes y periodos entre ráfagas de infrautilización de la red. Este artículo presenta un servicio causal bidireccional sin contención que, aplicado a los nodos intermedios de la jerarquía, soluciona el efecto convoy. Este servicio causal sin contención entrega a la capa de aplicación y envía al sistema un mensaje sin esperar la entrega o el envío previo de mensajes que constituyen la historia causal del primero, por lo que evita las ráfagas de entrega y de envío de mensajes. La entrega de un mensaje va acompañada de un identificador causal, que es un número natural que indica el número de orden de ese mensaje en la secuencia causal total. El envío de un mensaje supone construir un vector causal válido a partir de un identiificador causal, que permita ordenar dicho mensaje en orden causal en el proceso receptor

    Derechos de propiedad intelectual y la obtención de nuevas variedades vegetales en El Salvador. Una propuesta de ley consensuada

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    El Proyecto “Participación e Incidencia Ciudadana en las Políticas Públicas de Comercio y Medio Ambiente”, ejecutado por la Fundación Nacional para el Desarrollo (FUNDE) con el auspicio del PNUD/Capacidad 2015 en el periodo 2004-2006, se ha concentrado en el tema de los Derechos de Propiedad intelectual (DPI) vinculados a la obtención de nuevas variedades de plantas y procedimientos que son producto del trabajo de fitomejoramiento, en el marco del Tratado de Libre Comercio entre Centroamérica, República Dominicana y Estados Unidos (CAFTA-DR, por sus siglas en inglés). Este libro presenta la experiencia y los principales logros del proyecto –entre los cuales de destaca el anteproyecto de Ley de Fomento y Protección a la Obtención de Nuevas Variedades Vegetales- así como las lecciones aprendidas del mismo. También, incluye una investigación que examina las posibilidades y opciones para establecer sinergias entre la Unión Internacional para la Protección de las Obtenciones Vegetales (UPOV, acta 1991) y las obligaciones contenidas en el Convenio sobre la Diversidad Biológica y el Tratado Internacional sobre los Recursos Fitogenéticos para la alimentación y la agricultura de la FAO

    CAFTA y medio ambiente : análisis y lineamientos de reformas para enfrentar las nuevas reglas del juego establecidas por el tratado comercial en materia ambiental

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    Este libre se dirige a los lectores no especializados deseosos de entender el significado de los textos del Capítulo ambiental, Acuerdo de Cooperación ambiental y Solución de Controversias del Tratado de Libre Comercio entre Centroamérica, República Dominicana y Estados Unidos (CAFTA, por sus siglas en inglés), y las potenciales implicaciones que se derivan de los mismos. Las recomendaciones apuntan a mejorar las condiciones internas de El Salvador y región centroamericana, posibilitando una mejor administración del tratado en materia ambiental, partiendo de la premisa que el mismo contiene disposiciones que pueden causar impactos positivos o negativos en el marco jurídico e institucional ambiental

    ZipN is an essential FtsZ membrane tether and contributes to the septal localization of SepJ in the flamentous cyanobacterium Anabaena

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    The organismic unit of heterocyst-forming cyanobacteria is a filament of communicating cells connected by septal junctions, proteinaceous structures bridging the cytoplasms of contiguous cells. This distinct bacterial organization is preserved during cell division. In Anabaena, deletion of the zipN gene could not be segregated. We generated strain CSL109 that expresses zipN from a synthetic regulatable promoter. Under conditions of ZipN depletion, cells progressively enlarged, reflecting restricted cell division, and showed drastic morphological alterations including cell detachment from the filaments, to finish lysing. In contrast to the wild-type localization in midcell Z-rings, FtsZ was found in delocalized aggregates in strain CSL109. Consistently, the proportion of membrane-associated to soluble FtsZ in fractionated cell extracts was lower in CSL109. Bacterial two-hybrid analysis showed that ZipN interacts with FtsZ and other cell-division proteins including cytoplasmic Ftn6 and SepF, and polytopic FtsW, FtsX, FtsQ and FtsI. Additionally, ZipN interacted with the septal protein SepJ, and in CSL109 depletion of ZipN was concomitant with a progressive loss of septal specificity of SepJ. Thus, in Anabaena ZipN represents an essential FtsZ membrane tether and an organizer of the divisome, and it contributes to the conformation of septal structures for filament integrity and intercellular communication.Agencia Estatal de Investigación BFU2013-44686-P, BFU2016-77097-

    Agreement in wider environments with weaker assumptions.

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    The set agreement problem states that from n proposed values at most n?1 can be decided. Traditionally, this problem is solved using a failure detector in asynchronous systems where processes may crash but do not recover, where processes have different identities, and where all processes initially know the membership. In this paper we study the set agreement problem and the weakest failure detector L used to solve it in asynchronous message passing systems where processes may crash and recover, with homonyms (i.e., processes may have equal identities) and without a complete initial knowledge of the membership

    Eventual election of multiple leaders for solving consensus in anonymous systems

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    In classical distributed systems, each process has a unique identity. Today, new distributed systems have emerged where a unique identity is not always possible to be assigned to each process. For example, in many sensor networks a unique identity is not possible to be included in each device due to its small storage capacity, reduced computational power, or the huge number of devices to be identified. In these cases, we have to work with anonymous distributed systems where processes cannot be identified. Consensus cannot be solved in classical and anonymous asynchronous distributed systems where processes can crash. To bypass this impossibility result, failure detectors are added to these systems. It is known that ? is the weakest failure detector class for solving consensus in classical asynchronous systems when amajority of processes never crashes. Although A? was introduced as an anonymous version of ?, to find the weakest failure detector in anonymous systems to solve consensus when amajority of processes never crashes is nowadays an open question. Furthermore, A? has the important drawback that it is not implementable. Very recently, A? has been introduced as a counterpart of ? for anonymous systems. In this paper, we show that the A? failure detector class is strictly weaker than A? (i.e., A? provides less information about process crashes than A?). We also present in this paper the first implementation of A? (hence, we also show that A? is implementable), and, finally, we include the first implementation of consensus in anonymous asynchronous systems augmented with A? and where a majority of processes does not crash

    Set agreement and the loneliness failure detector in crash-recovery systems

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    The set agreement problem states that from n proposed values at most n-1 can be decided. Traditionally, this problem is solved using a failure detector in asynchronous systems where processes may crash but not recover, where processes have different identities, and where all processes initially know the membership. In this paper we study the set agreement problem and the weakest failure detector L used to solve it in asynchronous message passing systems where processes may crash and recover, with homonyms (i.e., processes may have equal identities) and without a complete initial knowledge of the membership