457 research outputs found

    Sleep in relation to psychiatric symptoms and perceived stress in Swedish adolescents aged 15 to 19 years

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    Background:Sleep affects psychiatric health and perceived stress during adolescence.Objective:The first aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of poor sleep in a sample of Swedish adolescents aged 15 to 19 years. The second aim was to investigate correlations between: a) sleep and psychiatric symptoms and; b) sleep and perceived stress. The third aim was to examine possible sex differences in sleep.Method:In 2011, a total of 185 Swedish adolescents (aged 15 to 19 years) from two upper secondary schools participated in this cross-sectional study. We used three different psychometric scales: Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), Symptoms Checklist (SCL-90), and Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) to measure sleep, general psychiatric health and perceived stress.Results:In total, 76% of the female students and 71% of the male students had poor overall sleep quality. A large majority, 93%, reported daytime dysfunction and 60% reported problems staying awake during daily activities. The correlation between sleep and general psychiatric health was 0.44 and the correlation between sleep quality and perceived stress was 0.48. Female students reported significantly more sleep disturbances than male students do.Conclusions:Three out of four of the upper secondary school students presented with poor overall sleep that associated with psychiatric symptoms and perceived stress. These findings add to results from earlier studies and imply that interventions to improve sleep in adolescents, individually as well as on a societal level, should be considered as one way of trying to impact the observed rising numbers of psychiatric complaints. Such interventions may improve mental and somatic health in adolescents and prevent the development of psychiatric and stress-related symptoms. Further studies of possible methods, and their implementation, for improving sleep in adolescents should be of high priority

    Könet bakom opinionerna

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    Vår studies syfte är att kartlägga hur könssammansättningen inom opinionsbildningen i FARs branschtidning Balans ser ut samt att utreda huruvida det spelar någon roll för utvecklandet av revisionsbranschen om opinionsbildningen inte är jämställd. Studien utgör till viss del ett komplement till existerande forskning inom genusvetenskapen, men erövrar likaså helt ny mark, eftersom det inte förekommer någon tidigare forskning om opinionsbildningen i Balans ur ett könsperspektiv. Studien ökar inte minst den allmänna medvetenheten inom området i fråga, vilket senare kan ligga till grund för ytterligare efterforskning. Studien har initialt följt den deduktiva ansatsen, men har tids nog övergått i ett induktivt tillvägagångssätt. Konkret har en kvantitativ dokumentstudie och ett kvalitativt intervjuarbete företagits. Teoriramen utgår från genusteori, sociokulturell teori samt från norm- och opinionsbildningsteori. I dokumentstudien fastställs det huruvida könen är representerade i lika utsträckning inom opinionsbildningen i Balans och om det finns några skiljaktigheter mellan könen vad gäller hållningen i de opinionsbildande artiklarna. I intervjuarbetet presenteras respondenternas föreställningar kring könsfördelningsstrukturen inom opinionsbildningen och dess påverkan på revisionsbranschens utveckling. Det finns en könssnedvridning inom opinionsbildningen i Balans, såtillvida att kvinnorna skriver färre opinionsbildningsartiklar än männen. Kvinnornas underrepresentation inom revisionsbranschen tjänstgör som primärt förklaringsverktyg, varvid rådande branschkultur och strukturella barriärer verkar som understödjande orsaker. Det finns däremot inga belägg för att männens könsövervikt varken hämmar eller gagnar revisionsbranschen i stort

    Effects of Delayed Finishing/Polishing on Surface Roughness, Hardness and Gloss of Tooth-Coloured Restorative Materials

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of delayed finishing/polishing on the surface roughness, hardness and gloss of tooth-coloured restorative materials. Methods: Four different tooth-coloured restoratives: a flowable resin composite- Tetric Flow, a hybrid resin composite- Venus, a nanohybrid resin composite- Grandio, and a polyacid modified resin composite- Dyract Extra were used. 30 specimens were made for each material and randomly assigned into three groups. The first group was finished/polished immediately and the second group was finished/polished after 24 hours. The remaining 10 specimens served as control. The surface roughness of each sample was recorded using a laser profilometer. Gloss measurements were performed using a small-area glossmeter. Vickers microhardness measurements were performed from three locations on each specimen surface under 100g load and 10s dwell time. Data for surface roughness and hardness were analyzed by Kruskal Wallis test and data for gloss were subjected to one-way ANOVA and Tukey test (P .05). The lowest hardness values were found under Mylar strip. Delayed finishing/polishing significantly increased the hardness of all materials. Conclusions: The effect of delayed finishing/polishing on surface roughness, gloss and hardness appears to be material dependent.PubMe

    Heuristics for Uninformed Search Algorithms in Unstructured P2P Networks Inspired by Self- Organizing Social Insect Models

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    Abstract: We consider the problem of rapidly searching for resources or files in a distributed, unstructured, peer-to-peer file sharing network. Unstructured p2p network protocols such as Gnutella use a flooding-based mechanism for resource searching that generates considerable traffic in the network for each search query. When the searching activity by users in a p2p network is high, the traffic generated from the search requests could ensue congestion and result in increased search latency and poor performance in the entire network. To address this problem, we describe a resource search algorithm for p2p networks inspired by the stigmergetic behavior of ants while searching for food. Ants are used to encapsulate a search query initiated by a user in the p2p network. To search for the resource corresponding to their search query among the nodes of the network, each ant associates a certain amount of virtual pheromone with the nodes it visits. Later on, ants searching for resources use the amount and type of pheromone associated by previous ants with each node along their search path to direct the search query towards nodes that have a higher probability of resulting in the success for the search. We have tested our algorithm extensively within a simulated p2p network. Our simulation results show that our ant-based heuristics perform better than a completely uninformed or blind search that requires similar message overhead for each search query. When compared to a flooding-based mechanism, although the ant based search heuristic performs less efficiently under certain circumstances, it is capable of reducing the message overhead per search query by an exponential amount with respect to the flooding-based mechanism

    Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act: Selected Bibliography

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    ISER prepared this list of books, reports, and other resources on the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act for the ANCSA @ 40 Committee. It is the most comprehensive such list we are aware of, but there are likely additional resources yet to be identified. Some of these resources are now out of print and may be available at used bookstores or at libraries. More recent publications can be obtained from the publishers or at bookstores. You can also find resources on websites, as noted in the citations.ANCSA @ 40 Committee

    Molecular and functional heterogeneity of IL-10-producing CD4 + T cells

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    IL-10 is a prototypical anti-inflammatory cytokine, which is fundamental to the maintenance of immune homeostasis, especially in the intestine. There is an assumption that cells producing IL-10 have an immunoregulatory function. However, here we report that IL-10-producing CD4 + T cells are phenotypically and functionally heterogeneous. By combining single cell transcriptome and functional analyses, we identified a subpopulation of IL-10-producing Foxp3 neg CD4 + T cells that displays regulatory activity unlike other IL-10-producing CD4 + T cells, which are unexpectedly pro-inflammatory. The combinatorial expression of co-inhibitory receptors is sufficient to discriminate IL-10-producing CD4 + T cells with regulatory function from others and to identify them across different tissues and disease models in mice and humans. These regulatory IL-10-producing Foxp3 neg CD4 + T cells have a unique transcriptional program, which goes beyond the regulation of IL-10 expression. Finally, we found that patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease demonstrate a deficiency in this specific regulatory T-cell subpopulation

    Zika virus causes persistent infection in porcine conceptuses and may impair health in offspring

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    Outcomes of Zika virus (ZIKV) infection in pregnant women vary from the birth of asymptomatic offspring to abnormal development and severe brain lesions in fetuses and infants. There are concerns that offspring affected in utero and born without apparent symptoms may develop mental illnesses. Therefore, animal models are important to test interventions against in utero infection and health sequelae in symptomatic and likely more widespread asymptomatic offspring. To partially reproduce in utero infection in humans, we directly inoculated selected porcine conceptuses with ZIKV. Inoculation resulted in rapid trans-fetal infections, persistent infection in conceptuses, molecular pathology in fetal brains, fetal antibody and type I interferon responses. Offspring infected in utero showed ZIKV in their fetal membranes collected after birth. Some in utero affected piglets were small, depressed, had undersized brains, and showed seizures. Some piglets showed potentially increased activity. Our data suggest that porcine model of persistent in utero ZIKV infection has a strong potential for translational research and can be used to test therapeutic interventions in vivo

    Harnessing the reverse cholesterol transport pathway to favor differentiation of monocyte-derived APCs and antitumor responses

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    Lipid and cholesterol metabolism play a crucial role in tumor cell behavior and in shaping the tumor microenvironment. In particular, enzymatic and non-enzymatic cholesterol metabolism, and derived metabolites control dendritic cell (DC) functions, ultimately impacting tumor antigen presentation within and outside the tumor mass, dampening tumor immunity and immunotherapeutic attempts. The mechanisms accounting for such events remain largely to be defined. Here we perturbed (oxy)sterol metabolism genetically and pharmacologically and analyzed the tumor lipidome landscape in relation to the tumor-infiltrating immune cells. We report that perturbing the lipidome of tumor microenvironment by the expression of sulfotransferase 2B1b crucial in cholesterol and oxysterol sulfate synthesis, favored intratumoral representation of monocyte-derived antigen-presenting cells, including monocyte-DCs. We also found that treating mice with a newly developed antagonist of the oxysterol receptors Liver X Receptors (LXRs), promoted intratumoral monocyte-DC differentiation, delayed tumor growth and synergized with anti-PD-1 immunotherapy and adoptive T cell therapy. Of note, looking at LXR/cholesterol gene signature in melanoma patients treated with anti-PD-1-based immunotherapy predicted diverse clinical outcomes. Indeed, patients whose tumors were poorly infiltrated by monocytes/macrophages expressing LXR target genes showed improved survival over the course of therapy. Thus, our data support a role for (oxy)sterol metabolism in shaping monocyte-to-DC differentiation, and in tumor antigen presentation critical for responsiveness to immunotherapy. The identification of a new LXR antagonist opens new treatment avenues for cancer patients