498 research outputs found

    Procedural Rates, Economic Costs, and Geographic Variation of Primary and Revision Lumbar Total Disc Replacement

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    Lumbar degenerative disc disease is a remarkably common condition among patients presenting with chronic low back pain and physical disability. When a surgical treatment option is warranted, patients now have the option of undergoing lumbar total disc replacement (TDR), a relatively new procedure that is designed to replace lumbar fusion, the traditional surgical intervention for degenerative disc disease. The lumbar TDR procedure has demonstrated clinical efficacy equivalent to that of lumbar fusion, although concern remains about the longevity, safety, and costs related to the procedure. These issues were addressed in three separate observational studies using administrative claims data. The first study estimated the revision burden and economic revision burden of lumbar TDR. The second study examined the lumbar TDR hybrid procedure, where both a lumbar TDR and lumbar fusion are performed simultaneously. No observational data have been reported on the frequency, cost, and diagnostic indications related to the TDR hybrid procedure. The third study mapped the geographic variation of procedural rates of lumbar TDR. Previous research has found substantial geographic variation in lumbar spine surgery rates and a similar analysis of lumbar TDR variation has yet to be reported. The present series of studies found the revision burden and economic revision burden of lumbar TDR to be similar to data reported for this procedure from the mid-2000s, though the overall occurrence of the procedure appears to have declined. The economic revision burden made this a lower-cost procedure than lumbar fusion, with a tradeoff in terms of revision burden being higher for lumbar TDR. The lumbar TDR hybrid procedure was found to make up approximately 16% of the total number of TDR procedures, involving much higher costs than a single-level TDR procedure. Finally, geographic variation of the procedural rate of lumbar TDR varied dramatically across the U.S., surpassing the variation observed in lumbar fusion surgery. Limitations of the observational data used in these studies are described. Recommendations for future observational research are offered as well. Finally, implications for these studies on practice guidelines and reimbursement policies are provided

    Violence against female sex workers in Karnataka state, south India: impact on health, and reductions in violence following an intervention program.

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    ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Violence against female sex workers (FSWs) can impede HIV prevention efforts and contravenes their human rights. We developed a multi-layered violence intervention targeting policy makers, secondary stakeholders (police, lawyers, media), and primary stakeholders (FSWs), as part of wider HIV prevention programming involving >60,000 FSWs in Karnataka state. This study examined if violence against FSWs is associated with reduced condom use and increased STI/HIV risk, and if addressing violence against FSWs within a large-scale HIV prevention program can reduce levels of violence against them. METHODS: FSWs were randomly selected to participate in polling booth surveys (PBS 2006-2008; short behavioural questionnaires administered anonymously) and integrated behavioural-biological assessments (IBBAs 2005-2009; administered face-to-face). RESULTS: 3,852 FSWs participated in the IBBAs and 7,638 FSWs participated in the PBS. Overall, 11.0% of FSWs in the IBBAs and 26.4% of FSWs in the PBS reported being beaten or raped in the past year. FSWs who reported violence in the past year were significantly less likely to report condom use with clients (zero unprotected sex acts in previous month, 55.4% vs. 75.5%, adjusted odds ratio (AOR) 0.4, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.3 to 0.5, p < 0.001); to have accessed the HIV intervention program (ever contacted by peer educator, 84.9% vs. 89.6%, AOR 0.7, 95% CI 0.4 to 1.0, p = 0.04); or to have ever visited the project sexual health clinic (59.0% vs. 68.1%, AOR 0.7, 95% CI 0.6 to 1.0, p = 0.02); and were significantly more likely to be infected with gonorrhea (5.0% vs. 2.6%, AOR 1.9, 95% CI 1.1 to 3.3, p = 0.02). By the follow-up surveys, significant reductions were seen in the proportions of FSWs reporting violence compared with baseline (IBBA 13.0% vs. 9.0%, AOR 0.7, 95% CI 0.5 to 0.9 p = 0.01; PBS 27.3% vs. 18.9%, crude OR 0.5, 95% CI 0.4 to 0.5, p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: This program demonstrates that a structural approach to addressing violence can be effectively delivered at scale. Addressing violence against FSWs is important for the success of HIV prevention programs, and for protecting their basic human rights

    An Analysis of Evidence-Based Practices in the Education of Learners with Autism Spectrum Disorders

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    Horner et al. (2005) present a review substantiating how single-subject research methodology can be utilized to determine whether interventions are evidence-based practices (EBPs). The current study utilized the Horner et al. research piece to: (a) systematically identify a set of quality standards for the evaluation of single-case research methodology used with learners with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), (b) operationalize these standards for evaluators, (c) investigate three additional quality indicators related to external validity (multiple studies, locations, and researchers), (d) create a protocol for evaluators, and (e) gather and analyze data from studies that meet a set of predefined criteria. Published in seven journals across ten years, identified studies (N = 160) were subjected to an analysis across 23 EBP quality standards that revealed increasing compliance with EBP standards over time yet persistent and pervasive difficulty in adequately satisfying at least five indicators integrally tied to external validity

    A comparison of sex offenders and other types of offenders referred to intellectual disability forensic services

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    This study compared 131 sex offenders with ID and 346 other types of offenders with ID using case file records. All the females in the study were non sexual offenders. Significantly more sexual offenders were referred from court and criminal justice services while significantly fewer were referred from secondary healthcare. A higher percentage of sex offenders had some form of legal status at time of referral. Greater proportions of non sexual offenders were referred for aggression, damage to property, substance abuse and fire setting while only the sex offenders had an index sex offence. For previous offending, the non sexual offenders had higher rates of aggression, cruelty and neglect of children, property damage and substance abuse while the sexual offenders had higher rates of previous sexual offending. For psychiatric disturbance and adversity in childhood, only ADHD showed a significant difference between groups with the non sexual offenders recording higher rates

    Ammonia Emissions from Twelve U.S. Broiler Chicken Houses

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    Twelve commercial broiler houses in the U.S. were each monitored for at least thirteen 48 h periods over the course of one year to obtain ammonia emission data. Paired repetition of houses on four farms represents current construction with variety in litter management (built-up or new litter each flock) and climate conditions (cold or mixed-humid). Ammonia concentration was determined using portable electrochemical sensors incorporating a fresh air purge cycle. Ventilation rate was determined via in-situ measurement of fan capacity, fan on-off times, and house static pressure difference. There were seasonal trends in exhaust ammonia concentration (highest in cold weather) and ventilation rates (highest in warm weather) but not for emission rate. Flocks with at least three monitoring periods (13 of 22 flocks) demonstrated similar emission rates at a given bird age among the four study farms and across the seasons. An analysis of emissions from all houses on the three farms using built-up litter resulted in predicted regression slopes of 0.028, 0.034, and 0.038 g NH3 bird-1 d-1 per day of age; the fourth farm, managed with new litter, had the lowest emission rate at 0.024 g NH3 bird-1 d-1. The intercept of these composite relationships was influenced by litter conditions, with flocks on new litter having essentially no emissions for about six days while built-up litter flocks had emissions starting at flock placement. Data from all four farms and all flocks provided a regression slope of 0.031(±0.001 std error) g NH3 bird-1 d-1 per day of age. Emission rate per animal unit for built-up litter flocks indicated very high emissions for the youngest birds (under 14 days of age), after which time the emissions decreased exponentially and were then relatively steady for the balance of the flock cycle

    High accuracy time transfer synchronization

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    In July 1994, the U.S. Naval Observatory (USNO) Time Service System Engineering Division conducted a field test to establish a baseline accuracy for two-way satellite time transfer synchronization. Three Hewlett-Packard model 5071 high performance cesium frequency standards were transported from the USNO in Washington, DC to Los Angeles, California in the USNO's mobile earth station. Two-Way Satellite Time Transfer links between the mobile earth station and the USNO were conducted each day of the trip, using the Naval Research Laboratory(NRL) designed spread spectrum modem, built by Allen Osborne Associates(AOA). A Motorola six channel GPS receiver was used to track the location and altitude of the mobile earth station and to provide coordinates for calculating Sagnac corrections for the two-way measurements, and relativistic corrections for the cesium clocks. This paper will discuss the trip, the measurement systems used and the results from the data collected. We will show the accuracy of using two-way satellite time transfer for synchronization and the performance of the three HP 5071 cesium clocks in an operational environment

    TNF-α/TNFR1 Signaling Is Required for the Development and Function of Primary Nociceptors

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    SummaryPrimary nociceptors relay painful touch information from the periphery to the spinal cord. Although it is established that signals generated by receptor tyrosine kinases TrkA and Ret coordinate the development of distinct nociceptive circuits, mechanisms modulating TrkA or Ret pathways in developing nociceptors are unknown. We have identified tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor 1 (TNFR1) as a critical modifier of TrkA and Ret signaling in peptidergic and nonpeptidergic nociceptors. Specifically, TrkA+ peptidergic nociceptors require TNF-α-TNFR1 forward signaling to suppress nerve growth factor (NGF)-mediated neurite growth, survival, excitability, and differentiation. Conversely, TNFR1-TNF-α reverse signaling augments the neurite growth and excitability of Ret+ nonpeptidergic nociceptors. The developmental and functional nociceptive defects associated with loss of TNFR1 signaling manifest behaviorally as lower pain thresholds caused by increased sensitivity to NGF. Thus, TNFR1 exerts a dual role in nociceptor information processing by suppressing TrkA and enhancing Ret signaling in peptidergic and nonpeptidergic nociceptors, respectively

    Associations between Traffic-Related Air Pollution and Cognitive Function in Australian Urban Settings: The Moderating Role of Diabetes Status

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    Traffic-related air pollution (TRAP) is associated with lower cognitive function and diabetes in older adults, but little is known about whether diabetes status moderates the impact of TRAP on older adult cognitive function. We analysed cross-sectional data from 4141 adults who participated in the Australian Diabetes, Obesity and Lifestyle (AusDiab) study in 2011–2012. TRAP exposure was estimated using major and minor road density within multiple residential buffers. Cognitive function was assessed with validated psychometric scales, including: California Verbal Learning Test (memory) and Symbol–Digit Modalities Test (processing speed). Diabetes status was measured using oral glucose tolerance tests. We observed positive associations of some total road density measures with memory but not processing speed. Minor road density was not associated with cognitive function, while major road density showed positive associations with memory and processing speed among larger buffers. Within a 300 m buffer, the relationship between TRAP and memory tended to be positive in controls (β = 0.005; p = 0.062), but negative in people with diabetes (β = −0.013; p = 0.026) and negatively associated with processing speed in people with diabetes only (β = −0.047; p = 0.059). Increased TRAP exposure may be positively associated with cognitive function among urban-dwelling people, but this benefit may not extend to those with diabetes

    Pathways into services for offenders with intellectual disabilities : childhood experience, diagnostic information and offence variables

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    The patterns and pathways into intellectual disability (ID) offender services were studied through case file review for 477 participants referred in one calendar year to community generic, community forensic, and low, medium, and maximum secure services. Data were gathered on referral source, demographic information, index behavior, prior problem behaviors, diagnostic information, and abuse or deprivation. Community referrers tended to refer to community services and secure service referrers to secure services. Physical and verbal violence were the most frequent index behaviors, whereas contact sexual offenses were more prominent in maximum security. Age at first incident varied with security, with the youngest in maximum secure services. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder or conduct disorder was the most frequently recorded diagnosis, and severe deprivation was the most frequent adverse developmental experience. Fire starting, theft, and road traffic offenses did not feature prominently. Generic community services accepted a number of referrals with forensic-type behavior and had higher proportions of both women and people with moderate or severe ID
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