20 research outputs found

    Sweet chestnut agroforestry systems in north-western Spain: Classification, spatial distribution and an ecosystem services assessment

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    Aim of study: Agroforestry systems of Castanea sativa have specific forest structures, which are different from other ecosystems of sweet chestnut. They have provided several ecosystems services (ES) to local inhabitants for centuries including relevant pastoral use. However on present times, have isolated distribution ranges and declining trends. The chestnut trees are their main components but occur at low densities. They are cultivated by using different treatments to improve specific features and maximize different types of production. Area of study: North-western of Iberian Peninsula. Material and methods: We used a large database (>750 field plots) to classify C. sativa dominated-stands into different ecosystems typology (including traditional agroforestry systems), and to assess their most relevant ES. We used field data to define their spatial distribution and discriminant analysis to determine the classification accuracy. Finally we also defined a set of qualitative and quantitative ES indicators for different groups to compare different trends. Main results: We successfully classified these ecosystems and found that the traditional agroforestry systems are of major importance in providing ES, as food provision or cultural services, but showed isolated distribution patterns. Moreover, other types of chestnut-dominated ecosystems, supply important ES such as biomass provision and climate regulation. Research highlights: The relevance of the C. sativa agroforestry systems from ES point of view was pointed out in this work, but also their declining dynamic. Further analysis, based on temporal trends, could help to a better understanding of their status and to define conservation and management strategies

    Assessing different imaging velocimetry techniques to measure shallow runoff velocities during rain events using an urban drainage physical model

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    Although surface velocities are key in the calibration of physically based urban drainage models, the shallow water depths developed during non-extreme precipitation and the potential risks during flood events limit the availability of this type of data in urban catchments. In this context, imaging velocimetry techniques are being investigated as suitable non-intrusive methods to estimate runoff velocities, when the possible influence of rain has yet to be analyzed. This study carried out a comparative assessment of different seeded and unseeded imaging velocimetry techniques based on large-scale particle image velocimetry (LSPIV) and bubble image velocimetry (BIV) through six realistic but laboratory-controlled experiments, in which the runoff generated by three different rain intensities was recorded. First, the use of naturally generated bubbles and water shadows and glares as tracers allows unseeded techniques to measure extremely shallow flows. However, these techniques are more affected by raindrop impacts, which even lead to erroneous velocities in the case of high rain intensities. At the same time, better results were obtained for high intensities and in complex flows with techniques that use artificial particles. Finally, the study highlights the potential of these imaging techniques for measuring surface velocities in real field applications as well as the importance of considering rain properties to interpret and assess the results obtained. The robustness of the techniques for real-life applications yet remains to be proven by means of further studies in non-controlled environments.The project receives funding from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under POREDRAIN project RTI2018-094217-B-C33 (MINECO/FEDER-EU)

    Integrated management of water resources in urban water system: Water Sensitive Urban Development as a strategic approach

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    [ES] El medio urbano no es ajeno a la gestión integrada del recurso hídrico, que incluye, necesariamente, el concepto de unidad de cuenca y de gobernanza. El tradicional concepto de ciclo del agua urbana, que incorpora de un modo muy lineal los servicios de abastecimiento y saneamiento, debe ser sustituido por una visión más integral y sistémica, donde el agua se vincula con el planeamiento y el desarrollo urbano y con las políticas de sostenibilidad. Se puede hablar de sistema de agua urbana. Esta globalidad de acción no es algo de lo que podamos sustraernos, ya que la legislación cada vez más orienta a las administraciones a considerar aspectos sistémicos y ambientales a la hora de gestionar, por ejemplo, los sistemas de saneamiento y drenaje. La plasmación práctica de todo este conglomerado de interacciones ya toma forma en algunos países, en los que se comienza a hablar de “Low Impact Development” (LID) o “Water Sensitivity Urban Design” (WSUD). Se propone integrar este nuevo enfoque estratégico bajo la denominación: Desarrollo Urbano Sensible al Agua (DUSA). Con el impulso del enfoque DUSA, los actuales sistemas de agua urbana (concebidos originalmente bajo el concepto tradicional de ciclo de agua urbana) pueden transformarse, conceptual y físicamente, para una gestión integrada del sistema del agua urbana en los nuevos modelos de desarrollo urbanos sostenible. Asimismo se presenta la aplicación del nuevo enfoque DUSA a la gestión de la contaminación asociada a las aguas pluviales en el sistema de agua urbana, incluyendo los avances en normativa e incorporación de técnicas en España.[EN] The urban environment has to be concerned with the integrated water resources management, which necessarily includes the concept of basin unity and governance. The traditional urban water cycle framework, which includes water supply, sewerage and wastewater treatment services, is being replaced by a holistic and systemic concept, where water is associated with urbanism and sustainability policies. This global point of view cannot be ignored as new regulations demand systemic and environmental approaches to the administrations, for instance, in the management of urban drainage and sewerage systems. The practical expression of this whole cluster interactions is beginning to take shape in several countries, with the definition of Low Impact Development and Water Sensitivity Urban Design concepts. Intends to integrate this new strategic approach under the name: “Water Sensitive Urban Development” (WSUD). With WSUD approach, the current urban water systems (originally conceived under the traditional concept of urban water cycle) can be transformed, conceptual and physically, for an integrated management of the urban water system in new models of sustainable urban development. A WSUD implementing new approach to the management of pollution associated with stormwater in the urban water system is also presented, including advances in environmental regulations and incorporation of several techniques in Spain.Suárez López, JJ.; Puertas, J.; Anta, J.; Jácome, A.; Álvarez-Campana, JM. (2014). Gestión integrada de los recursos hídricos en el sistema agua urbana: Desarrollo Urbano Sensible al Agua como enfoque estratégico. Ingeniería del agua. 18(1):111-123. https://doi.org/10.4995/ia.2014.3173OJS111123181Benedict, M.A., McMahom, E.T. 2006. Green Infraestructures: Linking Landscapes and Communities. Island Press, Washington DC, USA.CE (2010). Desarrollo y gobernanza del sector del agua: Complementariedades y sinergias entre el enfoque sectorial y la gestión integrada de los recursos hídricos. Comisión Europea, Europa Aid. Colección herramientas y Métodos - nº 7. ISBN 978-92-79-14536-0. Unión Europea.EDAW 2007 Water Sensitive Urban Design Objectives For Darwin - Discussion Paper Northern Territory Department of Planning and Infrastructure, Australia.Hoban, A., Wong, T.H.F. 2006. WSUD resilience to Climate Change. Proceedings of the 1st international Hydropolis Conference, Octubre, Perth WA, Australia.Hoekstra, A. 2006. The global dimension of water governance: Nine reasons for global arrangements in order to cope with local water problems. Value of water research report series No. 20. UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education, Delft, The Netherlands.Makropoulos, C.K., Nastis, K., Liu, S., Mittas, K., Butler, D. 2008. Decision support system for sustainable option selection in integrated urban water management. Environmental Modelling & Software 23: 1448-1460Marsalek, J. 2006. Overview of urban drainage impacts on aquatic habitat. In: Integrated Urban Water Resources Management (P. Hlavinek, T. Kukharchyk, J. Marsalek, I. Mahrikova, ed.) NATO Security trough Science Series, 181-231Mitchell V.G., Diaper, C. 2006. Simulating the urban water and contaminant cycle. Environmental Modelling & Software 21:129-134Mitchell, V.G., Mein, R.G., McMahon, T.A. 2001. Modelling the urban water cycle. Environmental Modelling & Software 16:615-629Rogers, P., Hall, A. 2003. Effective Water Governance, Global Water Partnership Technical Committee, Suecia.US-EPA.et al. 2008. Managing Wet Weather with Green Infrastructure Action Strategy 2008. The Low Impact Development Center U.S.-EPA. www.epa.gov/npdes/greeninfrastructureWillems, P., Olsson, J., Arnerjer-Nielsen, K., Beechman, S., Pathirana, A., Bülow Fregersen, I., Madsen, H, Nguyen, V.T.V. 2012. Impacts of Climate Change of Rainfall Extremes and Urban Drainage Systems. IWA Publishing, London, UK.World Bank. 2012. Integrated Urban Water Management. A summary note. The World Bank, Washington DC, USA

    Renaturalización pasiva en la Cordillera Cantábrica: bases y retos científicos para una sostenibilidad socio-ecológica

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    La renaturalización pasiva, o recuperación de los ecosistemas tras el abandono del uso humano del territorio, representa una oportunidad para restaurar biodiversidad y servicios ecosistémicos en un contexto de crisis ambiental global. No obstante, también puede provocar declive de determinadas especies, cambios en los regímenes de perturbación o pérdidas de valores culturales. Esta revisión integra el conocimiento actual sobre patrones y procesos ecológicos de renaturalización pasiva en la Cordillera Cantábrica (NO España) para generar una primera base de evidencia sobre la que apoyar la gestión ambiental. Se observa un patrón de recuperación de bosques y matorrales en áreas anteriormente ocupadas por pastizales ganaderos y campos agrícolas, que implica cambios en la estructura del paisaje, la riqueza y la composición de las comunidades ecológicas, la acumulación de carbono en biomasa y suelos, y la provisión de diferentes servicios ecosistémicos. Los procesos que modulan la renaturalización son: 1) la dispersión de organismos, que condiciona la sucesión ecológica y la persistencia de especies a escala regional; 2) las dinámicas tróficas, cuyo funcionamiento depende de la presencia de grandes depredadores apicales y de la estructura del paisaje; y 3) los regímenes de perturbaciones ecológicas, actualmente dominados por la ganadería y los incendios antropogénicos. Por sus efectos ecológicos, la renaturalización pasiva representa una estrategia efectiva de restauración de ecosistemas y sus funciones clave en la Cordillera Cantábrica. Su aceptación social dependerá de la compatibilización de este proceso con el uso ganadero y ecoturístico del territorio, así como de la eficacia de las políticas conservacionistas, agrarias y forestales.Este trabajo recibe apoyo de los proyectos AYUD/2021/51261 (FICYT, Gobierno del Principado de Asturias, FEDER) y PID2019-107085RB-I00 (MCIN/AEI, FEDER). Rocío Rosa García proporcionó valiosa información sobre agroganadería y renaturalización. Mercedes Molina y dos revisores anónimos revisaron el manuscrito original

    Sweet chestnut agroforestry systems in North-western Spain: Classification, spatial distribution and an ecosystem services assessment

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    Aim of study: Agroforestry systems of Castanea sativa have specific forest structures, which are different from other ecosystems of sweet chestnut. They have provided several ecosystems services (ES) to local inhabitants for centuries including relevant pastoral use. However on present times, have isolated distribution ranges and declining trends. The chestnut trees are their main components but occur at low densities. They are cultivated by using different treatments to improve specific features and maximize different types of production.Area of study: North-western of Iberian Peninsula.Material and methods: We used a large database (>750 field plots) to classify C. sativa dominated-stands into different ecosystems typology (including traditional agroforestry systems), and to assess their most relevant ES. We used field data to define their spatial distribution and discriminant analysis to determine the classification accuracy. Finally we also defined a set of qualitative and quantitative ES indicators for different groups to compare different trends.Main results: We successfully classified these ecosystems and found that the traditional agroforestry systems are of major importance in providing ES, as food provision or cultural services, but showed isolated distribution patterns. Moreover, other types of chestnut-dominated ecosystems, supply important ES such as biomass provision and climate regulation.Research highlights: The relevance of the C. sativa agroforestry systems from ES point of view was pointed out in this work, but also their declining dynamic. Further analysis, based on temporal trends, could help to a better understanding of their status and to define conservation and management strategies


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    A pilot Austin sand filter has been designed to reduce metals, hydrocarbons and suspended solids from stormwater runoff in a highway reach in Fene (Spain). The unit filtrates a percentage of the annual runoff volume reducing the mobilized loads of pollutants through filtration and sorption. Before the final design of the filter, a field campaign was developed to characterize runoff pollution of the pilot catchment. Runoff was heavily polluted with sediments, COD, total phosphorous, copper and zinc. Field data was also used to develop a calibrated hydraulic model of the catchment with the Storm Water Management Model (SWMM). This model was used to size the treatment unit with a hydrologic-hydraulic criterion: % of treated annual runoff and number of discharges per year. The specific volume of the treatment unit is the so call "Water Quality Volume"-WQv- that is traditionally used to design sustainable urban drainage techniques. This paper present the analysis of the Austin filter yields using the hydrographs and polutographs measured in the control section. Following the previous hydrological methodology the sedimentation-filtration unit was sized with a WQv of 15 mm. The results of the study from field data show that 98% of the total volume of runoff and 96% of the total mass of suspended solids mobilized at the events characterized would be pass by the treatment.Se ha diseñado un filtro de arena Austin piloto para reducir metales, hidrocarburos y sólidos en suspensión de la escorrentía de aguas pluviales en un tramo de carretera en Fene (España). La unidad filtra un porcentaje del volumen de escorrentía anual reduciendo las cargas movilizadas de contaminantes mediante filtración y sorción. Antes del diseño final del filtro, se desarrolló una campaña de campo para caracterizar la contaminación por escorrentía de la cuenca piloto. La escorrentía estaba muy contaminada con sedimentos, DQO, fósforo total, cobre y zinc. Los datos de campo también se utilizaron para desarrollar un modelo hidráulico calibrado de la cuenca con el Modelo de gestión de aguas pluviales (SWMM). Este modelo se utilizó para dimensionar la unidad de tratamiento con un criterio hidrológico-hidráulico: % de escurrimiento anual tratado y número de vertidos por año. El volumen específico de la unidad de tratamiento es el denominado "Volumen de Calidad del Agua" -WQv- que tradicionalmente se utiliza para diseñar técnicas de drenaje urbano sostenible. Este artículo presenta el análisis de los rendimientos del filtro Austin utilizando los hidrogramas y polutógrafos medidos en la sección de control. Siguiendo la metodología hidrológica anterior se dimensionó la unidad de sedimentación-filtración con un WQv de 15 mm. Los resultados del estudio a partir de datos de campo muestran que el 98% del volumen total de escorrentía y el 96% de la masa total de sólidos en suspensión movilizados en los eventos caracterizados pasarían por el tratamiento.A pilot Austin sand filter has been designed to reduce metals, hydrocarbons and suspended solids from stormwater runoff in a highway reach in Fene (Spain). The unit filtrates a percentage of the annual runoff volume reducing the mobilized loads of pollutants through filtration and sorption. Before the final design of the filter, a field campaign was developed to characterize runoff pollution of the pilot catchment. Runoff was heavily polluted with sediments, COD, total phosphorous, copper and zinc. Field data was also used to develop a calibrated hydraulic model of the catchment with the Storm Water Management Model (SWMM). This model was used to size the treatment unit with a hydrologic-hydraulic criterion: % of treated annual runoff and number of discharges per year. The specific volume of the treatment unit is the so call "Water Quality Volume"-WQv- that is traditionally used to design sustainable urban drainage techniques. This paper present the analysis of the Austin filter yields using the hydrographs and polutographs measured in the control section. Following the previous hydrological methodology the sedimentation-filtration unit was sized with a WQv of 15 mm. The results of the study from field data show that 98% of the total volume of runoff and 96% of the total mass of suspended solids mobilized at the events characterized would be pass by the treatment


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    A pilot Austin sand filter has been designed to reduce metals, hydrocarbons and suspended solids from stormwater runoff in a highway reach in Fene (Spain). The unit filtrates a percentage of the annual runoff volume reducing the mobilized loads of pollutants through filtration and sorption. Before the final design of the filter, a field campaign was developed to characterize runoff pollution of the pilot catchment. Runoff was heavily polluted with sediments, COD, total phosphorous, copper and zinc. Field data was also used to develop a calibrated hydraulic model of the catchment with the Storm Water Management Model (SWMM). This model was used to size the treatment unit with a hydrologic-hydraulic criterion: % of treated annual runoff and number of discharges per year. The specific volume of the treatment unit is the so call "Water Quality Volume"-WQv- that is traditionally used to design sustainable urban drainage techniques. This paper present the analysis of the Austin filter yields using the hydrographs and polutographs measured in the control section. Following the previous hydrological methodology the sedimentation-filtration unit was sized with a WQv of 15 mm. The results of the study from field data show that 98% of the total volume of runoff and 96% of the total mass of suspended solids mobilized at the events characterized would be pass by the treatment.Se ha diseñado un filtro de arena Austin piloto para reducir metales, hidrocarburos y sólidos en suspensión de la escorrentía de aguas pluviales en un tramo de carretera en Fene (España). La unidad filtra un porcentaje del volumen de escorrentía anual reduciendo las cargas movilizadas de contaminantes mediante filtración y sorción. Antes del diseño final del filtro, se desarrolló una campaña de campo para caracterizar la contaminación por escorrentía de la cuenca piloto. La escorrentía estaba muy contaminada con sedimentos, DQO, fósforo total, cobre y zinc. Los datos de campo también se utilizaron para desarrollar un modelo hidráulico calibrado de la cuenca con el Modelo de gestión de aguas pluviales (SWMM). Este modelo se utilizó para dimensionar la unidad de tratamiento con un criterio hidrológico-hidráulico: % de escurrimiento anual tratado y número de vertidos por año. El volumen específico de la unidad de tratamiento es el denominado "Volumen de Calidad del Agua" -WQv- que tradicionalmente se utiliza para diseñar técnicas de drenaje urbano sostenible. Este artículo presenta el análisis de los rendimientos del filtro Austin utilizando los hidrogramas y polutógrafos medidos en la sección de control. Siguiendo la metodología hidrológica anterior se dimensionó la unidad de sedimentación-filtración con un WQv de 15 mm. Los resultados del estudio a partir de datos de campo muestran que el 98% del volumen total de escorrentía y el 96% de la masa total de sólidos en suspensión movilizados en los eventos caracterizados pasarían por el tratamiento.A pilot Austin sand filter has been designed to reduce metals, hydrocarbons and suspended solids from stormwater runoff in a highway reach in Fene (Spain). The unit filtrates a percentage of the annual runoff volume reducing the mobilized loads of pollutants through filtration and sorption. Before the final design of the filter, a field campaign was developed to characterize runoff pollution of the pilot catchment. Runoff was heavily polluted with sediments, COD, total phosphorous, copper and zinc. Field data was also used to develop a calibrated hydraulic model of the catchment with the Storm Water Management Model (SWMM). This model was used to size the treatment unit with a hydrologic-hydraulic criterion: % of treated annual runoff and number of discharges per year. The specific volume of the treatment unit is the so call "Water Quality Volume"-WQv- that is traditionally used to design sustainable urban drainage techniques. This paper present the analysis of the Austin filter yields using the hydrographs and polutographs measured in the control section. Following the previous hydrological methodology the sedimentation-filtration unit was sized with a WQv of 15 mm. The results of the study from field data show that 98% of the total volume of runoff and 96% of the total mass of suspended solids mobilized at the events characterized would be pass by the treatment

    Modelización de los impactos por DSU en el río Miño (Lugo)

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    This study presents an integrated modelling approach to estimate dissolved oxygen and ammonia impacts of CSO of the city of Lugo sewer network in the Miño river. Sewer network modelling was performed with the SWMM software package, while Iber 2D shallow water code was used for river quality modelling. CSO impacts were evaluated by means of Emission Standards (CSO spill frequency/volume), and the Environmental Quality Standards presented in the Urban Pollution Manual were applied to evaluate the receiving water quality. The main results show that the studied river reach is not suitable for salmonid fishery in terms of dissolved oxygen concentrations, whereas total ammonia limitations are verified throughout the reach

    Integrated management of water resources in urban water system: Water Sensitive Urban Development as a strategic approach

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    The urban environment has to be concerned with the integrated water resources management, which necessarily includes the concept of basin unity and governance.  The traditional urban water cycle framework, which includes water supply, sewerage and wastewater treatment services, is being replaced by a holistic and systemic concept, where water is associated with urbanism and sustainability policies. This global point of view cannot be ignored as new regulations demand systemic and environmental approaches to the administrations, for instance, in the management of urban drainage and sewerage systems. The practical expression of this whole cluster interactions is beginning to take shape in several countries, with the definition of Low Impact Development and Water Sensitivity Urban Design concepts. Intends to integrate this new strategic approach under the name: “Water Sensitive Urban Development” (WSUD). With WSUD approach, the current urban water systems (originally conceived under the traditional concept of urban water cycle) can be transformed, conceptual and physically, for an integrated management of the urban water system in new models of sustainable urban development. A WSUD implementing new approach to the management of pollution associated with stormwater in the urban water system is also presented, including advances in environmental regulations and incorporation of several techniques in Spain

    The Complexity of deciding stability under FFS in the adversarial model

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    In this paper we show the polynomial time decidability of the stability property under FFS in the case that the adversary can solve ties arbitrarily. This results follows from a characterization of the stability property in terms of a family of forbidden subgraphs.Postprint (published version