441 research outputs found

    Lugar, identidad y "sociedades de barrio" en Lisboa

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    A partir de dos estudios socio-antropológicos sobre dos barrios de Lisboa, situados en el casco antiguo, el objeto de este artículo es aportar una reflexión sobre la construcción social de barrios y de identidades de lugar, escalas de organización local y procesos culturales en una ciudad como Lisboa. «Sociedad de barrio» designa una configuración social específica encontrada en estos barrios -y aqui es donde radica uno de los puntos del análisis comparativo propuesto.Lisboako gune historikoan kokaturiko auzo biri buruzko azterlan sozio-antropologiko bitan oinarriturik, hainbat gairen inguruko gogoeta bat ekartzea da artikulu honen helburua: auzoen gizarte eraiketa eta tokiko identitateak moldatzea, tokiko antolamenduaren eskalak eta kultura prozesuak Lisboa bezalako hiri batean. «Auzo gizartea» da halako auzoetan aurkitu gizarte eitea izendatzeko esamoldea -eta horretan datza proposatzen den konparaziozko azterlanaren puntuetariko bat.A partir de deux études socio-anthropologiques sur deux quartiers de Lisbonne, situés dans la vieille ville, le but de cet article est d'apporter une étude sur la construction sociale de quartiers et d'identités de lieu, échelle d'organisation locale et processus culturels dans une ville comme Lisbonne. "Société de quartier" désigne une configuration sociale spécifique rencontrée dans ces quartiers -et c'est ici que réside l'un des points de l'analyse comparative proposée.The object of this article is to provide some reflection on the construction of social neighborhoods and site identities, degrees of local organisation and cultural processes in a town of the characteristics of Lisbon, based on two social and anthropological studies on two quarters in Lisbon, located in the old part of the town.«Neighborhood Society» designates a specific social configuration of such neighborhoods - and this is where one of the points of the proposed comparative analysis is


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    The objective of the present paper is to observe whether the Bolsa Familia Program (PBF) – a Brazilian conditioned cash transfer program had influence on GDP growth of the municipalities of the state of Sergipe during the years 2004-2012. Its innovative feature lies in the investigation of the macroeconomic impacts of PBF in the state of Sergipe. In this sense, the work is structured in four sections, besides the introduction: in the first one the origins, the contemporary design and the PBF macroeconomic as well as consumption impacts are presented. The second section briefly describes the focused region: the state of Sergipe, which is the smallest Brazilian state, meanwhile the third section presents the data and methodology employed as well as analyses the results of the experiment which does not prove the PBF influence on GDP of the investigated municipalities. Finally, the main conclusions are summarized

    La integración curricular de la Alfabetización Informacional (ALFIN) en las universidades españolas: experiencias de tres modelos distintos

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    VI Encontro Ibérico EDICIC 2013Este trabajo describe y valora cómo las competencias en información se pueden integrar en el currículo y de distintas maneras en la formación de los estudiantes universitarios y cuáles son los principales factores que influyen en este proceso. Se presenta un análisis de tres experiencias en las universidades españolas en donde la integración institucional y curricular de la ALFIN se ha realizado de forma muy distinta. Los tres modelos adoptados van dirigidos a todo el alumnado de grado, son sostenibles y benefician a todos los estudiantes dándoles la oportunidad de desarrollar, practicar y perfeccionar sus conocimientos y habilidades de información durante su etapa universitaria.Publicad

    Comparison of different modelling approaches for the assessment of the out-of-plane behaviour of two-leaf stone masonry walls

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    This work addresses the comparison of different modelling approaches to simulate the out-ofplane behaviour of two-leaf stone masonry walls. Two modelling strategies are selected and compared in this the study, namely finite element (FE) by considering micro and macro modelling approach, and the distinct element method (DEM). The study intends to: i) provide an insight regarding parameter estimation and calibration procedure for each modelling approaches; ii) compare different modelling strategies highlighting their pros and cons in terms of computational effort and results’ accuracy

    Uma visualização da teoria de Aleksander Peczenik e da sua inserção no cenário contemporâneo da filosofia do Direito

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    Este artigo lida com os grandes temas apresentados na Teoria da Argumentação Jurídica do intelectual polonês Aleksander Peczenik, e mostra as suas conexões com as grandes questões apresentadas por outras escolas da Teoria do Direito e da Filosofia da Ciência, tais como o Realismo Escandinavo, os outros modelos teóricos referentes à argumentação jurídica, à Epistemologia Coerentista, entre outras abordagens. O artigo explica que a teoria de Peczenik é cognitivista com referência aos enunciados liminares (enunciados prima facie), visto que estes podem ser verdadeiros quando correspondem à herança cultural da sociedade; mas também explica que a sua teoria é não-cognitivista em relação aos enunciados abrangentes (que envolvem um emaranhado complexo de fatos, circunstâncias e razões), visto que estes nunca podem ser considerados verdadeiros no sentido literal, podendo apenas ser, mais ou menos, razoáveis. Inclui-se também uma análise da posição de Peczenik segundo a qual a aceitabilidade do discurso jurídico está vinculada à sua coerência, uma vez que parte considerável da argumentação jurídica não tem suporte em fundamentos evidentes, ou seja, não tem apoio em dados empíricos provenientes da realidade material

    Um estudo de jurisprudencia da corte internacional de justiça na perspectiva da semiotica juridica

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciencias JuridicasAnálise do acórdão da Corte Internacional de Justiça que decidiu a controvérsia judicial entre França e Nova Zelândia, gerada pelas explosões nucleares subterrâneas empreendidas pelo governo francês nos atóis de Mururoa e Fangataufa. O referido processo, que envolve elementos de Direito Ambiental Internacional, é examinado sob os pontos de vista da Lingüística Textual e da Semiótica Greimasiana. Os modelos de semiótica trabalhados são, basicamente, os de Eric Landowski, José Luiz Fiorin e Duncan Kennedy

    Uma releitura da argumentação jurídico-política com base nos fundamentos da pragmática : (desenho discursivo da linguagem nas linhas de Perelman, Habermas e Wittgenstein)

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    Orientador : Prof. Dr. Celso Luiz LudwigTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Jurídicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em DireitoInclui referências: p. 291-297Resumo: Esta Tese de Doutorado procura fazer uma releitura das principais vertentes da Teoria da Argumentação Jurídica, estudando as interações e os possíveis diálogos entre autores tais como Chaim Perelman, Duncan Kennedy, Jürgen Habermas, Robert Alexy e Wittgenstein. A proposta de Chaim Perelman é retratada, apresentando-se uma descrição completa do seu catálogo de topoi argumentativos. Uma descrição igualmente abrangente é feita do catálogo argumentativo de Duncan Kennedy. Faz-se também um resumo panorâmico das teorias que constituem a chamada "Ética do Discurso": Robert Alexy, Jürgen Habermas e Karl-Otto Apel. Tanto a proposta de Perelman quanto a de Kennedy são relidas à luz do conceito habermasiano de "pretensão de validade", ou seja, o argumentador se legitima perante seus interlocutores não apenas pela lógica dos seus argumentos, mas também pela "tentativa de lógica", pela aspiração de ser lógico, por suas honestas tentativas de ser coerente. Esta "pretensão de lógica" é contextualizada no pensamento do 2o Wittgenstein, visualizando-se a lógica jurídica como um artefato discursivo e a argumentação jurídica como um "jogo de linguagem". O discurso argumentativo é retratado, deste modo, como uma forma de "dialetização da linguagem", ou seja, um mecanismo que transforma a linguagem num campo pragmático de interação e debate entre seres humanos, cenário de negociação dos significados e construção das "verdades sociais" úteis para a vida comunitária. Palavras-Chave: Filosofia do Direito, Teoria do Direito, Teoria da Argumentação, Retórica, Análise do Discurso, Lingüística Argumentativa, Lógica Jurídica, Ética do Discurso.Abstract: This doctoral thesis seeks to present a rereading of the main avenues of thought of the Legal Argumentation Theory, studying the interactions and possible dialogues between such authors as Chaim Perelman, Duncan Kennedy, Jürgen Habermas, Robert Alexy and Wittgenstein. The proposal of Chaim Perelman is portrayed presenting a complete description of his catalogue of argumentative topoi. An equally encompassing description is presented of the argumentative catalogue of Duncan Kennedy. There is also a panoramic summary of the theories that constitute the so called "Discourse Ethics" : Robert Alexy, Jürgen Habermas and Karl-Otto Apel. Both the proposal of Perelman and that of Kennedy are reread in the light of the Habermasian concept of "validity claim", that is, the arguer legitimates himself before his interlocutors not only by the logic of his arguments, but also by his attempts to be logical, his honest attempts to be coherent. This "claim to logic" is contextualized in the thought of the 2nd Wittgenstein, visualizing legal logic as a discursive artifact and legal argumentation as a "language game". The argumentative discourse is portrayed, in this way, as a form of "dialecticization of language", or rather, a mechanism for transforming language into a pragmatic field of interaction and debate between human beings, scenery for the negotiation of meanings, and for the construction of "social truths" useful for community life. Keywords: Philosophy of Law, Jurisprudence, Theory of Law, Theory of Argumentation, Rhetoric, Discourse Analysis, Linguistics of Argumentation, Legal Logic, Discourse Ethics.Rassegna: This doctoral thesis seeks to present a rereading of the main avenues of thought of the Legal Argumentation Theory, studying the interactions and possible dialogues between such authors as Chaim Perelman, Duncan Kennedy, Jürgen Habermas, Robert Alexy and Wittgenstein. The proposal of Chaim Perelman is portrayed presenting a complete description of his catalogue of argumentative topoi. An equally encompassing description is presented of the argumentative catalogue of Duncan Kennedy. There is also a panoramic summary of the theories that constitute the so called "Discourse Ethics" : Robert Alexy, Jürgen Habermas and Karl-Otto Apel. Both the proposal of Perelman and that of Kennedy are reread in the light of the Habermasian concept of "validity claim", that is, the arguer legitimates himself before his interlocutors not only by the logic of his arguments, but also by his attempts to be logical, his honest attempts to be coherent. This "claim to logic" is contextualized in the thought of the 2nd Wittgenstein, visualizing legal logic as a discursive artifact and legal argumentation as a "language game". The argumentative discourse is portrayed, in this way, as a form of "dialecticization of language", or rather, a mechanism for transforming language into a pragmatic field of interaction and debate between human beings, scenery for the negotiation of meanings, and for the construction of "social truths" useful for community life. Keywords: Philosophy of Law, Jurisprudence, Theory of Law, Theory of Argumentation, Rhetoric, Discourse Analysis, Linguistics of Argumentation, Legal Logic, Discourse Ethics

    Influence of traditional earthquake-resistant techniques on the out-of-plane behaviour of stone masonry walls: Experimental and numerical assessment

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    Preprint versionThe main goal of the work is to assess the efficiency of traditional earthquake resistant solutions to improve the out-of-plane performance of stone masonry walls. Therefore, the present paper presents the results of an experimental campaign and numerical analysis performed on three stone masonry walls with a U-shaped plan configuration. Two of them were built with traditional earthquake-resistant techniques usually found in European Mediterranean area, namely steel ties and timber-laced reinforcements embedded at the corners of the walls. These techniques are specifically intended to enhance wall-to-wall connections and, thus, improve the out-of-plane behaviour of the walls. The experimental campaign included qualitative assessment procedures, non-destructive tests for the material characterization and a quasi-static test for the characterization of the out-of-plane response. Additionally, a finite element numerical model was built, calibrated with the experimental results, allowing to perform a parametric study to evaluate the influence of the number of reinforcements and geometrical configuration on the out-of-plane behaviour of stone masonry walls.- (undefined

    Modelling strategies for traditional earthquake resistant solutions enhancing wall-to-wall connections

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    Traditional masonry buildings located in seismic prone areas often present construction techniques empirically developed to improve the buildings seismic performance, for example by enhancing their box-behaviour in order to avoid premature out-of-plane failure of masonry walls. Often, earthquake-resistant techniques consist of a combination of locally available materials, such as timber or metal ties, embedded in masonry components. Finite Elements Macro-modelling approximates masonry as a homogeneous isotropic continuum, in order to obtain simpler and larger meshes, because the model does not have to describe the internal structure of masonry. One of the main challenges related to the numerical simulations is the use of adequate constitutive materials models able to replicate the non-linear behaviour of masonry. In the framework of macro-modelling approach of the masonry walls, an additional challenge is the modelling strategy to simulate the contribution of elements embedded in masonry, which work as traditional earthquake resistant solutions. This work presents the results of the numerical analyses simulating the out-of-plane response of reduced scale (1:2) U-shaped stone masonry walls built with earthquake resistant techniques embedded at the corners, namely steel ties in wall 1 and timber lath beams in wall 2, which were tested experimentally. The work primarily aims at the comparison of the results obtained with two different modelling strategies for the two reinforcing solutions, namely using 3D beams elements (CL18B) and solid elements (CHX60). The outcomes provided by this work represent a useful contribution to achieve a deeper understanding regarding the consistency of the aforementioned strategies in capturing the influence of traditional of earthquake resistant techniques on the out-of-plane response of reinforced stone masonry walls