32 research outputs found

    Marital fertility and the changing status of women in Europe

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    Fertility has by now reached very low levels in all European countries, with the exception of Albania, which is in a deviating situation. Birth rates in the other countries vary between 10 and 25‰, with minimum levels in the two German republics, Luxemburg, Finland, Austria, England and Wales, Belgium and Sweden, and maximum levels in Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Rumania, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia

    Il declino della mortalità infantile e giovanile in Italia tra le fine '800 e inizio '900: un cammino interroto da periodi difficili

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    LA COMUNICAZIONE: MEDIA, PROCESSI PRODUTTIVI E NARRAZIONI Atti del workshop 2020 (Lecce, 15 – 16 ottobre)

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    Il volume, composto da 10 saggi che costituiscono solo una parte dei contributi discussi nel Workshop “La comunicazione: media, processi produttivi e narrazioni” del Dottorato in Human and Social Sciences dell’Università del Salento (Lecce, 15-16 ottobre 2020), attesta la vivacità delle riflessioni sul tema presenti nelle discipline storiche, geografiche, giuridiche, sociologiche, pedagogiche e psicologiche e tramite l’open access consente di rendere disponibili tali prodotti della ricerca alla comunità globale, scientifica e non, per divulgare le prospettive di sviluppo delle proposte di cui il Dottorato si è fatto incubator

    Generations and Gender Survey (GGS)

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    The Generations and Gender Survey (GGS) is one of the two pillars of the Generations and Gender Programme designed to improve understanding of demographic and social development and of the factors that influence these developments. This article describes how the theoretical perspectives applied in the survey, the survey design and the questionnaire are related to this objective. The key features of the survey include panel design, multidisciplinarity, comparability, context-sensitivity, inter-generational and gender relationships. The survey applies the life course approach, focussing on the processes of childbearing, partnership dynamics, home leaving, and retiring. The selection of topics for data collection mainly follows the criterion of theoretically grounded relevance to explaining one or more of the mentioned processes. A large portion of the survey deals with economic aspects of life, such as economic activity, income, and economic well-being; a comparably large section is devoted to values and attitudes. Other domains covered by the survey include gender relationships, household composition and housing, residential mobility, social networks and private transfers, education, health, and public transfers. The third chapter of the article describes the motivations for their inclusion. The GGS questionnaire is designed for a face-to-face interview. It includes the core that each participating country needs to implement in full, and four optional sub-modules on nationality and ethnicity, on previous partners, on intentions of breaking up, and on housing, respectively. The participating countries are encouraged to include also the optional sub-modules to facilitate comparative research on these topics.economic activity, event history, family, fertility, gender, generation, household, panel studies, survey, values

    Obesity among the adult population in Italy

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    Objective: analysis of prevalence and factors of obesity among the adult population in Italy.Materials: microdata from the Multipurpose Survey on Households "Aspects of daily life 2007", carried out by Istat on a sample of nearly 19 thousands households.Methods: multiple logistic regression. Results: the risk of obesity is associated to individuals' sociodemographic characteristics. Physical and cultural activity are negatively associated with obesity. The stratified analyses highlight differences by gender and age in the factors associated to higher risks of obesity.Conclusion: the prevention and treatment of obesity require the cooperation of several specialists, not exclusively from the health-sector.</p