60 research outputs found

    Development of the Dutch Structure for Integrated Children's Palliative Care

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    Children’s palliative care (CPC) is gaining attention worldwide, facilitated by the exchange of knowledge during regular specialised congresses. This article describes the developments in the Netherlands over the past 15 years. The Foundation for Children’s Palliative Expertise (PAL) was established as a nationwide initiative committed to improving palliative care for children countrywide. This led to the development of the first hospital-based CPC team in 2012, which expanded to a total of seven teams adjacent to children’s university hospitals. Regional networks for CPC were developed in parallel to these teams from 2014 onwards. The networks are a collaboration of professionals from different disciplines and organisations, from hospital to homecare, and have covered the aspects of CPC nationally from 2019 onwards. They are connected through the Dutch Knowledge Centre for CPC. This centre was established in 2018 by the PAL Foundation in collaboration with the Dutch Association for Pediatrics. In 2013, the first evidence-based guideline, ‘palliative care for children’, provided access to knowledge for parents and healthcare providers, and in 2017, a format for an individual palliative care plan was established. Within the Knowledge Centre for CPC, a physician’s support centre for dilemma’s regarding the end of life of children was set up. The efforts to have children’s palliative care embedded in the regular Dutch health care insurance are ongoing

    Tocilizumab for the fifth progression of cystic childhood craniopharyngioma-a case report

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    We present the case of a 15-year-old girl, with a fifth cystic progression of an adamantinomatous craniopharyngioma after multiple surgeries and previous local radiotherapy. She had severe visual impairment, panhypopituitarism including diabetes insipidus, and several components of hypothalamic damage, including morbid obesity and severe fatigue. To prevent further late effects hampering her quality of survival, she was treated biweekly with intravenous tocilizumab, an anti-interleukin-6 agent, which stabilized the cyst for a prolonged time. Based on the biology of adamantinomatous craniopharyngioma, this immune-modulating treatment seems promising for the treatment of this cystic tumor in order to reduce surgery and delay or omit radiotherapy

    Dextroamphetamine Treatment in Children With Hypothalamic Obesity

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    INTRODUCTION: Hypothalamic obesity (HO) in children has severe health consequences. Lifestyle interventions are mostly insufficient and currently no drug treatment is approved for children with HO. Amphetamines are known for their stimulant side-effect on resting energy expenditure (REE) and suppressing of appetite. Earlier case series have shown positive effects of amphetamines on weight in children with acquired HO. We present our experiences with dextroamphetamine treatment in the, up to now, largest cohort of children with HO. METHODS: A retrospective cohort evaluation was performed of children with HO treated with dextroamphetamine at two academic endocrine pediatric clinics. Off-label use of dextroamphetamine was initiated in patients with progressive, therapy-resistant acquired or congenital HO. Anthropometrics, REE, self-reported (hyperphagic) behavior and energy level, and side effects were assessed at start and during treatment. RESULTS: Nineteen patients with a mean age of 12.3 ± 4.0 years had been treated with dextroamphetamine. In two patients, ΔBMI SDS could not be evaluated due to short treatment duration or the simultaneous start of extensive lifestyle treatment. Mean treatment duration of the 17 evaluated patients was 23.7 ± 12.7 months. Fourteen patients (n = 10 with acquired HO, n = 4 with congenital HO) responded by BMI decline or BMI stabilization (mean ΔBMI SDS of -0.6 ± 0.8, after a mean period of 22.4 ± 10.5 months). In three patients, BMI SDS increased (mean ΔBMI SDS of +0.5 ± 0.1, after a mean period of 29.7 ± 22.6 months). In 11 responders, measured REE divided by predicted REE increased with +8.9%. Thirteen patients (68.4%) reported decreased hyperphagia, improvement of energy level and/or behavior during treatment. Two patients developed hypertension during treatment, which resulted in dosage adjustment or discontinuation of treatment. Twelve children continued treatment at last moment of follow-up. CONCLUSION: In addition to supportive lifestyle interventions, dextroamphetamine treatment may improve BMI in children with HO. Furthermore, dextroamphetamines have the potential to decrease hyperphagia and improve resting energy expenditure, behavior, and energy level. In patients with acquired HO, these effects seem to be more pronounced when compared to patients with congenital HO. Future studies are needed to support these results

    Safety of growth hormone replacement therapy in childhood-onset craniopharyngioma: a systematic review and cohort study

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    Introduction: Survival of childhood-onset craniopharyngioma (cCP) is excellent; however, many survivors suffer from hypothalamic-pituitary dysfunction. Growth hormone replacement therapy (GHRT) is of high importance for linear growth and metabolic outcome. Optimal timing for initiation of GHRT in cCP is on debate because of concerns regarding tumor progression or recurrence. Methods: A systematic review and cohort studys were performed for the effect and timing of GHRT on overall mortality, tumor progression/recurrence, and secondary tumors in cCP. Within the cohort, cCP receiving GHRT ≤1 year after diagnosis were compared to those receiving GHRT >1 year after diagnosis. Results: Evidence of 18 included studies, reporting on 6,603 cCP with GHRT, suggests that GHRT does not increase the risk for overall mortality, progression, or recurrent disease. One study evaluated timing of GHRT and progression/recurrence-free survival and found no increased risk with earlier initiation. One study reported a higher than expected prevalence of secondary intracranial tumors compared to a healthy population, possibly confounded by radiotherapy. In our cohort, 75 of 87 cCP (86.2%) received GHRT for median of 4.9 years [0.0-17.1]. No effect of timing of GHRT was found on mortality, progression/recurrence-free survival, or secondary tumors. Conclusion: Although the quality of the evidence is low, the available evidence suggests no effect of GHRT or its timing on mortality, tumor progression/recurrence, or secondary neoplasms in cCP. These results support early initiation of GHRT in cCP aiming to optimize linear growth and metabolic outcome. Prospective studies are needed to increase the level of evidence upon the optimal timing to start GHRT in cCP patients

    The coding and non-coding transcriptional landscape of subependymal giant cell astrocytomas

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    Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is an autosomal dominantly inherited neurocutaneous disorder caused by inactivating mutations in TSC1 or TSC2, key regulators of the mechanistic target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) pathway. In the CNS, TSC is characterized by cortical tubers, subependymal nodules and subependymal giant cell astrocytomas (SEGAs). SEGAs may lead to impaired circulation of CSF resulting in hydrocephalus and raised intracranial pressure in patients with TSC. Currently, surgical resection and mTORC1 inhibitors are the recommended treatment options for patients with SEGA. In the present study, high-throughput RNA-sequencing (SEGAs n = 19, periventricular control n = 8) was used in combination with computational approaches to unravel the complexity of SEGA development. We identified 9400 mRNAs and 94 microRNAs differentially expressed in SEGAs compared to control tissue. The SEGA transcriptome profile was enriched for the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway, a major regulator of cell proliferation and survival. Analysis at the protein level confirmed that extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) is activated in SEGAs. Subsequently, the inhibition of ERK independently of mTORC1 blockade decreased efficiently the proliferation of primary patient-derived SEGA cultures. Furthermore, we found that LAMTOR1, LAMTOR2, LAMTOR3, LAMTOR4 and LAMTOR5 were overexpressed at both gene and protein levels in SEGA compared to control tissue. Taken together LAMTOR1-5 can form a complex, known as the 'Ragulator' complex, which is known to activate both mTORC1 and MAPK/ERK pathways. Overall, this study shows that the MAPK/ERK pathway could be used as a target for treatment independent of, or in combination with mTORC1 inhibitors for TSC patients. Moreover, our study provides initial evidence of a possible link between the constitutive activated mTORC1 pathway and a secondary driver pathway of tumour growth

    Distinct DNA Methylation Patterns of Subependymal Giant Cell Astrocytomas in Tuberous Sclerosis Complex

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    Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is a monogenic disorder caused by mutations in either the TSC1 or TSC2 gene, two key regulators of the mechanistic target of the rapamycin complex pathway. Phenotypically, this leads to growth and formation of hamartomas in several organs, including the brain. Subependymal giant cell astrocytomas (SEGAs) are low-grade brain tumors commonly associated with TSC. Recently, gene expression studies provided evidence that the immune system, the MAPK pathway and extracellular matrix organization play an important role in SEGA development. However, the precise mechanisms behind the gene expression changes in SEGA are still largely unknown, providing a potential role for DNA methylation. We investigated the methylation profile of SEGAs using the Illumina Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip (SEGAs n = 42, periventricular control n = 8). The SEGA methylation profile was enriched for the adaptive immune system, T cell activation, leukocyte mediated immunity, extracellular structure organization and the ERK1 & ERK2 cascade. More interestingly, we identified two subgroups in the SEGA methylation data and show that the differentially expressed genes between the two subgroups are related to the MAPK cascade and adaptive immune response. Overall, this study shows that the immune system, the MAPK pathway and extracellular matrix organization are also affected on DNA methylation level, suggesting that therapeutic intervention on DNA level could be useful for these specific pathways in SEGA. Moreover, we identified two subgroups in SEGA that seem to be driven by changes in the adaptive immune response and MAPK pathway and could potentially hold predictive information on target treatment response

    The MOBI-Kids Study Protocol: Challenges in Assessing Childhood and Adolescent Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields from Wireless Telecommunication Technologies and Possible Association with Brain Tumor Risk

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    The rapid increase in mobile phone use in young people has generated concern about possible health effects of exposure to radiofrequency (RF) and extremely low frequency (ELF) electromagnetic fields (EMF). MOBI-Kids, a multinational case-control study, investigates the potential effects of childhood and adolescent exposure to EMF from mobile communications technologies on brain tumor risk in 14 countries. The study, which aims to include approximately 1,000 brain tumor cases aged 10-24 years and two individually matched controls for each case, follows a common protocol and builds upon the methodological experience of the INTERPHONE study. The design and conduct of a study on EMF exposure and brain tumor risk in young people in a large number of countries is complex and poses methodological challenges. This manuscript discusses the design of MOBI-Kids and describes the challenges and approaches chosen to address them, including: (1) the choice of controls operated for suspected appendicitis, to reduce potential selection bias related to low response rates among population controls; (2) investigating a young study population spanning a relatively wide age range; (3) conducting a large, multinational epidemiological study, while adhering to increasingly stricter ethics requirements; (4) investigating a rare and potentially fatal disease; and (5) assessing exposure to EMF from communication technologies. Our experience in thus far developing and implementing the study protocol indicates that MOBI-Kids is feasible and will generate results that will contribute to the understanding of potential brain tumor risks associated with use of mobile phones and other wireless communications technologies among young people

    Current and emerging treatment strategies for children with progressive chiasmatic-hypothalamic glioma diagnosed as infants : a web-based survey

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    Treatment of infant hypothalamic chiasmatic glioma (iCHG) is challenging, about 30% of the children progress during chemotherapy. Despite subsequent treatments the 5 year overall-survival rate is only 70%. This study investigates treatment strategies currently applied for progressive iCHG. A web-based questionnaire was sent out to the members of the SIOPE Brain Tumour Group asking for current second and third line strategies at progression during and after the end of first line therapy. The questionnaire was answered by 47 paediatric oncologists from 15 countries. iCHG progressing during first line therapy with carboplatin-vincristine would be considered for treatment with alternative chemotherapy by 17 (36%) and with surgery plus chemotherapy by 27 respondents (58%). Components suggested for second line were vinblastine (62%), cisplatin (34%) and cyclophosphamide (26%). For third line therapy bevacizumab (BVZ) was considered as suitable by respondents in 53% (often with irinotecan 40%) and vinblastine by 34% respectively. Experience with BVZ in CHG is shown by 53% of respondents regarding at least 95 patients (median treated 15 patients per respondent at any age) with a median BVZ administration over 12 months. Effectiveness was reported varying between stable disease and regression while complications were rarely stated (proteinuria, hypertension, bleeding). BVZ would be available to 85% of respondents as therapeutic option for iCHG patients. Multiple anti-neoplastic drug regimens are applied for progressive iCHG, partly considered in combination with surgery if safely feasible. BVZ is commonly used at a satisfactory level in third line, mainly combined with irinotecan.(VLID)357262

    Hepatoblastoma in a patient with a partial trisomy 9p syndrome: a case report

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    After an uneventful pregnancy, a boy was born by vacuum extraction at 40.6 weeks' gestation. Physical examination revealed several malformations due to a partial trisomy 9p [karyotype: 46,XY, dup(9)(p13p24)]. Three months after birth, the boy presented with a hepatoblastoma without distant metastases which was treated with chemotherapy combined with surgery. At the last follow-up, 15 years after the resection of the hepatoblastoma, he was still in complete remission. To our knowledge this is the first case report of a patient with a constitutional partial trisomy 9p associated with hepatoblastoma. (C) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserve
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