1,333 research outputs found


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    Nella presente nota si intendono illustrare gli sviluppi di un progetto di ricerca che prevede l'integrazione tra tecniche di monitoraggio e modelli numerici avanzati per lo studio delle grandi frane in roccia ai fini di un allertamento rapido delle popolazioni e delle infrastrutture esposte al rischio. In particolare tra le tecniche di monitoraggio si prenderanno in esame l'interferometria radar da terra (GBInSAR), mentre a livello di modellazione numerica l'attenzione verrà rivolta al metodo ibrido elementi finiti/elementi distinti (FDEM). Con riferimento ad alcuni casi reali, i modelli numerici, validati e calibrati sui dati di monitoraggio, verranno utilizzati per la produzione di scenari di evoluzione dei fenomeni franosi oggetto di studio. I risultati della modellazione consentiranno di definire particolari soglie (spostamenti, velocità, altezze piezometriche etc..), in base ai diversi scenari simulati, da cui si potrà ottenere una valutazione rapida del livello di criticità associata al fenomeno in esam

    A comparative experimental study on the impact of standard and torrefied wood pellets on the drive parameters of a stratified batch gasifier

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    In these last years gasification studies have mainly involved raw biomasses. Recently, torrefied lignocellulosic materials have become particularly attractive but the majority of the investigations regarding this thermal treatment have been limited to the characterization of the feedstocks submitted to a wide range of working conditions. Only a limited and well documented number of works specifically dedicated to gasification of torrefied biomasses have been till now published. Most of these works, indeed, report results refer to industrial or pilot plants working within limited range conditions. As a consequence, extended investigations of the impact of the guide parameters of this process on a wide working conditions spectrum are not so easy to found. This work presents the results of an extended experimental campaign carried out on a specific small gasifier designed for a batch configuration and using air as gasification agent. The peculiarity of this experimental study consists in an on line monitoring of the biomass loss during the gasification process and in a direct experimental determination of the main parameters of the process as: the productivity of the syngas, its heating value, the amount of the remaining char, the power of the gasifier and the cold efficiency of the process. In particular the role of the air flow rate as critical parameter and its impact on the cited quantities is highlighted. For this investigation the results obtained for gasification tests of both commercial pellet (CP) and torrefied pellet (TP) characterized by a Mass Yield close to 80% are presented. The adopted experimental device allows to select several air flow rate ranging from 15 to 30 Nl·min-1. The L.H.V. of the syngas reaches values in the range 3.51 \u3c L.H.V. \u3c 3.85 and 4.14 \u3c L.H.V. \u3c 4.31 for CP and TP respectively. The maximum power values set at 2.73 kW for CP and 3.53 kW for TP. Interesting results can be deduced by reporting the trend of the cited quantities Vs. the air flow rate. As general result, the use of torrefied material confirms a significant improvement of the performances of the gasification process compared to those involving conventional biomasses. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    fluorecence microscopy study of cds quantum dots obtained by laser irradiation from a single source precursor in polymeric film

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    Abstract Recently the quantum dots (QDs) synthesis from single source precursors (SSPs) showed a potential interest for patterning formation of nano-composites. In this approach the SSPs have to be mixed with a matrix that afterwards is treated selectively to obtain the desired nanocomposite. The study of the generation of the QDs from the SSPs is, therefore, crucial for the definition of its behaviour within the polymeric matrix. The formation of the CdS QDs via thermolysis of the cadmium diethyldithiocarbamate (CdDDTC) was performed and studied in the presence of a non coordinating solvent such as octadecene (ODE) in presence of myristic acid (MA) as ligand. The precursor is then studied in combination with the poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) polymer for the generation of the CdS QDs under the laser irradiation within a film. The effect of the laser has been studied both on neat PMMA and on the polymer/precursor blend film with the aid of the fluorescence microscope. The results are used to identify the optimal laser parameters to obtain the decomposition of the precursor and to evaluate the effect of the laser irradiation on the polymer

    Early warning monitoring of natural and engineered slopes with Ground-Based Synthetic Aperture Radar

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    The first application of ground-based interferometric synthetic-aperture radar (GBInSAR) for slope monitoring dates back 13 years. Today, GBInSAR is used internationally as a leading-edge tool for near-real-time monitoring of surface slope movements in landslides and open pit mines. The success of the technology relies mainly on its ability to measure slope movements rapidly with sub- millimetric accuracy over wide areas and in almost any weather conditions. In recent years, GBInSAR has experienced significant improvements, due to the development of more advanced radar techniques in terms of both data processing and sensor performance. These improvements have led to widespread diffusion of the technology for early warning monitoring of slopes in both civil and mining applications. The main technical features of modern SAR technology for slope monitoring are discussed in this paper. A comparative analysis with other monitoring technologies is also presented along with some recent examples of successful slope monitorin

    Physical fitness characteristics of a front-line firefighter population

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    Firefighters require a high level of physical fitness in order to meet the demands of their profession. While physical performance testing is required to join the department, firefighters are not subject to further formal exercise or performance testing throughout the duration of their careers. The purpose of the present study was to gather information regarding the physical fitness of front-line Canadian firefighters, to determine whether a testing battery predictive of both performance and future injury risk is viable, and to make recommendations regarding the format of fitness testing and training programs for front-line firefighters. Front-line, career firefighters were tested on a variety of physical fitness measures related to body composition, strength, power, and endurance over three testing sessions. Large ranges of data were found for many of the measures taken and tests performed. Body fat percentage had the most significant correlations with other performance tests while performance in the pushup test and vertical jump correlated strongly with many of the more sophisticated fitness tests. Some firefighters may not possess adequate fitness levels to optimally perform their job responsibilities. Simple field tests may form the basis of predictive testing batteries for both fitness and future injury risk, though further research is needed


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    Esta pesquisa busca compreender a relação entre os processos comunicativos e as conquistas de cidadania. A comunicação é percebida aqui em seu sentido amplo abarca os meios de informação de massa, que trazem informações e entretenimento, mas são frequentemente manipulados por interesses econômicos; as mídias alternativas, que amplia vozes e luta por direitos, praticada principalmente pelos movimentos sociais; e a comunicação interpessoal, dialógica, que permeia os processos cotidianos das pessoas e as esferas públicas de discussões. Todas essas comunicações são percebidas como parte essencial do entendimento do que é cidadania, de como ela se desenvolve e influencia a maneira como o cidadão se vê como tal. Os movimentos sociais são analisados como parte fundamental deste processo, uma vez que atuam como os principais agentes de luta pela conquista de direitos nas sociedades contemporâneas. Este trabalho justifica-se na medida em que busca contribuir para o entendimento dos processos comunicacionais que permeiam o cotidiano da sociedade civil, a partir da análise da comunicação que envolve os movimentos sociais. Parte-se da proposição de que a comunicação em todos os seus aspectos é fundamental para esses movimentos enquanto atores na luta pelo fortalecimento da cidadania. Para isso, é apresentado um histórico e o debate atual dos conceitos de cidadania, direitos humanos, participação e movimentos sociais e sua relação com os âmbitos comunicacionais citados. O objetivo é contribuir para o entendimento da relação entre comunicação, processos democráticos e a construção da cidadania, ainda pouco pesquisada de forma sistemática. Este estudo teórico utiliza como metodologia o levantamento bibliográfico, buscando identificar, debater e relacionar conceitos já desenvolvidos por pensadores dos diferentes campos abordados. Dentre as principais referências bibliográficas estão Desmond Fischer (1984), Cees Hamelink (2004), Norberto Bobbio (1982, 2004), Fabio Comparato (2010), Thomas Marshall (1967), José Murilo de Carvalho (2004), Liszt Vieira (2001), Pedro Demo (1993, 1995), Juan Bordenave (1983), Charles Tilly (2007), Alberto Melucci (2001), Jürgen Habermas (1984, 1997), Andrew Arato e Jean Cohen (1992), John Downing (2004), Cicilia Peruzzo (1998), Paulo Freire (2013), Jesús Martín-Barbero (1997, 2012) e Milton Santos (2013)


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    Nella presente nota si intendono illustrare gli sviluppi di un progetto di ricerca che prevede l’integrazione tra tecniche di monitoraggio e modelli numerici avanzati per lo studio delle grandi frane in roccia ai fini di un allertamento rapido delle popolazioni e delle infrastrutture esposte al rischio. In particolare tra le tecniche di monitoraggio si prenderanno in esame l’interferometria radar da terra (GBInSAR), mentre a livello di modellazione numerica l’attenzione verrà rivolta al metodo ibrido elementi finiti/elementi distinti (FDEM). Con riferimento ad alcuni casi reali, i modelli numerici, validati e calibrati sui dati di monitoraggio, verranno utilizzati per la produzione di scenari di evoluzione dei fenomeni franosi oggetto di studio. I risultati della modellazione consentiranno di definire particolari soglie (spostamenti, velocità, altezze piezometriche etc..), in base ai diversi scenari simulati, da cui si potrà ottenere una valutazione rapida del livello di criticità associata al fenomeno in esame

    New fluorescent polymeric nanocomposites synthesized by antimony dodecyl-mercaptide thermolysis in polymer

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    In this work, the formation of semiconductive Sb2S3 nanoparticles inside amorphous polystyrene has been achieved by thermal degradation of the corresponding antimony dodecyl-mercaptide, Sb(SC12H25)3. The thermolysis of the dodecyl-mercaptide precursor was studied as both pure phase and mercaptide solution in polystyrene. The thermal decom- position of the antimony mercaptide precursor at 350°C, under vacuum, showed the formation of a mixture of antimony trisulfide (stibnite, Sb2S3) and zero-valent antimony (Sb) phase. X-ray Powder Diffraction (XRD) and Rietveld analysis carried out on the obtained nanostructured powder confirmed the presence of Sb and Sb2S3 phases in 10.4 wt% and 89.6 wt% amount, respectively. The same pyrolysis reaction was carried out in the polymer and the resulting nanocompos- ite material was characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), UV-VIS spec- troscopy, and fluorescence spectroscopy. The nanocomposite structural characterization indicated the presence of well-dispersed nanoclusters of antimony and stibnite (15-30 nm in size) inside the amorphous polymeric phase. Optical measurements on the obtained nanocomposite films showed a strong emission at 432 nm upon excitation at 371 nm, prob- ably related to the presence of Sb2S3 nanoclusters

    The EEE Project

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    The new experiment ``Extreme Energy Events'' (EEE) to detect extensive air showers through muon detection is starting in Italy. The use of particle detectors based on Multigap Resistive Plate Chambers (MRPC) will allow to determine with a very high accuracy the direction of the axis of cosmic ray showers initiated by primaries of ultra-high energy, together with a high temporal resolution. The installation of many of such 'telescopes' in numerous High Schools scattered all over the Italian territory will also allow to investigate coincidences between multiple primaries producing distant showers. Here we present the experimental apparatus and its tasks.Comment: 4 pages, 29th ICRC 2005, Pune, Indi
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