189 research outputs found

    Взаємозв’язок порушень вуглеводного та ліпідного обміну з рівнем фактора некрозу пухлин-альфа при експериментальному аліментарному ожирінні

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    In this article it was considered the rates of protein and lipid metabolism, tumor necrosis factor-α, and adiposetissue specific hormones in the blood serum of rats in case of alimentary obesity. It was established that diet-inducedobesity in rats is accompanied by increased production of leptin, total cholesterol and triglycerides. BMI is the mostimportant component that determines the interaction of immune and metabolic processes in terms of alimentaryobesity and positively associated with leptin, TN F-α and total cholesterol. TN F-α, including atherogenic properties,is associated with the increase of leptin.В статье проведено исследование показателей белкового и липидного обмена, фактора некро-за опухолей-α (ФНО-α), а также специфических гормонов жировой ткани в сыворотке крови крыс приалиментарном ожирении. Установлено, что диетиндуцированное ожирение у животных сопровождаетсяувеличением продукции лептина, общего холестерола и триглицеридов. Индекс массы тела выступаетважнейшей составляющей, определяющей взаимодействие иммунных и метаболических процессовпри алиментарном ожирении, поскольку положительно ассоциируется с лептином, ФНО-α и общимхолестеролом. ФНО-α, кроме установленных атерогенных свойств, тесно связан с ростом лептина.У статті проведено дослідження показників білкового та ліпідного обміну, фактора некрозу пухлин-α(ФНП-α), а також специфічних гормонів жирової тканини в сироватці крові щурів за умови аліментарногоожиріння. Встановлено, що дієтіндуковане ожиріння у тварин супроводжується збільшенням продукціїлептину, загального холестеролу і тригліцеридів. Індекс маси тіла є найважливішою складовою, щовизначає взаємодію імунних та метаболічних процесів за умови аліментарного ожиріння, оскільки позитивноасоціюється з лептином, ФНП-α і загальним холестеролом. ФНП-α, окрім встановлених атерогеннихвластивостей, тісно пов’язаний зі зростанням лептину

    Influence of cranioskeltal trauma, complicated with blood loss, on the bile-forming function of liver during the early period of traumatic disease among rats with different resistance to hypoxia and its correction

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    Introduction. The development of multiorgan dysfunction and insufficiency is one of the serious complications of severe multiple and combined lesions. In their pathogenesis, a key role is played by secondary lesions of organs remote from the site of direct injury, which is caused by the systemic response of the body to inflammation and is a characteristic feature of traumatic disease. As a model of the development of organ damage in experimental polytrauma, the biliary function of liver is often investigated. However, the features of systemic disorders, in particular, the biliary function of liver, in conditions of severe skeletal injury, depending on the resistance to hypoxia, have not been studied enough.Purpose: to determine the dynamics of biliary function of liver in case of cranioskeletal trauma complicated with blood loss among rats with different resistance to hypoxia during the early period of traumatic disease and to evaluate the effectiveness of thiocetam in the correction of identified disorders.Materials and methods. 108 nonlinear white male rats weighing 180-200 g were used in the experiments. Previously, individual resistance to hypoxia was determined, rats were divided into two groups: with high- and low-resistance (HR and LR) animals to hypoxia. Subsequently, HR and LR rats were divided into 4 groups: one control and three experimental. Under conditions of thiopentale sodium anesthesia (40 mg kg-1) the first experimental group HR and LR of rats was had cranioskeletal trauma, the second - acute blood loss in the amount of 20-22% of circulating blood volume, the third experimental group after application of cranioskeletal injuries and acute blood loss in order to correct HR and LR-rats were thrown Thiocetam intraperitoneally, dose 250 mg kg-1 of body weight 1 time per day. Animals of the control and experimental groups in 1, 3 and 7 days after injury were catheterized the common bile duct, collected bile, in which the content of total bile acids was determined.It was found out that laboratory white rats, which are genetically different in resistance to hypoxia, also differ in the intensity of biliary function of liver. Among HR rats, the bile content of total bile acids was higher than that among LR rats. Under the influence of cranioskeletal injury, the bile content of total bile acids decreased among both HR and LR rats. Despite the lower initial content of total bile acids in the bile of LR rats, under the influence of cranioskeletal trauma in this group, the degree of the studied indicator reduction was significantly greater than among HR rats, indicating greater sensitivity of LR rats to pathogens of traumatic disease, which lead to damage to the microsomal monooxygenase system of hepatocytes. Under the conditions of acute blood loss additional modeling, the disorders were more visible, but the result was statistically significant only among LR rats in 3 days of the experiment. In addition, LR rats had a greater degree of reduction of the studied indicator in 3 and 7 days of the experiment. Under the influence of seven-day-usage of Thiocetam in the groups of LR and HR rats with cranioskeletal trauma, the violation of total bile acids content in the bile became significantly lower compared to animals without correction. A similar result was found under conditions of additional acute blood loss. Under these conditions, the degree of increase of total bile acids content in the bile was greater among LR rats than among HR rats, which indicates a higher efficiency of Thiocetam among LR rats.Conclusions: 1. The content of total bile acids in the bile among intact HR-rats is significantly higher than among LR-rats. Under the influence of cranioskeletal trauma, the content of total bile acids in the bile is reduced compared to the control, but the degree of reduction is significantly greater among LR rats after 7 days of the experiment. Complication of cranioskeletal injury with acute blood loss causes a significantly greater reduction in the bile content of total bile acids among LR rats compared with HR rats after 3 and 7 days of the experiment. The use of Thiocetam is accompanied by a decrease of liver biliary dysfunction, which is more visible among LR rats with acute blood loss


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    Background. The injured with polytrauma are classified as extremely severe patients, as their emergency care and intensive care is followed by significant difficulties, frequent development of complications, high mortality and survivors disability. Objective. This study is aimed to evaluate the effect of lipid peroxidation in heart, lungs, liver and blood of rats in early and late periods of combined traumatic injury of chest and hips and to establish their influence on the development of multiple organ failure. Methods. The study was conducted on 70 adult male white nonlinear rats. It was determined the content of lipid hydroperoxides and concentration of TBA-active products in erythrocyte mass, heart, lungs and liver. Results. The data prove activation of free radical oxidation at the first day of post-traumatic period. Analysis of the data evidences the increase in of lipid hydroperoxides (HPL) rate in liver homogenate in group E1 in 1.5 times, in all subsequent periods of the research the increase in rate fluctuated within 1.9-2.0 times. In blood and heart the HPL rate increased twice in group E1, reached maximum in group E2 and gradually decreased till the end of the experiment, data exceeded the control group. The highest level of HPL was determined in lung tissues (r≤0.01). In the post traumatic period the highest TBA-AP was detected in lungs and liver. Conclusions. In case of simulated trauma (injury of chest with fractures of both hips) hyperactivation processes of free radical oxidation is observed in 1 day, reaching a peak in 7-14 days of post-traumatic period in blood, tissues, liver, heart and lungs if compared to the control group causing multiple organ failure

    Influence of mandibular fracture on the dynamics of cytolytic and hepatodepressive syndromes among wounded people with massive external bleeding and usage of a tourniquet

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    Introduction. Injuries in today's urban society are an urgent problem. In modern trauma, along with the lesion of various anatomical parts of the body increases the frequency of damages of the extremities main vessels with the development of massive external bleeding. Under these conditions, the only way to escape is to apply a tourniquet lasting up to two hours. At the same time in the structure of militant trauma and injuries in peacetime there is a tendency to increase the frequency of injuries of the maxillofacial area. The main cause of the injured people death is the development of systemic disorders with secondary lesions of tissues and organs remote from the site of direct injury. However, the role of mandible fracture in the development of systemic disorders in the case of acute blood loss and ischemia-reperfusion of the limb is insufficiently studied.Purpose: to establish peculiarities of the liver dysfunction indicators among wounded people under conditions of mandible fracture, gunshot damage of the lower extremity soft tissues with massive external bleeding.Materials and methods. Extracts from the electronic database of Medical Cards of inpatients military personnel who were treated at the National Military Medical Clinical Center "General Military Clinical Hospital" and were injured during the anti-terrorist operation / joint force operation from 2014 to 2019 were retrospectively analyzed. Among them the results of examinations and treatment of 10 wounded patients were selected, they had isolated gunshot wounds of soft tissues of the thigh with massive external blood loss and 8 wounded patients with similar gunshot wounds, and they had additional non-gunshot fractures of the mandible. All the wounded people were immediately provided with hemostatic tourniquet proximal on the injured hip.Shock index, indicators of cytolytic syndrome (activity of serum alanine and aspartate aminotransferases (ALT, AST), the content of total and conjugated serum bilirubin) and hepatodepressive syndrome (serum total protein and albumin) were taken into account from the medical records. Indicators were recorded at the time of admission to the hospital, after 6-7 days and at the time of discharge from the hospital. Additionally, the duration of patients staying in the hospital in each of the examination groups was analyzed.Research results and their discussion. At the time of admission to the hospital wounded patients of both observation groups had a significant increase of the shock index, serum activity of ALT and AST, the content of total and direct bilirubin. During treatment of the wounded patients with additional mandible fractures up to 6-7 days, serum activity of ALT, AST and direct serum bilirubin was significantly higher, and total serum protein content was lower compared to wounded patients without mandible fracture.Conclusion. Additional mandible fracture among wounded people with gunshot damage of the thigh, massive blood loss and ischemia-reperfusion of the limb significantly impairs the functional state of the liver with a maximum of 6-7 days in hospital and is an important factor in systemic manifestations of traumatic disease, which should be considered in clinical conditions


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    Background. The injured with polytrauma are classified as extremely severe patients, as their emergency care and intensive care is followed by significant difficulties, frequent development of complications, high mortality and survivors disability.Objective. This study is aimed to evaluate the effect of lipid peroxidation in heart, lungs, liver and blood of rats in early and late periods of combined traumatic injury of chest and hips and to establish their influence on the development of multiple organ failure.Methods. The study was conducted on 70 adult male white nonlinear rats. It was determined the content of lipid hydroperoxides and concentration of TBA-active products in erythrocyte mass, heart, lungs and liver.Results. The data prove activation of free radical oxidation at the first day of post-traumatic period. Analysis of the data evidences the increase in of lipid hydroperoxides (HPL) rate in liver homogenate in group E1 in 1.5 times, in all subsequent periods of the research the increase in rate fluctuated within 1.9-2.0 times. In blood and heart the HPL rate increased twice in group E1, reached maximum in group E2 and gradually decreased till the end of the experiment, data exceeded the control group. The highest level of HPL was determined in lung tissues (r≤0.01). In the post traumatic period the highest TBA-AP was detected in lungs and liver.Conclusions. In case of simulated trauma (injury of chest with fractures of both hips) hyperactivation processes of free radical oxidation is observed in 1 day, reaching a peak in 7-14 days of post-traumatic period in blood, tissues, liver, heart and lungs if compared to the control group causing multiple organ failure


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    Background. Despite numerous studies on chronic inflammatory processes in colon, the complex problem of chronic enterocolitis (CEC) remains relevant.Objective. The aim of the research is to evaluate the lipid peroxide oxidation and antioxidant defence system in rats suffering from chronic enterocolitis development with underlying streptozocine-induced diabetes mellitus.Methods. The study involved 106 white non-linear male rats. Diabetes mellitus (DM) was modeled by a single intraperitoneal administration of streptozotocin to animals (Sigma Aldrich, USA, at a dose of 60 mg/kg of body weight). CEC was induced by a free access of animals to 1.0% solution of carrageenan in drinking water for 1 month.Results. In the wall of small intestine of DM rats, lipid peroxide oxidation increases and the activity of enzyme link of antioxidant defence decreases reliably. The course of experimental CEC in rats is accompanied by the increase in free radical oxidation in the wall of small intestine and simultaneous increase of enzyme activity of antioxidant defence system, compared to the control.In cases of CEC with underlying DM in rats, the development of oxidative stress in the wall of small intestine is caused by the statistically significant increase in levels of diene conjugates and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, (p<0.01) and the decrease in activity of SOD and catalase.Conclusions. The activation of free radical reactions is an important non-specific mechanism of inflammation development in tissues of small and large intestine in cases of diabetes mellitus

    Аналіз потенціалу системи глутатіону у щурів з аліментарним ожирінням

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    Introduction. Molecular mechanisms of urgent and long-term adaptation to the pathological process are realized with the participation of physiologically active substances, including the glutathione system.The aim of the study – to investigate the activity of glutathione peroxidase (GP), glutathione reductase (GR), as well as the content of reduced (GSH) and oxidized (GSSG) glutathione in liver, adipose tissue, and blood erythrocytes in experimental alimentary obesity.Research Methods. The experimental model of alimentary obesity was reproduced in 48 white non-linear male rats by using a food drive inducer-glutamic acid sodium salt in a ratio of 0.6: 100.0 and a high-calorie diet. GSH and GSSG activity were determined by the Elman method, GR activity was measured by the Ramos-Martines method, GP by Mills method. The protein concentration in the supernatants of the homogenate tissues was evaluated by the Lowry method.Results and Discussion. The obtained data indicates a decrease in the level of GSH after 14 days of the experiment in all the tissues studied. The same trend was observed in the animals of the second experimental group: the GSH index decreased by 36.1 % in the blood and, correspondingly, by 52.8 % and 33.3 % in adipose tissue and liver (p <0.05). The GSSG index changed after 28 days of the experiment, namely increased relative to control. Reduction in the concentration of GSH in rats with alimentary obesity was due to a lack of the studied enzymes of the glutathione system: GP and GR involved in the regeneration of GSH with GSSG.Conclusions. The data indicate a reduction in overall capacity of glutathione system in rat tissues in case of alimentary obesity, as evidenced by the reduction of glutathione and GSH / GSSG ratio. Significant inhibition of enzymes of glutathione in animals with alimentary obesity (glutathione reductase and glutathione peroxidase) indicates their inability to fully confront the damaging effect of excessive lipid peroxidation products.Вступление. Молекулярные механизмы срочной и долговременной адаптации к патологическому процессу реализуются с участием физиологически активных веществ, в том числе и системой глутатиона.Цель исследования – изучить активность глутатионпероксидазы (GP), глутатионредуктазы (GR), а также содержание восстановленного (GSH) и окисленного (GSSG) глутатиона в печени, жировой ткани, а также эритроцитах крови при экспериментальном алиментарном ожирении.Методы исследования. Экспериментальную модель алиментарного ожирения воспроизводили на 48 белых нелинейных крысах-самцах путем применения индуктора пищевого влечения – натриевой соли глутаминовой кислоты в соотношении 0,6:100,0 и высококалорийной диеты. Активность GSH и GSSG определяли по методу Элмана, активность GR – по методике Ramos–Martines, активность GP – по методике Миллса. Концентрацию белка в супернатантах тканей гомогенатов оценивали по методу Лоури.Результаты и обсуждение. Полученные данные свидетельствуют о снижении уровня GSH во всех исследуемых тканях уже через 14 дней эксперимента. Такую же тенденцию отмечено у животных 2-й опытной группы: показатель GSH уменьшался на 36,1 % в крови и, соответственно, на 52,8 и 33,3 % в жировой ткани и печени (p<0,05). Показатель GSSG изменялся через 28 суток эксперимента, а именно увеличивался относительно контроля. Концентрация GSH у крыс с алиментарным ожирением снижалась за счет недостатка изученных ферментов системы глутатиона (GP и GR), участвующих в регенерации GSH с GSSG.Выводы. Полученные данные указывают на снижение общего потенциала глутатионовой системы в тканях крыс при алиментарном ожирении, о чем свидетельствует уменьшение содержания восстановленного глутатиона и соотношения GSH/GSSG. Существенное подавление активности ферментов системы глутатиона у животных с алиментарным ожирением (глутатионредуктазы и глутатионпероксидазы) указывает на их неспособность полностью противостоять повреждающему действию избыточных продуктов липопероксидации.Вступ. Молекулярні механізми термінової і тривалої адаптації до патологічного процесу реалізуються з участю фізіологічно активних речовин, у тому числі й системою глутатіону.Мета дослідження – вивчити активність глутатіонпероксидази (GP), глутатіонредуктази (GR), а також вміст відновленого (GSH) і окисненого (GSSG) глутатіону в печінці, жировій тканині, а також еритроцитах крові при експериментальному аліментарному ожирінні.Методи дослідження. Експериментальну модель аліментарного ожиріння відтворювали на 48 білих нелінійних щурах-самцях шляхом застосування індуктора харчового потягу – натрієвої солі глутамінової кислоти у співвідношенні 0,6:100,0 та висококалорійної дієти. Активність GSH і GSSG визначали за методом Елмана, активність GR – за методикою Ramos–Martines, активність GP – за методикою Мілса. Концентрацію білка в супернатантах тканин гомогенатів оцінювали за методом Лоурі.Результати й обговорення. Отримані дані свідчать про зниження рівня GSH в усіх досліджуваних тканинах уже через 14 діб експерименту. Таку ж тенденцію відмічено у тварин 2-ї дослідної групи: показник GSH зменшувався на 36,1 % у крові та відповідно, на 52,8 і 33,3 % в жировій тканині й печінці (p<0,05). Показник GSSG змінювався через 28 діб експерименту, а саме збільшувався стосовно контролю. Концентрація GSH у щурів з аліментарним ожирінням знижувалась за рахунок нестачі досліджуваних ферментів системи глутатіону (GP та GR), які беруть участь у регенерації GSH із GSSG.Висновки. Отримані дані вказують на зниження загального потенціалу глутатіонової системи в тканинах щурів за умови аліментарного ожиріння, про що свідчить зменшення вмісту відновленого глутатіону та співвідношення GSH/GSSG. Суттєве пригнічення активності ферментів системи глутатіону у тварин з аліментарним ожирінням (глутатіонредуктази і глутатіонпероксидази) вказує на їх неспроможність повністю протистояти ушкоджувальній дії надлишкових продуктів ліпопероксидації

    What Do We Mean by Law and Social Transformation?

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    In Canada the entrenchment of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms generated a good deal of debate about the possibility of using law in the struggle for social transformation. Although couched in general terms, the current debate is ultimately about the possibility of asserting liberal democratic legal rights in courts in order to transform existing relations of subordination and domination. Somewhat remarkably, the positive claim that litigating entrenched legal rights encourages social transformation tends to be made almost exclusively at the theoretical level. Theoretical possibilities, rather than concrete victories, are invoked to support the claim for the transformative capacity of liberal legal rights. Instead of approaching the question of litigating social change from an exclusively theoretical perspective, this paper examines contemporary examples in order to illustrate some of the possibilities of and limits to this strategy. Specifically, the paper examines how both the labour and women\u27s movements have used the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms to further their social, political and economic goals. Not only did these two groups adopt widely different strategies during the entrenchment process, what is entailed by the assertion of bourgeois legal rights has a different meaning for each. Thus, by contrasting the experience of the labour and women\u27s movements in invoking the Charter it is possible to begin to suggest the limits of liberal rights in the struggle for social transformation