324 research outputs found

    Exergy analysis of a PWR core heat transfer

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    The exergetic analysis, a methodology of thermodynamics that quantifies of energy losses associated with irreversibility, allows to optimize the efficiencies of the various stages of a transformation process and thus its overall efficiency. In this contribution, a novel approach to the exergetic analysis is applied to the energy transformations taking place within the core of a nuclear reactor. To perform such analysis, reference was made to a pressurized light-water reactor (PWR), modeling the heat exchanges between the fuel assemblies and the coolant fluid in the core through the balance of incoming and outgoing mass and energy flows, incoming and outgoing the reactor. The results of the analysis are validated through a comparison with the actual reactor operating parameters. The main goals of the work –part of a wider ongoing research effort- are to develop the thermo-economic analysis of a PWR nuclear power plant (NPP) to assess the actual cost of the products obtainable downstream of the NPP (electric energy and thermal energy for industrial and civil users, very different products in terms of exergy contents), and to compare with the costs of similar products obtained from conventional thermal power plants

    Incorporating Rainfall Forecast Data in X-SLIP Platform to Predict the Triggering of Rainfall-Induced Shallow Landslides in Real Time

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    Extreme and prolonged rainfall resulting from global warming determines a growing need for reliable Landslide Early Warning Systems (LEWS) to manage the risk of rainfall-induced shallow landslides (also called soil slips). Regional LEWS are typically based on data-driven methods because of their greater computational effectiveness, which is greater than the ones of physically based models (PBMs); however, the latter reproduces the physical mechanism of the modelled phenomena, and their modelling is more accurate. The purpose of this research is to investigate the prediction quality of the simplified PBM SLIP (implemented in the X-SLIP platform) when applied on a regional scale by analysing the stability of rain forecasts. X-SLIP was updated to handle the GRIB files (format for weather forecast). Four real-time predictions were simulated on some towns of the Emilia Apennines (northern Italy) involved in widespread soil slips on 5 April 2013; specifically, maps of factors of safety related to this event were derived assuming that X-SLIP had run 72 h, 48 h, 24 h and 12 h in advance. The results indicated that the predictions with forecasts (depending on the forecast quality) are as accurate as the ones derived with rainfall recordings only (benchmark). Moreover, the proposed method provides a reduced number of false alarms when no landslide was reported to occur in the whole area. X-SLIP with rain forecasts can, therefore, represent an important tool to predict the occurrence of future soil slips at a regional scale

    Analysis of the Behaviour of Very Slender Piles: Focus on the Ultimate Load

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    AbstractThe paper aims to analyse the influence of slenderness on the ultimate behaviour of piles with a very small diameter (less than 10 cm) that are often employed in soil reinforcement and for which the slenderness can significatively influence the failure behaviour, reducing the ultimate load. The aim is reached by means of numerical analyses on small-diameter piles of different geometries, embedded in clayey soil. The critical load is evaluated numerically in undrained conditions and then compared to the bearing capacity estimated by the classical approaches based on limit equilibrium method. The numerical model is first calibrated on the basis of the results of experimental laboratory tests on bored piles of a small diameter in a cohesive soft soil (average undrained shear strength cu = 15 kPa). The comparison between the critical load and the bearing capacity shows that their ratio becomes less than 1 for critical slenderness LCR that decreases, nonlinearly, with the decreasing of the pile diameter. The results of the analysis show that varying the diameter of the pile from 0.06 to 0.18 m, LCR varies from 65 to 200. The aforementioned evidence suggests that the evaluation of the ultimate load of piles of very small diameter has to follow the considerations on the critical load of the pile, especially if it is embedded in soft soil; on the contrary for piles of greater diameters (bigger than 20 cm) the buckling is not meaningful because LCR is so big that the common slenderness does not exceed it

    Surveying the Eastern Desert: new archaeological evidence from Wadi al-Lawi and Wadi Rasras 18 (Aswan-Kom Ombo region)

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    The Aswan-Kom Ombo Archaeological Project (AKAP) is a joint venture between the University of Bologna and Yale University that has worked in selected areas of the Aswan-Kom Ombo district since 2005. Thanks to an international team with specialisms in archaeology and related disciplines, a wide series of research activities have been conducted. To collect and analyse the multidisciplinary datasets, traditional methods and innovative digital technologies are applied. Many sites have been recorded, ranging from the Palaeolithic to the Islamic period. This paper focuses on some of those found in the Eastern Desert southeast fo the Kom Ombo plain

    Cochlear Implant Surgery: How to Fix Receiver/Stimulator Avoiding Extrusion:

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    Cochlear implant (CI) surgery is generally safe and associated with a limited number of complications, among which the extrusion of the receiver/stimulator (R/S) or the electrode misplacement and migration might require a CI re-implantation. The aim of this pilot study is to describe a new technique to firmly fix the R/S using the Mitek suture anchors system (Depuy Mitek Surgical Products, Inc. Raynham, Massachusetts). We tested two different models and in our experience, the web of suture created with this device can improve the stability of the bond of the R/S to the underlying curved bone surface. So, this system resulted in a less laborious manner keeping low the complication rate

    The Italian Implementation of the EU Directives on Procedural Safeguards for Accused Persons in Criminal Proceedings

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    Questo saggio è stato sviluppato nel corso di un progetto di ricerca di 30 mesi finanziato dalla Commissione europea - CrossJustice (https://site.unibo.it/cross-justice/en), condotto sotto la supervisione dell'Università di Bologna. L'obiettivo del progetto era verificare il livello di attuazione delle sei direttive sui diritti dell'imputato adottate dal 2009 nell'ambito del Programma di Stoccolma. La ricerca ha esaminato criticamente i diritti dell'imputato riconosciuti e tutelati dalla Direttiva 2010/64/UE del 20 ottobre 2010 sul diritto all'interpretazione e alla traduzione; dalla Direttiva 2012/13/UE del 22 maggio 2012 sul diritto all'informazione; la Direttiva 2013/48/UE sul diritto di accesso a un difensore e di informazione di terzi; la Direttiva 2016/343/UE del 9 marzo 2016 sulla presunzione di innocenza e il diritto di presenziare al processo; la Direttiva 2016/800/UE sulle garanzie procedurali per gli imputati minorenni; la Direttiva 2016/1919/UE del 26 ottobre 2016 sul patrocinio a spese dello Stato. I ricercatori coinvolti hanno combinato due diverse metodologie, esaminando la questione sia da una prospettiva tradizionale, condotta da studiosi specializzati in diritto dell'UE e diritto processuale penale nazionale, sia da una nuova analisi computazionale. Nell'ambito di quest'ultimo approccio, la ricerca ha sviluppato una piattaforma di intelligenza artificiale semi-automatizzata, per evidenziare meglio le lacune scoperte dei testi normativi e migliorare l'analisi comparativa tra i sistemi giuridici (https://www.crossjustice.eu/en/index.html#crossjustice-platform)   Il presente contributo si concentra – adottando un metodo tradizionale - sul modo in cui il legislatore italiano ha recepito e attuato le suddette direttive, sia con riferimento alle disposizioni normative sia nell'interpretazione giudiziaria dei vertici del sistema. Infatti, mentre l'acquis dell'UE stabilisce standard minimi comuni in materia di diritti processuali penali, la necessità di promuoverne un'applicazione efficace e coerente rimane particolarmente pressante a causa della forte frammentazione della legislazione nazionale e della relativa giurisprudenza. In termini generali, il quadro che emerge mostra alcuni punti di forza del sistema italiano, con particolare riferimento al diritto al difensore, al diritto all'informazione e alla disclosure (e, in misura meno uniforme, alle regole di esclusione probatoria quando si tratti di tutelare le violazioni delle garanzie difensive). Non mancano tuttavia alcune criticità, spesso legate alla prassi (ad esempio, la necessaria formazione che i difensori degli imputati vulnerabili dovrebbero ricevere, il patrocinio a spese dello Stato, la qualità e l'efficacia del diritto all'interprete e la tradizione degli atti). La presente analisi del sistema italiano, insieme a quella sviluppata per gli altri 10 Stati Membri dell’UE coinvolti nel progetto (Bulgaria, Croazia, Francia, Germania, Paesi Bassi, Polonia, Portogallo, Romania, Spagna, Svezia) ed ai risultati dell’analisi semantica dei testi normativi, fondata su tecniche di Intelligenza Artificiale, ha consentito di sviluppare una ricerca innovativa nei metodi e nei contenuti, che, oltre alla piattaforma Crossjustice, ha trovato recente pubblicazione anche in un volume edito da Brill (Giuseppe Contissa, Giulia Lasagni, Michele Caianiello, Giovanni Sartor (eds.), Effective Protection of the Rights of the Accused in the EU Directives. A Computable Approach to Criminal Procedure Law, 2022)

    Recent Advances in Liquid Biopsy in Patients With Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer

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    Management of localized and advanced prostate cancer benefits from several therapeutic options with a surprising improvement in terms of clinical outcome. The selection of patients more likely to benefit from a specific approach still remains a key issue as well as the early identification of patients with aggressive disease which could benefit from a more aggressive treatment strategy. The lack of reliable bio-marker in castration resistant setting able to monitor response to treatment and early inform about tumor progression is an emerging issue. Accordingly, circulating DNA and circulating tumor cells appears a promising and attractive approach despite to date practical applications of these techniques are few and not validated. The aim of this review of the literature is to explore current knowledge on liquid biopsy in prostate cancer focusing on possible future applications

    Rainfall-induced shallow landslides triggered after vegetation removed because of fires: G-XSLIP application to Gioiosa Marea (Sicily, Italy)

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    The paper analyses how vegetation prevents the triggering of rainfall-induced shallow landslides by using the G-XSLIP platform, which is based on G-SLIP model, i.e., the SLIP model updated with vegetation parameters for root reinforcement and rain interception due to canopy. G-XSLIP is applied to an area in Gioiosa Marea (Sicily, Italy), where on 9th September 2016 shallow landslides occurred, depositing on the state road SS 113. The analyses demonstrate that the triggering of these phenomena is related to the removal of vegetation after summer fires some months before, which decreases computed safety factors by about half

    Resistance to Systemic Agents in Renal Cell Carcinoma Predict and Overcome Genomic Strategies Adopted by Tumor

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    The development of new systemic agents has led us into a “golden era” of management of metastatic renal cell carcinoma (RCC). Certainly, the approval of immune-checkpoint inhibitors and the combination of these with targeted compounds has irreversibly changed clinical scenarios. A deeper knowledge of the molecular mechanisms that correlate with tumor development and progression has made this revolution possible. In this amazing era, novel challenges are awaiting us in the clinical management of metastatic RCC. Of these, the development of reliable criteria which are able to predict tumor response to treatment or primary and acquired resistance to systemic treatments still remain an unmet clinical need. Thanks to the availability of data provided by studies evaluating genomic assessments of the disease, this goal may no longer be out of reach. In this review, we summarize current knowledge about genomic alterations related to primary and secondary resistance to target therapy and immune-checkpoint inhibitors in RC