242 research outputs found

    Early Internationalization in the Digital Context : A Capabilities-based Approach

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    In the fields of international entrepreneurship (IE) and international business (IB), digitalization influences the early internationalization of firms. While we know that digitalization facilitates early internationalization, we do not yet know the exact underlying capabilities that drive this process. The dissertation attempts to bridge this gap by utilizing a capabilities-based approach. This approach offers relevant insights for both IE and IB literature and provides new understanding on how early internationalizing firms develop their digital capabilities for achieving sustainable internationalization outcomes. The dissertation consists of four essays. The first essay, which is a literature review, evaluates IE and IB literature dealing with digitalization and examines to what extent digitalization underlies the causes, processes, and outcomes of early internationalization. The second, third, and fourth essays focus on the capabilities underlying early internationalization processes and outcomes in a digital context. The essays illustrate how the development of international dynamic capabilities and learning advantage of newness of early internationalizing firms occur; they also open up the functionality of digital technology as a supportive mechanism. Theoretically, the essays contribute to IE and IB research streams by providing novel insights and understanding of the phenomenon of early internationalization in a digital context from a capabilities-based approach. Overall, the dissertation cross-fertilizes perspectives from IE, IB, and information systems to contribute to our understanding of early internationalization in the digital context. It also responds to the calls for more research on the impact of digitalization on internationalization, and capability development studies.Digitalisaatio vaikuttaa yritysten varhaiseen kansainvÀlistymiseen kansainvÀlisessÀ yrittÀjyydessÀ ja kansainvÀlisessÀ liiketoiminnassa. TiedÀmme, ettÀ digitalisaatio kiihdyttÀÀ varhaista kansainvÀlistymistÀ, mutta emme tiedÀ tarkalleen, mitkÀ kyvykkyydet edistÀvÀt tÀtÀ prosessia. VÀitöskirja pyrkii vastaamaan tÀhÀn tutkimusvajeeseen kyvykkyyksiin perustuvan lÀhestymistavan kautta. LÀhestymistapa antaa olennaisia nÀkemyksiÀ sekÀ kansainvÀlisen yrittÀjyyden ettÀ kansainvÀlisen liiketoiminnan kirjallisuuteen ja lisÀÀ ymmÀrrystÀ siitÀ, kuinka varhain kansainvÀlistyneet yritykset kehittÀvÀt kyvykkyyksiÀÀn digitaalisesti siten, ettÀ kansainvÀlistymisen tulokset ovat kestÀviÀ. VÀitöskirja koostuu neljÀstÀ esseestÀ. EnsimmÀinen essee on kirjallisuuskatsaus, jossa arvioidaan kansainvÀlisen yrittÀjyyden ja kansainvÀlisen liiketoiminnan digitalisuutta kÀsittelevÀÀ kirjallisuutta ja tarkastellaan missÀ mÀÀrin digitaalisuus mÀÀrittÀÀ syitÀ, prosesseja ja kansainvÀlistymisen tuloksia. Toisessa, kolmannessa ja neljÀnnessÀ esseessÀ keskitytÀÀn kyvykkyyksiin, jotka toimivat varhaisen kansainvÀlistymisprosessin sekÀ kansainvÀlistymisprosessin tulosten taustalla digitaalisessa kontekstissa. Esseet havainnollistavat, miten varhain kansainvÀlistyvien yritysten kansainvÀliset dynaamiset kyvykkyydet ja varhaisen oppimisen etu kehittyvÀt. EsseissÀ kÀsitellÀÀn myös digitaalitekniikan toimivuutta tukimekanismina. Esseiden teoreettinen kontribuutio kohdistuu kansainvÀlisen yrittÀjyyden ja kansainvÀlisen liiketoiminnan tutkimuskenttÀÀn tarjoten uusia oivalluksia ja ymmÀrrystÀ varhaisen kansainvÀlistymisen ilmiöstÀ digitaalisessa kontekstissa kyvykkyyksiin perustuvan lÀhestymistavan kautta. VÀitöskirjassa hyödynnetÀÀn kansainvÀlisen yrittÀjyyden, kansainvÀlisen liiketoiminnan ja tietojÀrjestelmÀtieteen nÀkökulmia lisÀÀmÀÀn ymmÀrrystÀ varhaisesta kansainvÀlistymisestÀ digitaalisessa kontekstissa. VÀitöskirja vastaa myös toivomuksiin lisÀtÀ tutkimusta digitalisaation vaikutuksesta kansainvÀlistymiseen sekÀ kyvykkyyksien kehittÀmiseen.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Impact of International Trade on the Economic Growth in Ghana

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    The aim of this research is to undertake a critical evaluation of the impact of international trade on the economic growth in Ghana. For this purpose, a secondary data based research is conducted in this paper wherein a comprehensive range of empirical research papers of country and trade reports are examined to gather the data. The findings thus obtainedhave been analysed with the help of thematic analysis, wherein two key macro-economic indicators associated to international trade, namely Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and exports are analysed in the context of their impact on the economy of Ghana. The findings gathered from the analysis revealed that two important macro-economic indicators for international trade directly influence the GDP of an economy and the overall growth of the country

    Social Media Usage and Entrepreneurial Opportunity Recognition Among Internationalising SMEs

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    The study explores the decision-making logics driving the usage of social media among internationalising small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and how it supports entrepreneurial opportunity recognition. The author draws on qualitative data from four internationalising firms all of which had adopted social media. The findings show that causal decision-making logic is the main element driving the initial usage of social media (i.e. pre-adoption). Concerning ongoing usage, the author found evidence of both causal and effectual logic; the choice being dependent on the firm’s resources. The findings also show that both drivers of social media users have a paramount role in entrepreneurial opportunity recognition.©2023 Emerald Publishing Limited. This manuscript version is made available under the Creative Commons Attribution–NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY–NC 4.0) license, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Digitalization and Early Internationalization- Systematic Literature Review Analyses

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    Substantial anecdotal evidence has been garnered to make it uncontentious to concede to studies that stress on the influence of digital technology on early internationalization of firms. Having an interest to study how studies on this phenomenon has progressed overtime. The present paper systematically evaluates internationalization literature in which issues of digitalization feature as a component underlying the causes, processes, and outcomes of early internationalization. This enables us to outline the development of major research areas in terms of themes, theoretical and methodological approaches. We contribute by proposing several future research directions

    Marrying Digital Performance Appraisal with Tutors’ Work Output: Evidence from Colleges of Education in Ghana

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    In this Digital Era teachers are required to develop professionalism in accordance with the development of time, science and technology, and the needs of society. Professional teachers should be able to understand the components of applicable educational concepts so as to appreciate the foundation and education policy, the development level of learners and learning approaches in accordance with the learning needs. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of digital performance appraisal on teachers’ performance in Colleges of Education in Ghana. The study employed descriptive research design where simple random sample was used to choose 5 principals and 139 tutors from Colleges of Education in Ahafo and Bono regions of Ghana. Data for this study was collected using close-ended questionnaire. Data analysis was done with Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS version 25). The study results indicated that teachers’ appraisal processes are phenomenal in determining the performance of the teacher. The appraiser and appraisee need to be in collaboration in order to ensure the process is successfully undertaken. Communication is very essential on how the teachers’ appraisal is conducted and perceived. Training has the greatest influence on the appraisal of teachers which also affects significantly the performance of the teachers. Recommendations for further studies were made to address the study results found

    Should ‘Climate Change’ Change Health Promoters? Lessons for the Developing World

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    The threat posed by climate change to global public health is evident and appalling, and its impact is felt on physical, mental and emotional health and well-being of individuals and populations. Evidence on the unusually changing weather conditions and patterns is clear and difficult to ignore. This paper debates a changing global climate. The paper subsequently attempts to discuss the impact of climate change on global health, with examples. Then, the paper argues in favour of ‘thinking globally and acting locally’ as a way to enhance community health. Subsequently, the implications of a globally changing climate for health promotion practice, especially in the developing world are discussed. The changing global climate is well supported by empirical evidence, and poses huge threat to public health. Health promotion researchers and practitioners have a crucial role to play towards climate change mitigation and adaptation to secure the health of current population and posterity. Keywords: Climate change, health promotion, global

    Liminality and developmental process of learning advantage of newness of early internationalizing firms

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    Extant internationalization studies have devoted limited attention to the dynamics of the learning advantage of newness (LAN), which we, in response, investigate through the process approach and the novel lens of the concept of liminality. We conduct a longitudinal multiple-case study of five Finnish internationalizing firms. We inductively derive a process model that shows how the underlying liminal factors, such as international opportunity scaffolding activities, learning from communitas, and rituals, contribute to the development of learning advantage of newness. Originating in anthropology, the liminality perspective offers a novel perspective on LAN of early internationalizing firms. We also provide directions for future research and recommendations for practitioners.© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Safe use of NSAIDs and RAS-inhibitors at Agogo Presbyterian Hospital, Ghana

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    Background: Preventable adverse events of medication are an important cause of hospital admissions in the developed world, in which non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and renin angiotensin system (RAS-) inhibitors are frequently involved. NSAIDs and RAS-inhibitors are also often used in Ghana. The purpose of this study is to assess whether biochemical monitoring in patients on RAS inhibitors, and co-administration of gastro protective agents (GPAs) in patients on NSAIDs, is done properly in Ghana.Material and methods: Two retrospective cross-sectional studies were carried out at the Agogo Presbyterian Hospital, Ghana, in 2013. In 114 out-and inpatients who are on NSAIDs, the risk for gastrointestinal side effects and the frequency of co-administration of GPAs were determined. In 301 outpatients who are on RAS-inhibitors, the risk for renal dysfunction and the frequency of biochemical monitoring were determined. Fisher’s exact test was used to determine the statistical strength.Results: Co-administration of GPAs was done in 1.8% of patients on NSAIDs. Serum creatinine and potassium monitoring within one month after initiation of treatment with RAS-inhibitors were performed in 6.3% and 3.7%, respectively. Risk factors were neither associated with prescription of a GPA in patients on NSAIDs (p=0.134), nor in performing biochemical monitoring in patients on RAS-inhibitors (p=0.219 for creatinine, p=0.062 for potassium).Conclusions: Biochemical monitoring in patients on RAS-inhibitors and use of GPAs in patients on NSAIDs is poorly performed at the Agogo Presbyterian Hospital in Ghana. Improving the already existing Ghanaian guidelines, especially those for RAS-inhibitors, and encouraging their widespread use among prescribers should be pursued.Keywords: Ghana, Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Agents, Anti-Ulcer Agents, Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors, Angiotensin Receptor Antagonists, Drug monitorin

    ICT integration in teaching and learning: Perceptions and practices in Ghanaian college of education

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    This research study investigates the perceptions and practices of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) integration in teaching and learning within Ghanaian Colleges of Education. With the increasing recognition of ICT as a valuable tool in education, it is crucial to understand how these technologies are being utilized in the context of teacher training institutions, specifically in Ghana. The research employs a qualitative data collection method. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to gather comprehensive insights into the perceptions and practices of ICT integration among college faculty and students. The participants include teacher educators, and pre-service teachers in Ghanaian College of Education. Through thematic analysis, the qualitative data provide a deeper understanding of various stakeholders' attitudes, beliefs, and perceptions toward ICT integration. The findings of this study contribute to the existing body of knowledge on ICT integration in teaching and learning in Ghanaian College of Education. It will shed light on the current practices, challenges faced, and potential opportunities for improvement. The research outcome can inform policy decisions, curriculum development, and professional development initiatives to enhance ICT integration within teacher training programs in Ghana. By addressing the perceptions and practices surrounding ICT integration, this study aspires to support the transformation of teacher education, leading to more proficient and technologically equipped educators prepared for the 21st-century classroom challenges

    Possible factors influencing the transmission and control of the soil-borne wheat mosaic virus in Kansas

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    Call number: LD2668 .T4 1965 A22Master of Scienc
