187 research outputs found

    Electricity generation from biogas on swine farm considering the regulation of distributed energy generation in Brazil: a case study for Minas Gerais

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    The objective of this study was to analyze the feasibility of using agricultural waste from a swine farm to produce biogas, which can be used to generate electricity. For this purpose, the waste production potential was evaluated to determine the biogas production capacity of the farm. This measurement allowed scaling the size of the generator used to the electricity production to meet the needs of the farm as well as surplus electricity. The surplus electricity may be used on the farm when the generator is under maintenance or the electricity consumption is larger than the energy generated. This process is regulated by Normative Resolutions 482 and 687 in Brazil. The results of the analysis of the net present value, internal return rate, payback period and benefit cost ratio indicated that the project was feasible

    Automated recognition of lung diseases in CT images based on the optimum-path forest classifier

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    The World Health Organization estimated that around 300 million people have asthma, and 210 million people are affected by Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Also, it is estimated that the number of deaths from COPD increased 30% in 2015 and COPD will become the third major cause of death worldwide by 2030. These statistics about lung diseases get worse when one considers fibrosis, calcifications and other diseases. For the public health system, the early and accurate diagnosis of any pulmonary disease is mandatory for effective treatments and prevention of further deaths. In this sense, this work consists in using information from lung images to identify and classify lung diseases. Two steps are required to achieve these goals: automatically extraction of representative image features of the lungs and recognition of the possible disease using a computational classifier. As to the first step, this work proposes an approach that combines Spatial Interdependence Matrix (SIM) and Visual Information Fidelity (VIF). Concerning the second step, we propose to employ a Gaussian-based distance to be used together with the optimum-path forest (OPF) classifier to classify the lungs under study as normal or with fibrosis, or even affected by COPD. Moreover, to confirm the robustness of OPF in this classification problem, we also considered Support Vector Machines and a Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network for comparison purposes. Overall, the results confirmed the good performance of the OPF configured with the Gaussian distance when applied to SIM- and VIF-based features. The performance scores achieved by the OPF classifier were as follows: average accuracy of 98.2%, total processing time of 117 microseconds in a common personal laptop, and F-score of 95.2% for the three classification classes. These results showed that OPF is a very competitive classifier, and suitable to be used for lung disease classification

    Novel and powerful 3D adaptive crisp active contour method applied in the segmentation of CT lung images

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    The World Health Organization estimates that 300 million people have asthma, 210 million people haveChronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), and, according to WHO, COPD will become the third majorcause of death worldwide in 2030. Computational Vision systems are commonly used in pulmonologyto address the task of image segmentation, which is essential for accurate medical diagnoses. Segmentationdefines the regions of the lungs in CT images of the thorax that must be further analyzed bythe system or by a specialist physician. This work proposes a novel and powerful technique named 3DAdaptive Crisp Active Contour Method (3D ACACM) for the segmentation of CT lung images. The methodstarts with a sphere within the lung to be segmented that is deformed by forces acting on it towardsthe lung borders. This process is performed iteratively in order to minimize an energy function associatedwith the 3D deformable model used. In the experimental assessment, the 3D ACACM is comparedagainst three approaches commonly used in this field: the automatic 3D Region Growing, the level-setalgorithm based on coherent propagation and the semi-automatic segmentation by an expert using the3D OsiriX toolbox. When applied to 40 CT scans of the chest the 3D ACACM had an average F-measureof 99.22%, revealing its superiority and competency to segment lungs in CT images


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    Atualmente a demanda por medicamentos à base de plantas medicinais é crescente. O uso de fitoterápicos vem aumentando em países em desenvolvimento, bem como em países desenvolvidos, como uma forma adicional para tratar e prevenir doenças. Dentre a diversidade da flora brasileira com potencial terapêutico, pode-se destacar a Euphorbia tirucalli L., sendo uma das plantas medicinais indicada para ser registrada como medicamento fitoterápico no Brasil. Estudos com esse fitoterápico vêm sendo realizado visando sua aplicação no tratamento do câncer, sendo que algumas pesquisas já mostram resultados satisfatórios. O Brasil, seguido da China, apresenta o maior número de patentes depositadas envolvendo essa espécie. Entretanto, considerando a nossa biodiversidade e a herança cultura indígena, no que diz respeito ao uso de plantas medicinais, os resultados ainda não são satisfatórios

    Peso medio al nacer entre recién nacidos a término : tendencia, magnitud y factores asociados

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    A trend towards increasing birth weight has been shown, but factors that explain these trends have not been elucidated. The objectives of this study were to evaluate changes in mean birth weight of term newborns and to identify factors associated with them. All cohorts are population-based studies in which random samples of births (Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo State in 1978/1979, 1994 and 2010; Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul State in 1982, 1993 and 2004; and São Luís, Maranhão State in 1997/1998 and 2010, Brazil). A total of 32,147 full-term, singleton live births were included. Mean birth weight reduced in the first study period (-89.1g in Ribeirão Preto from 1978/1979 to 1994, and -27.7g in Pelotas from 1982 to 1993) and increased +30.2g in Ribeirão Preto from 1994 to 2010 and +24.7g in São Luís from 1997 to 2010. In the first period, in Ribeirão Preto, mean birth weight reduction was steeper among mothers with high school education and among those born 39-41 weeks. In the second period, the increase in mean birth weight was steeper among mothers with low schooling in Ribeirão Preto and São Luís, females and those born 37-38 weeks in Ribeirão Preto and cesarean section in São Luís. Birth weight decreased in the first study period then increased thereafter. The variables that seem to have been able to explain these changes varied over time.Existem evidências de uma tendência de aumento do peso ao nascer, mas pouco se sabe sobre os fatores que explicam essa tendência. Avaliar as mudanças na média de peso ao nascer e identificar os fatores associados. Foram incluídas todas as coortes de base populacional com amostras aleatórias de nascimentos (Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo em 1978/1979, 1994 e 2010; Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul em 1982, 1993 e 2004; São Luís, Maranhão em 1997/1998 e 2010, Brasil). Foi incluído um total de 32.147 nascidos vivos a termo, de feto único. A média de peso ao nascer diminuiu no primeiro período estudado (-89,1g entre 1978/1979 e 1994 em Ribeirão Preto e -27,7g entre 1982 e 1993 em Pelotas) e aumentou no segundo período, +30,2g entre 1994 e 2010 em Ribeirão Preto e +24,7g entre 1997 e 2010 em São Luís. No primeiro período, em Ribeirão Preto, a redução na média de peso ao nascer foi maior entre mães com escolaridade mais alta e crianças nascidas com 39-41 semanas de idade gestacional. No segundo período, o aumento na média de peso ao nascer foi maior entre mães com escolaridade mais baixa em Ribeirão Preto e São Luís, crianças do sexo feminino e nascidas com 37-38 semanas em Ribeirão Preto e crianças nascidas de cesárea em São Luís. O peso ao nascer diminuiu no primeiro período e aumentou desde então. As variáveis que parecem explicar essas mudanças variaram ao longo do tempo.Se ha mostrado una tendencia de aumento de peso al nacer, pero los factores que explican esta tendencia todavía no han sido elucidados. Evaluar los cambios en el peso medio al nacer de los recién nacidos a término e identificar factores asociados. Se trata de un estudio de todas las cohortes basadas en población, donde existe una muestra aleatoria simple de nacimientos (Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo en 1978/1979, 1994 y 2010; Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul en 1982, 1993 y 2004; y São Luís, Maranhão en 1997/1998 y 2010, Brasil). Se incluyeron un total de 32.147 de nacimientos a término completo con embarazo de un único feto. El peso medio al nacer se redujo en el primer estudio del período (-89,1g en Ribeirão Preto desde 1978/1979 a 1994 y -27,7g en Pelotas desde 1982 a 1993) y se incrementó +30,2g en Ribeirão Preto desde 1994 a 2010 y +24.7g en São Luís desde 1997 a 2010. En el primer periodo, en Ribeirão Preto, la reducción del peso medio al nacer fue más pronunciada entre madres con una escolarización más alta y entre aquellos nacidos con 39-41 semanas. En el segundo período, el incremento en el peso medio al nacer fue más pronunciado entre las madres con una escolarización más baja en Ribeirão Preto y São Luís, mujeres y aquellos que nacieron con 37-38 semanas en Ribeirão Preto y en el área de cesáreas en São Luís. Disminuyó el peso al nacer durante el primer período de estudio y se vio incrementado después. Las variables que parecen capaces de explicar estos cambios varían a lo largo del tiempo

    Fitomassa de adubos verdes e controle de plantas daninhas em diferentes densidades populacionias de leguminosas.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a fitomassa de calopogônio, mucuna-preta, mucunarajada,feijão-de-porco, guandu de porte alto, Crotalaria spectabilis e C. breviflora sob diferentes densidades de semeadura (10, 20, 40, 80 e 160 sementes viáveis m-2), e o crescimento de plantas daninhas nessas densidades, em área de tabuleiros costeiros. O experimento foi desenvolvido de maio a agosto de 1996, no Campo Experimental “Antônio Martins”(EMDAGRO/Embrapa-CPATC), em Lagarto, SE. O número de plantas vivas na floração (NPVF) e a matéria seca da parte aérea das leguminosas (MSPA) foram determinados quando, em cada espécie, cerca de 50% das plantas floresceram. Maiores incrementos de MSPA, em resposta ao adensamento populacional, foram observados em C. spectabilis e C. breviflora, seguidas pelo calopogônio, mucuna-preta e mucuna-rajada. Em relação ao feijão-de-porco, a resposta foi negativa, enquanto com o guandu não houve influência. Quanto ao NPVF, as respostas ao adensamento foram lineares e positivas em C. spectabilis, C. breviflora e calopogônio, e quadráticas com ponto de máxima em feijão-de-porco,guandu e mucuna-rajada. Embora nenhum modelo tenha sido ajustado para expressar a relação entre NPVF e adensamento na semeadura de mucuna-preta, a sobrevivência dessa espécie foi reduzida em todas as densidades. Maiores inibições de plantas daninhas ocorreram nas parcelas de mucuna-preta e feijão-de-porco

    Bayesian inference in genetic parameter estimation of visual scores in Nellore beef-cattle

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    The aim of this study was to estimate the components of variance and genetic parameters for the visual scores which constitute the Morphological Evaluation System (MES), such as body structure (S), precocity (P) and musculature (M) in Nellore beef-cattle at the weaning and yearling stages, by using threshold Bayesian models. The information used for this was gleaned from visual scores of 5,407 animals evaluated at the weaning and 2,649 at the yearling stages. The genetic parameters for visual score traits were estimated through two-trait analysis, using the threshold animal model, with Bayesian statistics methodology and MTGSAM (Multiple Trait Gibbs Sampler for Animal Models) threshold software. Heritability estimates for S, P and M were 0.68, 0.65 and 0.62 (at weaning) and 0.44, 0.38 and 0.32 (at the yearling stage), respectively. Heritability estimates for S, P and M were found to be high, and so it is expected that these traits should respond favorably to direct selection. The visual scores evaluated at the weaning and yearling stages might be used in the composition of new selection indexes, as they presented sufficient genetic variability to promote genetic progress in such morphological traits