2,371 research outputs found
Measuring the impact of tourism lifestyle entrepreneurship on the tourist experience: Scale development
This dissertation develops a four-item scale to measure the impact of a tourism lifestyle entrepreneur on the touristic experience and seeks to understand to what extent the tourist perceives, through what is provided, that the tourism business owner, is not a “common entrepreneur”. After an item generation, data was collected from two different surveys with 200 answers, and exploratory and confirmatory factorial analyses were performed to test discriminant and nomological validity. The correlation between the variables is significant at level 0.01 and the coefficients are positive. Cronbach’s Alpha is acceptable with a value of 0.736. Results complement the existing literature on this topic and allow further research to measure the tourist perception of tourism lifestyle entrepreneurship.A seguinte dissertação desenvolve uma escala com quatro itens para medir o impacto de um empreendedor de estilo de vida turístico na experiência turística e para compreender de que forma, o turista se apercebe, através do que lhe é fornecido, que quem está do lado do gestor não é um “empreendedor comum". Após a geração de itens, foram recolhidos dados de dois inquéritos com 200 respostas válidas e realizadas análises fatoriais exploratórias e confirmatórias para testar a validade discriminatória e nomológica. A correlação entre as variáveis é significante no nível 0.01 e os coeficientes entre as escalas são positivos. O Alfa de Cronbach é aceitável, tendo um valor de 0.736. Os resultados complementam a literatura existente sobre este tópico e permitem uma maior investigação para medir a perceção turística em relação a estes empreendedores
Development and Experimentation of New Tools for Bioassays with Red Blood Cells
The aim of this work was to develop new tools for handling and studying of erythrocytes. In this context, biological nanoprobes were developed, combining Quantum Dots nanoparticles with specific antibodies to detect proteins in erythrocytes. Also, a microfluidic platform was designed and constructed to evaluate the cytotoxic effect in single-cell analysis of used QDs.
To determine the experimental conditions for bioconjugation, preliminary studies were performed to analyse the electrophoretic behaviour of QDs and their pH stability. It was demonstrated that the mobility depends on the surface charge of QDs and it is not affected in pH range between 5 and 8.
To evaluate the cytotoxic effect of non-conjugated nanoparticles, QDs functionalized with three different groups were used: PDDA, PEG and COOH, at concentrations of 10, 50 and 100nM. The results showed that the interaction between QDs and cells induces a general oxidative stress, which increases with the concentration of QDs.
The conjugation reaction between COOH-QDs and monoclonal antibodies against antigenic protein AMA1 and transmembrane Glycophorin A protein was performed by EDC/NHS chemistry. The QDs-Ab complexes were characterized by agarose gel, comparing their molecular weight and electrophoretic mobility with non-conjugated nanoparticles. Using SDS-PAGE and Immunoblotting techniques, the samples were analysed in order to evaluate their ligation properties, as well as their biological activity.
The final bioconjugates were then biological tested, namely in detection of GPA protein in erythrocytes and antigenic AMA1 protein in infected B.ovis erythrocytes, through the immunofluorescence assays on slide and in solution. Comparing the results obtained with QDs and the traditional assays with FITC conjugated antibodies, QDs-Ab complexes appear to be more resistant during large periods of excitation
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on outpatient medicines use: antibiotics as an example
Trabalho Final de Mestrado Integrado, Ciências Farmacêuticas, 2021, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Farmácia.Contexto: A pandemia COVID-19 foi originada pelo novo coronavírus, SARS-CoV-2, que se propagou rapidamente por todo o mundo. As medidas de Saúde Pública que foram implementadas para reduzir a transmissão do vírus limitaram o acesso a prescrições médicas e poderão ter afetado a dispensa de medicamentos. O real impacto da pandemia e das medidas associadas no consumo de medicamentos em ambulatório não é conhecido.
Objetivo: Avaliar o impacto da pandemia COVID-19 nos padrões de utilização de antibióticos de uso sistémico na comunidade, em Portugal.
Método: Foi realizado um estudo descritivo e selecionados para análise, antibióticos de uso sistémico (classificação ATC J01). Uma análise de séries temporais, usando o modelo autorregressivo integrado de médias móveis (ARIMA), de indicadores de qualidade para o consumo de antibióticos na comunidade, em Portugal, foi realizada de 1 de janeiro de 2016 a 31 de dezembro de 2020.
Resultados: O consumo de antibióticos (J01) diminuiu acentuadamente nos primeiros três meses de pandemia em Portugal, tendo uma redução significativa de 3 DIDs por mês no efeito de curto prazo (ρ = 0.0086). Após o início da pandemia, melhorias foram obtidas apenas a curto prazo para o consumo de penicilinas (ρ = 0.0247) e cefalosporinas (ρ = 0.0067). Não foram encontradas alterações significativas no consumo de macrólidos, lincosamidas e estreptograminas, quinolonas e no consumo relativo de penicilinas sensíveis às ß-lactamases e cefalosporinas de 3ª e 4ª geração. O consumo relativo de fluoroquinolonas aumentou a longo prazo +0.160% (ρ = 0.0199). O consumo relativo de penicilinas com inibidores das ß-lactamases e a razão entre antibióticos de amplo e estreito espectro sofreu um aumento a curto prazo (0.768% e 9.6, respetivamente), mas uma diminuição a longo prazo (-0.343% e -1.7, respetivamente).
Conclusão: Existem alguns fatores relacionados à pandemia que levaram à diminuição do consumo de antibióticos de algumas classes, como o confinamento, a diminuição do número de consultas médicas presenciais realizadas e a redução da transmissão de outras infeções respiratórias. No geral, os nossos resultados mostram que a pandemia COVID-19 levou a um decrescimento no consumo de antibióticos, o que no futuro pode significar uma diminuição de resistências bacterianas.Background: The COVID-19 pandemic was generated by the new coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, and spread rapidly throughout the world. Public-health measures that were implemented to reduce virus transmission have limited access to medical prescriptions, and it may have affected the dispensing of medicines. The real impact of the pandemic and associated measures on outpatient medicines use is unknown.
Objective: The aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the patterns of use antibacterials for systemic use in the community, in Portugal.
Methods: A descriptive study was conducted and antibiotics for systemic use (ATC classification J01) were selected for analysis. An interrupted time series analysis using the autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model of quality indicators for antibiotic consumption in the community in Portugal was performed from January 1st, 2016, to December 31st, 2020.
Results: The consumption of antibiotics (J01) declined sharply in the first three months of the pandemic in Portugal, having a significant reduction of 3 DIDs per month in the short-term effect (ρ = 0.0086). After the beginning of the pandemic, improvements were obtained only in the short-term for the consumption of penicillins (ρ = 0.0247) and cephalosporins (ρ = 0.0067). No changes were found in the consumption of macrolides, lincosamides and streptogramins, quinolones, and in the relative consumption of penicillins sensitive to ß-lactamase and 3rd and 4th generation cephalosporins. The relative consumption of fluoroquinolones increased in the long-term +0.160% (ρ = 0.0199). The relative consumption of penicillins with ß-lactamase inhibitors and the ratio broad- to narrow-spectrum antibiotics suffered a short-term increase (0.768% and 9.6, respectively) but a long-term decrease (-0.343% and -1.7, respectively).
Conclusion: There are some factors related to the pandemic that might be related to the decrease in antibiotic consumption, such as lockdown, the decrease in the number of face-to-face medical consultations, the reduction in the transmission of other respiratory infections, enhanced by the use of face mask and hand sanitiser. In general, our results reveal that the COVID-19 pandemic led to a decrease in the consumption of antibiotics, which we hope a reduction in bacterial resistance in the future
Andorinha in Brazil and its later flight back home
Sovena is the second worldwide olive oil player, just behind the Spanish Carbonell. In order to achieve this position, Sovena started expanding its business to international markets by acquiring or creating local brands in order to adapt to local communities’ tastes. In line with the company’s strategy, many brands emerged. Andorinha is one of Sovena’s portfolio brands and the one immediately related to the Brazilian market. Being a success and growing at twice the market, Andorinha is seen has a phenomenon. For its quality, communication strategy and packaging design, Andorinha has been receiving many awards and compliments. In 2009 it was considered the best olive oil in the Brazilian market and in 2010, received the 3rd consecutive gold medal in the Monde Selection international contest as well as the 2010 gold medal for the best packaging design in Los Angeles International Extra Virgin Olive Oil contest, among others. Although the company has continued to grow sustainably in the Brazilian market, it had recently made a risky move. In 2010, Andorinha was introduced in the Portuguese market among values of tradition, quality, hospitality and family. Since this was a very recent move, the brand is still having low notoriety and has not achieved the predicted market share. The aim of this thesis is, firstly, to illustrate the prestigious success of Sovena’s international paths, more precisely Andorinha’s importance and success in the Brazilian market and its future steps, as well has suggesting strategies in order to improve brand awareness and notoriety levels in the Portuguese market. I believe this is an opportunity for teachers and students to understand how companies can expand worldwide by acquiring local brands, even if some repositioning strategies have to take place, and to understand that sometimes companies have to re-work on a brand’s positioning in the market to attain their objectives. The first goal is achieved through a case study with relevant information about the olive oil market, Sovena and Andorinha. Moreover, in order to accomplish the second goal, I wanted to go far beyond and provide insights of how could Andorinha improve its image in the Portuguese olive oil market. This was possible through an online survey, developed for the purpose of the case. As so, a marketing research case study was conducted finishing with some conclusions to address the problem. The literature review and the teaching notes will help teachers to conduct an in-class discussion of the case study
Mindfulness, stresse, psicopatologia e estratégias para a gestão de conflitos em cuidadores de pessoas com incapacidade inteletual
Trabalhar com pessoas com incapacidade intelectual é exigente, envolvendo um
contacto pessoal e emocional contínuo e intenso, podendo levar o cuidador formal a
desenvolver stresse e psicopatologia e dificultar a sua capacidade de gestão de conflitos.
Pretendemos explorar os níveis da capacidade de estar mindful (mindfulness), stresse,
psicopatologia e de estratégias de gestão de conflitos, em cuidadores de pessoas com
incapacidade intelectual; analisar as associações entre estas variáveis (e com algumas
variáveis sociodemográficas), em particular, entre o mindfulness e as outras variáveis.
Métodos: 50 cuidadores formais de pessoas com incapacidade intelectual (sexo feminino, n =
40; 80%; M = 42,06 anos; DP = 10,43) preencheram um questionário sociodemográfico, o
Questionário das Cinco Facetas de Mindfulness (FFMQ), o Inventário de Sintomas
Psicopatológicos (BSI), a Escala de Stresse (PSS-10) e a Escala de estratégias para a gestão
de conflitos (EGC).
Resultados: O total de stresse (PSS-10) não se associou às estratégias de gestão de conflitos.
A faceta não julgar (FFMQ) associou-se negativamente à acomodação e evitamento (EGC);
a faceta observar (FFMQ) associou-se positivamente à competição e evitamento (EGC); as
facetas descrever e não reagir (FFMQ) associaram-se positivamente à colaboração e
compromisso (a faceta não reagir também se associou à acomodação/EGC). O total de
stresse e a faceta observar (FFMQ) associaram-se positivamente aos três totais de
psicopatologia (BSI). As facetas não julgar e agir com consciência (FFMQ) associaram-se
(negativamente) e a acomodação e evitamento (EGC) (positivamente) aos três totais do BSI.
O total de stresse correlacionou-se negativamente com as facetas não julgar, agir com
consciência e descrever (FFMQ). As mulheres apresentaram uma pontuação maior no índice
de sintomas positivos (BSI). Os cuidadores com níveis maiores de escolaridade apresentaram
níveis maiores de colaboração e os com menor escolaridade níveis menores de compromisso
e acomodação.
Discussão: Algumas das facetas de mindfulness associaram-se a menores níveis de stresse e
psicopatologia. No geral, revelaram facilitar a colaboração e o compromisso e diminuir o
evitamento. A capacidade de estar mindful pareceu associar-se ao uso de estratégias de gestão
de conflitos mais “adequadas” nesta equipa, apontando para a importância do
desenvolvimento desta capacidade, no mesmo tipo de contexto laboral. / Introduction:
Introduction: working with intellectual disabled people is very demanding. It involves a
continuous and intensive personal and emotional contact which may cause the formal
caregivers to develop stress, psychopathologies and may also hamper his ability to manage
conflicts. We propose to explore the levels of ability to be mindful (mindfulness), stress,
psychopathology and strategies for conflict management in caretakers of people with
intellectual disability; investigate the commonality between these variables (and with some
socio-demographic variables), particularly between mindfulness and other variables.
Methods: 50 formal caregivers of intellectual disability people (female, n = 40 ; 80%; M =
42.06 years, SD = 10.43) completed a sociodemographic questionnaire, the questionnaire of
the Five Facets of Mindfulness (FFMQ), the Psychopathological Symptoms Inventory (BSI),
the Stress Scale (PSS-10) and the Scale of strategies for conflict management (EGC).
Results: Total stress (PSS-10) was not associated with conflict management strategies. The
non judging facet (FFMQ) associated negatively with accommodation and avoidance (EGC);
the observing facet (FFMQ) was positively associated with competition and avoidance
(EGC); the describing and non reactivity facets (FFMQ) were positively associated with
collaboration and commitment (non reactivity was also associated with
accommodation/EGC). Total stress and observing (FFMQ) were positively associated to the
three total psychopathology indexes (BSI). The non-judging and acting with awareness
(FFMQ) were associated (negatively) and accommodation and avoidance (EGC) (positively)
witg the three BSI indexes. Total stress correlated negatively with non judging, acting with
awareness and describing (FFMQ). Women had higher levels on the positive symptoms
index (BSI). Caregivers with higher levels of education had higher levels of collaboration
and those with lower levels of education, lower levels of compromise and accommodation.
Discussion: Some of the facets of mindfulness were associated with lower levels of stress
and psychopathology. Overall, they revealed facilitating collaboration and commitment and
reducing avoidance. The ability to be mindful seemed to be associated with the use of “more
appropriate” conflict management strategies, in this sample, showing the importance of
developing this capacity, in the same type of work context
Avaliação do impacto do tipo de substrato e métodos de extração nas propriedade biológicas de extratos de cogumelos : Pleurotus Citrinopileatus Var. Cornucopiae e Pleurotus Salmoneo Stramineus
A utilização e o consumo dos cogumelos têm vindo a aumentar devido à constatação de
que estes contêm compostos bioativos com propriedades biológicas (atividade
antioxidante, antimicrobiana, antidiabética, anti-hipertensiva, prebióticas, entre outras).
Neste contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o impacto do tipo de substrato e
métodos de extração nas propriedades antioxidante, antidiabética, anti-hipertensiva e
prebiótica de extratos de duas espécies de cogumelos, o Pleurotus citrinopileatus var.
cornucopiae e o Pleurotus salmoneo stramineus. Ambas as espécies foram produzidas
recorrendo a dois métodos de produção distintos: cultivo no substrato padrão (I) e cultivo
no substrato alternativo (II) composto por mistura de substrato padrão com borras de café,
1:1. Os cogumelos resultantes foram colhidos, desidratados e submetidos a três métodos de
extração diferentes, designadamente extração aquosa, enzimática e etanólica, para avaliar o
impacto do método de extração nas propriedades biológicas dos extratos de cogumelos.
Na produção do cogumelo P. salmoneo stramineus verificou-se uma quebra de 86% no
rendimento de produção no substrato II e uma produção morfologicamente atípica. A sua
composição (teor em proteínas, gordura, açúcares e matéria orgânica) não variou em
função do método de produção. Por outro lado o rendimento de produção, a morfologia e a
composição não variou para o Pleurotus citrinopileatus var. cornucopiae.
Na preparação dos extratos, o rendimento foi mais elevado nas extrações aquosa (60-67%)
e enzimática (58-63%). Na extração etanólica houve um rendimento mais baixo (25-32%),
no entanto foi este extrato que apresentou o maior teor de açúcares totais (191 - 299 μg/mg
de extrato). Os extratos das duas espécies de cogumelos não apresentaram atividade
antidiabética (30%) em comparação com o controlo positivo (89%), no entanto o extrato
aquoso de P. citrinopileatus var. cornucopiae I apresentou uma boa atividade antihipertensiva
(IC50 = 123,3 μg/mL). Nos extratos etanólicos de P. salmoneo stramineus não
se detetou esta atividade. Os extratos aquosos e etanólicos das duas espécies de cogumelos
apresentaram atividade prebiótica semelhante à do controlo positivo frutooligossacarídeo
(FOS) e não se verificou diferenças entre métodos de produção (I e II).
Verificou-se a presença de atividade antioxidante, e esta foi mais elevada em extratos de P.
citrinopileatus var. cornucopiae I (2,37 - 11,86 mg de ácido equivalente por gramas de
extrato liofilizado).The use and consumption of mushrooms have been increasing due to the fact that they
contain bioactive compounds with biological properties (antioxidant activity,
antimicrobial, antidiabetic, antihypertensive, prebiotic, among others). In this context, the
aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of substrate type and extraction methods in
antioxidant properties, anti-diabetic, anti-hypertensive and prebiotic extracts of two species
of mushrooms, Pleurotus citrinopileatus var. cornucopiae and Pleurotus salmoneo
stramineus. Both species were produced using two different production methods: growing
in standard substrate (I) and the alternative cultivation substrate (II) composed of standard
substrate mixture with coffee grounds, 1: 1. The resulting mushrooms were collected, dried
and subjected to three different extraction methods , particularly aqueous, enzymaticassisted
and ethanolic, to evaluate the impact of the extraction method on the biological
properties of mushroom extracts.
In the production of P. salmoneo stramineus mushrooms there was a decrease of 86 % in
the production yield from substrate II and a morphologically atypical production. Its
composition (protein, fat, sugars and organic matter contents) did not vary according to the
type of production. Moreover the production yield, morphology and composition did not
change for the Pleurotus citrinopileatus var. cornucopiae. When preparing the extracts, the
yield was higher in aqueous (60 - 67 %) and enzyme-assisted (58 - 63 %) extractions. In
the ethanol extraction a lower yield (25 - 32 %) was reported, however it was this extract
that had the highest total sugars content (191 - 299 mg / mg extract).
The extracts of the two species of mushrooms did not show antidiabetic activity (30 %)
compared to the positive control (89 %), however an aqueous extract of P. citrinopileatus
var. cornucopiae I had a good anti-hypertensive activity (IC50 = 123,3 mg/mL). This
activity was not detected in ethanol extracts of P. salmoneo stramineus. The water and
ethanol extracts of the two mushroom species under study showed prebiotic activity similar
to that of commercial positive control fructooligosaccharides (FOS), and there was no
difference between production methods (I and II).
Antioxidant activity was detected in all extracts, and it was higher in P. citrinopileatus var.
cornucopiae I extracts (2.37 to 11.86 mg equivalent acid per gram of lyophilized extract)
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