964 research outputs found

    We shall not practice to endure : a pilot study on four horses’ behavior and heart rate during various forms of horse-assisted interventions

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    Att hĂ€star har hjĂ€lp mĂ€nniskor att mĂ„ bĂ€ttre har lĂ€nge varit kĂ€nt. Under de senaste Ă„rtiondena har hĂ€star mer och mer börjat anvĂ€ndas som ett hjĂ€lpmedel i terapi. I och med den ökade anvĂ€ndningen av hĂ€starna och den hela tiden utvecklande synen pĂ„ vĂ€lfĂ€rd, uppkommer frĂ„gor kring hĂ€stens vĂ€lfĂ€rd i dessa terapisammanhang. HĂ€star kan pĂ„verkas negativt av stressade och nervösa personer. PĂ„ grund av detta har terapihĂ€star utpekats att vara större i större risk att utsĂ€ttas för bristande vĂ€lfĂ€rd. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur hĂ€starna i terapisammanhanget pĂ„ Humlamaden upplevde sin situation emotionellt. De olika momenten som undersöktes var ”Avslappning pĂ„ hĂ€strygg”, ”Mindful ridning” och ”Tuggande i box”. För att uppnĂ„ syftet undersöktes beteende och hjĂ€rtfrekvens pĂ„ gĂ„rdens fyra terapihĂ€star under de olika terapimomenten. HĂ€starna fungerade som sina egna kontroller och terapisituationer jĂ€mfördes med antingen att hĂ€starna fick vara sjĂ€lva eller ridna av vana ryttare. HjĂ€rtfrekvensen mĂ€ttes innan, under och efter de olika momenten och observation för beteende gjordes under tiden för terapi och under kontrollmomenten. Resultaten Ă€r ett medelvĂ€rde av hjĂ€rtfrekvens och utförda beteenden. Ingen signifikans gick att rĂ€kna ut av resultatet pĂ„ grund av för lite data. Utförda beteenden skilde sig inte Ă„t under ”Avslappning pĂ„ hĂ€strygg” och ”Tuggade i box” jĂ€mfört med dess kontroll. Under ”Mindful ridning” utfördes svischande av svans och öron bak mer ofta under terapiridning. Ingen hjĂ€rtfrekvensökning som indikerar psykologisk stress kunde ses under ”Avslappning pĂ„ hĂ€strygg” eller ”Mindful ridning”. Dock sĂ„gs en höjning av hjĂ€rtfrekvens hos ponnyerna i slutet av momentet ”Tuggande i box”. Det Ă€r för studien oklart vad denna höjning beror pĂ„. Vidare studier angĂ„ende hĂ€starnas beteende under terapiridningen och höjningen av ponnyernas hjĂ€rtfrekvenshöjning i ”Tuggande i box” Ă€r av intresse för att kunna dra korrekta slutsatser. I övrigt finns inget som i studien som tyder pĂ„ att hĂ€starna skulle uppleva terapin stressande. Det finns heller inget som tyder pĂ„ att hĂ€starna istĂ€llet upplever den positiv. Förhoppningen Ă€r att denna pilotstudie kan ge en inblick i situationen för dessa hĂ€star och vara vĂ€gledande för vidare forskning.It has been known, for a long time, that horses have the ability to make people feel better. In recent decades, horses used in therapy has increased rapidly. And with the increased use of horses and the constantly evolving view of welfare, questions about the welfare for the "therapy horses" arise. Horses can be negatively affected by stressed and nervous people. Because of this, therapy horses have been named to be at greater risk of being exposed to inadequate welfare. The purpose of this study was to investigate how the horses in the therapy context at Humlamaden experienced their situation emotionally. The various elements that were examined were "Relaxation on horseback", "Mindful riding" and "Chewing in box". To achieve the purpose, the behavior and heart rate of the farm's four therapy horses were examined during the various therapy sessions. The horses acted as their own controls. The heart rate was measured within, during and after the various steps, and observation of behavior was made during therapy and control situations. The results are a mean value of heart rate and behaviors performed. No significance could be calculated from the result due to too little data. Performed behaviors did not differ during "Relaxation on horseback" and "Chewed in a box". During "Mindful riding", tail swishing and ears back was performed more often during therapy riding. No increase in heart rate indicating psychological stress could be seen under "Relaxation on horseback" or "Mindful riding". However, an increase in heart rate in the ponies was seen at the end of the session "Chewing in box". It is unclear to the study what this increase is due to. Further studies regarding the horse’s behavior during therapy riding and the increase in the ponies' heart rate during "Chewing in a box" are of interest to be able to draw correct conclusions. Otherwise, there is nothing in the study that indicates that the horses would experience the therapy stressful. There is also no indication that the horses instead experience it in a positive manner. Hopefully, this pilot study can provide an insight into the situations for these horses and be a guide for further research

    Ekstrakorporaalse membraanoksĂŒgenisatsiooni rakendamine COVID-19-ga kaasneva kopsupĂ”letikuga rasedatele patsientidele – ĂŒlevaade ja haigusjuhtude kirjeldus

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    Ekstrakorporaalne membraanoksĂŒgenisatsioon ehk EKMO on ravimeetod, millega toetatakse kriitilises seisundis patsientide vereringet ja/vĂ”i gaasivahetust olukorras, kus raske sĂŒdame- vĂ”i hingamispuudulikkus ei ole muude intensiivravi vĂ”tetega ravitav. EKMO kasutamine hoogustus 21. sajandi algul seoses A-gripi puhangutega ning ka kĂ€esoleva COVID-19-pandeemia ajal on seda ravimeetodit laialdaselt kasutatud kĂ”ige raskemas seisundis patsientidel. Artiklis on kirjeldatud EKMO kasutamist kahel COVID19-ga kaasnenud kopsupĂ”letikuga rasedal. Lisatud on kirjanduse ĂŒlevaade

    MĂŒrgistus sĂŒmpatomimeetikumidega – kirjanduse ĂŒlevaade ja haigusjuhtude kirjeldus

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    Amfetamiini, metamfetamiini ja 3,4-metĂŒleendioksĂŒmetamfetamiini (MDMA) ehk ecstasy mĂŒrgistus avaldub kliiniliselt mĂŒrgistussĂŒndroomi – sĂŒmpatomimeetilise toksidroomina –, millele on iseloomulik tahhĂŒkardia, hĂŒpertensioon, mĂŒdriaas, higistamine ja psĂŒhhomotoorne rahutus. Raskematel juhtudel vĂ”ib kujuneda vĂ€ljendunud hĂŒpertermia ja hulgielundipuudulikkus. SĂŒmpatomimeetilist toksidroomi vĂ”ivad pĂ”hjustada ĂŒha kasvav hulk kasutusele tulevaid uusi sĂŒnteetilisi sĂŒmpatomimeetikume. Ravi aspektist ei ole niivĂ”rd oluline konkreetse aine tuvastamine kui sĂŒmpatomimeetilise toksidroomi Ă€ratundmine ja sellepĂ”hine kĂ€sitlus. Artiklis on kirjeldatud kahte fulminantse kuluga mĂŒrgistust sĂŒmpatomimeetikumidega. Lisatud on kirjanduse ĂŒlevaade

    Are new animal welfare rules coming back to bite the Swedish pig producers?

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    Föreskrifterna för grishÄllning kom i december 2017 att Àndras. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie Àr att reda ut varför en ny föreskrift tillkom och antogs, vad forskningen sÀger om tidig avvÀnjning och att Äterge debatten som följde. 10% av smÄgrisarna i en djuromgÄng fÄr sedan dess avvÀnjas en vecka tidigare Àn innan, vid levnadsdag 21 istÀllet för 28. Dock endast om elva extra krav Àr uppfyllda. Dessa nya förÀndringar har fÄtt mycket uppmÀrksamhet och skapat sÄvÀl medial som politisk debatt. Jordbruksverket valde att göra dessa Àndringar för att öka konkurrenskraften för svenska grisproducenter gentemot utlÀndska. Detta med stöd frÄn en pilotstudie som visade att tidig avvÀnjning kan leda till ökad produktion. De menar, med stöd frÄn pilotstudien, att dessa nya Àndringar kan göras utan att djurvÀlfÀrden blir lidande. Det Àr just djurvÀlfÀrden som ifrÄgasÀtts av de kritiska rösterna. Forskningen visar att den tidiga avvÀnjningen kommer att vara skadande för smÄgrisarna. De utsÀtts för en ökad risk att drabbas av gastrointestinala problem, ökad stress och försÀmrad tillvÀxt samt beteendestörningar. Det finns Àven forskning som ifrÄgasÀtter att denna tidigare avvÀnjning skulle leda till ökad produktion. Innan Jordbruksverket genomförde lagÀndringen skickades förslaget ut till flertalet remissinstanser. Majoriteten av dessa avströk förslaget, och trots detta genomfördes lagÀndringen. Detta blev sÄledes mycket omdebatterat av bÄde i media och pÄ politisk nivÄ. Sammanfattningsvis blir övertygelsen, precis som de flesta remissvar och kritiska röster, att detta kan komma att fÄ negativa konsekvenser. BÄde smÄgrisarnas vÀlfÀrd och grisproducenterna riskerat att drabbas negativt av den nya föreskriften. Det svenska mervÀrdet riskerar att försvagas och pÄ sÄ sÀtt riskerar de svenska grisproducenterna att genom denna nya föreskrift, bita sig i svansen.The Swedish Agriculture Agency amended the national regulations for animal keeping in December 2017. The purpose of this study is to sort out how and why the new regulations was adopted, what the science says about early weaning and to retell the public debate that followed. According to the new regulations, 10% of piglets in a stock of animals may be weaned a week earlier than previously, on day 21, instead of day 28. However, this is only allowed if eleven additional requirements are met. The new regulations regarding the weaning of piglets have received much attention and have created media and political debate. The Swedish Agriculture Agency claims that the new regulations will improve the competitiveness of Swedish pig producers vis-à-vis foreign producers. On the basis of a pilot study, they argue that the changes to the regulations will not impair animal welfare. The pilot study in question also showed that earlier weaning leads to increased production. Critical voices, on the other hand, claim that animal welfare is in jeopardy. Studies show that early weaning is harmful to piglets. They are at increased risk of having gastrointestinal problems, higher stress levels and impaired growth as well as behavioral disruptions. There is research that questions the fact that earlier weaning would lead to a rise in production. The Swedish Agriculture Agency carried out the change in legislation in spite of the fact that the majority of the consultation bodies opposed the change. And I believe, in accordance with most of the consultation bodies and critical voices raised, that the new regulations could have negative consequences for the welfare of piglets, and that Swedish pig producers run the risk of being adversely affected by the new regulations. The additional Swedish value risk being diminished, and, in that way, the new regulation might come back to bite the Swedish pig producers

    Performance Testing of a Network Management System in Challenged Networks

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    Testattaessa sellaisten ohjelmistojen suorituskykyÀ, jotka viestivÀt tietoverkoissa, on tÀrkeÀÀ suorittaa testaus ympÀristössÀ, jossa verkkoliikenteellÀ on samankaltaiset ominaisuudet kuin ohjelmiston kohdeympÀristössÀ. Verkkoemulaatiota tarvitaan, sillÀ testauksen suorittaminen oikeassa kohdeverkossa on harvoin mahdollista. TÀmÀn diplomityön tavoitteena oli kehittÀÀ usean samanaikaisen kÀyttÀjÀn suorituskykytestausympÀristö Tellabs 8000 Intelligent Network Manager - verkkohallintajÀrjestelmÀn testaukseen haasteellisessa verkossa. Tavoitteena oli myös suunnitella ja suorittaa testisuunnitelma haasteellisiin verkkoihin liittyen. TÀmÀ suunnitelma perustui asiakkaiden verkkotopologioihin sekÀ Tellabsin suosituksiin. Diplomityöhön liittyvÀt testit antoivat tietoa Tellabs 8000 Intelligent Network Manager -verkkohallintajÀrjestelmÀn suorituskyvystÀ haasteellisessa verkossa. TyössÀ myös kuvataan suorituskykytestauksen, verkkoemulaattorin ja testiympÀristön suunnitteluvaiheita.When testing the performance of software that relies on network communication, it is crucial to do the testing in an environment which has similar network characteristics as the target environment. Often using real production networks for testing is not a viable option and network emulation is required. In this thesis a multiuser performance testing environment has been created for the Tellabs 8000 Intelligent Network Manager. Also a test plan was created and executed based on customer cases and Tellabs recommendations. The tests related to this thesis gave insight on the performance of the Tellabs 8000 Intelligent Network Manager in impaired networks and on the design. This thesis also describes the design process of the testing environment and the tools related to the performance testing and network emulation

    Suomi–ruotsi-neuroverkkokÀÀntimen rÀÀtĂ€löinti Suomen Pankin vuosikertomuksen kÀÀntĂ€misen tueksi

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    KonekÀÀntÀminen on viime vuosina saanut yhÀ enemmÀn jalansijaa niin yhteiskunnassa yleisesti kuin ammattikÀÀntÀjienkin työssÀ. TÀmÀ johtuu suurelta osin merkittÀvistÀ parannuksista konekÀÀnnösten laadussa, jonka on sanottu jo vastaavan ihmiskÀÀntÀjien tuottamaa laatua. Pintapuolisesti sujuvissa konekÀÀnnöksissÀ on kuitenkin usein vielÀ paljon parannettavaa. NykyisellÀÀn tehokkaimmat syvÀoppiviin neuroverkkoihin perustuvat konekÀÀntimet pitÀÀ rÀÀtÀlöidÀ, eli kouluttaa erikoiskielen lÀhtöteksteillÀ ja kÀÀnnöksillÀ, jotta ne oppivat kÀyttÀmÀÀn vakiintuneita vastineita ja ilmaisutapoja. Tutkielma kÀsittelee OPUS-CAT-neuroverkkokÀÀntimen rÀÀtÀlöintiÀ Suomen Pankin vuosien 2019 ja 2020 vuosikertomuksilla ja niiden kÀÀnnöksillÀ sekÀ vertaillaan Suomen Pankin vuosikertomuksen 2021 ruotsinnosta rÀÀtÀlöidyllÀ konekÀÀntimellÀ tuotettuun ruotsinnokseen. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittÀÀ, miten rÀÀtÀlöinti vaikuttaa konekÀÀnnökseen, kuinka konekÀÀnnin suoriutuu niistÀ vuosikertomuksen osista, joita ei löydy kÀÀnnösmuistista, ja kuinka työlÀstÀ konekÀÀntimen koulutus on. Tutkielman teorialuvussa kÀydÀÀn lÀpi kÀÀnnösmuistien kÀyttöÀ, konekÀÀntÀmisen historiaa ja viime vuosien kehitystÀ, konekÀÀnnösten laadunarviointia sekÀ neuroverkkokÀÀntimen rÀÀtÀlöintiÀ yleisesti. Aineisto- ja menetelmÀluvussa esitellÀÀn Suomen Pankin vuosikertomusta, vuosikertomusta tekstityyppinÀ sekÀ OPUS-CATin rÀÀtÀlöinnin työvaiheita. LisÀksi luvussa esitellÀÀn tutkielmassa kÀytettyÀ konekÀÀnnösten automaattista arviointimittaria (BLEU), manuaalisen arvioinnin pohjaksi muodostettua virheluokittelua sekÀ valittujen arviointitapojen soveltamista. Analyysin pohjalta voi todeta, ettÀ rajallisellakin aineistolla rÀÀtÀlöinti parantaa OPUS-CATilla tuotettujen konekÀÀnnösten ja Suomen Pankin kielipalveluiden tuottaman kÀÀnnöksen vastaavuutta merkittÀvÀsti. Toisaalta analyysi osoittaa myös, ettÀ koulutusaineiston rajallisuus tulee vastaan jo yhdestÀ vuosikertomuksesta kerÀtyn kaksikielisen aineiston jÀlkeen, sillÀ konekÀÀnnösmallin jatkorÀÀtÀlöinti toisesta vuosikertomuksesta kerÀtyllÀ aineistoilla ei enÀÀ paranna vastaavuutta suuresti. Työprosessin kuvauksesta kÀy myös ilmi, ettÀ OPUS-CAT-neuroverkkokÀÀntimen rÀÀtÀlöinti on helppoa eikÀ vaadi suurta teknistÀ perehtyneisyyttÀ. Tutkielman johtopÀÀtöksissÀ todetaan, ettÀ rÀÀtÀlöinnin optimoimiseksi aineiston kerÀys tulisi mahdollisuuksien mukaan ulottaa myös muihin keskuspankin julkaisuihin. Koska OPUS-CATin rÀÀtÀlöinnin voi kuitenkin tehdÀ suoraan kÀÀnnösmuistiohjelmasta tuodulla tmx-tiedostolla, pelkÀllÀ edeltÀvÀn vuoden vuosikertomuksen kÀÀnnöksellÀkin saa nopeasti ja helposti hyviÀ tuloksia

    Correlation of symptom clusters of schizophrenia with absolute powers of main frequency bands in quantitative EEG

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    BACKGROUND: Research of QEEG activity power spectra has shown intriguing results in patients with schizophrenia. Different symptom clusters have been correlated to QEEG frequency bands. The findings have been to some extent inconsistent. Replication of the findings of previous research is thus an important task. In the current study we investigated the correlations between the absolute powers of delta, theta, alpha, and beta frequency bands over the fronto-central scalp area (FC) with the PANSS subscales and the Liddle's factors in 16 patients with schizophrenia. The authors hypothesised a priori the correlations reported by Harris et al (1999) of PANSS negative subscale with delta power, Liddle's psychomotor poverty with delta and beta powers, disorganisation with delta power and reality distortion with alpha power on the midline FC. METHODS: The sample consisted of 16 patients with chronic schizophrenia considered as having insufficient clinical response to conventional antipsychotic treatment and evidencing a relapse. The correlations between quantitative electroencephalography (QEEG) absolute powers of delta (1.5–3.0 Hz), theta (3.0–7.5 Hz), alpha (7.5–12.5 Hz), and beta (12.5–20.0 Hz) frequency bands over the fronto-central scalp area (FC) with PANSS subscales and Liddle's factors (reality distortion, disorganisation, psychomotor poverty) were investigated. RESULTS: Significant positive correlations were found between the beta and psychomotor poverty (p < 0.05). Trends towards positive correlations (p < 0.1) were observed between delta and PANSS negative subscale and psychomotor poverty. Alpha did not correlate with reality distortion and delta did not correlate with disorganisation. Post hoc analysis revealed correlations of the same magnitude between beta and psychopathology generally over FC. CONCLUSION: The a priori hypothesis was partly supported by the correlation of the beta and psychomotor poverty. Liddle's factors showed correlations of the same magnitude with PANSS subscales. Supplementary analysis showed beta frequency correlating non-specifically over FC with a wide range of psychiatric symptomatology in patients with schizophrenia having a relapse

    IL-10 underlies distinct susceptibility of BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice to Mycobacterium avium infection and influences efficacy of antibiotic therapy

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    Increased production of IL-10 has been frequently associated with augmented susceptibility to infection. However, the correlation between IL-10 activity and susceptibility to mycobacterial infection is still uncertain. Although studies using transgenic mice overexpressing IL-10 consistently showed an increased susceptibility to mycobacterial infection, experimental approaches in which IL-10 activity was reduced or abrogated originated inconclusive data. We show here that this controversy might be due to the mouse strains used in the various experimental procedures. Our results show that BALB/c mice are more susceptible than C57BL/6 to Mycobacterium avium infection. This increased susceptibility of BALB/c mice is, to a great extent, due to distinct activity of IL-10 between the two mouse strains. In accordance, reduction of IL-10 activity through the administration of anti-IL-10R mAb, or the absence of IL-10 as studied in IL-10 knockout mice, clearly decreased the susceptibility of BALB/c mice to M. avium but had a less obvious effect in C57BL/6 mice. Moreover, abrogation of IL-10 activity in infected BALB/c mice increased the efficacy of antimycobacterial therapy, whereas for the C57BL/6 mice it produced no effect. These observations show that the activity of IL-10 in response to the same mycobacterial stimulus influences not only the susceptibility to infection but also the efficacy of antimycobacterial therapy. This should now be considered in the context of human response to mycobacterial infection, particularly as a possible strategy to improve treatment against infections by mycobacteria

    Coastal Fish Monitoring in Baltic Reference Areas 2000

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