73 research outputs found

    Impact of the application of monosilicic acid to grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) on the chemical composition of young red Mencia wines

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    Impact of applying monosilicic acid to grapevines during ripening on chemical composition of Mencía red wines in an area where fungal diseases during summer are common was examined. The foliar application of monosilicic acid to grapevines led to a less oxidized wine, with lower levels of acetic acid, acetaldehyde, ethyl acetate and diacethyl; this should be considered as positive from a sensory point of view. Wines made with silicon-treated grapes also contained lower levels of gluconic acid and glycerol, which are chemical markers of wines made with botrytized grapes, as well as higher contents of total phenols, anthocyanins and tannins. Furthermore, the contents of several mid-chain alcohols were higher (p < 0.05) in wines made with grapes from silicon-treated plantsThe authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support by the FEDER/Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities Project: RTI2018-096268-B-I00. This work was partially supported by Comunidad de Madrid (Spain) and Structural Funds 2014–2020 (ERDF and ESF) (Project AGRISOST-CM S2018/BAA-4330

    Choosing celebrity endorsers for advertising campaigns in cosmopolitan China: Does their ethnicity matter?

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    This study asks if endorsers function as surrogates for country-of-origin, and if the effectiveness of the tactic varies with the perceived ethnicity (Western versus Chinese) of the celebrities. It finds no significant influence on the country-oforigin perception, brand attitudes or product quality evaluations in the reactions of 797 consumers in Shanghai to magazine advertisements featuring celebrities of Chinese vs. Western ethnicity. The lack of any significant effect of the ethnicity of celebrities on a brand’s perceived country of origin precludes country image having any effect on those variables for the case of the cosmopolitan Chinese consumer

    Construyendo un nosotros. Arte interdisciplina y salud mental

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    Este proyecto de extensión acreditado y financiado por la UNLP, “Taller arte, recreando un nosotros” se propone promover prácticas alternativas de encuentro y participación colectiva para generar vínculos y relaciones no restrictivas entre internados, externados, familias, profesionales y no profesionales, en el Teatro del Hospital Alejandro Korn, utilizando el arte, la expresión, el juego y la estimulación de sentidos. Se sostiene en el proceso de reforma en materia de Salud Mental que se inicia con la Sanción de la Ley Nacional de Salud Mental (Ley Nº 26657) donde se busca continuar con el proceso de desmanicomialización que se viene llevando a cabo en todo el mundo y que registra antecedentes en las normativas internacionales (OPS, 1990; OPS, 2005; OPS, 2010). Se basa en el desplazamiento del eje de la atención brindada en el hospital psiquiátrico hacia estrategias de atención primaria de la salud con base en la comunidad. En los talleres se promueve la acción social concreta. La construcción de saberes se da conjuntamente con todos los involucrados. Actualmente funcionan talleres de radio, arte y expresión, expresión literaria y jardín de sensaciones. Siendo espacios de producción, de aprendizaje, de circulación de la palabra, de compartir con el otro experiencias de vida y opiniones en donde se rescata la subjetividad, la identidad e historicidad. Fuera del hospital se realizan reuniones de planificación y/ contención, trabajando lo emocional y la grupalidad de los talleristas intervinientes. Estos espacios parten del encuentro INTERDISCIPLINAR, quienes participan son de distintas disciplinas tales como psicología, bellas artes, comunicación social, trabajo social, acompañantes terapéuticos, antropología; articulando el trabajo con otros grupos pertenecientes al hospital, instituciones universitarias y otras organizaciones. El trabajo colectivo interdisciplinar se vuelve uno de los pilares así como el ARTE en tanto medio de expresión y no como fin estético. Lo artístico como lenguaje de comunicación, socialización y como herramienta de expansión de la subjetividad en un espacio determinado, un lugar de salud. Desde la continuidad de las actividades y encuentros se producen cambios subjetivos en los participantes. En ese sentido la apuesta es producir una transformación en lo cotidiano de cada uno para que eso sea retomado en los diferentes dispositivos y actores que apuestan a una externación o mejor condición de la persona internada y una mejoría en la salud mental y salud en general. Palabras claves: práctica transformadora, subjetividad, arte, interdisciplina, salud mental

    Coxsackievirus infection induces direct pancreatic β cell killing but poor antiviral CD8+ T cell responses.

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    This is the final version. Available on open acess from the American Association for the Advancement of Science via the DOI in this record. Data and materials availability: Immunopeptidomics datasets have been deposited under PRIDE: PXD042711. All other data needed to evaluate the conclusions in the paper are present in the paper and/or the Supplementary Materials. All unique/stable reagents generated in this study can be provided by R.M. pending scientific review and a completed materials transfer agreement. Requests should be submitted to roberto.mallone@ inserm.fr.Coxsackievirus B (CVB) infection of pancreatic β cells is associated with β cell autoimmunity and type 1 diabetes. We investigated how CVB affects human β cells and anti-CVB T cell responses. β cells were efficiently infected by CVB in vitro, down-regulated human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class I, and presented few, selected HLA-bound viral peptides. Circulating CD8+ T cells from CVB-seropositive individuals recognized a fraction of these peptides; only another subfraction was targeted by effector/memory T cells that expressed exhaustion marker PD-1. T cells recognizing a CVB epitope cross-reacted with β cell antigen GAD. Infected β cells, which formed filopodia to propagate infection, were more efficiently killed by CVB than by CVB-reactive T cells. Our in vitro and ex vivo data highlight limited CD8+ T cell responses to CVB, supporting the rationale for CVB vaccination trials for type 1 diabetes prevention. CD8+ T cells recognizing structural and nonstructural CVB epitopes provide biomarkers to differentially follow response to infection and vaccination.Juvenile Diabetes Research FoundationSteve Morgan FoundationNational Institutes for Health Research (NIH)Agence Nationale de la RechercheFondation pour la Recherche MedicaleInnovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint UndertakingHuman Atlas of Neonatal Development and Early Life Immunity programNovo NordiskFederal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) to the German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD e.V.)Strategic Research Program in Diabetes at Karolinska InstitutetSwedish Child Diabetes FoundationSwedish Research Counci

    Demand Driven MRP - Nuevo método para la gestión de la Cadena de Suministro: un estudio de caso.

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    RESUMEN La metodología Demand-Driven Material Requirement Planning (DDMRP) fue desarrollado con el objetivo de aumentar el flujo de materiales e información de una cadena de suministro y así mejorar la ventaja competitiva de esta. En la revisión de la literatura se han identificado trabajos de investigación que analizan el funcionamiento de esta metodología en entornos simulados. Sin embargo, no se han encontrado estudios que analicen la implementación del DDMRP en una empresa real. El presente trabajo, por lo tanto, analiza la evolución que una empresa que fabrica componentes para electrodomésticos obtuvo al migrar del MRP al DDMRP. Los resultados obtenidos, demuestran que gestionando los materiales con la metodología DDMRP la empresa aumentó la visibilidad en la cadena de suministro reduciendo considerablemente el efecto bullwhip y los pedidos urgentes. Cabe destacar también la evolución del inventario, ya que el stock físico se redujo mientras que el consumo de los materiales aumentó. Durante todo el proceso el nivel de servicio de la empresa se mantuvo prácticamente en un 100%

    Las aleaciones amorfas en el aula

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    Influence of the aperture area on the performance of a solar funnel cooker operating at high sun elevations using glycerine as load

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    Five funnel solar cookers have been tested to investigate the influence of the aperture area on their performance. The largest cooker had an aperture area of 0.5 m(2) and it was tested side by side with two other two smaller cookers. Each cooker was tested with the same amount of glycerine.The linear performance curves relating the efficiency with the specific temperature difference was determined. Then, the determined regressions of the cooker opto-thermal ratio and the reference time on the aperture area were used to predict: i) the influence of the solar irradiance and the aperture area on the maximum temperature achieved by the load, ii) the time duration required for achieving load temperature from 65 to 140 degrees C, and iii) the power of the cooker. It was found that for a solar irradiance range of 600-1100 W m (2), the pasteurization temperature can be achieved even by the smallest cooker, and the efficiency of the largest cooker is close to the efficiency of a cooker with optimum aperture area. Moreover, when using the largest cooker, under an irradiance of 1100 W m (2) and ambient temperature 20 degrees C, the load can achieve 180 degrees C, implying that frying is possible

    Proposal of a non-linear curve for reporting the performance of solar cookers

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    Performance parameters of solar cookers have conventionally been determined by assuming a linear trend between the cooker power and the difference between load temperature and ambient air temperature. This approach may not be convenient for some solar cooker designs. In the present work, the suitability of a non-linear regression derived from fitting the measured load temperature to a second order exponential polynomial was investigated and compared with the linear regression. Both regressions were compared with the corresponding experimental curves of a panel cooker and a box cooker. In the case of the panel cooker, the linear trend of the experimental plot was confirmed over a large period of the conducted test. Minor deviations from the experimental data were observed only at the beginning and at the end of the test. On the contrary, in the box solar cooker, significant deviations between the linear regression plot and the experimental points were observed, while smaller deviations were obtained using the non-linear regression. Thus, the proposed method can be seen as a promising approach that should be considered when updating the existing procedures for testing and reporting the performance of solar cookers

    Concentrating solar cookers in urban areas: establishing usefulness through realistic intermediate temperature rating and grading

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    Concentrating Solar Cookers (CSCs) are well-known for fast cooking and can significantly contribute to attaining the United Nation's sustainable development goals. CSCs attain intermediate temperatures (120-240 degrees C) and are suitable for several cooking applications. The realistic rating and grading of CSCs is inevitable for establishing their usefulness in urban areas, which is the main objective of the present work. This paper reveals the experimental results of two existing concentrating solar cookers with different geometries and aperture areas. The first cooker is a shallow satellite antenna parabolic dish, and the other is a small deep parabola. Cooker Opto-thermal Ratio (COR) acts as a thermal performance parameter, and glycerin as a test load for their performance evaluation.The mean values of COR for the cookers, CSC1, and CSC3, are 0.180 and 0.092, respectively. The typical theoretical values of maximum achievable fluid temperature are 192.9 and 113.9 degrees C, respectively, and that for reference time are 23.8 and 60.5 min for CSC1 and CSC3, respectively. COR identifies the variation in the performance of CSCs based on a design change. The objective parameters enable realistic intra-cooker performance comparison of the CSCs at intermediate temperatures. The results depict that the existing designs of CSCs can be graded appropriately using COR and provide new insights into their performance at intermediate temperatures realistically. TPP-based realistic rating and grading of existing designs of solar cookers enable their effortless selection as per end-user requirements and help in the faster propagation of solar cooking technology in urban and semi-urban areas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio