11 research outputs found

    Modes of failure and microscopic failures of Betong bamboo strips loaded in shear, bending, tension and compression / Shahril Anuar Bahari

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    Bamboo is an important building material and its potential should be fully utilized. Information on failure properties under load is essential for bamboo to be used as structural materials. In this study, the classification of failure modes, differences of strength properties between failure modes and microscopic failures of Betong bamboo strips were investigated. Specimens were loaded in shear parallel to grain, bending, tension parallel to grain and compression parallel to grain. Specimens were taken from internodes and node parts in bottom, middle and top portions of bamboo culms. From the classification, different failure modes occurred in different portions and parts. In shear, Mode I (Even Splitting) occurred in internodes of all portions and Mode II (Uneven Splitting) in nodes of all portions. In bending, Mode I (Splintering) and Mode II (Simple Tension) occurred in internodes of bottom and middle portions, Mode III (Compression) in internodes of middle and top portions while Mode IV (Brash Tension) and Mode V (Brittle Shear Tension) in nodes of all portions . In tension, Mode I (Splitting) occurred in internodes of all portions, Mode II (Brittle Splintering) in nodes of all portions and Mode III (Grip Splitting) in internodes of top portion. In compression, Mode I (Middle Crushing) occurred in both internodes and nodes of all portions. Strength properties such as Maximum Stress (σml), Stress at Proportional Limit (σpl) and Modulus of Elasticity (E) values between failure modes for all tests were different. Strength properties of failure modes in the same portion and part were not significantly different. Strength properties of failure modes between different portions were significantly different. Similarly, strength properties between failure modes in different parts for all tests were significantly different. From the microscopic observation, the failures occurred in both parenchyma and vascular bundles regions for all classified failure modes from all tests, except for Mode I (Even Splitting) from shear as well as Mode I (radial splitting only) and Mode III (Grip Splitting) from tension test. These modes exhibited failure in parenchyma only, without any failure in vascular bundles regions. Generally, anatomical behaviour had influenced the different modes of failure and microscopic failures of Betong bamboo strips loaded in shear, bending, tension and compression

    A Conceptual Framework of Design and Material Process of Bagasse for Furniture Application

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    This conceptual framework uses bagasse as potential material for furniture design application. Bagasse has been used as an industrial material manufacturing process, some information detected in furniture manufacturing literature. Aims, to identify bagasse in the form of biocomposite material that able used in furniture application. This research was undertaken, where research methods were developed and the material was tested, documented and analysed to inform this biocomposite in furniture design development process. The objective provided new knowledge on bagasse as potential material for furniture design application. This paper acts as material processing outlines and provides preliminary evaluation for final phase results.    Keywords: Conceptual framework; material process; bagasse; furniture design.    eISSN: 2398-4287 © 2020. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bs by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open-access article under the CC BYNC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer–review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioural Researchers on Asians) and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia.   DOI: https://doi.org/10.21834/ebpj.v5iSI1.230

    Electrical resistivity, thermal stability and tensile strength of rice husk flour-plastic waste composites / Shahril Anuar Bahari, Kamrie Kamlon and Masitah Abu Kassim

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    In this study, the rice husk flour-plastic waste composites (RPC) was produced from polypropylene (PP) and high density polyethylene (HDPE) wastes with 30 and 50% rice husk flour (RHF) contents. RPC was made by melt compounding and compression moulding processes. The electrical resistivity, thermal stability and tensile strength of RPC were determined. The RPC was tested in electrical resistivity and tensile strength according to the ASTM D-257 and ASTM D-638 respectively, while thermal stability was tested using thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) method. From the results, high content of RHF reduces all properties, except for tensile modulus of elasticity (TMOE) in tensile strength test. The ability of moisture absorption and the presence of hemicelluloses, cellulose and silica in RHF reduce the electrical resistivity and thermal stability behaviour of RPC from 50% RHF. The good binding elements and filler agglomeration in RPC from 50% RHF improve only TMOE. Insufficient stress transfer and rigid interphase occurred between RHF and plastics during tensile maximum load and elongation at break (Eb) in tensile strength test. In general, RPC from HDPE indicates better thermal stability, tensile modulus of rupture and Eb (in tensile strength test) compared to PP, based on the good behaviour of thermal conductivity, low water absorption, high molecular weight and good elongation properties of HDPE. However, RPC from PP shows good electrical resistance due to the low thermal expansion coefficient of PP

    Cumulative Trauma Disorder (C.T.D) / Sazrin Mohd Mokhtar, Nik Azlin Nik Alui and Shahril Anuar Bahari

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    C.T.D. bolehlah digambarkan sebagai kecederaan pada bahagian sambungan tisu dan persekitarannya akibat dikenakan beban kerja yang berlebihan. Harus diingat disini bahawa C.T.D. tidak boleh dikaitkan dengan kecederaan yang berlaku secara mengejut ataupun serta - merta, umpamanya seperti kecederaan yang disebabkan oleh terjatuh, terkehel dan sebagainya. la sebenamya merupakan sejenis kecederaan yang memakan masa yang panjang untuk berlaku akibat dikenakan beban secara berlebihan terutamanya yang melibatkan kerja - kerja yang berat. Pekerja di sektor industri berat adalah golongan yang lebih terdedah terhadap C.T.D. sebenamya. Begitu juga dengan ahli - ahli sukan. Tapi jangan kita menjangka dengan melakukan kerja - kerja yang ringan, kita akan terlepas daripada mengalami C.T.D. Semua orang adalah berpotensi untuk mengalami C.T.D. walaupun kerja yang dilakukannya hanyalah menaip. Pasti ramai yang akan terkejut sekiranya diberitahu hal ini. Menaip biasanya dianggap sebagai amalan yang langsung tdak mengundang bahaya dan kesan yang memudaratkan kepada penaip

    Electrical resistivity and flexural strength of plastic composites reinforced with pineapple leaf particles / Shahril Anuar Bahari ... [et al.]

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    The electrical resistivity and flexural strength of plastic composites reinforced with pineapple leaf particles (PCPLP) is presented. PCPLP were produced using different plastic materials; Polyethylene (PE) and Polypropylene (PP), and different plastic-pineapple leaf particle ratios; 50:50 and 70:30. The PCPLP were tested and evaluated with respect to electrical resistivity and flexural strength according to ASTM D257 and D790, respectively. The results indicate that PCPLP made from PP exhibits better electrical resistance than PE, which may be attributed to the better frequency insulation behaviour of PP. PCPLP using the higher ratio of 70:30 also exhibited better electrical resistance than the lower 50:50 ratio. Cellulose materials inherently influence the electrical resistance of plastic composites, due to their natural propensity to absorb moisture. The PCPLP produced using a ratio of 50:50 for both PP and PE composites exhibited better MOE results than the 70:30 composites, however the converse is true with respect to the MOR. MOE of PCPLP was increased with increasing pineapple leaf particles content due to the greater matrix stiffness of this natural particle with respect to plastic matrix. However, high percentage of filler particles in the matrix (70:30 ratio) has reduced the toughness in the composite structure due to the lost of physical contact between high accumulated particles


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    The chemical properties of four common Malaysian bamboo species locally known as Beting (Gigantochloa levis), Semantan (Gigantochloa scortechinii), Lemang (Schizostachyum brachyladum) and Akar (Bambusa vulgaris) were studied. Chemical analysis shows that the alkaline extractive content for Malaysian bamboo species studied was within 24.4% to 25.6%, ethanol-toluene extractive content for Malaysian bamboo species was within 4.0% to 7.2% and water extractive content was within 10.4% to 12.8%. The average value of holocellulose content for Malaysian bamboo was between 64.5% to 70.67%, Klason lignin within 25.3% to 28.4%, cellulose content was between 28.5% to 33.8% and α-cellulose content for all bamboo species was within the range of 40.7% to 47.9%. The crystallinity of bamboo samples was between 42.0 to 44.4%, indicating their semi-crystalline structure.  Heating value of bamboo ranged between 17.0 MJ/kg to 18.1 MJ/kg with G. scortechinii having the highest heating value.. The Inductive Couple Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-ES) analysis showed that Potassium (K) and Calcium (C) were the major elements in the ash of all bamboo samples. This study demonstrates the potential of native bamboo species as an alternative sustainable raw material to wood for a wide range of applications

    The properties of agricultural waste particle composite reinforced with woven cotton fabric / Mohd Iqbal Misnon ... [et al.]

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    The production ofparticle composites using agricultural waste materials is an area ofsignificant research interest. 1ngeneral the properties ofagricultural waste particle composites are considered to be inferior to those ofcommercial particleboards. In this study, the inclusion of woven colton fabric has been used to overcome this drawback. Particle composites were manufactures from coconut shell- and rubberwood-particles using urea formaldehyde as a binder andcombined with woven cotton fabric to reinforce the material. Thefabricated agricultural waste particle composites were then evaluated with respect to the effect ofthe number offabric layers in the composite structure and the inherent effect on the mechanical (flexural and impact strength) and physical (water absorption and thickness swelling) properties. Agricultural waste particle composites without any reinforcement were used as control samples in this study. The test results indicate that theflexural andimpactproperties ofparticle composites reinforced with woven colton fabric are better than those for the control samples. It was also determined that both the mechanical andphysical properties improve with increasing fabric layers, except with respect to thickness swelling

    Analysing the Malaysian Higher Education Training Offer for Furniture Design and Woodworking Industry 4.0 as an Input Towards Joint Curriculum Validation Protocol

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    An education programme at the master’s level normally aims to facilitate graduates’ acquisition, mastery and application of advanced knowledge in specialised areas of education. However, there is no learning pathway that aims to improve the level of specific and transversal competencies and skills, with particular regard to those relevant for the labour market in the furniture sector, such as management, entrepreneurship, language competences and leadership toward wood and furniture industry 4.0. The methodology for this research inquiry was based upon a survey questionnaire of 54 respondents during the MAKING4.0 Seminar at Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) in Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia. The results were analysed from the Work Package 1 (WP1) “Analysis and comparison of the current Higher Education training offer and furniture and woodworking industry”, before the learning outcomes were defined for each of the identified topics. The definition of learning outcomes was made considering the Recommendations of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF), and subsequently harmonised with the Programme Learning Outcomes defined in the Malaysian Qualification Framework 2nd edition (MQF2.0) for a Master´s Degree Level 7. The identified learning outcomes have been grouped into four modules: (1) Processes and Production of Furniture, (2) Intelligent and Sustainable Design, (3) Wood and New Materials, and (4) Innovation Management. Results of the study indicated that MAKING4.0 is in line with the actions highlighted in the Malaysian Education Blueprint (2015–2025) and the objectives of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry in developing the National Industry 4.0 policy framework. MAKING4.0 aims to ensure an adequate supply of human capital and skills, as well as develop an innovative master’s degree to modernise the current training offer in wood and furniture technology processes and design around Industry 4.0 in Malaysia

    Strength Performance and Microstructure Characteristic of Naturally-Bonded Fiberboard Composite from Malaysian Bamboo (Bambusa vulgaris)

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    This study investigated the mechanical properties and microstructural characteristics of fiberboard composite produced by naturally-bonded Malaysian bamboo fiber (Bambusa vulgaris). The components that obtained through soda pulping of bamboo culms such as fiber and black liquor, were used for the preparation of high-density fibreboard composite at two target densities of 850 and 950 kg/m3. The bamboo fiberboard composite (BFC) were then produced at 200°C and two pressing parameters of 125 and 175 s/mm. The mechanical properties, e.g., flexural strength and internal bonding (IB) of BFC samples were evaluated according to BS EN 310: 1993 and BS EN 319: 1993, respectively. It was found that the mechanical performance of the composite with 850 kg/m3 density was significantly higher than 950 kg/m3 ones, especially for the samples with 125 s/mm pressing parameter. Microstructure characteristic of the BFC samples illustrated that the fiber linkages were cracked in the composites with higher density, e.g., the composite with the density of 950 kg/m3 and also black liquor were slightly degraded at longer pressing time, which led to the reduction in mechanical properties, especially in IB strength

    Comparative study of celluloses from biofilm-forming bacteria for development of cellulose-reinforced Product

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    This study was conducted to compare the celluloses from Acetobacter xylinum and Pseudomonas fluorescens. Results showed that A. xylinum and P. fluorescens produce insoluble and soluble cellulose respectively. The agitation at several speeds was found to affect the form and yield of bacterial celluloses.Based on FTIR spectroscopy,the biochemical composition of A. xylinum cellulose was apparently distinct from that of p. fluorescens with regards to the spectral region between 830 cm-1 and 1400 cm-1.Sample preparation of P. fluorescens cellulose for XRD analysis was unsuccessful due to its high solubility in culture medium whilst XRD analysis demonstrated the high crystallinity (92.13%)of A.xylinum cellulose. Collectively, the variations between A.xylinum and P. fluorescents celluloses could be observed in terms of cellulose form, cellulose yield, biochemical composition and crystallinity. The findings from this study are expected to assist the industries in choosing the right source of bacterial cellulose for their commercial products