412 research outputs found

    Fisher-Shannon analysis of ionization processes and isoelectronic series

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    The Fisher-Shannon plane which embodies the Fisher information measure in conjunction with the Shannon entropy is tested in its ability to quantify and compare the informational behavior of the process of atomic ionization. We report the variation of such an information measure and its constituents for a comprehensive set of neutral atoms, and their isoelectronic series including the mononegative ions, using the numerical data generated on 320 atomic systems in position, momentum, and product spaces at the Hartree-Fock level. It is found that the Fisher-Shannon plane clearly reveals shell-filling patterns across the periodic table. Compared to position space, a significantly higher resolution is exhibited in momentum space. Characteristic features in the Fisher-Shannon plane accompanying the ionization process are identified, and the physical reasons for the observed patterns are described

    Fisher-Shannon plane and statistical complexity of atoms

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    Using the Hartree-Fock non-relativistic wave functions in the position and momentum spaces, the statistical measure of complexity C, due to López-Ruiz, Mancini, and Calbet for the neutral atoms as well as their monopositive and mononegative ions with atomic number Z=1-54 are reported. In C, given by the product of exponential power Shannon entropy and the average density, the latter is then replaced by the Fisher measure to obtain the Fisher-Shannon plane. Our numerical results suggest that in overall the Fisher-Shannon plane reproduces the trends given by C, with significantly enhanced sensitivity in the position, momentum and the product spaces in all neutral atoms and ions considered

    Characterization of phenolic composition of Vitis vinifera L. ‘Tempranillo’ and ‘Graciano’ subjected to deficit irrigation during berry development

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    The response of phenolic composition of skins from Vitis vinifera L. ‘Tempranillo’ and ‘Graciano’ grapes to water-deficit irrigation during berry growth and ripening was evaluated. The study was carried out using container-grown grapevines grown under controlled conditions in a greenhouse. Two irrigation treatments were imposed: control (well-watered) and sustained deficit irrigation (SDI). Twenty-eight phenolic compounds, including anthocyanins, flavonols and monomeric flavan-3-ols (catechins) as well as phenolic acids derivatives have been identified in the extracts prepared from the berry skins at physiological maturity. For both varieties, water deficit reduced leaf area and leaf area to crop mass ratio, and decreased berry size. However, there were no changes in juice total soluble solids, pH or total polyphenolic content. Water deficit resulted in decreased must titratable acidity in ‘Graciano’ berries. In ‘Tempranillo’, water limitation reduced total anthocyanins and flavonols, and increased hydroxycinnamic acids. In ‘Graciano’, water deficit resulted in increased flavonols and reduced catechins. Altogether, we concluded that under water-deficit irrigation, ‘Graciano’ grapes presented a differential composition of phenolic compounds that could result in improved fruit quality

    Al-Minya, Ägypten. Müll im Überfluss in der griechisch-römischen Bergsiedlung in Tuna el-Gebel. Die Kampagnen 2021 und 2022

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    Archaeobotanical research at the Graeco-roman mountain settlement of ­Petra, in Tuna El-Gebel (Egypt), started in 2021, with a strong focus on the excellently preserved rubbish deposits found as infilling of an inner court of ­a tower house. Plant remains (seeds, fruits, wood, charcoal, leaves, tubers, stems, etc.) and elements made of or containing plant remains (dung ­remains, baskets, mats, textiles, daub, etc.) were recovered in large amounts. The archaeobotanical work so far allowed to identify a large number of useful plants that indicate that the crop diversity available at the site was very rich and benefited from large-distance commercial networks

    Competencias Genéricas Menos Desarrolladas en Estudiantes de Educación Superior

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    El estudio plantea establecer el nivel de importancia de las competencias genéricas en educación. Metodología: Estudio transversal desde la perspectiva del Proyecto Alfa Tuning América Latina y del Ministerio de Educación de Colombia con una población de 324 estudiantes de pregrado de los últimos semestres. Resultados: Se encontró que los estudiantes consideran bastante importantes las competencias genéricas, pero se enfrentan a una situación académica donde algunas de ellas (pensamiento matemático y la alfabetización cuantitativa, la comunicación en una segunda lengua y el compromiso con la preservación del medio ambiente) han sido menos desarrolladas. Discusión y conclusión: Competencias como el pensamiento matemático y la alfabetización cuantitativa, la comunicación en una segunda lengua y el compromiso con la preservación del medio ambiente deberían ocupar los esfuerzos de las universidades para mejorar su calidad educativa

    Identidad de género y cuidados intensivos: influencia de la masculinidad y la feminidad en la percepción de los cuidados enfermeros

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    Introducción: La enfermería ha sido fundamentalmente un trabajo de mujeres. El incremento en la incorporación de hombres a la enfermería nos hace reflexionar en torno a la cuestión de si existen diferentes formas de expresar y practicar una profesión en relación al género. Objetivo: Describir si existen diferentes maneras de percibir y valorar el trabajo en la UCI desde una perspectiva de género. Metodología: Estudio cualitativo fenomenológico. Muestra: 6 enfermeros y 6 enfermeras de la UCI del HUB Recogida de datos: Entrevista semi-estructurada en profundidad. Análisis de contenido. Resultados: Los enfermeros describen el trabajo en la UCI en términos de autonomía en las decisiones y competencia profesional; reivindican su identidad como enfermeros y destacan el bajo reconocimiento social que se hace de la profesión; priorizan más la responsabilidad en la toma de decisiones que el resultado final y valoran la satisfacción familiar en términos de prestigio y competencia. Son más prácticos. Las enfermeras califican el trabajo en términos de control y seguimiento en la evolución del enfermo; destacan más el resultado final del cuidado y valoran la satisfacción en términos de relación de confianza y calidez asistencial. Son más detallistas. Conclusiones: Existen diferencias en la manera de calificar el trabajo en la UCI, en la valoración de la identidad profesional, el comportamiento en el desarrollo de los cuidados de enfermería y en la percepción de la satisfacción familiar. No se observan diferencias en relación al abordaje en la resolución de problemas con la tecnología

    Robust ASR using Support Vector Machines

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    The improved theoretical properties of Support Vector Machines with respect to other machine learning alternatives due to their max-margin training paradigm have led us to suggest them as a good technique for robust speech recognition. However, important shortcomings have had to be circumvented, the most important being the normalisation of the time duration of different realisations of the acoustic speech units. In this paper, we have compared two approaches in noisy environments: first, a hybrid HMM–SVM solution where a fixed number of frames is selected by means of an HMM segmentation and second, a normalisation kernel called Dynamic Time Alignment Kernel (DTAK) first introduced in Shimodaira et al. [Shimodaira, H., Noma, K., Nakai, M., Sagayama, S., 2001. Support vector machine with dynamic time-alignment kernel for speech recognition. In: Proc. Eurospeech, Aalborg, Denmark, pp. 1841–1844] and based on DTW (Dynamic Time Warping). Special attention has been paid to the adaptation of both alternatives to noisy environments, comparing two types of parameterisations and performing suitable feature normalisation operations. The results show that the DTA Kernel provides important advantages over the baseline HMM system in medium to bad noise conditions, also outperforming the results of the hybrid system.Publicad