127 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini menitik beratkan pada sarana pendidikan, kompetensi guru dan motivasi siswa terhadap prestasi belajar siswa daerah terpencil di SD Negeri Bogiyateugi Kabupaten Dogiyai Papua. Rendahnya motivasi siswa pada pembelajaran di daerah terpencil disebabkan karena beberapa penyebab misalnya yang bersumber dari diri sendiri dan luar individu. Dari berbagai permasalahan tersebut maka diperlukan Pelatihan dan sarana. Salah satu usaha untuk meningkatkan profesionalitas guru adalah pendalaman materi pelajaran melalui pelatihan-pelatihan. Beri kesempatan kepada guru untuk mengikuti pelatihan-pelatihan tanpa beban biaya atau melengkapi sarana dan kesempatan agar guru dapat banyak membaca buku-buku materi pelajaran yang dibutuhkan guru untuk memperdalam pengetahuannya. Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif, dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Sedangkan teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, observasi, dan studi dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini melalui tahapan reduksi data, display data, verifikasi data, dan penarikan kesimpulan.Hasil penelitian ini adalah Hasil penelitian dapat dijabarkan sesuai dengan variabel yang diteliti yaitu pengaruh sarana pendidikan, kompetensi guru dan motivasi siswa terhadap prestasi belajar siswa daerah terpencil di SD Negeri Bogiyateugi. Hasil penelitian dapat digambarkan bahwa infrastruktur serta fasilitas sekolah yang kurang memadai menyebabkan penurunan kompetensi guru yang mengakibatkan kurangnya motivasi siswa dalam proses pembelajara

    Recours aux soins prénatals au Mali : Une analyse de la qualité des soins

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    L’amélioration de la santé maternelle fait partie des objectifs du développement durable. Malgré les efforts déployés pour promouvoir l’accès aux soins maternels afin d’atteindre ces objectifs, le niveau de recours aux soins prénatals reste en deçà des attentes au Mali. Et le niveau des décès maternels reste préoccupant, ils sont estimés à 325 pour 100000 naissances vivantes en 2018. En effet et en dépit des normes de l’organisation mondiale de la santé, en 2018 seules 43% des gestantes maliennes ont eu au moins 4 consultations prénatales et près de 20% n’ont reçu aucune consultation prénatale. Du fait du lien entre le suivi normal d’une grossesse et les décès maternels, l’objectif de cette étude était d’identifier le profil des gestantes à l’égard de la visite prénatale et les facteurs explicatifs du recours normal aux soins prénatals au Mali. Notre investigation s’est appuyée sur la dernière Enquête Démographique et de Santé du Mali en 2018. L’analyse explicative à l’aide d’une régression logistique ordinale sous l’approche multiniveau nous a permis d’identifier les facteurs explicatifs de l’utilisation adéquate des services de soins prénatals. La région de résidence, la proportion des ménages pauvres et de femmes non modernes dans la communauté, le niveau de vie du ménage, la catégorie socio-professionnelle du conjoint de la femme, le degré de modernité de la femme, la parité de la femme, l’opportunité de grossesse, et la perception des femmes sur les contraintes d’accès au milieu de soins sont des facteurs qui expliquent le comportement de la femme malienne à l’égard des soins prénatals. Le résultat du profilage indique que les femmes qui recourent aux soins prénatals sans respecter les normes sont principalement celles issues des zones rurales des régions de Sikasso, Kayes et Mopti, elles sont multipares et ont plus de 35 ans résident dans les ménages de grande taille. Le groupe des gestantes n’ayant fait aucune visite prénatale sont pour la plupart des régions du nord Gao, Tombouctou et Kidal, aussi dans des ménages pauvres avec des conjoints de catégorie socioprofessionnelle faible, elles ne sont pas modernes et ont d’énormes difficultés en termes financiers, d’accessibilité et de permission de se rendre dans un centre de santé. Ces résultats impliquent la nécessité d’une meilleure répartition et d’un renforcement des infrastructures sanitaires dans les différentes régions. Aussi, l’autonomie de la femme à travers son instruction et celui de son conjoint ainsi que la création des activités génératrices de revenus sont des gages d’un meilleur recours aux soins prénatals.   Improving maternal health is one of the Sustainable Development Goals. Despite the efforts made to promote access to maternal care in order to achieve these objectives, the level of use of prenatal care remains below expectations in Mali. And the level of maternal deaths remains worrying, they are estimated at 325 per 100,000 live births in 2018. Indeed and despite the standards of the World Health Organization, in 2018 only 43% of Malian pregnant women had at least 4 prenatal consultations and nearly 20% did not receive any prenatal consultation. Because of the link between the normal follow-up of a pregnancy and maternal deaths, the objective of this study was to identify the profile of pregnant women with regard to the prenatal visit and the explanatory factors of the normal use of prenatal care in mali. Our investigation was based on the last Demographic and Health Survey of Mali in 2018. The explanatory analysis using an ordinal logistic regression under the multilevel approach allowed us to identify the explanatory factors of the adequate use of antenatal care services. The region of residence, the proportion of poor households and non-modern women in the community, the household's standard of living, the socio-professional category of the woman's spouse, the woman's degree of modernity, the woman's parity, opportunity for pregnancy, and women's perception of the constraints of access to health care are factors that explain the behavior of Malian women with regard to prenatal care. The results of the profiling indicate that the women who resort to prenatal care without respecting the standards are mainly those from rural areas of the regions of Sikasso, Kayes and Mopti, they are multiparous and are over 35 years old and live in large households. The group of pregnant women who have not made any prenatal visit are mostly from the northern regions of Gao, Timbuktu and Kidal, also in poor households with spouses of low socio-professional category, they are not modern and have enormous difficulties in financial terms, accessibility and permission to visit a health center. These results imply the need for a better distribution and strengthening of health infrastructure in the different regions. Also, the autonomy of the woman through her education and that of her spouse as well as the creation of income-generating activities are guarantees of better use of prenatal care


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    Kampung Nambon is a village in Jayapura regency which has no access to clean water. Groundwater is an alternative water source for villages which are prone to surface water sources. Groundwater aquifers are porous and permeable subsurface layers which can hold and transmit groundwater. Geoelectric method is a common geophysical method for groundwater exploration due to direct relationship between resistivity and water content. The objective of this study is to characterize subsurface structure of Kampung Nambon and to estimate the depth of potential groundwater aquifer using Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) of Schlumberger array and Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) of Wenner array. An ERT line of 100 metres whose midpoint is the sounding point of VES with maximum electrode spacing (AB/2) of 250 metres were performed. The results show that subsurface at Kampung Nambon is heterogeneous with significant lateral variation where karst formation was estimated at depth range of 5 – 15 meters. This karst formation might contain groundwater flow as indicated by relatively low resistivity values compared to high resistivity background of Limestone from Jayapura formation (Qpj)


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    The target of the science and technology application service activity is given to students of SMA N 3 Sentani. The purpose of this activity is to carry out the tri dharma of higher education and provide mentoring to students in the use of learning applications. The application used is the Droid Tesla V6.21. This application helps students to more easily recognize electronic components and makes it easier for students to design electronic circuits such as assembling series and parallel electrical circuits. This activity has been carried out using lecture and practice methods as well as giving Pre Test and Post Test. The result of this activity is that students recognize and are able to run new applications as well as products in the form of series and parallel electrical circuits that are made based on the circuit design in the application.Keywords: technology application; The Droid Tesla V6.21; design electroni

    Understanding sexual violence : the case of Papua New Guinea

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    Recours aux Soins Prénatals au Mali : Une Analyse de la Qualité des Soins

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    Au Mali, le niveau de recours aux soins prénatals reste en deçà des normes internationales. En 2018, seules 43% des gestantes ont eu au moins 4 consultations prénatales et près de 20% n’ont reçu aucune consultation. Le niveau des décès maternels et ceux liés à la grossesse sont respectivement estimé à 325 et 373 pour 100000 naissances vivantes. La promotion de la santé maternelle à travers un suivi normal de la grossesse contribuera à réduire les risques de décès maternels et infantiles. Cette étude visait à identifier le profil des gestantes à l’égard des soins prénatals et les facteurs explicatifs du recours à ces soins au Mali. Les données proviennent de l’enquête démographique et de santé du Mali de 2018. L’analyse explicative à l’aide d’une régression logistique ordinale sous l’approche multiniveau a permis d’identifier les facteurs explicatifs de l’utilisation adéquate des services de soins prénatals. La région de résidence, la proportion des ménages pauvres et de femmes non modernes dans la communauté, le niveau de vie du ménage, la catégorie socio-professionnelle du conjoint de la femme, le degré de modernité, la parité, l’opportunité de la grossesse, et la perception sur les contraintes d’accès au milieu de soins sont des facteurs qui expliquent le comportement de la femme malienne à l’égard des soins prénatals. Le résultat du profilage indique que les gestantes qui recourent aux soins prénatals sans respecter les normes sont principalement celles issues des zones rurales des régions de Sikasso, Kayes et Mopti, elles sont multipares et ont plus de 35 ans résidant dans les ménages de grande taille. Le groupe des gestantes n’ayant fait aucuns soins prénatals sont pour la plupart des régions de Gao, Tombouctou et Kidal, aussi dans des ménages pauvres avec des conjoints de catégorie socioprofessionnelle faible, elles ne sont pas modernes et ont d’énormes difficultés en termes financiers, d’accessibilité et de permission à se rendre dans une structure sanitaire. Ces résultats impliquent la nécessité d’une meilleure répartition et d’un renforcement des infrastructures sanitaires dans les différentes régions. Aussi, l’autonomie de la femme à travers son instruction et celui de son conjoint ainsi que la création des activités génératrices de revenus peuvent contribuer à un meilleur recours aux soins prénatals.   In Mali, the level of use of prenatal care remains below international standards. In 2018, only 43% of pregnant women had at least 4 prenatal consultations and nearly 20% received no consultation. The level of maternal deaths and those related to pregnancy are respectively estimated at 325 and 373 per 100,000 live births. Promoting maternal health through normal pregnancy monitoring will help reduce the risk of maternal and child deaths. This study aimed to identify the profile of pregnant women with regard to prenatal care and the explanatory factors for the use of this care in Mali. Data are from the 2018 Mali Demographic and Health Survey. Explanatory analysis using ordinal logistic regression under the multilevel approach identified explanatory factors for adequate use of services prenatal care. The region of residence, the proportion of poor households and non-modern women in the community, the standard of living of the household, the socio-professional category of the wife's spouse, the degree of modernity, parity, the opportunity of pregnancy, and the perception of the constraints of access to the health care environment are factors that explain the behavior of Malian women with regard to prenatal care. The results of the profiling indicate that the pregnant women who resort to prenatal care without respecting the standards are mainly those from rural areas of the regions of Sikasso, Kayes, and Mopti, they are multiparous, and are over 35 years old residing in large households. The group of pregnant women who have had no prenatal care are mostly from the regions of Gao, Timbuktu, and Kidal, also in poor households with spouses of low socio-professional category, they are not modern and have enormous difficulties in terms of financial, accessibility and permission to visit a health facility. These results imply the need for better distribution and strengthening of health infrastructure in the different regions. Also, the autonomy of the woman through her education and that of her spouse, as well as the creation of income-generating activities, can contribute to better use of prenatal care

    Understanding sexual violence : the case of Papua New Guinea

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    Trabalho final de mestrado integrado em Medicina, apresentado à Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Coimbra.INTRODUÇÃO: O cancro da mama constitui a neoplasia maligna mais frequente nas mulheres em idade reprodutiva. Nas últimas décadas tem-se registado um aumento da sobrevivência das mulheres com cancro da mama, pelo que as intervenções que visam a melhoria da saúde reprodutiva e da qualidade de vida assumem atualmente um interesse relevante. O risco de falência ovárica prematura (FOP) e consequente compromisso da fertilidade, resultante da terapêutica sistémica adjuvante do cancro da mama, constitui um dos efeitos mais deletérios na mulher em idade reprodutiva. Neste âmbito as técnicas de preservação da fertilidade atualmente disponíveis, que incluem a criopreservação de embriões, a criopreservação de ovócitos e a criopreservação de tecido ovárico, permitem minorar esse impacto. A terapêutica comanálogos da gonadotrophin releasing hormone (Gn-RH) pode estar associada a um efeito benéfico na preservação da função ovárica, mas as suas indicações mantêm-se controversas. OBJETIVO: Este estudo tem como objetivo rever os efeitos do tratamento do cancro da mama na saúde reprodutiva e as intervenções disponíveis para reduzir o seu impacto. MÉTODOS: Efetuou-se um revisão compreensiva da literatura. A pesquisa focalizou-se na avaliação do impacto do tratamento antineoplásico a nível da função reprodutiva e sexual. As controvérsias e a abordagem atual relativamente à preservação da fertilidade, à vigilância da gravidez, aleitamento materno e disfunção sexual em mulheres em idade reprodutiva com antecedentes de cancro da mama são realçadas. RESULTADOS: A quimioterapia realizada nas doentes com cancro da mama tem um impacto negativo sobre a fertilidade. Atualmente existem várias intervenções para preservar a fertilidade e os oncologistas devem orientar as doentes para os serviços de reprodução logo após o diagnóstico. As opções existentes neste âmbito podem aumentar a probabilidade de uma futura gravidez, apesar da eficácia de algumas intervenções, nomeadamente a administração de análogos Gn-RH, não estar ainda esclarecida. No que concerne à gravidez após cancro da mama, a evidência não revela um impacto negativo a nível da sobrevivência. Relativamente ao aleitamento materno, os estudos efetuados referem que é seguro para as crianças e não tem efeitos nocivos no prognóstico das mulheres com antecedentes de cancro da mama. A abordagem multimodal da disfunção sexual, com especial incidência no tratamento farmacológico e na terapia sexual revela-se eficaz, constituindo uma mais valia na saúde reprodutiva destas mulheres. CONCLUSÃO: O aumento das taxas de sobrevivência do cancro da mama tem levado a um empenho dos profissionais de saúde em alargar o alcance da sua responsabilidade, passando do simples tratamento da doença para uma perspectiva de atuação mais abrangente, que permita às mulheres restaurarem e manterem uma boa qualidade de vida. As decisões relativamente à preservação da fertilidade previamente ao tratamento citotóxico, bem como de gravidez e aleitamento materno após cancro, devem ser tomadas de acordo com uma concertação pluridisciplinar em oncologia e medicina da reprodução. Dada a prevalência das disfunções sexuais femininas após cancro da mama e o seu impacto no bem-estar pessoal é importante que os clínicos desenvolvam capacidades para as diagnosticar e proporcionar um acompanhamento dirigido. São necessários estudos mais alargados, multicêntricos, randomizados e controlados, com critérios de avaliação meticulosos, para se obterem respostas claras em relação às melhores estratégias a adotar na preservação da fertilidade pós-cancro, na vigilância da gravidez, na abordagem das disfunções sexuais e no aconselhamento contracetivo.INTRODUCTION: Breast cancer is the most common neoplasic disease in women at reproductive age. Survival from breast cancer has significantly been improved in the last decades, so that interventions aimed at improving reproductive health and life quality currently assume a relevant interest. Premature ovarian failure (POF) risk and consequent fertility impairment resulting from systemic adjuvant therapy for breast cancer is one of the most deleterious effects in women at reproductive age. In this context, assisted reproduction techniques currently available for fertility preservation, including embryo cryopreservation, oocyte cryopreservation and ovarian tissue cryopreservation, can minimize this impact. Therapy with gonadotrophin-releasing hormone analogues (GnRHa) may be associated with a beneficial effect, but its indications remain controversial. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to review the effects of breast cancer treatment on reproductive health and available interventions to reduce its impact. METHODS: A comprehensive literature review was done, which focused on assessing the impact of antineoplastic treatment on reproductive and sexual function. The controversies and current management of fertility preservation, pregnancy monitoring, breastfeeding and sexual dysfunction in reproductive aged women with a history of a breast cancer were highlighted. RESULTS: Chemotherapy performed in patients with breast cancer has a negative impact on fertility. Currently, there are several interventions aimed to preserve fertility and that is why oncologists should refer patients for Reproductive Medicine Departments soon after diagnosis. The options available may increase the likelihood of a future pregnancy, despite the effectiveness of some interventions, including the administration of GnRHa, is not yet clarified. In relation to pregnancy after breast cancer, the evidence does not reveal a negative impact on survival. Breastfeeding is safe for children and has no harmful effects on the cancer prognosis. A multimodal approach to sexual dysfunction with a focus on pharmacological treatment and sexual therapy proves to be effective, constituting an asset in the reproductive health of these women. CONCLUSION: The increase in breast cancer survival rates has led to a commitment of health professionals to broaden the scope of their responsibility, from the simple treatment of the disease to a broader perspective of performance, allowing women to restore and maintain a good life quality. Decisions regarding fertility preservation prior to cytotoxic therapy, as well as pregnancy and breastfeeding after cancer should be taken according to a multidisciplinary consultation in Oncology and Reproductive Medicine. Given the prevalence of female sexual dysfunction after breast cancer and its impact on personal well-being it is important that clinicians develop skills to diagnose and provide an adequate monitoring. Broader, multicenter, randomized and controlled trials are needed, with meticulous evaluation criteria to obtain clear answers regarding the best strategies to adopt in preserving post-cancer fertility, pregnancy surveillance, sexual dysfunction management and contraceptive counselling


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    Indicators of good software development achievements are measured measurements on all aspects of software development, including the environment and systems of software. In this paper, indicators of the complexity of web-based software developed by the waterfall method with XML language-based entity database relations. This inventory information system functions as an integrated system with other systems in an integrated information system scope. Function point analysis (FPA) is used as a measuring device that can assess the complexity of components and functions of the software developed. The measurement results show that the overall value of the FPA is 180.83, which indicates that the application of inventory information systems is easy to use with low complexity. While the results of CFP and RCAF calculations also show that this application is quite simple so it is easy to use by various groups

    Recours aux soins prénatals au Mali : Une analyse de la qualité des soins

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    L’amélioration de la santé maternelle fait partie des objectifs du développement durable. Malgré les efforts déployés pour promouvoir l’accès aux soins maternels afin d’atteindre ces objectifs, le niveau de recours aux soins prénatals reste en deçà des attentes au Mali. Et le niveau des décès maternels reste préoccupant, ils sont estimés à 325 pour 100000 naissances vivantes en 2018. En effet et en dépit des normes de l’organisation mondiale de la santé, en 2018 seules 43% des gestantes maliennes ont eu au moins 4 consultations prénatales et près de 20% n’ont reçu aucune consultation prénatale. Du fait du lien entre le suivi normal d’une grossesse et les décès maternels, l’objectif de cette étude était d’identifier le profil des gestantes à l’égard de la visite prénatale et les facteurs explicatifs du recours normal aux soins prénatals au Mali. Notre investigation s’est appuyée sur la dernière Enquête Démographique et de Santé du Mali en 2018. L’analyse explicative à l’aide d’une régression logistique ordinale sous l’approche multiniveau nous a permis d’identifier les facteurs explicatifs de l’utilisation adéquate des services de soins prénatals. La région de résidence, la proportion des ménages pauvres et de femmes non modernes dans la communauté, le niveau de vie du ménage, la catégorie socio-professionnelle du conjoint de la femme, le degré de modernité de la femme, la parité de la femme, l’opportunité de grossesse, et la perception des femmes sur les contraintes d’accès au milieu de soins sont des facteurs qui expliquent le comportement de la femme malienne à l’égard des soins prénatals. Le résultat du profilage indique que les femmes qui recourent aux soins prénatals sans respecter les normes sont principalement celles issues des zones rurales des régions de Sikasso, Kayes et Mopti, elles sont multipares et ont plus de 35 ans résident dans les ménages de grande taille. Le groupe des gestantes n’ayant fait aucune visite prénatale sont pour la plupart des régions du nord Gao, Tombouctou et Kidal, aussi dans des ménages pauvres avec des conjoints de catégorie socioprofessionnelle faible, elles ne sont pas modernes et ont d’énormes difficultés en termes financiers, d’accessibilité et de permission de se rendre dans un centre de santé. Ces résultats impliquent la nécessité d’une meilleure répartition et d’un renforcement des infrastructures sanitaires dans les différentes régions. Aussi, l’autonomie de la femme à travers son instruction et celui de son conjoint ainsi que la création des activités génératrices de revenus sont des gages d’un meilleur recours aux soins prénatals.   Improving maternal health is one of the Sustainable Development Goals. Despite the efforts made to promote access to maternal care in order to achieve these objectives, the level of use of prenatal care remains below expectations in Mali. And the level of maternal deaths remains worrying, they are estimated at 325 per 100,000 live births in 2018. Indeed and despite the standards of the World Health Organization, in 2018 only 43% of Malian pregnant women had at least 4 prenatal consultations and nearly 20% did not receive any prenatal consultation. Because of the link between the normal follow-up of a pregnancy and maternal deaths, the objective of this study was to identify the profile of pregnant women with regard to the prenatal visit and the explanatory factors of the normal use of prenatal care in mali. Our investigation was based on the last Demographic and Health Survey of Mali in 2018. The explanatory analysis using an ordinal logistic regression under the multilevel approach allowed us to identify the explanatory factors of the adequate use of antenatal care services. The region of residence, the proportion of poor households and non-modern women in the community, the household's standard of living, the socio-professional category of the woman's spouse, the woman's degree of modernity, the woman's parity, opportunity for pregnancy, and women's perception of the constraints of access to health care are factors that explain the behavior of Malian women with regard to prenatal care. The results of the profiling indicate that the women who resort to prenatal care without respecting the standards are mainly those from rural areas of the regions of Sikasso, Kayes and Mopti, they are multiparous and are over 35 years old and live in large households. The group of pregnant women who have not made any prenatal visit are mostly from the northern regions of Gao, Timbuktu and Kidal, also in poor households with spouses of low socio-professional category, they are not modern and have enormous difficulties in financial terms, accessibility and permission to visit a health center. These results imply the need for a better distribution and strengthening of health infrastructure in the different regions. Also, the autonomy of the woman through her education and that of her spouse as well as the creation of income-generating activities are guarantees of better use of prenatal care

    Use of matrix assisted laser desorption ionization time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) to detect carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae.

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    M. Med. Sc. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban 2014.Antimicrobial drug resistance is increasing worldwide at a frightening rate and is found among different species of bacteria causing nosocomial and community-acquired infections. Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE’s) are one of the multi-drug resistant bacteria increasingly reported in the past decade, leaving the health care system unable to control the spread of antibiotic-resistant infections. A rapid and efficient method to identify drug resistant bacteria could advance the containment of this scourge. We thus investigated the use of MALDI-TOF MS technology, recognized as an accurate method for microorganism identification, as a potential tool for the detection of CRE based on the protein profiling for specific fingerprints. From 24 hours sub-cultured bacterial isolates known to carry and/or express single genes of a variety of carbapenemases, proteins were extracted using the formic acid ethanol extraction method and subjected to MS-based identification by MALDI-TOF MS Biotyper technology. The mass spectrometry spectra were then analyzed employing the programmed software flexAnalysis version 3.4 build 70 and ClinProTools version 2.2 build 83 to detect carbapenemases. The spectra were subjected to visual inspection for specific peaks characterization. Despite their close relationship, the method was able to differentiate between CRE and susceptible bacteria. The differences within carbapenemases were better distinguishable by visual observation of specific biomarker peaks and the modified main spectrum (MSP) method demonstrated that these differences could be more obvious by focusing on matchless low intensity peaks. Although the differentiation of CRE remains a challenge using MALDI Biotyper MS based on the protein profiling, according to our data and pending further investigation in clinical isolates of CRE, MALDI-TOF MS has potential as a diagnostic tool for the rapid detection of these multi-drug resistant bacteria
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