11 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kompleksitas dan Motivasi Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Proyek Pengembangan Produk Berskala Minor Change di Industri Otomotif Manufaktur

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    Meningkatnya persaingan pasar di industri otomotif manufaktur Indonesia mengharuskan perusahaan otomotif manufaktur untuk cepat beradaptasi dengan perubahan melalui kegiatan pengembangan produk. Namun, sangat disayangkan kegagalan dalam proyek pengembangan produk masih tinggi. Salah satu kemungkinan faktor kunci dalam kesuksesan proyek pengembangan produk adalah faktor motivasi kerja. Faktor lain yang juga disinyalir berpengaruh terhadap kesuksesan proyek ialah kompleksitas proyek. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari pengaruh motivasi kerja dan kompleksitas proyek terhadap kinerja proyek pengembangan produk. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap 94 anggota tim proyek pengembangan produk di industri otomotif manufaktur Indonesia berskala minor change dengan menggunakan purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui bantuan kuesioner secara online dengan tingkat respon sebesar 65,7% dan kemudian dianalisis menggunakan PLS-SEM. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kompleksitas proyek berpengaruh positif terhadap motivasi kerja dan berpengaruh negatif terhadap kinerja proyek. Di sisi lain ternyata motivasi kerja tidak terbukti berpengaruh terhadap kinerja proyek pengembangan produk di industri otomotif manufaktur di Indonesia

    Extended Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) to Analyze the Batik Purchase Intention of Indonesian Millennials and Gen Z

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    As the nation’s cultural heritage of Indonesia, batik has an important role in the Indonesian economy. This industry provides job opportunities that involve a lot of human resources in it and contributes to the country's foreign exchange through the export of national batik to big countries. Although the development of the batik industry has increased, there are still problems in marketing batik products in Indonesia. These problems can lead to more serious problems such as batik craftsmen leaving the business. These problems must be overcome so that the batik industry can maintain its existence. One of the possible solutions is to understand buying behavior characteristics of the existing consumer groups, which are Millennials and gen Z. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to use a theoretical framework based on the Planned Behavior Theory (TPB) model by Ajzen (1991) to analyze the relationship between experimental variables and the effect on Indonesian Millennials and Gen Z's intention to buy Batik. The focus area selected was Java Island because that is an area with the largest batik industry center in Indonesia. So, the potential to reach a larger consumer need to be explored. Considering the potential of the new generation's high buying power, Millennials and Gen Z were selected as the subject of this study. A total of 177 respondents from various provinces in Java were involved in filling out an online questionnaire containing measurement items related to the purpose of this study. The next step is processing the data using the Partial Least Square Structural Equation Model (PLS-SEM), which has been widely used in various research disciplines over the last two decades. The results show that the five of six hypotheses tested are acceptable: 1) Attitude towards behavior influences purchase intention; (2) Batik Brand Image influences Attitude towards behavior; (3) Perceived behavior control influences purchase intention; (4) Subjective norm influences purchase intention; (5) attitude mediates the relationship between brand image and purchase intention

    The Effect of Complexity and Work Motivation on The Performance of Minor Change-Scale Product Development Projects In Automotive Manufacturing Industry

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    The increasing market competition in the Indonesian automotive manufacturing industry requires automotive manufacturing companies to adapt to changes through product development activities. Unfortunately, failure in product development projects is still high. One of the possible key factors of a successful product development project is work motivation. Another factor that is suspected to affect is the complexity of the project. Therefore, this study aims to find the effect of work motivation and project complexity on product development project performance. The research was conducted on 94 members of product development project team in Indonesian automotive manufacturing industry with a minor change scale using purposive sampling. Data was collected through online questionnaire with a response rate of 65.7% and then analyzed using PLS-SEM. The results of the study showed that project complexity had a positive effect on work motivation and otherwise on project performance. On the other hand, it turns out that work motivation is not proven to affect the performance of product development projects in the automotive manufacturing industry in Indonesia

    Pendampingan Perencanaan dan Pengendalian Produksi di PT. Ganding Toolsindo

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    Achieving production targets is the goal of all companies, especially manufacturing companies. PT Ganding Toolsindo is an automotive component manufacturing company that aims to provide a high level of service and is committed to its clients, so achieving production targets is essential. However, it is unfortunate that there are still problems regarding the non-fulfillment of production targets. In addition, issues regarding rusty raw materials and waste also occur there. The cause of this problem is the advantages and disadvantages of raw materials because production planning and control have not been appropriately implemented. Therefore, this Community Service (PkM) aims to assist partners in solving these problems through training, production planning, and control assistance. The PkM series is carried out with a preliminary survey, material preparation, training, and mentoring. The material given in this PkM activity is about "Introduction to Production Planning and Control" and "Production Planning and Control Systems for Make to Order (MTO) Type Companies.” In addition, assistance is provided to solve problems that are the company's focus, namely making Side Tube part products by making dual kanban for the parts. Based on the evaluation results, this PkM activity has been carried out well and received a positive response from PkM partners, namely PT. Ganding Toolsindo.Achieving production targets is the goal of all companies, especially manufacturing companies. PT Ganding Toolsindo is an automotive component manufacturing company that aims to provide a high level of service and is committed to its clients, so achieving production targets is essential. However, it is unfortunate that there are still problems regarding the non-fulfillment of production targets. In addition, issues regarding rusty raw materials and waste also occur there. The cause of this problem is the advantages and disadvantages of raw materials because production planning and control have not been appropriately implemented. Therefore, this Community Service (PkM) aims to assist partners in solving these problems through training, production planning, and control assistance. The PkM series is carried out with a preliminary survey, material preparation, training, and mentoring. The material given in this PkM activity is about "Introduction to Production Planning and Control" and "Production Planning and Control Systems for Make to Order (MTO) Type Companies.” In addition, assistance is provided to solve problems that are the company's focus, namely making Side Tube part products by making dual kanban for the parts. Based on the evaluation results, this PkM activity has been carried out well and received a positive response from PkM partners, namely PT. Ganding Toolsindo

    The Influence of Knowledge Management and Organization Innovativeness on The Organizational Resilience: A Theoretical Framework

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    Covid-19 pandemic had a real negative impact on all sectors, including startup. More than half of total start-ups in Indonesia can’t survive the crisis caused by Covid-19 pandemic. This requires the organization to be able to develop its ability to survive. The answer to this challenge is organization resilience. Organizational resilience can anticipate potential threats, respond to unexpected events, and achieve sustainable growth. Through a recent literature study related to theory and conceptualization of organizational resilience, as well as considering contextual factors adapted to organizations, especially startup, this research succeeded in developing a theoretical model related to organizational resilience. The framework is built on three variables, namely organization resilience as the dependent variable, knowledge management as independent variable, and organization innovativeness as intervening variable, with 11 sub-variables, and four hypotheses. Furthermore, this framework can be an initial picture and insight for Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) of startup, to navigate organizations in dynamic environments, crisis situations, or in the midst of today's global competitio

    Production Process Improvement Design to Eliminate Waste in 428H Chain Products Using Lean Manufacturing at PT ABC

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    PT ABC is a manufacturing company that produces several types of chains in large quantities, and one type of chain that is the main focus of this research is the 428H chain. The obstacle faced in producing the 428H Chain is not achieving the production target from June to July, and September to November 2021. The research focuses on minimizing manufacturing lead time using lean manufacturing by eliminating waste in the 428H Chain production process. Waste elimination is done by providing suggestions for improvements based on the identified waste types. The study begins with the calculation of the time sample, then MLT, PCE, the use of the Waste Assessment Model, and mapping current value stream mapping. The initial MLT was 832.95 minutes and PCE was 63.37%. WAM produces the highest percentage of waste in the type of defect, then motion, inventory, waiting, overproduction, motion, and process. The proposed improvements are in the form of designing SOP Operators on Pressing machines, adding Small Incline Belt Conveyor tools, designing SOPs for Activities in the WIP Area, and adding Manual Hand Stacker tools. The provision of improvement proposals resulted in MLT decreasing 12% to 733.2174 minutes and PCE increasing 8.6% to 71.98%, and the production target was achieved with total production per month increasing by 12%, from 21,783 to 24,746 units per month

    The Proposed Warehouse Improvement Using Lean Approach to Eliminate Waste at the Main Warehouse of PT. XYZ

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    One of the grocery companies in Indonesia provides a multi-channel e-groceries digital platform for online daily shopping activities. One of the important elements that support the operational activities of an e-commerce service industry is the warehouse, which serves as a storage place for goods sold and plays a role in maintaining the quality of products before being sent to consumers. Based on observations and interviews directly with employees at the Main Warehouse, one of the causes of waste in its operational activities is the lack of optimal warehousing activities. This research aims to find out and identify waste in the Main Warehouse’s warehousing activities so that the waste that occurs can be investigated, the implementation of the Lean Warehouse approach is needed in its warehousing activities. The research began with Current State VSM with a PCE value of 47.94%, followed by Process Activity Mapping (PAM) and TIM U WOOD Assessment Questionnaire. The results of this study were obtained based on predictions after the proposed improvements were implemented, there was a reduction in processing time and the amount of waste that occurred in several operational activities at the Main Warehouse. The PCE value increased as 5.22% to 53.16% in the Future State VSM

    Production Process Improvement Design to Eliminate Waste in 428H Chain Products Using Lean Manufacturing at PT ABC

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    PT ABC is a manufacturing company that produces several types of chains in large quantities, and one type of chain that is the main focus of this research is the 428H chain. The obstacle faced in producing the 428H Chain is not achieving the production target from June to July, and September to November 2021. The research focuses on minimizing manufacturing lead time using lean manufacturing by eliminating waste in the 428H Chain production process. Waste elimination is done by providing suggestions for improvements based on the identified waste types. The study begins with the calculation of the time sample, then MLT, PCE, the use of the Waste Assessment Model, and mapping current value stream mapping. The initial MLT was 832.95 minutes and PCE was 63.37%. WAM produces the highest percentage of waste in the type of defect, then motion, inventory, waiting, overproduction, motion, and process. The proposed improvements are in the form of designing SOP Operators on Pressing machines, adding Small Incline Belt Conveyor tools, designing SOPs for Activities in the WIP Area, and adding Manual Hand Stacker tools. The provision of improvement proposals resulted in MLT decreasing 12% to 733.2174 minutes and PCE increasing 8.6% to 71.98%, and the production target was achieved with total production per month increasing by 12%, from 21,783 to 24,746 units per month

    Sustainable lean supply chain to minimize waste in solar water heater production

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    The Solar Water Heater Production company is dedicated to manufacturing and supplying new and renewable energy. However, the company needs help in meeting its production targets. This research aims to address this issue by improving the supply chain flow by implementing a sustainable lean supply chain. The research process involves several steps: 1) identifying gaps in activities within the supply chain flow through value chain analysis, 2) determining the types of waste, 3) constructing an Ishikawa Diagram, 4) calculating the Sustainability Index (SI), and 5) implementing improvements. The research results indicate a 10% increase in process cycle efficiency after implementing improvements. Additionally, process activity mapping identified eight movements, 34 instances of waiting, five defects, and five behavioural activities. The calculation of the SI also showed improvement, improving from 142% to 121%. In conclusion, the research approach has successfully reduced waste and enhanced production efficiency. It has been achieved by integrating economic, social, and environmental factors into the improvement process, leading to successful manufacturing practice

    Pengaruh Knowledge Sharing dan Keterlibatan Middle Manager Terhadap Kinerja Proyek Pengembangan Produk di Industri Otomotif

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    Kegagalan proyek pengembangan produk di sektor otomotif masih tinggi, sehingga penting untuk mengetahui faktor kunci dari kesuksesan proyek pengembangan produk. Knowledge sharing, keterlibatan middle manager, dan kompleksitas merupakan faktor kesuksesan proyek yang dibahas dalam penelitian ini. Kuesioner penelitian ditujukan kepada middle manager proyek pengembangan produk dengan response rate 57% (119 dataset) dan pengolahan data dilakukan dengan SmartPLS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa knowledge sharing berpengaruh positif terhadap keterlibatan middle manager, namun tidak berpengaruh terhadap kinerja. Selain itu keterlibatan middle manager berpengaruh positif terhadap kinerja dan memediasi hubungan knowledge sharing dan kinerja proyek. Di sisi lain kompleksitas berpengaruh negatif terhadap kinerja, namun tidak memoderasi hubungan knowledge sharing dan kinerja proye