34 research outputs found


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    O objetivo deste trabalho é abordar, através de revisão de literatura, a relação da EPO com o exercício físico. Para tal, será apresentada, num primeiro momento, a ação da EPO no organismo. Em seguida, será discutida a relação da EPO com o exercício físico, com base nos estudos realizados nessa área

    Classificação de antropossolos em áreas de antigos depósitos de resíduos sólidos em Presidente Prudente – SP: primeira aproximação

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi desenvolver uma metodologia para classificar os Antropossolos em antigas áreas de depósitos de resíduos sólidos urbanos em Presidente Prudente - São Paulo. Os Antropossolos são uma nova categoria de solos com suas características naturais modificadas por atividades antrópicas. Estes solos são caracterizados pela presença de artefatos compostos por diferentes materiais, incluindo materiais tóxicos. Neste estudo foram avaliadas áreas utilizadas para a disposição de resíduos sólidos urbanos resultando em mudanças na paisagem e nas características do solo. Dados adicionais de relevo são utilizados para realizar a classificação dos Antropossolos, tais como dados geomorfométricos obtidos com base em um MDE (declividade, aspecto, curvatura e formas do relevo) e análises químicas e texturais do solo, a fim de verificar a área de influência de uma possível contaminação.

    The Betic Ophiolites and the Mesozoic Evolution of the Western Tethys

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    The Betic Ophiolites consist of numerous tectonic slices, metric to kilometric in size, of eclogitized mafic and ultramafic rocks associated to oceanic metasediments, deriving from the Betic oceanic domain. The outcrop of these ophiolites is aligned along 250 km in the Mulhacen Complex of the Nevado-Filabride Domain, located at the center-eastern zone of the Betic Cordillera (SE Spain). According to petrological/geochemical inferences and SHRIMP (Sensitive High Resolution Ion Micro-Probe) dating of igneous zircons, the Betic oceanic lithosphere originated along an ultra-slow mid-ocean ridge, after rifting, thinning and breakup of the preexisting continental crust. The Betic oceanic sector, located at the westernmost end of the Tethys Ocean, developed from the Lower to Middle Jurassic (185-170 Ma), just at the beginning of the Pangaea break-up between the Iberia-European and the Africa-Adrian plates. Subsequently, the oceanic spreading migrated northeastward to form the Ligurian and Alpine Tethys oceans, from 165 to 140 Ma. Breakup and oceanization isolated continental remnants, known as the Mesomediterranean Terrane, which were deformed and affected by the Upper Cretaceous-Paleocene Eo-Alpine high-pressure metamorphic event, due to the intra-oceanic subduction of the Jurassic oceanic lithosphere and the related continental margins. This process was followed by the partial exhumation of the subducted oceanic rocks onto their continental margins, forming the Betic and Alpine Ophiolites. Subsequently, along the Upper Oligocene and Miocene, the deformed and metamorphosed Mesomediterranean Terrane was dismembered into different continental blocks collectively known as AlKaPeCa microplate (Alboran, Kabylian, Peloritan and Calabrian). In particular, the Alboran block was displaced toward the SW to occupy its current setting between the Iberian and African plates, due to the Neogene opening of the Algero-Provencal Basin. During this translation, the different domains of the Alboran microplate, forming the Internal Zones of the Betic and Rifean Cordilleras, collided with the External Zones representing the Iberian and African margins and, together with them, underwent the later alpine deformation and metamorphism, characterized by local differences of P-T (Pressure-Temperature) conditions. These Neogene metamorphic processes, known as Meso-Alpine and Neo-Alpine events, developed in the Nevado-Filabride Domain under Ab-Ep amphibolite and greenschists facies conditions, respectively, causing retrogradation and intensive deformation of the Eo-Alpine eclogites.This research was funded by Project CGL2009-12369 of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, co-financed with FEDER funds, and by Research Group RNM 333 of Junta de Andalucía (Spain)

    Modelo prolab: “Coffené Premium”, propuesta de procesamiento y comercialización de café premium del Perené

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    Este proyecto de factibilidad denominado “Coffené Premium”, Propuesta de Procesamiento y Comercialización de Café Premium del Perené, tiene como objetivo determinar la viabilidad del plan de negocios para producir café proveniente del Distrito del Perené, provincia de Chanchamayo – Junín y comercializarlo a través de las grandes cadenas comerciales a nivel nacional. Este proyecto nace debido a que actualmente en esa zona se cultiva café de primera calidad, pero sus agricultores tienen pocas posibilidades de obtener ganancias adecuadas a su producción, debido a la ausencia de técnicas y procesos de transformación que les permitan un mejor desarrollo económico. El estudio se desarrolló bajo un enfoque mixto, siendo los instrumentos utilizados para la recolección de la información: encuestas dirigidas a los consumidores, que permitieron determinar sus gustos y preferencias, entrevistas a representantes de grandes cadenas comerciales a nivel nacional y también se utilizaron documentos, informes y análisis relacionados con el sector cafetalero en el Perú. Los resultados obtenidos permitieron concluir que la implementación del proyecto Coffené Premium es factible y viable y los indicadores obtenidos arrojaron un VAN financiero de S/3,953,1 miles de soles y una TIR financiera de 81.66%, mayor al WACC propuesto, el costo beneficio arrojó un valor 1.41 (41% de rentabilidad por cada sol invertido) y una recuperación de las inversiones para el quinto mes del segundo año de operaciones, además los resultados de sostenibilidad social arrojaron un VANS de S/3,990,7 miles de soles, y una relación LTV/CAC > 1 para los cinco periodos.This feasibility project called "Coffené Premium", a Proposal for Processing and Marketing Perené Premium Coffee, aimed to determine the viability of the business plan to produce coffee from the Perené District, province of Chanchamayo - Junín and market it through large commercial chains nationwide. This project was born because premium quality coffee is currently grown in that area, but its farmers have few possibilities of obtaining appropriate profits according to their production, due to the absence of transformation techniques and processes that allow them better economic development. The study was developed under a mixed approach, being the instruments used for the collection of information: surveys directed at consumers, which allowed determining their tastes and preferences, interviews with representatives of large commercial chains at the national level and documents were also used, reports and analysis related to the coffee sector in Peru. The results obtained allowed us to conclude that the implementation of the Coffené Premium project is feasible and viable and the indicators obtained yielded a financial VPN of S/3,953,1 thousand soles and a financial IRR of 81.66%, higher than the proposed WACC, the cost benefit yielded a value of 1.41 (41% return for each sol invested) and a recovery of investments for the fifth month of the second year of operations, in addition, the results of social sustainability showed a VPN of S/3,990,7 thousand soles, and an LTV/CAC ratio > 1 for the five periods

    Informe final del proyecto: Microscopio dentro de incubador de células: desarrollo de un sistema compacto de enfoque automatizado para monitoreo prolongado en tiempo real con aplicación a nuevos ensayos de migración y proliferación en carcinoma oral

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    El monitoreo de células a tiempo real y por largos períodos de tiempo es un proceso muy costoso que requiere frecuentemente un microscopio con jaula de control, por ejemplo. El objetivo central del proyecto era la creación de una alternativa de bajo costo a este proceso mediante el desarrollo de un microscopio compacto que cupiera dentro de un incubador de células, cuyas piezas de montaje se fabricaran utilizando impresión 3D, cuya óptica incorporase una lente de foco ajustable eléctricamente para realizar un enfoque en Z no mecánico y con una platina móvil en el plano XY y que permitiera la evaluación de diferentes condiciones experimentales dentro del incubador. A través de este proyecto mediante un equipo interdisciplinario, se logró desarrollar una herramienta para microscopía innovadora, capaz de realizar registros celulares prolongados, así como también se desarrollaron metodologías de cultivo celular que permitirán en un futuro próximo la aplicación de este microscopio al estudio de comportamientos fundamentales en células tumorales.Agencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovació

    Creació de recursos en línea per a l’autoaprenentage, foment de l’esperit crític i emprenedor i formació d’un comité d’avaluació externa en el màster MERIT

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    El projecte es desenvolupa en el marc de la titulació oficial de màster MERIT del Departament de Teoria del Senyal i Comunicacions. El màster, orientat a la recerca i integrat dins del programa Erasmus Mundus, presenta trets esfecífics donat l’origen variat dels estudiants i que s’imparteix integrament en anglès. El projecte s’articula en 4 eixos: 1. Millorar el sistema d’acollida i integració dels estudiants en el programa formatiu del màster mitjançant la creació de recursos docents en xarxa (campus digital), i la incorporació de nous elements tecnològics a l’aula. 2. Millorar el seguiment dels estudiants de primer curs mitjançant suport als professors per part d’estudiants avantatjats de segon curs. 3. Fomentar el desenvolupament de competències transversals dels estudiants mitjançant la impartició d’assignatures que fomentin l’esperit crític i emprenedor. 4. Establir un mecanisme d’assegurament de la qualitat basat en un Comitè d’Avaluació Extern (CAE) d’acord amb les directrius de l’AQUPeer Reviewe

    Quantifying patterns of resilience: What matters is the intensity, not the relevance, of contributing factors

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    Este artículo contiene 13 páginas, 8 figuras, 4 tablas.Ecological resilience, broadly defined as the magnitude of the disturbance a system needs to shift to an alternative stable state, is becoming a critical trait in the Anthropocene era. However, we are far from having baseline resilience data to guide decision makers toward more resilient ecological systems. In the last decade, the resilience assessment framework has taken a sum of products approach to obtain a resilience indicator based on the relevance and the intensity of multiple factors. While factor intensity relies on quantitative data, estimates of factor relevance rely on ordinal data with a lesser understanding of their relative importance to resilience, which may have consequences in the value of the resilience indicator. Here, we computed three resilience indicators to test for the quantitative impact that changes in factor relevance might cause to the resilience indicator. We defined the Inclusive Resilience Indicator of a Site (IRIS) as a relevance-free indicator based exclusively on factor intensity. We also computed the Relative Resilience Potential (RRP) and an RRP with random relevance values (RRPrrv) as indicators based on both intensity and relevance. To calculate these three indicators in rocky reefs of the Alboran Sea, we quantified 17 biological, environmental, and human-related factors known to influence resilience. We used correlation analyses, Linear Mixed Models, and Generalized Additive Models to compare the three resilience indicators and to examine their spatial patterns. We found highly significant positive correlations between the RRP, RRPrrv, and IRIS indicators (r > 0.9, p < 0.001 for all comparisons). All three indicators had equivalent resilience values (p=0.440), provided non-significant differences in their predictions (p=0.097), and exposed the same resilience gradients in the Alboran Sea (p < 0.001 for all indicators). IRIS accounted for 94% and 99% of the variance associated with RRP and RRPrrv, respectively, suggesting that the intensity-based IRIS can estimate resilience without the uncertainties associated with factor relevance. The new IRIS indicator proposed in our study may facilitate the acquisition of baseline data needed to further advance in the ecological and management implications of marine resilience.The Spanish Ministry of Economy grant MARINERES provided funds to support this research [grant number CGL2013-49122-C3-1-R].Peer reviewe

    Building up marine biodiversity loss: Artificial substrates hold lower number and abundance of low occupancy benthic and sessile species

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    Este artículo contiene 10 páginas, 5 figuras, 3 tablasOcean sprawl is replacing natural substrates with artificial alternatives. We hypothesized that, after submersion, high occupancy, high mobility species colonize artificial substrates faster than low occupancy, low mobility species, a biodiversity divergence that will slowly fade out with time. Using quantitative visual census of species in 10 artificial and their adjacent natural substrates, we tested for the existence and temporal evolution of this divergence. Assigning species to one of three occupancy and one of three mobility categories, we found that artificial substrates increased the performance of high mobility, high occupancy species while decreased the performance of low occupancy species with medium and low mobility. This biodiversity divergence remained unchanged over the 50-year underwater timespan of the artificial substrates investigated. Our results suggest that proliferation of artificial substrates is building up a biodiversity loss driven by the least conspicuous and uncommon benthic and sessile species that is undermining coastal marine biodiversity.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy grant MARINERES [grant number CGL2013-49122-C3-1-R].Peer reviewe