1,068 research outputs found

    The Gynecologist\u27s Role in the Natural Family Planning Program

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    Administración, teoría de la organización y estudios organizacionales: tres campos de conocimiento, tres identidades

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    Documento de la conferencia magistral presentada en el X Congreso Internacional de Análisis Organizacional el día 14 de noviembre de 2012 en la UAM-Azcapotzalco, donde se reflexiona en torno a la diferenciación entre administración, teoría de la organización y estudios organizacionales pensando que esta diferenciación permite entender la identidad de cada uno de estos campos, su caracterización y su finalidad. Reiterando la importancia sustantiva para la academia de aclarar la identidad de cada campo, sin negar la influencia de uno sobre otro, y sin negar tampoco la importancia que tiene para los estudios organizacionales conocer a fondo y con rigor la Administración y la Teoría de la organización. ABSTRACT: Masterly Conference presented X International Congress of Organizational Analysis on november 14, 2012 at UAM-Azcapotzalco

    Frederick Winslow Taylor y la administración científica: contexto, realidad y mitos

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar el contexto en que se desarrolla la generalización de la organización científica del trabajo en las primeras tres décadas del siglo XX. A partir de la investigación documental de este periodo, se revisará la discusión sobre distintos tópicos que implicó, por ejemplo, la aplicación de la administración científica en las organizaciones de principios de siglo, tanto en Estados Unidos como en Japón. Con ello se intenta ayudar a la explicación de la permanencia y expansión global de la administración científica durante un siglo, a pesar de la emergencia de formas alternativas de organización del trabajo. Además, se destacan líneas míticas y efectos reales que dominaron en el ámbito de la administración científica a lo largo de un siglo.The objective of this work is to analyze the context in which the generalization of the Scientific Organization of the Work in the first three decades of century XX is developed. From the documentary research of this period, the discussion will be reviewed on different topics that implied, for example, the application of the Scientific Management in the organizations of principles of century as much in United States of America as in Japan. With it is tried to help to the explanation of the permanence and global expansion of the Scientific Management during a century in spite of the emergency of forms of alternative organization of the work. In addition mythical lines and real effects stand out that dominated in the scope of the Scientific Administration throughout a century

    A CSP model for simple non-reversible and parallel repair plans

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    Thiswork presents a constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) model for the planning and scheduling of disassembly and assembly tasks when repairing or substituting faulty parts. The problem involves not only the ordering of assembly and disassembly tasks, but also the selection of them from a set of alternatives. The goal of the plan is the minimization of the total repairing time, and the model considers, apart from the durations and resources used for the assembly and disassembly tasks, the necessary delays due to the change of configuration in the machines, and to the transportation of intermediate subassemblies between different machines. The problem considers that sub-assemblies that do not contain the faulty part are nor further disassembled, but allows non-reversible and parallel repair plans. The set of all feasible repair plans are represented by an extended And/Or graph. This extended representation embodies all of the constraints of the problem, such as temporal and resource constraints and those related to the selection of tasks for obtaining a correct plan.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia DIP2006-15476-C02-0

    Photoluminescence as a technique to analyse solar wafers

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    La Fotoluminiscencia es una técnica basada en la emisión de fotones de un material previamente irradiado con una fuente láser. Se ha ensayado esta técnica sobre obleas de silicio mono cristalinas con objeto de obtener respuestas estables que permitan estudiar la consistencia de los resultados así como sus diversas utilidades. Para llevar a cabo el estudio deseado, se han comparado los resultados obtenidos mediante fotoluminiscencia con otras técnicas como MDP (Microwave detected photoconductivity), midiendo el tiempo de vida de los portadores de carga minoritarios y comparando los resultados de las distintas herramientas. Así mismo se ha tratado de predecir la eficiencia que una célula solar podría tener en funcionamiento según su correspondiente respuesta Fotoluminiscente.Departamento de Ingeniería Química y Tecnología del Medio AmbienteGrado en Ingeniería Químic

    Scalable Inference of Gene Regulatory Networks with the Spark Distributed Computing Platform Cristo

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    Inference of Gene Regulatory Networks (GRNs) remains an important open challenge in computational biology. The goal of bio-model inference is to, based on time-series of gene expression data, obtain the sparse topological structure and the parameters that quantitatively understand and reproduce the dynamics of biological system. Nevertheless, the inference of a GRN is a complex optimization problem that involve processing S-System models, which include large amount of gene expression data from hundreds (even thousands) of genes in multiple time-series (essays). This complexity, along with the amount of data managed, make the inference of GRNs to be a computationally expensive task. Therefore, the genera- tion of parallel algorithmic proposals that operate efficiently on distributed processing platforms is a must in current reconstruction of GRNs. In this paper, a parallel multi-objective approach is proposed for the optimal inference of GRNs, since min- imizing the Mean Squared Error using S-System model and Topology Regularization value. A flexible and robust multi-objective cellular evolutionary algorithm is adapted to deploy parallel tasks, in form of Spark jobs. The proposed approach has been developed using the framework jMetal, so in order to perform parallel computation, we use Spark on a cluster of distributed nodes to evaluate candidate solutions modeling the interactions of genes in biological networks.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Optimización de la composición de redes a partir de técnicas de inteligencia artificial

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    Las redes de nueva generación definen una iniciativa europea para la nueva generación de comunicaciones móviles. En estos entornos, la composición de redes heterogéneas para posibilitar la comunicación entre estas con calidad de servicio es primordial. En este artículo se presentan diferentes propuestas iníciales para el diseño de diferentes escenarios basándose en el uso de técnicas de inteligencia artificial. La composición de redes de nueva generación NGN puede realizarse a partir de la selección de estaciones radioeléctricas con los servicios solicitados por el usuario y que pueden proporcionarse de acuerdo a una calidad de servicio. En caso de no estar disponibles se proporcionaran mediante la red de forma ubicua. Esta ubicuidad se distribuye mediante la composición de redes NGN utilizando como herramientas las redes neuronales y algoritmos genéticos. Se van obteniendo en cada interacción las celdas con los servicios mas adecuados a las demandas de los usuarios alterando la topología de la red, la radiación de las antenas o la configuración y encaminamiento de las comunicaciones.Peer Reviewe

    A general method to determine optimal thermal cycles based on solid-state sintering fundamentals

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    Most technical ceramics require processing up to and including final-stage sintering to obtain a high-density bulk while inhibiting grain growth as dominant sintering process as far as possible. The literature typically highlights the qualitative interdependence of the sintering variables and microstructural parameters, focusing on very simple particulate systems. However, a quantitative method to achieve optimum sintering of actual polycrystalline solids is still lacking. This paper puts forward such a method, which has been satisfactorily tested by the authors. The method consists of a mathematical model, based on the physical phenomena that take place during solid-state sintering. The method leads to two differential equations: a densification rate and a pore-dragged normal grain growth rate equation during final-stage sintering, which mainly depend on sintering temperature and shaping conditions. Simultaneous numerical integration of these two rate equations allows design of an optimal thermal cycle (enhancing densification and controlling grain growth) to obtain the targeted sintered polycrystalline microstructure. Application of this method yields staggered thermal cycles, in addition to the number of steps, as well as the sintering temperature and dwell time in each step

    Reflectarray for K/Ka Band Terminal Antenna

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    Different satellite systems have been defined to provide broadband communications and internet access in remote geographical areas in Ka band (20-30 GHz) [1-2], being the up-link at 30 GHz and the down-link at 20 GHz. Costeffective antennas are required for fixed and portable terminals in Ka-band. Conventional reflectors are a preferred option to maintain reduced costs. However, the different receive (Rx) and transmit (Tx) frequencies obliges to use either a dual-frequency horn or two independent horns. The dual-frequency horn presents some difficulties, mainly because the phase-centre is different at each frequency, which would cause a reduction of the antenna gain. The use of independent feeds for Tx and Rx is simpler, but this solution is not possible using reflector antennas, because the two horns located at different positions cannot generate a beam in the same direction

    Diseño construcción y medida de un reflectarray para antena terminal en banda KA

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    This contribution describes the design, manufacturing and test of a printed reflectarray for a Ka-band terminal antenna. The reflectarray has been designed to produce a focused beam at 30 GHz (uplink) in V polarisation and also at 20 GHz (downlink) in H polarisation. Two separate feeds are used to illuminate the reflectarray for H (20 GHz) and V polarisation (30GHz). The reflectarray element is made of two stacked varying-sized patches, being one dimension adjusted to focus the beam at 20 GHz in H polarization, and the other to focus the 30 GHz beam in V-polarization. A breadboard has been manufactured and tested. The measured radiation patterns show very good agreement with those obtained from the simulations. A 10% bandwidth has been obtained in both frequency bands, with an antenna efficiency of 62% at 30 GHz and 70% at 20 GHz