2,163 research outputs found

    The Impact of Employee Wellness Programs on Mental Health Workers’ Reported Symptoms of Compassion Fatigue and Burnout

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    Burnout and Compassion fatigue are topics which are covered in the literature and academic programs. Wellness in order to combat these is also an important topic for helping professionals. This study examined employee wellness programs and their effect on mental health workers’ compassion fatigue and burnout. A mixed-methods model used the Professional Quality of Life (ProQOL) survey and five open-ended questions relating to the wellness activities. Many barriers and incentives to use of the wellness programs were found and scores were compared with other demographic and programmatic information. Further research should continue to examine mental health workers, specifically, and the impact of environmental support. Continued use of Moos’ Work Environmental Scale (WES) would be beneficial to agencies employing a large number of mental health workers

    The Impact of Employee Wellness Programs on Mental Health Workers’ Reported Symptoms of Compassion Fatigue and Burnout

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    Burnout and Compassion fatigue are topics which are covered in the literature and academic programs. Wellness in order to combat these is also an important topic for helping professionals. This study examined employee wellness programs and their effect on mental health workers’ compassion fatigue and burnout. A mixed-methods model used the Professional Quality of Life (ProQOL) survey and five open-ended questions relating to the wellness activities. Many barriers and incentives to use of the wellness programs were found and scores were compared with other demographic and programmatic information. Further research should continue to examine mental health workers, specifically, and the impact of environmental support. Continued use of Moos’ Work Environmental Scale (WES) would be beneficial to agencies employing a large number of mental health workers

    Redactioneel: Wat is de kwaliteit van pro Justitia rapportages?

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    Objetivo general: Determinar los factores clínicos asociados a la bacteriemia en pacientes con leucemia mieloide aguda hospitalizados en el Hospital Nacional Guillermo Almenara Irigoyen 2018. La leucemia mieloide aguda (LMA) es un tipo de cáncer relacionado a la sangre. Este es agresivo, poco frecuente y tiene una alta tasa de mortalidad. Este tipo de neoplasia requiere de un tratamiento inmediato con quimioterapia intensiva y a veces con terapia de medula ósea. Por otro lado, los pacientes que son sometidos a terapia para neoplasias malignas hematológicas, como la leucemia mieloide aguda, presentan un riesgo significativo de infección potencialmente mortal, principalmente debido a la naturaleza inmunosupresora de la enfermedad subyacente así como por la neutropenia generada por la terapia de inducción. Factores de riesgo como la inmunidad celular y humoral generada por la enfermedad subyacente así como el número de catéteres venosos que penetran la piel, predispondrían la bacteriemia, la intensificación y el uso prolongado de fármacos quimioterapéuticos también se han relacionado con la presencia de bacteriemia. Sin embargo las investigaciones ejecutadas son limitadas y no han sido concluyentes. Por ello, son necesarios estudios donde se identifique los factores clínicos asociados a la bacteriemia en pacientes con terapia de inducción, como una forma de prevenir la mortalidad, sin embargo, actualmente son pocas las investigaciones nacionales centradas en determinarlos, a pesar de su importancia clínica. En el Perú, una investigación llevada a cabo por Hernández et al., en 2011, reveló que el 35.4% de los paciente sometidos a terapia de inducción de LMA presentaron bacteriemia, principalmente en mujeres (52.38%), niños entre 2 y 9 años (76.19%), el uso de acceso venoso periférico (96.54%) así como la presencia de bacterias grampositivas (10.26%). A nivel del Hospital Nacional Guillermo Almenara Irigoyen, no se tiene un estimado sobre la presencia de LMA. Por lo planteado, la presente investigación busca determinar los factores clínicos asociados a la bacteriemia en pacientes con terapia de inducción de LMA en pacientes hospitalizados en el Hospital Nacional Guillermo Almenara Irigoyen

    In- vitro-activity of additive application of hydrogen peroxide in antimicrobial photodynamic therapy using LED in the blue spectrum against bacteria and biofilm associated with periodontal disease.

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    BACKGROUND Although antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (aPDT) has been shown to be efficient in killing planktonic periodontopathogenic bacteria, its activity on established biofilms is very limited. The aim of the present in-vitro study was to evaluate the potential effect of hydrogen peroxide as a pretreatment for aPDT. METHODS aPDT consisting of riboflavin as photosensitizer and illumination by a LED lamp emitting in the blue spectrum for 30 s and 60 s (aPDT60) was combined with a pretreatment with 0.25% and 3% hydrogen peroxide. The antimicrobial activity of these treatments was determined against eight oral species (incl. Porphyromonas gingivalis and Tannerella forsythia) and against eight-species biofilms. Treatment of biofilms in an artificial pocket model included a mechanical removal of the biofilm. RESULTS Against planktonic bacteria, pretreatment with hydrogen peroxide increased killing of planktonic bacteria, after aPDT60 no viable bacteria were detected in 7 of 8 strains. In biofilms formed on well-plates, aPDT60 reduced bacterial counts only by 0.53 log10 cfu, whereas reduction was closed to 4 log10 or higher when 3% hydrogen peroxide was used. When biofilms were treated in the periodontal-pocket model, reduction of cfu was less than 0.5 log10 after mechanical therapy or aPDT60 only, however no bacteria were detected after mechanical biofilm removal followed by the use 3% of hydrogen peroxide and aPDT60. CONCLUSIONS aPDT using riboflavin and blue LED light applied after mechanical removal of biofilm and adjunctive 3% hydrogen peroxide solution appears to represent an alternative for antimicrobial periodontal therapy

    Vierduizend jaar bewoning en begraving in Edegem-Buizegem (prov. Antwerpen)

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    De opgravingen in Edegem-Buizegem hebben alleszins enkele unieke vondsten en inzichten opgeleverd. De enorme grafcirkel uit de vroege ijzertijd is de grootste die ooit in Vlaanderen werd gevonden en is in afmetingen enkel te vergelijken met het vorstengraf van Oss (NL, Noord-Brabant). Ook de laatneolithische grafheuvel met standgreppel en een enkelvoudige palenkrans is de eerste in ons land. Beide structuren geven een beeld van een uitzonderlijk graf van een ongetwijfeld uitzonderlijk persoon in de samenleving, en van de inplanting van het graf in relatie tot de voorouders en het landschap. Ook de opgravingen van een grafveld uit de vroege en volle middeleeuwen is vrij zeldzaam in de regio, hoewel het jammer genoeg slechts voor een klein deel te bestuderen was. Daardoor gaf het weinig inzicht in de datering, de stratigrafie en de relatie tot het kerkgebouw. Afgezien van deze afzonderlijke elementen ligt het belang van de site evenzeer in de uitzonderlijke, bijna onafgebroken occupatiegeschiedenis vanaf het laat neolithicum tot in de late middeleeuwen. De nadruk lag in de opgegraven zone op de funeraire functie van de site, maar de bewoningssporen wijzen ook op een continue nederzettingsfunctie, zeker sinds de late ijzertijd. De zone direct rond de grafheuvels lijkt het centrum te zijn gebleven van alle latere occupatie. De locatie van de site, op het hoogste punt van de omgeving, speelde ongetwijfeld een doorslaggevende rol bij de inplanting van de grafheuvels. De hoog gelegen vruchtbare leemgrond was ook voor de prehistorische en vroegmiddeleeuwse bewoners een aantrekkingspool. In de Romeinse periode echter lijkt de nabijheid van de verbindingsweg tussen de vicus op Kontich-Steenakker en de Mechelse steenweg belangrijker te zijn geweest. De Romeinse bewoningskern is dan ook meer naar het zuiden te situeren

    The adaptation of Dutch energy policy to emerging area-based energy practices

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    This paper sheds a light on how local conditions affect renewable energy innovation. As empirical case, we study an energy transition policy regulation in the Netherlands: the zip code-rose regulation (PCR) intended for community energy initiatives. Firstly, we analyse the capacity of the PCR to facilitate the accommodation of renewable energy projects by community energy initiatives. Secondly, we analyse how emerging area-based energy practices are feeding back into the energy policy system. Based on empirical evidence from a desk study and interviews with community energy initiatives and key governance actors we find that the policy does provide a modest incentive for initiatives to develop renewable energy projects under local conditions. Nevertheless, the policy falls short of allowing initiatives to openly seek for locally desired solutions and hence, to increase opportunities at a local level to develop projects based on local conditions. However, current difficulties with the policy are being considered at a national level urging for adaptation of Dutch energy policies

    Multiple prebiotic metals mediate translation.

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    Today, Mg2+ is an essential cofactor with diverse structural and functional roles in life's oldest macromolecular machine, the translation system. We tested whether ancient Earth conditions (low O2, high Fe2+, and high Mn2+) can revert the ribosome to a functional ancestral state. First, SHAPE (selective 2'-hydroxyl acylation analyzed by primer extension) was used to compare the effect of Mg2+, Fe2+, and Mn2+ on the tertiary structure of rRNA. Then, we used in vitro translation reactions to test whether Fe2+ or Mn2+ could mediate protein production, and quantified ribosomal metal content. We found that (i) Mg2+, Fe2+, and Mn2+ had strikingly similar effects on rRNA folding; (ii) Fe2+ and Mn2+ can replace Mg2+ as the dominant divalent cation during translation of mRNA to functional protein; and (iii) Fe and Mn associate extensively with the ribosome. Given that the translation system originated and matured when Fe2+ and Mn2+ were abundant, these findings suggest that Fe2+ and Mn2+ played a role in early ribosomal evolution

    Features of Pavement Damage due to Hyogo-ken Nanbu Earthquake

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    Translocation of the LYL1 oncogene are rare in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia, whereas the homologous TAL1 gene is rearranged in approximately 20% of patients. Previous gene-expression studies have identified an immature T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia subgroup with high LYL1 expression in the absence of chromosomal aberrations. Molecular characterization of a t(7;19)(q34;p13) in a pediatric T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia patient led to the identification of a translocation between the TRB@ and LYL1 loci. Similar to incidental T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia cases with synergistic, double translocations affecting TAL1/2 and LMO1/2 oncogenes, this LYL1-translocated patient also had an LMO2 rearrangement pointing to onco-genic cooperation between LYL1 and LMO2. In hierarchical cluster analyses based on gene-expression data, this sample consi

    Atomic Size Mismatch Strain Induced Surface Reconstructions

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    The effects of lattice mismatch strain and atomic size mismatch strain on surface reconstructions are analyzed using density functional theory. These calculations demonstrate the importance of an explicit treatment of alloying when calculating the energies of alloyed surface reconstructions. Lattice mismatch strain has little impact on surface dimer ordering for the α2(2×4) reconstruction of GaAs alloyed with In. However, atomic size mismatch strain induces the surface In atoms to preferentially alternate position, which, in turn, induces an alternating configuration of the surface anion dimers. These results agree well with experimental data for α2(2×4) domains in InGaAs∕GaAs surfaces

    Medidas de protección de violencia familiar y vulneración del derecho de defensa del denunciado - Juzgado Especializado de Familia, Lambayeque-2022

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    La imposición de las medidas de protección en los casos de violencia familiar obedece a un proceso especial, que se justifica sobre la base de prevenir un posible daño a la víctima .Sin embargo, se vulneran derechos importantes, tal como el derecho a la defensa, ya que en la implementación de las medidas de protección no se requiere de su participación y por lo tanto no puede realizar los actos de defensa que estime convenientes. Esta investigación se enfocó en analizar la interacción entre medidas de protección y el derecho de defensa en casos de violencia contra la mujer en el Juzgado Especializado de Familia Permanente de Lambayeque durante 2022. Utilizando un enfoque fenomenológico, se exploraron percepciones y experiencias de acusados y se evaluó la normativa. El resultado principal mostró que las medidas de protección a menudo afectan el derecho de defensa y vulneran derechos fundamentales, comprometiendo la imparcialidad del proceso. La percepción de los acusados sobre falta de defensa efectiva y las emociones negativas asociadas impactan en su confianza en el sistema. La conclusión más relevante resalta la necesidad de equilibrar la protección de víctimas con el respeto a los derechos procesales de acusados, promoviendo una normativa más equitativa y políticas públicas coherentes
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