119 research outputs found
Proses monitoring dan evaluasi program kerja organisasi mahasiswa yang masih dilakukan secara manual mempunyai kendala seperti lamanya proses persetujuan di setiap level organisasi dan besarnya jumlah pendanaan untuk anggaran alat tulis kantor dan pencetakan laporan, membuat sistem manual sudah tidak efektif dan efisien. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membuat skema sistem informasi monitoring dan evaluasi program kerja (SEMAR) secara online yang diharapkan dapat mengatasi permasalahan sistem manual dan menjadi Paperless office. Metode untuk pengembangan sistem menggunakan (Rapid Application Development) RAD.RAD mempunyai kelebihan berupa proses yang cepat dalam pengembangan sistem karena hanya terdiri dari 3 fase. Penelitian ini menghasilkan skema dan sistem informasi yang dapat membuat proses monitoring dan evaluasi pada program kerja organisasi mahasiswa menjadi Paperless office. Hasil implementasi dari SEMAR dapat menekan biaya ATK dan Print dan perekapan laporan kinerja setiap organisasi mahasiswa dapat didapay secara akurat, efektif, efisien dan cepat. Besaran anggaran ATK seluruh organisasi mahasiswa yang mencapai 20% dari total semua anggaran dapat di alihkan ke kebutuhan setiap organisasi mahasiswa
Performance Analysis of 3G Communication Network
In this project, third generation (3G) technologies research had been carried out to design and optimization conditions for 3G network. The 3G wireless mobile communication networks are growing at an ever faster rate, and this is likely to continue in the foreseeable future. Some services such as e-mail, web browsing etc allow the transition of the network from circuit switched to packet switched operation, resulting in increased overall network performance. Higher reliability, better coverage and services, higher capacity, mobility management, and wireless multimedia are all parts of the network performance. Throughput and spectral efficiency are fundamental parameters in capacity planning for 3G cellular network deployments. This project investigates also the downlink (DL) and uplink (UL) throughput and spectral efficiency performance of the standard Universal Mobile Telecommunications system (UMTS) system for different scenarios of user and different technologies. Power consumption comparison for different mobile technology is also discussed. The analysis can significantly help system engineers to obtain crucial performance characteristics of 3G network. At the end of the paper, coverage area of 3G from one of the mobile network in Malaysia is presented
The portion of state expenditure for regional government tends to decrease, so the government hopes that regional governments could optimize the potential of their regions to increase their income by obtaining other revenues from BUMD. This study aims to determine the prediction of financial distressing in one of the regional companies in Banten province. This research used quantitative descriptive method. Data were collected from financial statements from 2015 to 2019. Data were analyzed by quantitative techniques using the Altman Z Score. Based on the results, it were found that the score of the Z Score has a positive trend score. The Z score obtained in 2015 was 1.50; in 2016 it was 1.65; in 2017 3.08; in 2018 it is 3.38 and in 2019 it is 3.11
Sistem Informasi Geografis Pemanfaatan Aset Tanah Daerah Di Dinas Perumahan Dan Pemukiman Kabupaten Purbalingga
Pemerintah dapat meningkatkan efektivitas operasi administratif dengan bantuan TIK. E-Government dianggap memberikan cara bagi pemerintah untuk melakukan inovasi kegiatan operasional untuk melayani masyarakat dengan lebih kompeten. Kabupaten Purbalingga memiliki aset tanah yang diperbolehkan untuk dimanfaatkan oleh OPD (Organisasi Perangkat Daerah) dan masyarakat umum. Masyarakat umum banyak yang belum mengetahui bahwa asset tanah tersebut boleh di manfaatkan dan letak asset-aset tanah tersebut hanya bisa dilihat di Kantor Dinas Perumahan dan Pemukiman. Permasalahan selanjutnya adalah prosedur dalam pengajuan pemanfaatan tanah yang terdiri dari beberapa tahap pengajuan berkas dan waktu tunggu untuk verifikasi data yang lama. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat Sistem Informasi Geografis (GIS) berbasia website dan android. Permasalahan prosedur pemanfaatan aset tanah yang mempunyai beberapa tingkatan merupakan kenadala yang umum di lingkungan pemerintahan. Framework yang diguanakan dalam pembuatan Scrum. Tahapan yang terdapat pada framework scrum adalah analisis situasi yang berlangsung di objek penelitian Tahap selanjutnya adalah pelaksaan pengembangan sistem informasi geografis yang terdiri dari, Analisis kebutuhan, Product Backlog dan proses Sprint sampai semua product backlog sudah selesai. Hasil penelitian ini adalah Sistem Informasi Geografis Pemanfaatan Aset Tanah Daerah yang dapat membantu pihak Dinas Perumahan dan Pemukiman dalam mensosialisasi, memfasilitasi dan mempermudah proses penyewaan aset tanah daerah
Skills education is a necessity that must be owned by individuals in the era of globalization. This is because life skills are prioritized over knowledge, so an effective management and development system is needed. This paper aims to analyze the management of skills education development in Islam. This research uses a qualitative approach with a literature study method. Reference material is a tool for analyzing and testing the validity of the data. The results of this study indicate that the life skills needed by human resources are (1) general life skills (personal skills, rational thinking skills, social skills, and interpersonal skills) and (2) specific life skills (academic skills and vocational skills). Furthermore, efforts that must be made in developing skills education include reorienting learning, providing vocational skills and reforming educational institutions in terms of management and learning culture. Finally, extracurricular design as an effort to develop student skills education
A gamification framework to enhance students’ intrinsic motivation on MOOC
Technological development supports the distribution of education to various parts of the world through online education. One of the learning media that supports the distribution of learning is the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). However, MOOC has a low number of students who complete the course. Therefore, this research proposes a "gamification framework" through studies and various approaches in the field of games, intrinsic motivation elements, social learning, and interactive learning environments to overcome the low motivation of students. The proposed framework has been evaluated through validation by experts. The results found that the framework fulfilled the rules and suitability of the instruments and game elements used to increase the intrinsic motivation of students in online learning. Although there are some changes in the function and type of game elements used. For further research, the framework will be used as a guideline to build the Gamified MOOC Platform
Context Aware Handover Algorithms For Mobile Positioning Systems
This work proposes context aware handover algorithms for mobile positioning
systems. The algorithms perform handover among positioning systems based
on important contextual factors related to position determination with efficient
use of battery. The proposed solution is implemented in the form of an Android
application named Locate@nav6. The performance of the proposed solution was
tested in selected experimental areas. The handover performance was compared
with other existing location applications. The proposed solution performed
correct handover among positioning systems in 95 percent of cases studied
while two other applications performed correct handover in only 50 percent of
cases studied.
Battery usage of the proposed solution is less than one third of the battery
usage of two other applications. The analysis of the positioning error of
the applications demonstrated that, the proposed solution is able to reduce
positioning error indirectly by handing over the task of positioning to an appropriate
positioning system. This kept the average error of positioning below
42.1 meters for Locate@nav6 while the average error for two other applications
namely Google Latitude and Malaysia maps was between 92.7 and 171.13
Context Aware Handover Algorithms for Mobile Positioning Systems
Abstract: This work proposes context aware handover algorithms for mobile positioning systems. The algorithms perform handover among positioning systems based on important contextual factors related to position determination with efficient use of battery. The proposed solution which consists of the algorithms is implemented in the form of an Android application named Locate@nav6. The performance of the proposed solution was tested in selected experimental areas. The handover performance was compared with other existing location applications. The proposed solution performed correct handover among positioning systems in 95% of cases studied while two other applications performed correct handover in only 50% of cases studied. Battery usage of the proposed solution is less than one third of the battery usage of two other applications. The analysis of the positioning error of the applications demonstrated that, the proposed solution is able to reduce positioning error indirectly by handing over the task of positioning to an appropriate positioning system. This kept the average error of positioning below 42.1 meters for Locate@nav6 while the average error for two other applications namely Google Latitude and Malaysia maps was between 92.7 and 171.13 meters
Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah Dalam Pencegahan Covid 19 Di SD/MI Kota Medan
Merebaknya virus Corona atau Covid-19 di China telah menyebar ke lebih dari 121 negara. Hal ini menyebabkan segala aspek dalam kehidupan terganggu, termasuk sektor pendidikan.Indonesia sendiri mengumumkan terkonfirmasi Virus Corona pada 2 Maret 2020. Sehingga pemerintah mengeluarkan fatwa melalui Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan untuk melaksanakan pendidikan secara daring. Hasil penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana kepemimpinan kepala sekolah menjalankan tugasnya dalam penanganan mencegah penularan covid 19. Subjek penelitian dilakukan di SD Negeri 060855 dan MIN 4 Kota Medan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Pengumpulan datanya dilakukan dengan wawancara, observasi, (trianggulasi) dan studi pustaka. Wawancara dilakukan dengan guru dan karyawan SD Negeri 060855 dan MIN 4 Kota Medan. Partisipan atau informan wawancara ini dipilih melalui beberapa kriteria, antara lain guru dan pegawai sekolah yang terlibat langsung oleh kepala sekolah dalam pencegahan covid-19. Keabsahan data yang digunakan adalah teknik triangulasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah reduksi data, penyajian data, dan pengcodingan data sehingga menghasilkan kata kunci atau sebuah kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwasanya; Pertama, kepala sekolah memberikan kebijakan belajar dari rumah. Kedua, membentuk tim Gugus Tugas. Ketiga, bekerjasama dan menjalin komunikasi dalam memecahkan masalah. Kata Kunci: Kepemimpinan; Kepala Sekolah; Covid-19; SD/MI
A glimpse into the research space of location based services
Location Based Services are becoming an integral part of the wider telecommunication scenario. However, the approaches to provide Location Based Services and the research issues in this area are diverse and broad. In this paper, the present state of the Location Based Service systems has been analyzed. The analysis confirmed the heterogeneity of the research problems associated with Location Based Services as well as the array of solutions to address these problems. On one hand, the study carried out will enable one to get some idea about essential features for the implementation of a Location Based Service system. On the other hand, it is strongly believed that this study will assist researchers and the industry to get a sense of the multidimensional research space of Location Based Services which will be helpful for later exploration of this field
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