13 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of parental tutoring on the learning discipline of elementary school students in group, Kelimutu sub-district. The approach in this research is done quantitatively with the research method is correlational research. The research population was all elementary school students in group 1, Kelimutu sub-district, Ende district, as many as 432 students with a purposive sampling technique, so that the sample in this study were students in grades IV-VI of elementary school group 1, Kelimutu district, totaling 80 people. The data collection method used a questionnaire, namely a parent learning guidance questionnaire and a student learning discipline questionnaire. Analysis of research data was carried out to test descriptive statistics, test data normality and test data linearity, as well as test hypotheses. The results showed that the value of the regression equation Y=4.677+0.931 indicates the direction of the regression equation is positive. The value of F count = 325.726 > F table = 3.96 with a significance value of 0.000 <0.05, meaning that there is a significant effect of the parental tutoring variable on the student learning discipline variable. The coefficient of determination test obtained an Rsquare value of 0.807 or 80.7%, meaning that student learning discipline is influenced by parental tutoring with a magnitude of influence of about 80.7% showing a very strong influence while the rest is influenced by other factors. In conclusion, the higher the parental guidance, the higher the student's learning discipline, on the contrary, the lower the parental guidance, the lower the student's learning discipline


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    The problems that occurred in SDK Ende 2 were found from the results of filling out a questionnaire on bullying behavior socialization activities carried out in the even semester of the 2018/2019 academic year, it is known that almost some students at SDK Ende 2 experienced bullying experienced both as victims and as perpetrators. Bullying behavior that occurs is in the form of verbal bullying and physical bullying. The aim of mentoring students at SDK Ende 2 is to prevent and reduce bullying so that it can reduce and eliminate bullying that occurs in the school environment. The implementation method used is the discussion method with the stages carried out, namely the initial or planning stage, the implementation stage and the final stage. The results obtained from the series of activities above are expected that each student realizes that friendship, love, and assistance, respect and love between friends are behaviors that must be fostered properly so as to prevent or reduce bullying and screaming behavior. getting a winner is used as a slogan used by the school to remind students not to bully at school

    Pengaruh Kemampuan Komunikasi Lisan Terhadap Interaksi Sosial Siswa Sekolah Dasar

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    The formulation of the research problem is whether there is an effect of oral communication skills on the social interaction of elementary school students?. The type of research used is correlational quantitative research. The population in this study were 257 Ende 8 SDK students and the research sample was fourth grade students consisting of 2 classes, namely IVA and VB, totaling 40 people. The sampling technique is purposive sampling. The data collection technique used a questionnaire to measure oral communication and social interaction skills. Methods of Data Analysis is done by calculating descriptive statistics, classical assumption test and simple linear regression analysis test. The results showed that oral communication skills had a significant effect on the social interaction of elementary school students with a significance value (sig.) of 0.012. The calculated t value of 2.638 is greater than the t table of 2.024 and the coefficient of determination is 15.5% and the remaining 84.5% is influenced by other variables. In conclusion, the higher the student's verbal communication, the higher the social interaction. On the other hand, the lower the student's verbal communication, the lower the social interaction

    Pengaruh Komtmen Guru dan Motivasi Kerja terhadap Profesionalisme Guru Sekolah Dasar Katolik di Kota Ende

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    The teacher is the spearhead of the process of implementing education in schools. Teachers are required to be professional in carrying out their duties and responsibilities in the learning process. This study aims to determine the effect of teacher commitment and work motivation on the professionalism of Catholic elementary school teachers in the city of Ende. This research method is quantitative research with data collection techniques using questionnaires or questionnaires in the form of questionnaires about teacher commitment, work motivation, and teacher professionalism. Respondents in this study were teachers at a Catholic elementary school in the city of Ende. The number of samples in this study were 52 people. The results showed that teacher commitment and work motivation had a significant effect on teacher professionalism where a significance value of 0.000 <0.05 and an R square value of 0.405 means that the influence of teacher commitment and work motivation on teacher professionalism is 40.5%. In conclusion, the higher the teacher's commitment and work motivation, the higher the teacher's professionalism and conversely the lower the teacher's commitment and work motivation, the lower the teacher's professionalism

    Pengaruh Permainan Tradisional Petak Umpet terhadap Penyesuaian Sosial Anak Usia Sekolah Dasar

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    The aim of the research was to find out the influence of traditional game hide-and-seek to the social adaptation of elementary students in RT 01 and 02 South Rewarangga. The method of the research was quantitative research. The sample was the elementary students of graden 4, 5 and 6 consist of 57 students through probability sampling whichc included in simple random sampling. The instruments used were questionnaire. The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistical technique, try out  test including normality, linearity and regression test. The result included regression result Y= 49.739 + 0,498X, the significant score was 0,019 smaller than probability score 0,05, t obtain was 2,444 higher than the t table 2,026 and R Square was 0,139 or 13,9% whereas the rest was 86,1% influenced by other variables. In conclusion, there was a significant influence of the application of traditional game hide-and-seek towward elementary students social adaptation. Keywords: Traditional Games, Hide and Seek, Social Adaptation, Elementary School Student


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    Philosophy has a great influence on the progress of world education, especially education in Indonesia. The influence given is in the form of pious thoughts from philosophers to change the face of education. Philosophy is mother from all science. In other words the mother of all knowledge.Empiricism makes a real contribution to the world of education. Where are the thoughts from philosophy empiricism pioneered by John Locke, a philosopher from England with a very famous thought, namely the blank sheet of paper.The concept of the blank sheet of paper means that students are likened to white paper or tabula rasa. The impact of this concept is that students really need what is called education. Education is a conscious and planned effort carried out by adults in order to guide children towards developing their talents and interests as well as their potentials to become complete human beings in carrying out this life. Students are learning subjects who really need attention and affection in the educational process. That is, as an individual, students want to get the various knowledge needed to prepare themselves to start experiencing the process of being trained and guided towards maturity both from the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor aspects. These aspects become the essential foundation for the formation of students' self

    Hubungan Antara Dukungan Sosial Orang Tua dengan Motivasi Belajar Siswa SDK St. Ursula Ende

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    This study aims to determine the relationship between parental social support and learning motivation of elementary school students. This research was correlational research with a quantitative approach. The population in this study were students of SDK St. Ursula, amounting to 435 people and the sample were 80 students in 5 and 6 grades with a purposive sampling technique. The data collection method used a questionnaire with the measuring instrument that consisted of the scale of parents' social support and the scale of student learning motivation. Data analysis was carried out by using product moment correlation which was calculated using SPSS version 26. The results showed the r value of 0.624, which means that there is a significant positive relationship between parents' social support and student learning motivation at SDK St. Ursula where the higher the parents 'social support, the higher the learning motivation of elementary school students, and conversely the lower the parents' social support, the lower the learning motivation of elementary school students


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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of cooperative learning model talking stick type on the speaking skills of fifth grade elementary school students in Indonesian. The type of research used is experimental research. The experimental research used was quasi experimental where there were two groups used, namely the experimental group and the control group. The experimental research used was quasi experimental where there were two groups used, namely the experimental group and the control group. The research approach is a quantitative approach. This research was conducted at SDN Riangkoli, East Flores Regency. The subjects in this study were all students in grade 5, totaling 26 people, which were divided into two groups, namely the experimental group amounting to 13 and the control group totaling 13 people. Data collection using tests and documentation. The data obtained from the research results will be analyzed using statistics, namely one-way ANOVA. The results of the data analysis of the pretest and posttest values in the experimental group or groups that applied the talking stick learning model and the control group or groups that applied the learning model obtained the pre-test scores of the experimental group or applying the talking stick type cooperative learning model. The average or mean is 54.62 and for the post-test value the average value is 84.15. Meanwhile, for the control class or conventional learning model for the pretest, an average value of 58.15 was obtained and the post-test obtained an average value of 72.46. This shows that there is a difference in the mean value of the experimental class and the control class seen from the pre-test and post-test scores. The result of the data analysis of hypothesis testing are the sign=0.000<0.05 at the significant level (alpha=0.05). This means that the effect of the talking stick type cooperative learning model is higher than the conventional learning model in Indonesian class V SDN Riangkoli.

    Pendayagunaan Keterampilan Motorik Peserta Didik Sekolah Dasar Melalui Pelatihan Membuat Bangku Belajar dari Barang Bekas

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    Motoric skills are one of the human potential in this case learners are very important to be developed and empowered at all times along with the growth of humans themselves. To develop motor skills that are beneficial for learners, there needs to be a simple activity that is adjusted to the age and cognitive level of learners.  Training to make benches learn from used goods to learners, actually aims to use motor skills and direct learners to do simple activities but have a very positive impact on the growth and development of learners themselves.  This method of activity is a training that has several simple stages, ranging from providing explanations about the benefits of used goods and motor skills, learners are formed in groups in an organized manner, prepare materials and tools, then carry out tasks by utilizing tools and materials in making study benches. The result of this training activity is in the form of objects that are useful or have useful value, namely a simple learning bench in accordance with the creativity of learners and the achievement of the utilization of motor skills in a more useful direction for the learners themselves. Thus it can be concluded that the activities of this training can create enthusiasm in using the motor skills of learners early on, so that it can be one of the provisions for their survival


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    ABSTRAKMenciptakan pembelajaran yang berkualitas di kelas mutlak merupakan tanggung jawab guru sebagai pendidik yang profesional. Oleh sebab untuk menjadiguruyang profesionalparaguruSDI Tibakisa Boawae Nagekeo, perlu mendapat pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang mumpuni melalui pelatihan penyusunan proposal PTK, agar para guru tersebut dapat melaksanakan penelitian tindakan kelas. Tujuan dari kegiatan pelatihan ini adalah melatih para guru menyusun draft proposal PTK sesuai dengan kaidah-kaidah ilmiah. Metode kegiatan iniadalah berupa pelatihan dengan memiliki tahap-tahap yang dimulai dari persentasi materi oleh tim narasumber sampai pada penyusunan proposal PTK oleh para guru. Hasil kegiatan pelatihan ini menunjukan bahwa secararata-rata para guru sudah mampu memahami konsep PTK secara baik dengan indikator para guru dapat mengidentifikasi  dan menentukan fokus penelitian, menentukan strategi pembelajaran yang dianggaptepat yang bersumber dari literature ilmiah yang relevan, dand apat menyusun draft proposal PTK. Dengan demikian kegiatan pelatihan ini berdampak positif terhadap kompetensi professional guru. Untuk itu para guru diharapkan terus berupaya melaksankan aktivitas-aktivitas ilmiah salah satunya berupa PTK, sehingga guru secara moril dapat terus berkontribusi terhadap pembangunan SDM melalui bidang pendidikan. Kata kunci:guru; pelatihan penelitian tindakan kelas ABSTRACTCreating quality learning in the classroom is absolutely the responsibility of teachers as professional educators. Therefore, to become a professional teacher, inpres elementary school teachers Tibakisa Boawae Nagekeo, it is necessary to gain qualified knowledge and skills through training in preparing classroom action research proposals, so that these teachers can carry out classroom action research. This method of activity is in the form of training by having stages that start from the percentage of materials by the resource team to the preparation of classroom action research proposals by teachers. The results of this training activity show that on average teachers have been able to understand the concept of classroom action research well with indicators that teachers can identify and determine the focus of research, determine appropriate learning strategies that are considered appropriate sourced from relevant scientific literature, and can draft classroom action research proposals. Thus this training activity has a positive impact on the professional competence of teachers. For this reason, teachers are expected to continue to strive to carry out scientific activities, one of which is in the form of classroom action research, so that teachers can morally continue to contribute to human resources development through the field of education. Keywords: teacher; classroom action research trainin