584 research outputs found

    Seasonal concentration of cruise tourism in the Mediterranean

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    This research delves into analyzing the seasonality of cruise tourism in the Mediterranean by using the decomposition of the Gini index, used in the field of cruise tourism for the first time in literature. This study specifically used the decomposition to evaluate the contribution degree of each port to the global seasonal concentration of each Mediterranean region. Moreover, a cluster analysis technique (bootstrapped bagged clustering) was applied to classify the ports into homogeneous groups according to their seasonal patterns given the significant heterogeneity revealed in the major regions of the Mediterranean. The methodology applied can serve as a control and monitoring tool for measuring seasonal concentration levels in cruise tourism, allowing for policies against seasonality to be tailored in the cruise tourism segment.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Programa de FPU del Ministerio de Educació

    Seasonal concentration of tourism on the Andalusian coastline

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    The entire Andalusian coastline must deal with the effects of seasonality. Both local and regional administrations as well as tourism business owners are currently confronting this problem by implementing remedial measures to reduce seasonal concentration with the relentless pursuit of new formulas for product diversification. This can be corroborated by the recent observed coordination between the public administration and the private sector to address this problem. Yet, for coordination to work efficiently, it needs to have both the knowledge as well as the right tools to measure seasonality. The methodology used in this work is proposed as a control and monitoring measure which tourism managers may use in destinations with a high seasonal concentration. Specifically, it has been applied in the Andalusian coastline, characterised by its high seasonality in the summer months, with the main purpose of quantitatively checking whether certain tourist segments can help reduce tourism seasonality. The additive decomposition of the Gini index provides information about the contribution of each tourist segment to the total seasonal concentration. Furthermore, by obtaining the measures of the relative marginal effects (RME) it is possible to identify to what extent a particular tourist segment can contribute in the reduction of seasonal concentration on the Andalusian coastline. The results of this work can contribute to a deeper understanding of seasonality on the Andalusian coastline. It will also provide tourism managers with additional information about what type of tourists they should direct their catchment policies, as long as their purpose is to reduce the seasonality in a tourist destination.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Spain. Programa de FPU del Ministerio de Educación. Spain

    Cuestiones y casos de estudio de métodos cuantitativos para Economía y Turismo

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    En este texto se agrupan diversos casos de estudio y cuestiones prácticas para el estudio de las aplicaciones de métodos cuantitativos aplicados a la investigación y la práctica profesional en economía y turismo

    Aplicaciones de técnicas estadísticas para Economía Aplicada y Finanzas

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    Esta obra presenta un grupo de actividades prácticas elaboradas como apoyo a la docencia presencial de materias relacionadas con las aplicaciones de las técnicas estadísticas multivariantes en Economía Aplicada y Finanzas


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    Auditoria Administrativa : Auditoria de Mercadeo

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    El desarrollo de la presente investigación documental consiste en describir el proceso de la auditoría administrativa aplicada al mercadeo y tiene como propósito presentar y explicar la importancia de la realización de una auditoría de marketing en las empresas, este es un tema de mucha importancia ya que hoy en día, las empresas y los mercados se han vuelto bastante competitivos y es necesario que las organizaciones conozcan la situación en la que se encuentran actualmente o lo que pueden pasar en un futuro para que puedan tomar decisiones que le ayuden a prevenir, evitar o mitigar algunos riesgos. La auditoría administrativa aplicada al mercadeo se realiza con el fin de tener un buen control de la mercadotecnia, esta área de la empresa es muy importante porque está relacionada directamente con el cliente y es necesario analizar muy de cerca la información relacionada con este tema; la información presentada permitirá que los lectores comprendan cómo se realiza una auditoría de marketing en una empresa y en qué nos pueden beneficiar los resultados que se obtengan de la misma, es por ello que primeramente se explica la auditoría en términos generales y luego se muestra cómo aplicarla en distintas áreas de la empresa. La información de este documento fue recolectada de diversos libros y autores con experiencia en esta rama de la administración. El escrito contiene las áreas de la empresa que son de interés para el auditor y como debe realizarse una auditoría en dicha área y qué beneficios tendremos de esa información. Atendiendo a las orientaciones facultativas en cuanto a la normativa de seminario de graduación de la UNAN, Managua se ha presentado el informe con la estructura siguiente: introducción, justificación, objetivos, desarrollo de la investigación y conclusiones

    Seasonal concentration of tourism demand: decomposition analysis and marketing implications

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    This paper analyzes seasonality in the United Kingdom, specifically the English regions in relation to tourists’ place of origin and main travel motivation. The method used is a decomposition of the Gini index, which provides relative marginal effects that facilitate the identification of market segments open to counter-seasonal marketing efforts. This method has been combined with a graphical multivariate technique (biplot), which groups segments according to their seasonality characteristics. Seasonal patterns associated with particular segments differ significantly when studied on a disaggregated basis. Therefore, an adequate level of disaggregation is essential in the design of counter-seasonal strategies. Although this study focuses on British destinations, this methodology could be used as a control and monitoring measure in the regional analysis of any destination, facilitating regular adjustment of regional tourism marketing campaigns to minimize seasonality effects, specifically by targeting the types of tourists less prone to seasonality