31 research outputs found

    Cloning and molecular ontogeny of digestive enzymes in fed and food-deprived developing gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) larvae

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    We have determined the expression pattern of key pancreatic enzymes precursors (trypsinogen, try; chymotrypsinogen, ctrb; phospholipase A2, pla2; bile salt-activated lipase, cel; and α-amylase, amy2a) during the larval stage of gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) up to 60 days after hatching (dph). Previously, complete sequences of try, cel, and amy2awere cloned and phylogenetically analyzed. One new isoformwas found for cel transcript (cel1b). Expression of all enzyme precursors was detected before the mouth opening. Expression of try and ctrb increased during the first days of development and then maintained high values with some fluctuations during the whole larval stage. The prolipases pla2 and cel1b increased from first-feeding with irregular fluctuation until the end of the experiment. Contrarily, cel1a maintained lowexpression values duringmost of the larval stage increasing at the end of the period. Nevertheless, cel1a expression was negligible as compared with cel1b. The expression of amy2a sharply increased during the first week followed by a gradual decrease. In addition, a fooddeprivation experiment was performed to find the differences in relation to presence/absence of gut content after the opening of the mouth. The food-deprived larvae died at 10 dph. The expression levels of all digestive enzymes increased up to 7 dph, declining sharply afterwards. This expression pattern up to 7 dphwas the same observed in fed larvae, confirming the genetic programming during the early development.Main digestive enzymes in gilthead seabream larvae exhibited the same expression profiles than other marine fish with carnivorous preferences in their juvenile stages

    CENPA a Genomic Marker for Centromere Activity and Human Diseases

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    Inheritance of genetic material requires that chromosomes segregate faithfully during cell division. Failure in this process can drive to aneuploidy phenomenon. Kinetochores are unique centromere macromolecular protein structures that attach chromosomes to the spindle for a proper movement and segregation. A unique type of nucleosomes of centromeric chromatin provides the base for kinetochore formation. A specific histone H3 variant, CENPA, replaces conventional histone H3 and together with centromere-specific-DNA-binding factors directs the assembly of active kinetochores. Recent studies on CENPA nucleosomal structure, epigenetic inheritance of centromeric chromatin and transcription of pericentric heterochromatin provide new clues to our understanding of centromere structure and function. This review highlights the role and dynamics of CENPA assembly into centromeres and the potential contribution of this kinetochore protein to autoimmune and cancer diseases in humans

    Production of prickly pear (Opuntia ficus-indica) vinegar in submerged culture using Acetobacter malorum and Gluconobacter oxydans: Study of volatile and polyphenolic composition

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    Prickly pear (Opuntia ficus-indica (L). Mill.) vinegar has been produced by submerged culture using scale laboratory fermenters at three acetification temperatures (30 ◦C, 37 ◦C, and 40 ◦C). Pure thermotolerant Acetic Acid Bacteria (AAB) which had been previously submitted to molecular identification by PCR–RFLP of the 16S–23S rDNA regions and 16S–23S ITS rDNA sequencing, were used. The AAB used were identified as Acetobacter malorum and Gluconobacter oxydans. The acetic fermentation achieved by A. malorum at 30 ◦C and 37 ◦C was more efficient, in terms of acidity, than that accomplished by G. oxydans. The chemical analysis revealed the presence of 85 individual volatile compounds and 17 polyphenolic compounds. The concentration of approximately half the volatile compounds was significantly affected by fermentation temperature, with clearly lower concentrations as temperature increased, whereas few significant differences were observed when comparing the vinegars produced by the two AAB species. Regarding phenolic compounds, significant increases were registered when temperature changed from 30 ◦C to 40 ◦C. Furthermore, the vinegars produced by A. malorum presented a greater concentration of phenolic compounds than those produced by G. oxydans

    El sector de la flor cortada en Andalucía

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    El sector de la flor cortada ocupa una posición destacada en el contexto de la agricultura andaluza, siendo de gran importancia en Andalucía y en España, por su relevancia socioeconómica, por su contribución al superávit de la balanza comercial y por su carácter intensivo en mano de obra. La resolución de una serie de problemas importantes que afectan actualmente a este sector supone uno de los principales retos de cara a afrontar el futuro con garantías de éxito. A este respecto, se ha propuesto la elaboración de un plan estratégico de actuación que suponga el impulso definitivo del sector. Para la elaboración de este plan se ha realizado un diagnóstico sobre la situación del sector, y se han definido algunas estrategias generales, que conviene analizarlas al objeto de materializarlas en líneas concretas de actuación

    Impact of the genetic improvement of fermenting yeasts on the organoleptic properties of beer

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    The brewing industry has experienced a significant boom in recent years through the emergence of, on the one hand, craft breweries that produce beers with unique organoleptic characteristics, and, on the other hand, the brewing of a significant number of beers using hybridized or genetically modified microorganisms with the aim of improving both the brewing processes and the final products. This review covers the influence from yeast strains on the organoleptic properties of the final beers and also the main hybridization and genetic modification methods applied to such yeast strains with the aim of improving the sensory characteristics of the product obtained and/or the brewing process. Different approaches to the phenotypic modification of the yeasts used in beer brewing have arisen in recent years. These are dealt with in this work, with special emphasis on the methodology followed as well as on the effects of the same on the brewing process and/or on the final produc

    ZNF330/NOA36 interacts with HSPA1 and HSPA8 and modulates cell cycle and proliferation in response to heat shock in HEK293 cells

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    Background: The human genome contains nearly 20.000 protein-coding genes, but there are still more than 6,000 proteins poorly characterized. Among them, ZNF330/NOA36 stand out because it is a highly evolutionarily conserved nucleolar zinc-finger protein found in the genome of ancient animal phyla like sponges or cnidarians, up to humans. Firstly described as a human autoantigen, NOA36 is expressed in all tissues and human cell lines, and it has been related to apoptosis in human cells as well as in muscle morphogenesis and hematopoiesis in Drosophila. Nevertheless, further research is required to better understand the roles of this highly conserved protein. Results: Here, we have investigated possible interactors of human ZNF330/NOA36 through affinity-purification mass spectrometry (AP-MS). Among them, NOA36 interaction with HSPA1 and HSPA8 heat shock proteins was disclosed and further validated by co-immunoprecipitation. Also, “Enhancer of Rudimentary Homolog” (ERH), a protein involved in cell cycle regulation, was detected in the AP-MS approach. Furthermore, we developed a NOA36 knockout cell line using CRISPR/Cas9n in HEK293, and we found that the cell cycle profile was modified, and proliferation decreased after heat shock in the knocked-out cells. These differences were not due to a different expression of the HSPs genes detected in the AP-MS after inducing stress. Conclusions: Our results indicate that NOA36 is necessary for proliferation recovery in response to thermal stress to achieve a regular cell cycle profile, likely by interaction with HSPA1 and HSPA8. Further studies would be required to disclose the relevance of NOA36-EHR interaction in this context.14 página

    Autoantibodies against the chromosomal passenger protein INCENP found in a patient with Graham Little-Piccardi-Lassueur syndrome

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    BACKGROUND: Graham Little – Piccardi – Lassueur (GLPL) syndrome is a rare dermatosis characterized by scarring alopecia, loss of pubic and axillary hair, and progressive development of variously located follicular papules. We report a first case ever of an autoimmune response in a patient suffering from GLPL syndrome. METHODS: Immunofluorescence and immunoblot analysis were used in a variety of cell cultures including human, monkey, hamster, mouse and bovine cells to analyze the presence of autoantibodies in a GLPL patient. RESULTS: The autoimmune serum showed a pattern of centromere and spindle microtubule staining resembling that of the chromosomal passenger protein complex. By using a complex of proteins expressed in baculovirus, immunoblot analysis demonstrated that the INCENP protein is a major autoantigen in this patient with GLPL syndrome. CONCLUSION: An autoimmune response in GLPL syndrome is reported against the INCENP centromere protein. The occasional development of autoimmunity in GLPL patients could serve as a test in continuing efforts to detect this disease and for a more directed therapy based on the autoantigen response

    Osmoregulatory Plasticity of Juvenile Greater Amberjack (Seriola dumerili) to Environmental Salinity

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    Osmotic costs in teleosts are highly variable, reaching up to 50% of energy expenditure in some. In several species, environmental salinities close to the isosmotic point (similar to 15 psu) minimize energy demand for osmoregulation while enhancing growth. The present study aimed to characterize the physiological status related to osmoregulation in early juveniles of the greater amberjack, Seriola dumerili, acclimated to three salinities (15, 22, and 36 psu). Our results indicate that plasma metabolic substrates were enhanced at the lower salinities, whereas hepatic carbohydrate and energetic lipid substrates decreased. Moreover, osmoregulatory parameters, such as osmolality, muscle water content, gill and intestine Na+-K+-ATPase activities, suggested a great osmoregulatory capacity in this species. Remarkably, electrophysiological parameters, such as short-circuit current (Isc) and transepithelial electric resistance (TER), were enhanced significantly at the posterior intestine. Concomitantly, Isc and TER anterior-to-posterior intestine differences were intensified with increasing environmental salinity. Furthermore, the expression of several adeno-hypophyseal genes was assessed. Expression of prl showed an inverse linear relationship with increasing environmental salinity, while gh mRNA enhanced significantly in the 22 psu-acclimated groups. Overall, these results could explain the better growth observed in S. dumerili juveniles kept at salinities close to isosmotic rather than in seawater.This research was funded by Project "Diversificacion de la Acuicultura Espanola mediante la optimizacion del cultivo de Seriola dumerili" JACUMAR 2016 (MAPAMA) and Fondo Europeo Maritimo y de Pesca (FEMP). The authors (A.B. and J.M.M.) belong to the FishWelfare and Stress Network (AGL2016-81808-REDT), supported by the Agencia Estatal de Investigacion (MINECO, Spanish Government)

    Genomic resources for a commercial flatfish, the Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis): EST sequencing, oligo microarray design, and development of the Soleamold bioinformatic platform

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    Background: The Senegalese sole, Solea senegalensis, is a highly prized flatfish of growing commercial interest for aquaculture in Southern Europe. However, despite the industrial production of Senegalese sole being hampered primarily by lack of information on the physiological mechanisms involved in reproduction, growth and immunity, very limited genomic information is available on this species. Results: Sequencing of a S. senegalensis multi-tissue normalized cDNA library, from adult tissues (brain, stomach, intestine, liver, ovary, and testis), larval stages (pre-metamorphosis, metamorphosis), juvenile stages (post-metamorphosis, abnormal fish), and undifferentiated gonads, generated 10,185 expressed sequence tags (ESTs). Clones were sequenced from the 3'-end to identify isoform specific sequences. Assembly of the entire EST collection into contigs gave 5,208 unique sequences of which 1,769 (34%) had matches in GenBank, thus showing a low level of redundancy. The sequence of the 5,208 unigenes was used to design and validate an oligonucleotide microarray representing 5,087 unique Senegalese sole transcripts. Finally, a novel interactive bioinformatic platform, Soleamold, was developed for the Senegalese sole EST collection as well as microarray and ISH data. Conclusion: New genomic resources have been developed for S. senegalensis, an economically important fish in aquaculture, which include a collection of expressed genes, an oligonucleotide microarray, and a publicly available bioinformatic platform that can be used to study gene expression in this species. These resources will help elucidate transcriptional regulation in wild and captive Senegalese sole for optimization of its production under intensive culture conditions

    Uso de compuestos nutracéuticos en nuevas formulaciones de piensos acuícolas

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    Trabajo presentado en las X Jornadas de Acuicultura en el Litoral Suratlántico: Nuevos retos y perspectivas para la sostenibilidad de la acuicultura, celebrado entre el 22 y 23 de noviembre de 2023 en Huelva.[EN] Different strategies have been followed to improve the aquaculture of main European farmed fish, such as genetic selection, refinements in culture conditions or enhanced feed formulation and management. However, more knowledge is required to exploit fish phenotypic plasticity to obtain those that better match aquaculture or market conditions. The overall objective of this mini-review is to identify the latest productive traits recently performed, mainly in commercial carnivorous species, and underlying biological processes that would be susceptible to improve the competitivity of aquaculture sector through nutritional issues. Thus, this work is framed within the concepts of Circular Economy and Blue Growth, where it is intended to point out the use of natural compounds extracted from seaweeds, microalgae and by-products of the industry for their inclusion in aquafeeds, allowing a more efficient use of more sustainable vegetable protein sources, and also to evaluate if these nutraceutical compounds counteract detrimental effects observed by nutritional interventions or environmentally challenged.[ES] La producción acuícola ha seguido diferentes estrategias para su optimización a lo largo de las últimas décadas, como el desarrollo de la selección genética, la mejora de las condiciones de cultivo, o el avance en la formulación y gestión de los piensos. Sin embargo, se requiere más conocimiento para explotar la plasticidad fenotípica de los peces para obtener aquellos que se ajusten mejor a las condiciones de la acuicultura o del mercado. El objetivo general de esta mini-revisión es identificar los últimos avances realizados recientemente, principalmente en especies carnívoras comerciales, y los procesos biológicos subyacentes que serían susceptibles de mejorar la competitividad del sector acuícola a través de intervenciones nutricionales. Así, este trabajo se enmarca dentro de los conceptos de Economía Circular y Crecimiento Azul, donde se pretende señalar el uso de compuestos naturales extraídos de algas, microalgas y subproductos de la industria para su inclusión en alimentos acuícolas, permitiendo un uso más eficiente de fuentes de proteínas vegetales más sostenibles, y también evaluar si estos compuestos nutracéuticos son capaces de contrarrestar los efectos perjudiciales observados por las formulaciones inadecuadas o desafiados por factores ambientales estresantes.This work was supported by the Projects “FEDER-UCA18-107182”, “FisioBream-II Call for Young Researchers CEI⋅MAR 2019”, “ALGAE4FISH-CEI·MAR Empresa 2018”, “VALINVA-CEI·MAR Empresa 2019”, “SeriBlue-CEI·MAR Empresa 2020”, and co-financed by the spin-off LifeBioencapsulation S.L. (Almería) and Biotechnology Biopolym S.A. (Granada)