371 research outputs found

    A Study of the Effects of Manufacturing Complexity on Product Quality in Mixed-Model Automotive Assembly

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    The objective of this research is to test the hypothesis that manufacturing complexity can reliably predict product quality in mixed-model automotive assembly. Originally, assembly lines were developed for cost efficient mass-production of standardized products. Today, in order to respond to diversified customer needs, companies have to allow for an individualization of their products, leading to the development of the Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS). Assembly line balancing problems (ALBP) consist of assigning the total workload for manufacturing a product to stations of an assembly line as typically applied in the automotive industry. Precedence relationships among tasks are required to conduct partly or fully automated Assembly Line Balancing. Efforts associated with manual precedence graph generation at a major automotive manufacturer have highlighted a potential relationship between manufacturing complexity (driven by product design, assembly process, and human factors) and product quality, a potential link that is usually ignored during Assembly Line Balancing and one that has received very little research focus so far. The methodology used in this research will potentially help develop a new set of constraints for an optimization model that can be used to minimize manufacturing complexity and maximize product quality, while satisfying the precedence constraints. This research aims to validate the hypothesis that the contribution of design variables, process variables, and human-factors can be represented by a complexity metric that can be used to predict their contribution on product quality. The research will also identify how classes of defect prevention methods can be incorporated in the predictive model to prevent defects in applications that exhibit high level of complexity. The manufacturing complexity model is applied to mechanical fastening processes which are accountable for the top 28% of defects found in automotive assembly, according to statistical analysis of historical data collected over the course of one year of vehicle production at a major automotive assembly plant. The predictive model is validated using mechanical fastening processes at an independent automotive assembly plant. This complexity-based predictive model will be the first of its kind that will take into account design, process, and human factors to define complexity and validate it using a real-world automotive manufacturing process. The model will have the potential to be utilized by design and process engineers to evaluate the effect of manufacturing complexity on product quality before implementing the process in a real-world assembly environment


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    Praktik Lapangan Terbimbing (PLT) yang telah dilaksanakan mahasiswa pada tanggal 15 September – 15 November 2017 merupakan sarana bagi mahasiswa untuk meningkatkan kualitas diri dalam hal pembelajaran di sekolah. PLT bertujuan untuk mengembangkan kemampuan mahasiswa agar memiliki pengetahuan dan pengalaman nyata tentang proses belajar mengajar. Dengan kegiatan PLT ini diharapkan mahasiswa memiliki bekal untuk mengembangkan diri sebagai tenaga kependidikan yang profesional. Salah satu lokasi yang menjadi sasaran tempat pelaksanaan program PLT pada semester ganjil tahun 2017 ini adalah di SMA N 1 JETIS. Kelompok PLT di lokasi tersebut terdiri dari 28 mahasiswa. Pelaksanaan PLT di SMA Negeri 1 JETIS dilakukan mulai tanggal 15 September 2017 sampai dengan 15 November 2017 dimulai dengan kegiatan observasi yaitu mengamati kondisi yang ada, setelahnya mahasiswa merencanakan beberapa program yang dilaksanakan selama masa PLT. Program tersebut meliputi administrasi guru seperti kalender akademik, perhitungan hari efektif, program semester (Prosem), program tahunan (Prota), pemetaan SK/KD, silabus dan penyusunan rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran (RPP), persiapan dan pembuatan media, dan praktik mengajar serta melakukan pendampingan kegiatan Ekstrakulikuler. Dalam praktik mengajar, mahasiswa melakukan 4 kali praktik mengajar terbimbing, 4 kali praktik mengajar terbimbing dikelas XI IPS 1,2,3 dan XI IPA 5 dan 2 kali praktik mengajar insidental di kelas X IPA 1 dalam jangka waktu 2 bulan. Sedangkan dalam kegiatan Ekstrakulikuler , mahasiswa melakukan 6 kali pendampingan. Secara umum, program dan kegiatan PLT yang telah dilakukan berjalan dengan baik, namun dalam pelaksanaannya tetap ditemui beberapa hambatan dan dengan bantuan dari berbagai pihak terutama dukungan dan bantuan guru pembimbing semua hambatan tersebut dapat teratasi dengan baik. Melalui pelaksanaan PLT tersebut mahasiswa dapat memperoleh pengalaman dalam hal pembelajaran di sekolah dan pengelolaan sekolah yang dapat bermanfaat kelak ketika menjadi tenaga pendidik yang baik dan profesional

    Interactive Sound Propagation using Precomputation and Statistical Approximations

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    Acoustic phenomena such as early reflections, diffraction, and reverberation have been shown to improve the user experience in interactive virtual environments and video games. These effects arise due to repeated interactions between sound waves and objects in the environment. In interactive applications, these effects must be simulated within a prescribed time budget. We present two complementary approaches for computing such acoustic effects in real time, with plausible variation in the sound field throughout the scene. The first approach, Precomputed Acoustic Radiance Transfer, precomputes a matrix that accounts for multiple acoustic interactions between all scene objects. The matrix is used at run time to provide sound propagation effects that vary smoothly as sources and listeners move. The second approach couples two techniques -- Ambient Reverberance, and Aural Proxies -- to provide approximate sound propagation effects in real time, based on only the portion of the environment immediately visible to the listener. These approaches lie at different ends of a space of interactive sound propagation techniques for modeling sound propagation effects in interactive applications. The first approach emphasizes accuracy by modeling acoustic interactions between all parts of the scene; the second approach emphasizes efficiency by only taking the local environment of the listener into account. These methods have been used to efficiently generate acoustic walkthroughs of architectural models. They have also been integrated into a modern game engine, and can enable realistic, interactive sound propagation on commodity desktop PCs.Doctor of Philosoph

    Study of Knowledge, Perceptions and Practices Related to Blood Donation Among the Healthcare Support Staff of a Tertiary Care Hospital in Gujarat, India

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    Background: There is a serious mismatch between demand and availability of blood in our country. One of the important factors motivating people for donating blood is their interaction with staff of health facilities including support staff. The knowledge and perceptions of support staff about blood donation have not been studied adequately. Methodology: Data was collected from randomly selected 100healthcare support staff using a pretested questionnaire. The questionnaire was based on prior qualitative analysis of perceptions of few of the potential participants. Results: 91% of the respondents felt that blood donation was not safe. Only 16% had adequate knowledge about eligibility for blood donation and all of them were females. 39% respondents had donated blood themselves and 79% had family history of blood donation. None of the socio-demographic factors except young age were found to be associated with better knowledge or positive perceptions about blood donation. Many among those who had donated blood also did not perceive blood donation as safe. Apprehension about blood being not properly used and not having been approached by anyone were commonest reasons for not donating. Conclusions: The knowledge about safety, eligibility and motivation for blood donation is very poor among the healthcare support staff. Efforts must be made to educate these employees and promote voluntary blood donation among them. Various incentives as suggested by employees themselves and several international bodies may be considered to promote blood donation among healthcare support staff

    Prediction of Defect Propensity for the Manual Assembly of Automotive Electrical Connectors

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    Assembly for automotive production represents a significant proportion of total manufacturing cost, manufacturing time, and overall product cost. Humans remain a cost effective solution to adapt to the requirements of increasing product complexity and variety present in today\u27s flexible manufacturing systems. The human element present in the manufacturing system necessitates a better understanding of the human role in manufacturing complexity. Presented herein is a framework for enumerating assembly variables correlated with the potential for quality defect, presented in the design, process, and human factors domain. A case study is offered that illustrates on a manual assembly process the effect that complexity variables have on assembly quality

    Non-waisted fuselage design for supersonic aircraft

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    A method for designing a non-waisted fuselage for supersonic wing/fuselage configurations that increases the fuselage volume and improves the supersonic aerodynamic performance compared to a conventional waisted-fuselage configuration. The method entails removing the waisted region of an existing waisted-fuselage configuration by linearly reconstructing cross-sections between the endpoints representing the waisted cross-sectional area portion to create a modified fuselage configuration without waisting. This configuration will have increased fuselage volume and improved supersonic aerodynamic performance. The fuselage camber can then be optimized using non-linear aerodynamic methods to further increase the supersonic aerodynamic performance

    HSCT high-lift technology requirements

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    The viewgraphs and discussion of high lift needs and related aerodynamic goals established in system studies are described. The goals are presented for the takeoff, approach, and subsonic climb and cruise modes. The status of the related high lift databases and available design and analysis methods are described. Various high lift research and technology areas for future work including innovative concepts verification, flap design, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) calibration and application, high Reynolds number testing, subsonic/transonic flap optimization, and flight testing are described

    PENGARUH PROFITABILITAS, LIKUIDITAS, DAN LEVERAGE TERHADAP RETURN SAHAM (Pada Perusahaan Sektor Transportasi & Logistik yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menunjukkan pengaruh profitabilitas, likuiditas, dan leverage terhadap return saham. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dan verifikatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yaitu studi dokumentasi data sekunder yang berasal dari laporan tahunan teraudit yang berasal dari situs resmi masing-masing perusahaan dan data harga saham yang berasal dari situs resmi Bursa Efek Indonesia (IDX). Populasi penelitian ini adalah Sektor Transportasi & Logistik yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia sebanyak 27 perusahaan di tahun 2016-2020. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling dan memperoleh 15 perusahaan selama 5 tahun dengan jumlah 75 data observasi. Dalam penelitian ini, profitabilitas diukur dengan Return on Asset (ROA), likuiditas diukur dengan Current Ratio (CR), dan leverage diukur dengan Debt to Equity Ratio (DER), sedangkan return saham diukur dengan Capital gain (loss). Alat pengujian hipotesis yang digunakan yaitu regresi linier data panel. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian regresi, kesimpulan pada penelitian ini adalah profitabilitas berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap return saham, kemudian likuiditas tidak berpengaruh terhadap return saham, dan leverage tidak berpengaruh terhadap return saham. This study aims to determine the effect of profitability, liquidity, and leverage to stock returns. The method used is descriptive and verification. The data collection technique are the study of secondary data documentation derived from audited annual reports derived from official website of each companies and stock price data derived from official website of Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). The population of this study is the Transportation & Logistic Sector listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange as many as 27 Companies in 2016-2020. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling and obtained 15 companies over the past 5 years with a total of 75 obervational data. In this study, profitability was measured by Return on Asset (ROA), liquidity was measured by Current Ratio (CR), and leverage was measured by Debt to Equity Ratio (DER), while the stock returns was measured by Capital Gain (loss). The hypothesis testing tool used is panel data linear regression. Based on the results of regression testing, the conlusion of this study is profitability has a significant positive on stock returns, liquidity has no effect stock returns, and leverage has no effect on stock returns
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