100 research outputs found

    Steaming effects on selected wood properties of Turkey oak by spectral analysis

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    Turkey oak (Quercus cerris L.) is characterized by some technological and aesthetical factors limiting its market value from its great potential. In this study, the effect of direct and indirect steaming on reduction in equilibrium moisture content (EMC) and colour variations was evaluated using a hyperspectral radiometer. Steaming treatments were carried out at 80C for 48 h, and 120C for 18 and 24 h, showing a reduction in EMC in the order of 8.1, 28.5 and 13.5, respectively, as well as very significant lightness (L*) and hue (h) modifications in comparison with untreated specimens. The spectral signature analysis confirmed that hydrothermal treatments modify wood sensibility to the light source in the entire spectrum range. The study supports the validity of hydrothermal treatments for improving technological and aesthetical properties of Turkey oak

    Genetic Diversity and Variability in Endangered Pantesco and Two Other Sicilian Donkey Breeds Assessed by Microsatellite Markers

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    The genetic variability of Pantesco and other two Sicilian autochthonous donkey breeds (Ragusano and Grigio Siciliano) was assessed using a set of 14 microsatellites. The main goals were to describe the current differentiation among the breeds and to provide genetic information useful to safeguard the Pantesco breed as well as to manage Ragusano and Grigio Siciliano. In the whole sample, that included 108 donkeys representative of the three populations, a total of 85 alleles were detected. The mean number of alleles was lower in Pantesco (3.7), than in Grigio Siciliano and Ragusano (4.4 and 5.9, resp.). The three breeds showed a quite low level of gene diversity (He) ranging from 0.471 in Pantesco to 0.589 in Grigio. The overall genetic differentiation index (Fst) was quite high; more than 10% of the diversity was found among breeds. Reynolds' (DR) genetic distances, correspondence, and population structure analysis reproduced the same picture, revealing that, (a) Pantesco breed is the most differentiated in the context of the Sicilian indigenous breeds, (b) within Ragusano breed, two well-defined subgroups were observed. This information is worth of further investigation in order to provide suitable data for conservation strategies

    Molecular characterization and genetic structure of the Nero Siciliano pig breed

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    Nero Siciliano is an autochthonous pig breed that is reared mainly in semi-extensive systems in northeastern Sicily. Despite its economic importance and well-appreciated meat products, this breed is currently endangered. Consequently, an analysis of intra-breed variability is a fundamental step in preserving this genetic resource and its breeding system. In this work, we used 25 microsatellite markers to examine the genetic composition of 147 unrelated Nero Siciliano pigs. The total number of alleles detected (249, 9.96 per locus) and the expected heterozygosity (0.708) indicated that this breed had a high level of genetic variability. Bayesian cluster analysis showed that the most likely number of groups into which the sample could be partitioned was nine. Based on the proportion of each individuals genome derived from ancestry, pigs with at least 70% of their genome belonging to one cluster were assigned to that cluster. The cluster size ranged from 7 to 17 (n = 108). Genetic variability in this sub-population was slightly lower than in the whole sample, genetic differentiation among clusters was moderate (FST 0.125) and the FIS value was 0.011. NeighborNet and correspondence analysis revealed two clusters as the most divergent. Molecular coancestry analysis confirmed the good within-breed variability and highlighted the clusters that retained the highest genetic diversity

    Bioactive peptides in dairy products

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    Bioactive peptides are specific protein fragments that have a positive impact on body functions and conditions and may ultimately influence health. Most of the biological activities are encrypted within the primary sequence of the native protein and can be released by enzymatic hydrolysis and proteolysis or by food processing. Milk is a rich source of bioactive peptides which may contribute to regulate the nervous, gastrointestinal and cardiovascular systems as well as the immune system, confirming the added value of dairy products that, in certain cases, can be considered functional foods. The main biological activities of these peptides and their bioavailability in dairy products are reviewed. The natural concentration of these biomolecules is quite low and, to date one of the main goals has been to realize products enriched with bioactive peptides that have beneficial effects on human health and proven safety. Even though several health-enhancing products have already been launched and their integration in the diet could help in the prevention of chronic diseases such as hypertension, cancer and osteoporosis, more clinical trials are required in order to develop a deeper understanding of the activity of biopeptides on the human physiological mechanisms and also to assess the efficacy of their effects in a long term view. New scientific data are also needed to support their commercialisation in compliance with current regulations

    Genetic diversity and admixture analysis of Sanfratellano and three other Italian horse breeds assessed by microsatellite markers.

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    Sanfratellano is a native Sicilian horse breed, mainly reared in the north east of the Island, developed in the 19th century from local dams and sires with a restricted introgression of Oriental, African and, more recently, Maremmano stallions. In this study, the genetic relationships and admixture among Sanfratellano, the other two Sicilian autochthonous breeds and Maremmano breed were assessed using a set of microsatellites. The main goals were to infer the impact of Maremmano breed in the current Sanfratellano horse and to provide genetic information useful to improve the selection strategies of the Sanfratellano horse. The whole sample included 384 horses (238 Sanfratellano, 50 Sicilian Oriental Purebred, 30 Sicilian Indigenous and 66 Maremmano), chosen avoiding closely related animals. A total of 111 alleles from 11 microsatellite loci were detected, from four at HTG7 to 15 at ASB2 locus. The mean number of alleles was the lowest in Oriental Purebred (6.7), the highest in Sanfratellano (8.3). All the breeds showed a high level of gene diversity (He) ranging from 0.71 ± 0.04 in Sicilian Oriental Purebred to 0.81 ± 0.02 in Sicilian Indigenous. The genetic differentiation index was low; only about 6% of the diversity was found among breeds. Nei's standards (DS) and Reynolds' (DR) genetic distances reproduced the same population ranking. Individual genetic distances and admixture analysis revealed that: (a) nowadays Maremmano breed does not significantly influence the current Sanfratellano breed; (b) within Sanfratellano breed, it is possible to distinguish two well-defined groups with different proportions of Indigenous blood

    Seismic vulnerability of masonry structures through a mechanical-based approach

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    Enhancing the territorial resilience to natural events, such as earthquakes, is assuming a primary role in the current political debate. In the context of Disaster Risk Management, developing reliable vulnerability models for the seismic risk assessment at a territorial scale is an aspect of crucial importance. In this perspective, the paper presents a mechanical-based method for the evaluation of local-scale seismic fragility curves for unreinforced masonry buildings, based on the exposure data collected in the Italian CARTIS database. It uses a bidimensional finite element model and static nonlinear analyses to obtain the structural behaviour. Monte Carlo simulations are performed to propagate the uncertainties. Both local and global scale structural behaviour are considered to define the damage grade. A case-study regarding the city centre of Cosenza, in southern Italy, validates the proposal

    The comparative analysis of Mediterranean coastal communities: six case studies

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    The aim of this study is to promote cooperation and actions for the benefit of coastal communities on the Southern and Eastern shores of the Mediterranean region by adopting an approach that integrates environmental, economic and social dimensions. These areas are traditionally based on Fisheries, especially small-scale fisheries (SSFs), which contribute to strengthen social cohesion, in that the seafood value chains still represent the backbone of the coastal economy. The six coastal communities analysed in this paper are located in Algiers port - Casbah (Algeria), Marsa Matrouh (Egypt), Tricase (Italy), Tyre (Lebanon), Nador Lagoon (Morocco), Zarzis (Tunisia). Conclusions emphasise the need to develop a comprehensive reference system for dialogue, cooperation and capacity building both at national and regional level. The cluster approach can help create a favourable cooperation and competition environment, generating income and employment opportunities for local communities.Le but de cette \ue9tude est de promouvoir la coop\ue9ration et des actions en faveur des communaut\ue9s c\uf4ti\ue8res sur les rives Sud et Est de la M\ue9diterran\ue9e, en adoptant une approche qui int\ue8gre les dimensions environnementale, \ue9conomique et sociale. Cette r\ue9gion est traditionnellement ax\ue9e sur la p\ueache, et notamment la petite p\ueache, qui contribue \ue0 renforcer la coh\ue9sion sociale, car les cha\ueenes de valeur des produits de la mer constituent encore la colonne vert\ue9brale de l\u2019\ue9conomie c\uf4ti\ue8re. Les six communaut\ue9s c\uf4ti\ue8res examin\ue9es dans ce travail sont situ\ue9es \ue0 la Casbah- port d\u2019Alger (Alg\ue9rie), \ue0 Marsa Matrouh (Egypte), \ue0 Tricase (Italie), Tyre (Liban), dans la lagune de Nador (Maroc) et \ue0 Zarzis (Tunisie). Dans les conclusions, l\u2019accent est mis sur l\u2019importance de structurer un syst\ue8me de r\ue9f\ue9rence global pour encourager le dialogue, la coop\ue9ration et le d\ue9veloppement des capacit\ue9s \ue0 l\u2019\ue9chelle nationale et r\ue9gionale. Le mod\ue8le du cluster pourrait contribuer \ue0 cr\ue9er un environnement de coop\ue9ration et comp\ue9tition favorable, g\ue9n\ue9rant des revenus et des emplois au niveau des communaut\ue9s locales

    Evaluation of HIV-1 integrase resistance emergence and evolution in patients treated with integrase inhibitors.

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    Abstract Objectives We evaluated the emergence of mutations associated to integrase strand transfer inhibitors (INSTI) resistance (INSTI-RMs) and the integrase evolution in HIV-1 infected patients treated with this drug class. Methods Emergence of INSTI-RMs and integrase evolution (estimated as genetic distance between integrase sequences under-INSTI and before-INSTI treatment) were evaluated in 107 INSTI-naive patients (19 drug-naive and 88 drug-experienced) with two plasma genotypic resistance tests available: one before and one under INSTI treatment. A logistic regression analysis was performed to evaluate factors associated with the integrase evolution under INSTI treatment. Results Patients were mainly infected by B subtype (72.0%). 87 patients were treated with raltegravir, 13 with dolutegravir and 7 with elvitegravir. Before INSTI treatment, one patient harboured the major INSTI-RM R263 K, and three patients the accessory INSTI-RMs T97A. Under INSTI treatment, the emergence of ≥1 INSTI-RM was found in 39 (36.4%) patients. The major INSTI-RMs which emerged more frequently were: N155H (17.8%), G140S (8.4%), Y143R (7.5%), Q148H (6.5%), Y143C (4.7%). Concerning integrase evolution, a higher genetic distance was found in patients with ≥1 INSTI-RM compared to those without emergence of resistance (0.024 [0.012-0.036] vs. 0.015 [0.009-0.024], p = 0.018). This higher integrase evolution was significantly associated with a longer duration of HIV-1 infection, a higher number of past regimens and non-B subtypes. Conclusions Our findings confirmed that in INSTI-naive patients, major INSTI-RMs occur very rarely. Under INSTI treatment, selection of drug-resistance follows the typical drug-resistance pathways; a higher evolution characterizes integrase sequences developing drug-resistance compared to those without any resistance

    The LATT way towards large active primaries for space telescopes

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    The Large Aperture Telescope Technology (LATT) goes beyond the current paradigm of future space telescopes, based on a deformable mirror in the pupil relay. Through the LATT project we demonstrated the concept of a low-weight active primary mirror, whose working principle and control strategy benefit from two decades of advances in adaptive optics for ground-based telescopes. We developed a forty centimeter spherical mirror prototype, with an areal density lower than 17 kg/m2, controlled through contactless voice coil actuators with co-located capacitive position sensors. The prototype was subjected to thermo-vacuum, vibration and optical tests, to push its technical readiness toward level 5. In this paper we present the background and the outcomes of the LATT activities under ESA contract (TRP programme), exploring the concept of a lightweight active primary mirror for space telescopes. Active primaries will open the way to very large segmented apertures, actively shaped, which can be lightweight, deployable and accurately phased once in flight

    Lipopolysaccharide O-antigen molecular and supramolecular modifications of plant root microbiota are pivotal for host recognition

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    11 pags., 5 figs.Lipopolysaccharides, the major outer membrane components of Gram-negative bacteria, are crucial actors of the host-microbial dialogue. They can contribute to the establishment of either symbiosis or bacterial virulence, depending on the bacterial lifestyle. Plant microbiota shows great complexity, promotes plant health and growth and assures protection from pathogens. How plants perceive LPS from plant-associated bacteria and discriminate between beneficial and pathogenic microbes is an open and urgent question. Here, we report on the structure, conformation, membrane properties and immune recognition of LPS isolated from the Arabidopsis thaliana root microbiota member Herbaspirillum sp. Root189. The LPS consists of an O-methylated and variously acetylated D-rhamnose containing polysaccharide with a rather hydrophobic surface. Plant immunology studies in A. thaliana demonstrate that the native acetylated O-antigen shields the LPS from immune recognition whereas the O-deacylated one does not. These findings highlight the role of Herbaspirillum LPS within plant-microbial crosstalk, and how O-antigen modifications influence membrane properties and modulate LPS host recognition.This study was supported by PRIN 2017 "Glytunes" (2017XZ2ZBK, 2019-2022) to AS; by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 851356 to RM. Neutron Reflectivity (NR) measurements were performed at the INTER instrument at ISIS Pulsed Neutron and Muon Source, Science and Technology Facilities Council, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot, UK. The authors thank the ISIS facility for provision of beam time. MACR and DS gratefully acknowl- edge financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities (RTI2018-099985-B-I00), and the CIBER of Respiratory Diseases (CIBERES), an initiative from the Spanish Institute of Health Carlos III (ISCIII). AZ and LM acknowledge support from the Cluster of Excellence on Plant Sciences (CEPLAS) funded by the Deutsche For- schungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under Ger- many’s Excellence Strategy-EXC 2048/1-Project ID: 390686111 and project ZU 263/11-1 (SPP DECRyPT)Peer reviewe