189 research outputs found

    Ghrelin and lipid metabolism: key partners in energy balance

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    Disclaimer: this is not the definitive version of record of this article. This manuscript has been accepted for publication in "Journal of Molecular Endocrinology", but the version presented here has not yet been copy-edited, formatted or proofed. Consequently, Bioscientifica acepts no responsability for any errors on omissions it may contain. The definitive version is now freely avaliable at doi 10.1677/JME-10-0068[Abstract] Ghrelin, the endogenous ligand of the GH secretagogue receptor, has a pleiotropic role in the modulation of energy balance. Recent evidence has demonstrated that besides its orexigenic role, ghrelin regulates central and peripheral lipid metabolism through specific control of hypothalamic AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), a critical metabolic gauge regulating both cellular and whole-body energy homeostasis. In this review, we summarize the new milestones of ghrelin's actions on energy balance, with particular focus on its molecular interaction with hypothalamic AMPK and fatty acid metabolism. Understanding this new metabolic pathway can provide new therapeutic targets for the treatment of obesity and the metabolic syndrome.European Commission; FP7/2007–2013 no. 245009European Commission; FP7/2007–2013; nº 018734Xunta de Gailcia; PS07/12Xunta de Gailcia; PGIDIT06PXIB208063PRXunta de Gailcia; 10PXIB208164PRInstituto de Salud Carlos III; PI051024Instituto de Salud Carlos III;PI070413Instituto de Salud Carlos III; PS09/01880Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia; RyC-2008-02219Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia; BFU2008Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia; RyC-2007-0021

    Calcium Channel CaV2.3 Subunits Regulate Hepatic Glucose Production by Modulating Leptin-Induced Excitation of Arcuate Pro-opiomelanocortin Neurons.

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    Leptin acts on hypothalamic pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) neurons to regulate glucose homeostasis, but the precise mechanisms remain unclear. Here, we demonstrate that leptin-induced depolarization of POMC neurons is associated with the augmentation of a voltage-gated calcium (CaV) conductance with the properties of the "R-type" channel. Knockdown of the pore-forming subunit of the R-type (CaV2.3 or Cacna1e) conductance in hypothalamic POMC neurons prevented sustained leptin-induced depolarization. In vivo POMC-specific Cacna1e knockdown increased hepatic glucose production and insulin resistance, while body weight, feeding, or leptin-induced suppression of food intake were not changed. These findings link Cacna1e function to leptin-mediated POMC neuron excitability and glucose homeostasis and may provide a target for the treatment of diabetes

    Accelerated phosphatidylcholine turnover in macrophages promotes adipose tissue inflammation in obesity.

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    White adipose tissue (WAT) inflammation contributes to the development of insulin resistance in obesity. While the role of adipose tissue macrophage (ATM) pro-inflammatory signalling in the development of insulin resistance has been established, it is less clear how WAT inflammation is initiated. Here, we show that ATMs isolated from obese mice and humans exhibit markers of increased rate of de novo phosphatidylcholine (PC) biosynthesis. Macrophage-specific knockout of phosphocholine cytidylyltransferase A (CCTα), the rate-limiting enzyme of de novo PC biosynthesis pathway, alleviated obesity-induced WAT inflammation and insulin resistance. Mechanistically, CCTα-deficient macrophages showed reduced ER stress and inflammation in response to palmitate. Surprisingly, this was not due to lower exogenous palmitate incorporation into cellular PCs. Instead, CCTα-null macrophages had lower membrane PC turnover, leading to elevated membrane polyunsaturated fatty acid levels that negated the pro-inflammatory effects of palmitate. Our results reveal a causal link between obesity-associated increase in de novo PC synthesis, accelerated PC turnover and pro-inflammatory activation of ATMs

    Inactivation of Ppp1r15a minimises weight gain and insulin resistance during caloric excess in female mice.

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    Phosphorylation of the translation initiation factor eIF2α within the mediobasal hypothalamus is known to suppress food intake, but the role of the eIF2α phosphatases in regulating body weight is poorly understood. Mice deficient in active PPP1R15A, a stress-inducible eIF2α phosphatase, are healthy and more resistant to endoplasmic reticulum stress than wild type controls. We report that when female Ppp1r15a mutant mice are fed a high fat diet they gain less weight than wild type littermates owing to reduced food intake. This results in healthy leaner Ppp1r15a mutant animals with reduced hepatic steatosis and improved insulin sensitivity, albeit with a possible modest defect in insulin secretion. By contrast, no weight differences are observed between wild type and Ppp1r15a deficient mice fed a standard diet. We conclude that female mice lacking the C-terminal PP1-binding domain of PPP1R15A show reduced dietary intake and preserved glucose tolerance. Our data indicate that this results in reduced weight gain and protection from diet-induced obesity.The work was also supported by Diabetes UK and the MRC [G1002610]. VP held an Arthur and Sadie Pethybridge PhD Studentship from Diabetes UK. The CIMR microscopy core facility is supported by a Wellcome Trust Strategic Award [100140] and a Wellcome Trust equipment grant [093026]

    Increased dihydroceramide/ceramide ratio mediated by defective expression of degs1 impairs adipocyte differentiation and function.

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    Adipose tissue dysfunction is an important determinant of obesity-associated, lipid-induced metabolic complications. Ceramides are well-known mediators of lipid-induced insulin resistance in peripheral organs such as muscle. DEGS1 is the desaturase catalyzing the last step in the main ceramide biosynthetic pathway. Functional suppression of DEGS1 activity results in substantial changes in ceramide species likely to affect fundamental biological functions such as oxidative stress, cell survival, and proliferation. Here, we show that degs1 expression is specifically decreased in the adipose tissue of obese patients and murine models of genetic and nutritional obesity. Moreover, loss-of-function experiments using pharmacological or genetic ablation of DEGS1 in preadipocytes prevented adipogenesis and decreased lipid accumulation. This was associated with elevated oxidative stress, cellular death, and blockage of the cell cycle. These effects were coupled with increased dihydroceramide content. Finally, we validated in vivo that pharmacological inhibition of DEGS1 impairs adipocyte differentiation. These data identify DEGS1 as a new potential target to restore adipose tissue function and prevent obesity-associated metabolic disturbances.This work was funded by Medical Research Council, MDU MRC, FP7- ETHERPATHS and the British Heart Foundation (BHF). We declare no conflict of interest.This is the accepted manuscript. The final version is available from ADA at http://diabetes.diabetesjournals.org/content/early/2014/10/22/db14-0359.abstract

    Increased Dihydroceramide/ceramide ratio mediated by defective expression of degs1 impairs adipocyte differentiation and function.

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    Adipose tissue dysfunction is an important determinant of obesity-associated, lipid-induced metabolic complications. Ceramides are well-known mediators of lipidinduced insulin resistance in peripheral organs such as muscle. DEGS1 is the desaturase catalyzing the last step in the main ceramide biosynthetic pathway. Functional suppression of DEGS1 activity results in substantial changes in ceramide species likely to affect fundamental biological functions such as oxidative stress, cell survival, and proliferation. Here, we show that degs1 expression is specifically decreased in the adipose tissue of obese patients and murine models of genetic and nutritional obesity. Moreover, loss-of-function experiments using pharmacological or genetic ablation of DEGS1 in preadipocytes prevented adipogenesis and decreased lipid accumulation. This was associated with elevated oxidative stress, cellular death, and blockage of the cell cycle. These effects were coupled with increased dihydroceramide content. Finally, we validated in vivo that pharmacological inhibition of DEGS1 impairs adipocyte differentiation. These data identify DEGS1 as a new potential target to restore adipose tissue function and prevent obesity-associated metabolic disturbance

    Pancreatic Mesenchyme Regulates Epithelial Organogenesis throughout Development

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    The developing pancreatic epithelium gives rise to all endocrine and exocrine cells of the mature organ. During organogenesis, the epithelial cells receive essential signals from the overlying mesenchyme. Previous studies, focusing on ex vivo tissue explants or complete knockout mice, have identified an important role for the mesenchyme in regulating the expansion of progenitor cells in the early pancreas epithelium. However, due to the lack of genetic tools directing expression specifically to the mesenchyme, the potential roles of this supporting tissue in vivo, especially in guiding later stages of pancreas organogenesis, have not been elucidated. We employed transgenic tools and fetal surgical techniques to ablate mesenchyme via Cre-mediated mesenchymal expression of Diphtheria Toxin (DT) at the onset of pancreas formation, and at later developmental stages via in utero injection of DT into transgenic mice expressing the Diphtheria Toxin receptor (DTR) in this tissue. Our results demonstrate that mesenchymal cells regulate pancreatic growth and branching at both early and late developmental stages by supporting proliferation of precursors and differentiated cells, respectively. Interestingly, while cell differentiation was not affected, the expansion of both the endocrine and exocrine compartments was equally impaired. To further elucidate signals required for mesenchymal cell function, we eliminated β-catenin signaling and determined that it is a critical pathway in regulating mesenchyme survival and growth. Our study presents the first in vivo evidence that the embryonic mesenchyme provides critical signals to the epithelium throughout pancreas organogenesis. The findings are novel and relevant as they indicate a critical role for the mesenchyme during late expansion of endocrine and exocrine compartments. In addition, our results provide a molecular mechanism for mesenchymal expansion and survival by identifying β-catenin signaling as an essential mediator of this process. These results have implications for developing strategies to expand pancreas progenitors and β-cells for clinical transplantation

    PGC-1α Negatively Regulates Extrasynaptic NMDAR Activity and Excitotoxicity

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    Underexpression of the transcriptional coactivator PGC-1α is causally linked to certain neurodegenerative disorders, including Huntington's Disease (HD). HD pathoprogression is also associated with aberrant NMDAR activity, in particular an imbalance between synaptic versus extrasynaptic (NMDAR(EX)) activity. Here we show that PGC-1α controls NMDAR(EX) activity in neurons and that its suppression contributes to mutant Huntingtin (mHtt)-induced increases in NMDAR(EX) activity and vulnerability to excitotoxic insults. We found that knock-down of endogenous PGC-1α increased NMDAR(EX) activity and vulnerability to excitotoxic insults in rat cortical neurons. In contrast, exogenous expression of PGC-1α resulted in a neuroprotective reduction of NMDAR(EX) currents without affecting synaptic NMDAR activity. Since HD models are associated with mHtt-mediated suppression of PGC-1α expression, as well as increased NMDAR(EX) activity, we investigated whether these two events were linked. Expression of mHtt (148Q) resulted in a selective increase in NMDAR(EX) activity, compared with wild-type Htt (18Q), and increased vulnerability to NMDA excitotoxicity. Importantly, we observed that the effects of mHtt and PGC-1α knockdown on NMDAR(EX) activity and vulnerability to excitotoxicity were nonadditive and occluded each other, consistent with a common mechanism. Moreover, exogenous expression of PGC-1α reversed mtHtt-mediated increases in NMDAR(EX) activity and protected neurons against excitotoxic cell death. The link between mHtt, PGC-1α, and NMDAR activity was also confirmed in rat striatal neurons. Thus, targeting levels of PGC-1α expression may help reduce aberrant NMDAR(EX) activity in disorders where PGC-1α is underexpressed

    A pipeline for making 31 P NMR accessible for small- and large-scale lipidomics studies

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    Abstract: Detailed molecular analysis is of increasing importance in research into the regulation of biochemical pathways, organismal growth and disease. Lipidomics in particular is increasingly sought after as it provides insight into molecular species involved in energy storage, signalling and fundamental cellular structures. This has led to the use of a range of tools and techniques to acquire lipidomics data. 31P NMR for lipidomics offers well-resolved head group/lipid class analysis, structural data that can be used to inform and strengthen interpretation of mass spectrometry data and part of a priori structural determination. In the present study, we codify the use of 31P NMR for lipidomics studies to make the technique more accessible to new users and more useful for a wider range of questions. The technique can be used in isolation (phospholipidomics) or as a part of determining lipid composition (lipidomics). We describe the process from sample extraction to data processing and analysis. This pipeline is important because it allows greater thoroughness in lipidomics studies and increases scope for answering scientific questions about lipid-containing systems

    Soluble LR11/SorLA represses thermogenesis in adipose tissue and correlates with BMI in humans.

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    Thermogenesis in brown adipose tissue (BAT) is an important component of energy expenditure in mammals. Recent studies have confirmed its presence and metabolic role in humans. Defining the physiological regulation of BAT is therefore of great importance for developing strategies to treat metabolic diseases. Here we show that the soluble form of the low-density lipoprotein receptor relative, LR11/SorLA (sLR11), suppresses thermogenesis in adipose tissue in a cell-autonomous manner. Mice lacking LR11 are protected from diet-induced obesity associated with an increased browning of white adipose tissue and hypermetabolism. Treatment of adipocytes with sLR11 inhibits thermogenesis via the bone morphogenetic protein/TGFβ signalling pathway and reduces Smad phosphorylation. In addition, sLR11 levels in humans are shown to positively correlate with body mass index and adiposity. Given the need for tight regulation of a tissue with a high capacity for energy wastage, we propose that LR11 plays an energy conserving role that is exaggerated in states of obesity.AW and AVP were supported by FP7 – BetaBAT, BBSRC (BB/J009865/1), the British Heart Foundation (PG/12/53/29714) and MDU MRC. MJ and HB were supported by Japan Health and Labour Sciences Research grant (H22-rinkensui-ippan-001) and Grants-in–aid for Scientific Research from Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (24390231 and 24790907). VP was supported by Wellcome Trust and the Cambridge Overseas Trust. JR was supported by Ministerio de Educación, through “Programa Nacional de Movilidad de Recursos Humanos del Plan Nacional de I-D+i 2008-2011 (Subprograma de Estancias de Movilidad en el Extranjero “José Castillejo” para jóvenes Doctores, ref: JC2011-0248). SV was supported by MRC. WJS was supported by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF P-20218 and P-20455). Animal work was performed at the MDU DMC Core facilities.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from NPG via http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/ncomms995