1,594 research outputs found

    Virtual Processes and Superradiance in Spin-Boson Models

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    We consider spin-boson models composed by a single bosonic mode and an ensemble of NN identical two-level atoms. The situation where the coupling between the bosonic mode and the atoms generates real and virtual processes is studied, where the whole system is in thermal equilibrium with a reservoir at temperature ÎČ−1\beta^{-1}. Phase transitions from ordinary fluorescence to superradiant phase in three different models is investigated. First a model where the coupling between the bosonic mode and the j−thj-th atom is via the pseudo-spin operator σ(j),z\sigma^{,z}_{(j)} is studied. Second, we investigate the generalized Dicke model, introducing different coupling constants between the single mode bosonic field and the environment, g1g_{1} and g2g_{2} for rotating and counter-rotating terms, respectively. Finally it is considered a modified version of the generalized Dicke model with intensity-dependent coupling in the rotating terms. In the first model the zero mode contributes to render the canonical entropy a negative quantity for low temperatures. The last two models presents phase transitions, even when only Hamiltonian terms which generates virtual processes are considered

    The Role of Peripheral Amide Groups as Hydrogen-Bonding Directors in the Tubular Self-Assembly of Dinucleobase Monomers

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    Nanotubes are a fascinating kind of self‐assembled structure which have a wide interest and potential in supramolecular chemistry. We demonstrated that nanotubes of defined dimensions can be produced from dinucleobase monomers through two decoupled hierarchical cooperative processes: cyclotetramerization and supramolecular polymerization. Here we analyze the role of peripheral amide groups, which can form an array of hydrogen bonds along the tube axis, on this self‐assembly process. A combination of (1)H NMR and CD spectroscopy techniques allowed us to analyze quantitatively the thermodynamics of each of these two processes separately. We found out that the presence of these amide directors is essential to guide the polymerization event and that their nature and number have a strong influence, not only on the stabilization of the stacks of macrocycles, but also on the supramolecular polymerization mechanism

    Phase Diagram of Multilayer Magnetic Structures

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    Multilayer "ferromagnet-layered antiferromagnet" (Fe/Cr) structures frustrated due to the roughness of layer interfaces are studied by numerical modeling methods. The "thickness-roughness" phase diagrams for the case of thin ferromagnetic film on the surface of bulk antiferromagnet and for two ferromagnetic layers separated by an antiferromagnetic interlayer are obtained and the order parameter distributions for all phases are found. The phase transitions nature in such systems is considered. The range of applicability for the "magnetic proximity model" proposed by Slonczewski is evaluated.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Blue Stragglers in Galactic Open Clusters and the Integrated Spectral Energy Distributions

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    Synthetic integrated spectral properties of the old Galactic open clusters are studies in this work, where twenty-seven Galactic open clusters of ages >= 1Gyr are selected as the working sample. Based on the photometric observations of these open clusters, synthetic integrated spectrum has been made for the stellar population of each cluster. The effects of blue straggler stars (BSSs) on the conventional simple stellar population (SSP) model are analyzed on an individual cluster base. It is shown that the BSSs, whose holding positions in the color-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) cannot be predicted by the current single-star evolution theory, present significant modifications to the integrated properties of theoretical SSP model. The synthesized integrated spectral energy distributions (ISEDs) of our sample clusters are dramatically different from the SSPs based on isochrone only. The BSSs corrected ISEDs of stellar populations show systematic enhancements towards shorter wavelength in the spectra. When measured with wide-band colors in unresolvable conditions, the age of a stellar population can be seriously under-estimated by the conventional SSP model. Therefore, considering the common existence of BSS component in real stellar populations, a considerable amount of alternations on the conventional ISEDs should be expected when applying the technique of evolutionary population synthesis (EPS) to more complicated stellar systems.Comment: 45 pages, 21 figures Accepted for publication in ApJ (Feburary 1, 2005 issue

    The Hubble Space Telescope UV Legacy Survey of Galactic Globular Clusters. XIII. ACS/WFC Parallel-Field Catalogues

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    As part of the Hubble Space Telescope UV Legacy Survey of Galactic Globular Clusters, 110 parallel fields were observed with the Wide Field Channel of the Advanced Camera for Surveys, in the outskirts of 48 globular clusters, plus the open cluster NGC 6791. Totalling about 0.30.3 square degrees of observed sky, this is the largest homogeneous Hubble Space Telescope photometric survey of Galalctic globular clusters outskirts to date. In particular, two distinct pointings have been obtained for each target on average, all centred at about 6.56.5 arcmin from the cluster centre, thus covering a mean area of about 23 arcmin223\,{\rm arcmin^{2}} for each globular cluster. For each field, at least one exposure in both F475W and F814W filters was collected. In this work, we publicly release the astrometric and photometric catalogues and the astrometrised atlases for each of these fields.Comment: 30 pages, 23 figures. Accepted by MNRA

    A digital-based integrated methodology for the preventive conservation of cultural heritage: the experience of HeritageCare project

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    A sustainable conservation strategy for cultural heritage protection is not feasible without a systematic documentation, registration and management of the information. The adoption of integrated inspection protocols and regular tracking processes, based on standardized procedures and uniform criteria, are the basis to successfully replace actual curative strategies with proactive conservation approaches. The opportunities brought by the digital tools can offer tremendous advantages in this regard. This paper explores the leading role that digitization is assuming in the context of heritage conservation through the experience of the HeritageCare project - Monitoring and preventive conservation of historic and cultural heritage" (SOE1/P5/P0258). The project has developed a digital-based integrated methodology aimed at providing enhanced tools and services to properly document cultural heritage buildings and engage directly owners in the conservation process of their legacy. The structured digital workflow on which the HeritageCare protocol relies is described in detail, encompassing different levels of information. Finally, the full application of the protocol is presented with reference to one of the most emblematic case studies of the project, the Ducal Palace of Guimaraes, Portugal.- This work was partly financed by FEDER funds through the Competitiveness Factors Operational Programme (COMPETE) and by national funds through the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) within the scope of project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007633

    The Chemical Enrichment History of the Large Magellanic Cloud

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    Ca II triplet spectroscopy has been used to derive stellar metallicities for individual stars in four LMC fields situated at galactocentric distances of 3\arcdeg, 5\arcdeg, 6\arcdeg\@ and 8\arcdeg\@ to the north of the Bar. Observed metallicity distributions show a well defined peak, with a tail toward low metallicities. The mean metallicity remains constant until 6\arcdeg\@ ([Fe/H]∌\sim-0.5 dex), while for the outermost field, at 8\arcdeg, the mean metallicity is substantially lower than in the rest of the disk ([Fe/H]∌\sim-0.8 dex). The combination of spectroscopy with deep CCD photometry has allowed us to break the RGB age--metallicity degeneracy and compute the ages for the objects observed spectroscopically. The obtained age--metallicity relationships for our four fields are statistically indistinguishable. We conclude that the lower mean metallicity in the outermost field is a consequence of it having a lower fraction of intermediate-age stars, which are more metal-rich than the older stars. The disk age--metallicity relationship is similar to that for clusters. However, the lack of objects with ages between 3 and 10 Gyr is not observed in the field population. Finally, we used data from the literature to derive consistently the age--metallicity relationship of the bar. Simple chemical evolution models have been used to reproduce the observed age--metallicity relationships with the purpose of investigating which mechanism has participated in the evolution of the disk and bar. We find that while the disk age--metallicity relationship is well reproduced by close-box models or models with a small degree of outflow, that of the bar is only reproduced by models with combination of infall and outflow.Comment: 45 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomical Journa

    IAC-Star: a Code for Synthetic Color-Magnitude Diagram Computation

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    The code IAC-star is presented. It generates synthetic HR and color-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) and is mainly aimed to star formation history studies in nearby galaxies. Composite stellar populations are calculated on a star by star basis, by computing the luminosity, effective temperature and gravity of each star by direct bi-logarithmic interpolation in the metallicity and age grid of a library of stellar evolution tracks. Visual (broad band and HST) and infrared magnitudes are also provided for each star after applying bolometric corrections. The Padua (Bertelli et al. 1994, Girardi et al. 2000) and Teramo (Pietrinferni et al. 2004) stellar evolution libraries and various bolometric corrections libraries are used in the current version. A variety of star formation rate functions, initial mass functions and chemical enrichment laws are allowed and binary stars can be computed. Although the main motivation of the code is the computation of synthetic CMDs, it also provides integrated masses, luminosities and magnitudes as well as surface brightness fluctuation luminosities and magnitudes for the total synthetic stellar population, and therefore it can also be used for population synthesis research. The code is offered for free use and can be executed at the site {\tt http://iac-star.iac.es}, with the only requirement of referencing this paper and crediting as indicated in the site.Comment: Astronomical Journal, in pres

    Local galaxy flows within 5 Mpc

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    We present Hubble Space Telescope/WFPC2 images of sixteen dwarf galaxies as part of our snapshot survey of nearby galaxy candidates. We derive their distances from the luminosity of the tip of the red giant branch stars with a typical accuracy of ~12%. The resulting distances are 4.26 Mpc (KKH 5), 4.74 Mpc (KK 16), 4.72 Mpc (KK 17), 4.66 Mpc (ESO 115-021), 4.43 Mpc (KKH 18), 3.98 Mpc (KK 27), 4.61 Mpc (KKH 34), 4.99 Mpc (KK 54), 4.23 Mpc (ESO 490-017), 4.90 Mpc (FG 202), 5.22 Mpc (UGC 3755), 5.18 Mpc (UGC 3974), 4.51 Mpc (KK 65), 5.49 Mpc (UGC 4115), 3.78 Mpc (NGC 2915), and 5.27 Mpc (NGC 6503). Based on distances and radial velocities of 156 nearby galaxies, we plot the local velocity-distance relation, which has a slope of H_0 = 73 km/(c * Mpc) and a radial velocity dispersion of 85 km/s. When members of the M81 and CenA groups are removed, and distance errors are taken into account, the radial velocity dispersion drops to sigma_v=41 km/s. The local Hubble flow within 5 Mpc exibits a significant anisotropy, with two infall peculiar velocity regions directed towards the Supergalactic poles. However, two observed regions of outflow peculiar velocity, situated on the Supergalactic equator, are far away (~50 degr.) from the Virgo/anti-Virgo direction, which disagrees with a spherically symmetric Virgo-centric flow. About 63% of galaxies within 5 Mpc belong to known compact and loose groups. Apart from them, we found six new probable groups, consisting entirely of dwarf galaxies.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures. A&A Accepted. High resolution Figures 1 and 2 (9616k) are available at http://www.sao.ru/~sme/figs.tar.g
