5,345 research outputs found

    El Pensamiento Constitucional de Álvaro D’Ors

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    Es sabido que don Álvaro D’Ors produjo una teorĂ­a polĂ­tica —él mismo titulĂł uno de sus libros Ensayos de TeorĂ­a PolĂ­tica—, pero no puede decirse con seguridad lo mismo de una teorĂ­a constitucional, a pesar de sus no escasos pronunciamientos sobre diversos problemas de naturaleza constitucional. El propĂłsito de este trabajo es, primero, identificar los principales trabajos orsianos que tratan de los temas constitucionales importantes, y, segundo, disponerlos ordenadamente en el marco de una teorĂ­a constitucional general.It is widely known that the late Prof. Álvaro D’Ors produced a full bodied political theory —he himself labelled one of his books Ensayos de TeorĂ­a PolĂ­tica—, yet the same cannot be safely said as regards constitutional theory, notwithstanding the fact of his not so scarce writings on a variety of problems of a constitutional nature. The aim of this contribution is twofold: on the one hand, to spot the main orsian pieces dealing with salient constitutional topics; on the other hand, disposing them in the shelves of a frame provided by the general constitutional theory

    A soft-computing approach for non-invasive temperature estimation

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    The domain of thermal therapies applications can be improved with the development of accurate non-invasive timespatial temperature models. These models should represent the non-linear tissue thermal behaviour and be capable of tracking temperature at both time-instant and spatial position. If such estimators exist then efficient controllers for the therapeutic instrumentation could be developed, and the desired safety and effectiveness reached

    Early Cardiac Mitochondrial Molecular and Functional Responses to Acute Anthracycline Treatment in Wistar Rats

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    Doxorubicin (DOX) is an anticancer drug widely used to treat human and nonhuman tumors but the late and persistent cardio-toxicity reduces the therapeutic utility of the drug. The full mechanism(s) of DOX-induced acute, subchronic and delayed toxicity, which has a preponderant mitochondrial component, remains unclear; therefore, it is clinically relevant to identify early markers to identify patients who are predisposed to DOX-related cardiovascular toxicity. To address this, Wistar rats (16 weeks old) were treated with a single DOX dose (20 mg/kg, i.p.); then, mRNA, protein levels and functional analysis of mitochondrial endpoints were assessed 24 h later in the heart, liver, and kidney. Using an exploratory data analysis, we observed cardiac-specific alterations after DOX treatment for mitochondrial complexes III, IV, and preferentially for complex I. Conversely, the same analysis revealed complex II alterations are associated with DOX response in the liver and kidney. Interestingly, H2O2 production by the mitochondrial respiratory chain as well as loss of calcium-loading capacity, markers of subchronic toxicity, were not reliable indicators of acute DOX cardiotoxicity in this animal model. By using sequential principal component analysis and feature correlation analysis, we demonstrated for the first time alterations in sets of transcripts and proteins, but not functional measurements, that might serve as potential early acute markers of cardiac-specific mitochondrial toxicity, contributing to explain the trajectory of DOX cardiac toxicity and to develop novel interventions to minimize DOX cardiac liabilities

    Quaternion-Based Robust Attitude Estimation Using an Adaptive Unscented Kalman Filter

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    This paper presents the Quaternion-based Robust Adaptive Unscented Kalman Filter (QRAUKF) for attitude estimation. The proposed methodology modifies and extends the standard UKF equations to consistently accommodate the non-Euclidean algebra of unit quaternions and to add robustness to fast and slow variations in the measurement uncertainty. To deal with slow time-varying perturbations in the sensors, an adaptive strategy based on covariance matching that tunes the measurement covariance matrix online is used. Additionally, an outlier detector algorithm is adopted to identify abrupt changes in the UKF innovation, thus rejecting fast perturbations. Adaptation and outlier detection make the proposed algorithm robust to fast and slow perturbations such as external magnetic field interference and linear accelerations. Comparative experimental results that use an industrial manipulator robot as ground truth suggest that our method overcomes a trusted commercial solution and other widely used open source algorithms found in the literature

    A projection–less approach to Rickart Jordan structures

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    Acknowledgments We would like to express our gratitude to the anonymous referee for many constructive comments and suggestions to improve the final form of the paper. J. GarcĂ©s and A.M. Peralta partially supported by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501-100011033/FEDER, EU, project no. PGC2018-093332-B-I00 and Junta de AndalucĂ­a grants number A-FQM-242-UGR18 and FQM375. L. Li partially supported by NSF of China (12171251) and Tianjin Natural Science Foundation (Grant No. 19JCY-BJC30200). A.M. Peralta is also supported by the IMAG–MarĂ­a de Maeztu grant CEX2020-001105-M/AEI/10.13039/501100011033. H. Tahlawi supported by a grant of Scientific Research, King Saud University. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Granada / CBUA.The main goal of this paper is to introduce and explore an appropriate notion of weakly Rickart JB⁎-triples. We introduce weakly and weakly order Rickart JB⁎-triples, and we show that a C⁎-algebra A is a weakly (order) Rickart JB⁎-triple precisely when it is a weakly Rickart C⁎-algebra. We also prove that the Peirce-2 subspace associated with any tripotent in a weakly order Rickart JB⁎-triple is a Rickart JB⁎-algebra in the sense of Ayupov and Arzikulov. By extending a classical property of Rickart C⁎-algebras, we prove that every weakly order Rickart JB⁎-triple is generated by its tripotents.Partially supported by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501-100011033/FEDER, EU, project no. PGC2018-093332-B-I00Junta de AndalucĂ­a grants number A-FQM-242-UGR18 and FQM375Partially supported by NSF of China (12171251)Tianjin Natural Science Foundation (Grant No. 19JCY-BJC30200)IMAG–MarĂ­a de Maeztu grant CEX2020-001105-M/AEI/10.13039/501100011033Scientific Research, King Saud UniversityFunding for open access charge: Universidad de Granada / CBU

    Nihilismo jurĂ­dico: Âż"etsi ius non daretur"?

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    Si partimos del constitucionalismo como sumisiĂłn del poder al Derecho, la buena o mala salud del Derecho repercutirĂĄ mucho en la ConstituciĂłn, en especial en el Estado de Derecho. Aunque el nihilismo jurĂ­dico tiene raĂ­ces filosĂłficas de gran calado —como han mostrado brillantemente Romano, Irti Possenti y otros—, aquĂ­ pretendemos mostrar que su actual extensiĂłn responde a otros factores poco teĂłricos. Nuestro enfoque es diferente (pero esperamos que complementario) al de esos autores. Al final, el nihilismo jurĂ­dico favorece al poder y deteriora nuestra libertad. Asociar nihilismo jurĂ­dico con anarquismo y libertad descarrilada, como se hace frecuentemente, no tiene mucho fundamento real. Un Derecho con sentido y contenido representarĂ­a un freno al nihilismo porque chocarĂĄ con los factores productores de nihilismo jurĂ­dico, pues, al igual que el dinero y la economĂ­a financiera —grandes motores del mundo actual—, la tĂ©cnica actĂșa no sĂłlo soulless sino tambiĂ©n mindless.If constitutionalism means submitting power to law, the good or ill health of the law will have a great impact on the Constitution, and especially on the Rule of Law. Although legal nihilism (nichilismo giuridico) can be traced back to profound philosophical roots —as Romano, Irti Possenti and other Italian writers have brilliantly shown—, in this paper we intend to suggest that its current extension is due to other, less theoretical factors. Our approach here is different (yet complementary, we hope) from that of those authors. It should be added that in the end, legal nihilism favours power and impairs our freedom. Assimilating legal nihilism to wild anarchism and derailed freedom, however frequent, is an unwarranted petitio principii. A meaningful, healthy body of law would amount to a serious brake on legal nihilism because technology, like money and financial economy -major engines of our world-, is not only soulless but also mindless
