833 research outputs found

    Predicting and Optimizing Microswimmer Performance from the Hydrodynamics of Its Components: The Relevance of Interactions

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    Interest in the design of bioinspired robotic microswimmers is growing rapidly, motivated by the spectacular capabilities of their unicellular biological templates. Predicting the swimming speed and efficiency of such devices in a reliable way is essential for their rational design, and to optimize their performance. The hydrodynamic simulations needed for this purpose are demanding and simplified models that neglect nonlocal hydrodynamic interactions (e.g., resistive force theory for slender, filament-like objects that are the typical propulsive apparatus for unicellular swimmers) are commonly used. We show through a detailed case study of a model robotic system consisting of a spherical head powered by a rotating helical flagellum that (a) the errors one makes in the prediction of swimming speed and efficiency by neglecting hydrodynamic interactions are never quite acceptable and (b) there are simple ways to correct the predictions of the simplified theories to make them more accurate. We also formulate optimal design problems for the length of the helical flagellum giving maximal energetic efficiency, maximal distance traveled per motor turn, or maximal distance traveled per unit of work expended, and exhibit optimal solutions

    Ibuprofen timing for hand surgery in ambulatory care

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of pre-operative administration of ibuprofen on post-operative pain control vs. early post-operative administration for hand surgery procedures performed under local anaesthesia in ambulatory care. METHODS: Candidates to trigger finger release by De Quervain tenosynovitis and carpal tunnel operation under local anesthesia were enrolled in the study. Group A received 400 mg ibuprofen before the operation and placebo after the procedure; group B received placebo before the operation and ibuprofen 400 mg at the end of the procedure; both groups received ibuprofen 400 mg every 6h thereafter. Visual analogue scale (VAS) was measured at fixed times before and every 6h after surgery, for a total follow-up of 18h. RESULTS: Groups were similar according to age, gender and type of surgery. Median VAS values did not produce any statistical significance, while there was a statistically significant difference on pre-operative and early post-operative VAS values between groups (A -8.53 mm vs. B 3.36 mm, p=0.0085). CONCLUSION: Average pain levels were well controlled by local anesthesia and post-operative ibuprofen analgesia. Pre-operative ibuprofen administration can contribute to improve early pain management. Level of Evidence II, Therapeutic Studies

    Ripening Stage Effects on Mechanical and Functional Properties of Pastry Filled with Sweet Cherries (Prunus avium, ‘Ferrovia’ Cultivar)

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    Sweet cherry is a precious fruit for the wealth of minerals, vitamins and other important protecting, detoxifying and purifying principles. These features make it interesting in terms of nutritional and health point of view. Many studies have demonstrated the beneficial effects on prevention of cardiovascular and articular diseases, due to anti-inflammatory and analgesic action of sweet cherry. However, because of its seasonality, it needs technological treatments to be preserved (jam, puree or semi-finished products for pastry), that could compromise its nutritional quality. The aim of this work was to study the effects of ripening stage and technological tratments on mechanical and functional properties of pastries filled with sweet cherries during storage at room temperature. Results showed that the different ripeness of cherries influenced the mechanical properties of samples: pastries filled with overripe cherries resulted more hard (97 vs. 79 N), less cohesive (0.19 vs. 0.25) and springy (6.4 vs. 8.5 mm) than medium harvest cherries. The antioxidant capacity of medium harvest sweet cherries did not change after both technological treatments and storage (0.93 vs. 0.89 TEAC micromol/g dry basis). These results highlight the importance of ripening stage of processed fruit used as ingredient in complex food in order to obtain a product with good functional and quality properties

    Efficacy and Tolerability of a New Formulation in Rectal Ointment Based on Zn-L-Carnosine (Proctilor®) in the Treatment of Haemorrhoidal Disease

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    Haemorrhoidal disease (HD) shows high prevalence in western countries, reaching 4.4% per year in the US. Topical preparations are the first-line treatments, which are readily available as "over-the-counter" (OTC) products, often containing a nonstandardised mixture of "natural" remedies, or anaesthetics or cortisol;those latter are not free from undesirable effects. The Zinc-L-Carnosine is a cytoprotective compound, promoting mucosal repair in the gastrointestinal tract and also in mucosal repair, following radiation injuries to the rectum as well as in ulcerative colitis. Our aim was to study the efficacy of Zinc-L-Carnosine in relieving acute symptoms of HD, testing a preparation in the rectal ointment, Proctilor (R), in patients complaining of bleeding or thrombosed piles. In a multicentre open trial, 21 patients older than 18 years of age were enrolled. The symptoms of HD were graded according to the Haemorrhoidal Disease Symptoms Score (HDSS) in association with the Short Health Scale (SHS) to assess the influence of HD on quality of life. The pain was assessed with the VAS score, bowel habit by means of the Bristol scale. The patients were evaluated at enrolment (T0) and 2 (T1) and 4 (T2) weeks of treatment with Proctilor (R) rectal ointment. There were 10 men and 11 women; mean age, 49 years. Pain, bleeding, and thrombosis were all significantly reduced after treatment; the mean VAS score decreased from 4.71 +/- 3.05 at T0 to.52 +/- 0.87 and.05 +/- 0.22 at T1 and T2, respectively; (mean +/- SD; p < 0.001 in both cases). Similarly, the HDSS score showed to be significantly reduced between T0, T1 (8.05 +/- 4.55 vs. 1.14 +/- 1.01), and T2 (8.05 +/- 4.55 vs. 24 +/- 0.44) (mean +/- SD; p < 0.001 in both cases). Quality of life showed to be improved as the SHS score decreased significantly with treatment (7.90 +/- 4.17 at T0 vs. 4.24 +/- 0.44 at T1 vs. 4.05 +/- 0.22 at T2; mean +/- SD; p < 0.001 in both cases). The Bristol score of defecation remained substantially unchanged. No side effects or discontinuation of treatment were reported. Results of our investigation suggest a role of Proctilor (R) rectal ointment in treating symptomatic HD with good results and an excellent safety profile. However, our preliminary results encourage further studies on a larger number of patients to confirm the role of Zinc-L-Carnosine in the rectal ointment for the topical treatment of HD

    Influência dos sites das Instituições de Ensino Superior Particulares Brasileiras sobre a escolha dos prospects

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    Las instituciones privadas de educación superior en Brasil usan actualmente el Internet para atraer y retener estudiantes. El propósito de esta investigación de tipo científico-cualitativa es el de analizar la influencia que tienen las páginas web de las grandes instituciones sobre las decisiones que toman los estudiantes con respecto a las instituciones y los cursos. Se realizó un cuestionario con 22 preguntas y se aplicó en Jundiai, estado de Sao Paulo, lo cual dio como resultado 200 cuestionarios válidos. Las principales conclusiones (con base en el total de las personas encuestadas fueron): 59.7% son mujeres, 56% son solteros, el 52% tiene entre 21 y 30 años y el 73% no tiene hijos. Adicionalmente, el 88.5% buscó información sobre las instituciones y cursos antes de matricularse y el 75.5% de la información que se encontró en las páginas web fue decisivo en el momento de elegir.As Instituições de Ensino Superior Particulares Brasileiras competem na internet, para atrair e reter aluno. Esta investigação científica, de natureza qualitativa, teve como objetivo: Analisar a influência dos sites de algumas instituições, de grande porte, sobre a decisão dos alunos na escolha da instituição e do curso. Foi elaborado um questionário fechado com 22 questões e aplicado na cidade de Jundiaí-SP, que resultou em 200 questionários válidos. Principais constatações (total de respondentes): 59,7% são mulheres; 56% são solteiros; 52% apresentam idade entre 21 e 30 anos; 73% não têm filhos. Além disso: 88,5% buscam informações sobre as instituições e cursos antes de fazer a matricula; para 75,5% as informações do site da instituição foram decisivas no momento da escolha


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    Com a evolução do comércio eletrônico no Brasil, foi necessário uma reorientação por parte das empresas que por muitos anos estavam acostumadas com um tipo de comércio do comercial para efetuar a compra de um produto. No entanto, este tipo de transação comercial continua predominando num país que ainda possui diversas classes sociais, da qual a cultura de informação, a tecnologia ainda são precárias em relação aos países mais desenvolvidos. A prática de comércio on line no Brasil está em pleno crescimento, induzindo muitas empresas a operarem num novo tipo de mercado denominado loja virtual ou melhor dizendo, o mercado business to consumer, (B2C). Diante desse cenário, o estudo abordou as vantagens e desvantagens desta prática de comércio, apontando os principais aspectos que podem gerar problemas para as empresas operantes do mercado B2C. analisou-se a evolução do comércio eletrônico no Brasil e no mundo; a postura do consumidor brasileiro, identificando os fatores que ameaçam o e-commerce. Conclui-se com as reflexões os mecanismos necessários para driblar com esse novo tipo de implantação de um site eletrônico, através da análise de dois estudos de casos, as empresas Redemarket e Submarino, sendo apontado os aspectos importantes que são necessário para um bom funcionamento do e-marketing no mercado B2C

    Non-Pharmacological Approaches in the Treatment of Dementia

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    Currently, a pharmacological disease-modifying treatment for dementia is not available, but different non-pharmacological approaches appear to be useful. In this chapter, we describe traditional treatments such as cognitive and emotion-oriented interventions, sensory and multi-sensory stimulation interventions and also potentially alternative interesting options such as behavioural therapy, animal-assisted therapy, home-adaptation therapy and assistive technologies to support patient with dementia. Many non-pharmacological treatments have reported benefits in multiple research studies, but there is a need for further Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) with an adequate sample size to improve the strength of evidence in order to apply these approaches