109 research outputs found

    Surrogates for numerical simulations; optimization of eddy-promoter heat exchangers

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    Although the advent of fast and inexpensive parallel computers has rendered numerous previously intractable calculations feasible, many numerical simulations remain too resource-intensive to be directly inserted in engineering optimization efforts. An attractive alternative to direct insertion considers models for computational systems: the expensive simulation is evoked only to construct and validate a simplified, input-output model; this simplified input-output model then serves as a simulation surrogate in subsequent engineering optimization studies. A simple 'Bayesian-validated' statistical framework for the construction, validation, and purposive application of static computer simulation surrogates is presented. As an example, dissipation-transport optimization of laminar-flow eddy-promoter heat exchangers are considered: parallel spectral element Navier-Stokes calculations serve to construct and validate surrogates for the flowrate and Nusselt number; these surrogates then represent the originating Navier-Stokes equations in the ensuing design process

    Certified reduced basis model validation: A frequentistic uncertainty framework

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    We introduce a frequentistic validation framework for assessment — acceptance or rejection — of the consistency of a proposed parametrized partial differential equation model with respect to (noisy) experimental data from a physical system. Our method builds upon the Hotelling T[superscript 2] statistical hypothesis test for bias first introduced by Balci and Sargent in 1984 and subsequently extended by McFarland and Mahadevan (2008). Our approach introduces two new elements: a spectral representation of the misfit which reduces the dimensionality and variance of the underlying multivariate Gaussian but without introduction of the usual regression assumptions; a certified (verified) reduced basis approximation — reduced order model — which greatly accelerates computational performance but without any loss of rigor relative to the full (finite element) discretization. We illustrate our approach with examples from heat transfer and acoustics, both based on synthetic data. We demonstrate that we can efficiently identify possibility regions that characterize parameter uncertainty; furthermore, in the case that the possibility region is empty, we can deduce the presence of “unmodeled physics” such as cracks or heterogeneities.United States. Air Force Office of Scientific Research. Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (Grant FA9550-09-1-0613)MIT-Singapore International Design Cente

    Optimal Local Approximation Spaces for Component-Based Static Condensation Procedures

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    In this paper we introduce local approximation spaces for component-based static condensation (sc) procedures that are optimal in the sense of Kolmogorov. To facilitate simulations for large structures such as aircraft or ships, it is crucial to decrease the number of degrees of freedom on the interfaces, or “ports,” in order to reduce the size of the statically condensed system. To derive optimal port spaces we consider a (compact) transfer operator that acts on the space of harmonic extensions on a two-component system and maps the traces on the ports that lie on the boundary of these components to the trace of the shared port. Solving the eigenproblem for the composition of the transfer operator and its adjoint yields the optimal space. For a related work in the context of the generalized finite element method, we refer the reader to [I. Babuơka and R. Lipton, Multiscale Model. Simul., 9 (2011), pp. 373--406]. We further introduce a spectral greedy algorithm to generalize the procedure to the parameter-dependent setting and to construct a quasi-optimal parameter-independent port space. Moreover, it is shown that, given a certain tolerance and an upper bound for the ports in the system, the spectral greedy constructs a port space that yields an sc approximation error on a system of arbitrary configuration which is smaller than this tolerance for all parameters in a rich train set. We present our approach for isotropic linear elasticity, although the idea may be readily applied to any linear coercive problem. Numerical experiments demonstrate the very rapid and exponential convergence both of the eigenvalues and of the sc approximation based on spectral modes for nonseparable and irregular geometries such as an I-beam with an internal crack.United States. Air Force Office of Scientific Research. Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (Grant FA9550-09-1-0613)United States. Office of Naval Research (Grant N00014-11-1-0713

    A space-time variational approach to hydrodynamic stability theory

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    We present a hydrodynamic stability theory for incompressible viscous fluid flows based on a space–time variational formulation and associated generalized singular value decomposition of the (linearized) Navier–Stokes equations. We first introduce a linear framework applicable to a wide variety of stationary- or time-dependent base flows: we consider arbitrary disturbances in both the initial condition and the dynamics measured in a ‘data’ space–time norm; the theory provides a rigorous, sharp (realizable) and efficiently computed bound for the velocity perturbation measured in a ‘solution’ space–time norm. We next present a generalization of the linear framework in which the disturbances and perturbation are now measured in respective selected space–time semi-norms; the semi-norm theory permits rigorous and sharp quantification of, for example, the growth of initial disturbances or functional outputs. We then develop a (Brezzi–Rappaz–Raviart) nonlinear theory which provides, for disturbances which satisfy a certain (rather stringent) amplitude condition, rigorous finite-amplitude bounds for the velocity and output perturbations. Finally, we demonstrate the application of our linear and nonlinear hydrodynamic stability theory to unsteady moderate Reynolds number flow in an eddy-promoter channel.United States. Air Force Office of Scientific Research. Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (Grant FA9550-09-1-0613)United States. Office of Naval Research (Grant N00014-11-1-0713

    Reduced-Basis Approximation of the Viscosity-Parametrized Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equation: Rigorous A Posteriori Error Bounds

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    We present a technique for the rapid and reliable prediction of linear-functional outputs of elliptic partial differential equations with affine (or approximately affine) parameter dependence. The essential components are (i) rapidly uniformly convergent global reduced-basis approximations — Galerkin projection onto a space WN spanned by solutions of the governing partial differential equation at N selected points in parameter space; (ii) a posteriori error estimation — relaxations of the residual equation that provide inexpensive yet sharp and rigorous bounds for the error in the outputs of interest; and (iii) offline/online computational procedures — stratagems which decouple the generation and projection stages of the approximation process. The operation count for the online stage — in which, given a new parameter value, we calculate the output of interest and associated error bound — depends only on N (typically very small) and the parametric complexity of the problem. In this paper we extend our methodology to the viscosity-parametrized incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. There are two critical new ingredients: first, the now-classical Brezzi-Rappaz-Raviart framework for (here, a posteriori) error analysis of approximations of nonlinear elliptic partial differential equations; and second, offline/online computational procedures for efficient calculation of the "constants" required by the Brezzi-Rappaz-Raviart theory — in particular, rigorous lower and upper bounds for the BabuÅ¡ka inf-sup stability and Sobolev "L⁎-HÂč" continuity factors, respectively. Numerical results for a simple square-cavity model problem confirm the rapid convergence of the reduced-basis approximation and the good effectivity of the associated a posteriori error bounds.Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA

    Analysis of Iterative Methods for the Steady and Unsteady Stokes Problem: Application to Spectral Element Discretizations

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    A new and detailed analysis of the basic Uzawa algorithm for decoupling of the pressure and the velocity in the steady and unsteady Stokes operator is presented. The paper focuses on the following new aspects: explicit construction of the Uzawa pressure-operator spectrum for a semiperiodic model problem; general relationship of the convergence rate of the Uzawa procedure to classical inf-sup discretization analysis; and application of the method to high-order variational discretization

    Reliable Real-Time Optimization of Nonconvex Systems Described by Parametrized Partial Differential Equations

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    The solution of a single optimization problem often requires computationally-demanding evaluations; this is especially true in optimal design of engineering components and systems described by partial differential equations. We present a technique for the rapid and reliable optimization of systems characterized by linear-functional outputs of partial differential equations with affine parameter dependence. The critical ingredients of the method are: (i) reduced-basis techniques for dimension reduction in computational requirements; (ii) an "off-line/on-line" computational decomposition for the rapid calculation of outputs of interest and respective sensitivities in the limit of many queries; (iii) a posteriori error bounds for rigorous uncertainty and feasibility control; (iv) Interior Point Methods (IPMs) for efficient solution of the optimization problem; and (v) a trust-region Sequential Quadratic Programming (SQP) interpretation of IPMs for treatment of possibly non-convex costs and constraints.Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA

    Reduced Basis Method for 2nd Order Wave Equation: Application to One-Dimensional Seismic Problem

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    We solve the 2nd order wave equation, hyperbolic and linear in nature, for the pressure distribution of one-dimensional seismic problem with smooth initial pressure and rate of pressure change. The reduced basis method, offline-online computational procedures and a posteriori error estimation are developed. We show that the reduced basis pressure distribution is an accurate approximation to the finite element pressure distribution and the offline-online computational procedures work well. The a posteriori error estimation developed shows that the ratio of the maximum error bound over the maximum norm of the reduced basis error has a constant magnitude of O(10ÂČ). The inverse problem works well, giving a “possibility region” of a set of system parameters where the actual system parameters may reside.Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA
