1,424 research outputs found

    Strainrange partitioning behavior of an automotive turbine alloy

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    This report addresses Strainrange Partitioning, an advanced life prediction analysis procedure, as applied to CA-101 (cast IN 792 + Hf), an alloy proposed for turbine disks in automotive gas turbine engines. The methodology was successful in predicting specimen life under thermal-mechanical cycling, to within a factor of + or - 2

    A search for gravitational lensing in 38 X-ray selected clusters of galaxies

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    We present the results of a CCD imaging survey for gravitational lensing in a sample of 38 X-ray-selected clusters of galaxies. Our sample consists of the most X-ray luminous (Lx>= 2x10^{44} erg s^{-1}) clusters selected from the Einstein Observatory Extended Medium Sensitivity Survey (EMSS) that are observable from Mauna Kea (dec > -40deg). The sample spans a redshift range of 0.15 0.5. CCD images of the clusters were obtained in excellent seeing. There is evidence of strong gravitational lensing in the form of giant arcs (length l > 8'', axis ratio l/w > 10) in 8 of the 38 clusters. Two additional clusters contain shorter arclets, and 6 more clusters contain candidate arcs that require follow-up observations to confirm their lensing origin. Since the survey does not have a uniform surface brightness limit we do not draw any conclusion based on the statistics of the arcs found. We note, however, that 60% (3 of 5) of the clusters with Lx > 10^{45} erg s^{-1}, and none of the 15 clusters with Lx < 4x10^{44} erg s^{-1} contain giant arcs, thereby confirming that high X-ray luminosity does identify the most massive systems, and thus X-ray selection is the preferred method for finding true, rich clusters at intermediate and high redshifts. The observed geometry of the arcs, most of which are thin, have large axis ratios (l/w > 10), and are aligned orthogonal to the optical major axes of the clusters, indicate the cluster core mass density profiles must be compact (steeper than isothermal). In several cases, however, there is also some evidence, in the form of possible radial arcs, for density profiles with finite core radii.Comment: Latex file, 17 pages, 7 jpeg figures, to be published in Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement

    A Systematic Search for High Surface Brightness Giant Arcs in a Sloan Digital Sky Survey Cluster Sample

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    We present the results of a search for gravitationally-lensed giant arcs conducted on a sample of 825 SDSS galaxy clusters. Both a visual inspection of the images and an automated search were performed and no arcs were found. This result is used to set an upper limit on the arc probability per cluster. We present selection functions for our survey, in the form of arc detection efficiency curves plotted as functions of arc parameters, both for the visual inspection and the automated search. The selection function is such that we are sensitive only to long, high surface brightness arcs with g-band surface brightness mu_g 10. Our upper limits on the arc probability are compatible with previous arc searches. Lastly, we report on a serendipitous discovery of a giant arc in the SDSS data, known inside the SDSS Collaboration as Hall's arc.Comment: 34 pages,8 Fig. Accepted ApJ:Jan-200

    Galaxy Groups in the SDSS DR4: I. The Catalogue and Basic Properties

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    We use a modified version of the halo-based group finder developed by Yang et al. to select galaxy groups from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS DR4). In the first step, a combination of two methods is used to identify the centers of potential groups and to estimate their characteristic luminosity. Using an iterative approach, the adaptive group finder then uses the average mass-to-light ratios of groups, obtained from the previous iteration, to assign a tentative mass to each group. This mass is then used to estimate the size and velocity dispersion of the underlying halo that hosts the group, which in turn is used to determine group membership in redshift space. Finally, each individual group is assigned two different halo masses: one based on its characteristic luminosity, and the other based on its characteristic stellar mass. Applying the group finder to the SDSS DR4, we obtain 301237 groups in a broad dynamic range, including systems of isolated galaxies. We use detailed mock galaxy catalogues constructed for the SDSS DR4 to test the performance of our group finder in terms of completeness of true members, contamination by interlopers, and accuracy of the assigned masses. This paper is the first in a series and focuses on the selection procedure, tests of the reliability of the group finder, and the basic properties of the group catalogue (e.g. the mass-to-light ratios, the halo mass to stellar mass ratios, etc.). The group catalogues including the membership of the groups are available at http://gax.shao.ac.cn/data/Group.html and http://www.astro.umass.edu/~xhyang/Group.htmlComment: 19 pages, 12 figures, Accepted for publication in ApJ. Group catalogues are available at http://gax.shao.ac.cn/data/Group.html and http://www.astro.umass.edu/~xhyang/Group.htm

    Engine Component Retirement-For-Cause: A Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE) and Fracture Mechanics Based Maintainance Concep

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    Historically, cyclic life limited gas turbine engine components have been retired when they reach an analytically determined life where the first fatigue crack per 1000 parts could be expected. By definition, 99.9% of these components are being retired prematurely as they have considerable useful life remaining. Retirement for Cause is a procedure which would allow safe utilization of the full life capacity of each individual component. Since gas turbine engine rotor components are prime candidates and are among the most costly of engine components, adoption of a RFC maintenance philosophy could result in substantial engine systems life cycle cost savings. Two major technical disciplines must be developed and integrated to realize those cost savings: Fracture Mechanics and Nondestructive Evaluation. This paper discusses the methodology, and development activity required, to integrate these disciplines to provide a viable RFC system for use on military gas turbine engines, and illustrates potential benefits of its application

    Identification of A-colored Stars and Structure in the Halo of the Milky Way from SDSS Commissioning Data

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    A sample of 4208 objects with magnitude 15 < g* < 22 and colors of main sequence A stars has been selected from 370 square degrees of Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) commissioning observations. The data is from two long, narrow stripes, each with an opening angle of greater than 60 deg, at Galactic latitudes 36 < abs(b) < 63 on the celestial equator. An examination of the sample's distribution shows that these stars trace considerable substructure in the halo. Large overdensities of A-colored stars in the North at (l,b,R) = (350, 50, 46 kpc) and in the South at (157, -58, 33 kpc) and extending over tens of degrees are present in the halo of the Milky Way. Using photometry to separate the stars by surface gravity, both structures are shown to contain a sequence of low surface gravity stars consistent with identification as a blue horizontal branch (BHB). Both structures also contain a population of high surface gravity stars two magnitudes fainter than the BHB stars, consistent with their identification as blue stragglers (BSs). From the numbers of detected BHB stars, lower limits to the implied mass of the structures are 6x10^6 M_sun and 2x10^6 M_sun. The fact that two such large clumps have been detected in a survey of only 1% of the sky indicates that such structures are not uncommon in the halo. Simple spheroidal parameters are fit to a complete sample of the remaining unclumped BHB stars and yield (at r < 40 kpc) a fit to a halo distribution with flattening (c/a = 0.65+/-0.2) and a density falloff exponent of alpha = -3.2+/-0.3.Comment: AASTeX v5_0, 26 pages, 1 table, 20 figures, ApJ accepte

    Improved constraints on H0 from a combined analysis of gravitational-wave and electromagnetic emission from GW170817

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    The luminosity distance measurement of GW170817 derived from GW analysis in Abbott et al. 2017 (here, A17:H0) is highly correlated with the measured inclination of the NS-NS system. To improve the precision of the distance measurement, we attempt to constrain the inclination by modeling the broad-band X-ray-to-radio emission from GW170817, which is dominated by the interaction of the jet with the environment. We update our previous analysis and we consider the radio and X-ray data obtained at t<40t<40 days since merger. We find that the afterglow emission from GW170817 is consistent with an off-axis relativistic jet with energy 1048erg<Ek3×1050erg10^{48}\,\rm{erg}<E_{k}\le 3\times 10^{50} \,\rm{erg} propagating into an environment with density n102104cm3n\sim10^{-2}-10^{-4} \,\rm{cm^{-3}}, with preference for wider jets (opening angle θj=15\theta_j=15 deg). For these jets, our modeling indicates an off-axis angle θobs2550\theta_{\rm obs}\sim25-50 deg. We combine our constraints on θobs\theta_{\rm obs} with the joint distance-inclination constraint from LIGO. Using the same 170\sim 170 km/sec peculiar velocity uncertainty assumed in A17:H0 but with an inclination constraint from the afterglow data, we get a value of H0=H_0=74.0±11.57.574.0 \pm \frac{11.5}{7.5} \mbox{km/s/Mpc}, which is higher than the value of H0=H_0=70.0± \pm \frac{12.0}{8.0} \mbox{km/s/Mpc} found in A17:H0. Further, using a more realistic peculiar velocity uncertainty of 250 km/sec derived from previous work, we find H0=H_0=75.5±11.69.675.5 \pm \frac{11.6}{9.6} km/s/Mpc for H0 from this system. We note that this is in modestly better agreement with the local distance ladder than the Planck CMB, though a significant such discrimination will require 50\sim 50 such events. Future measurements at t>100t>100 days of the X-ray and radio emission will lead to tighter constraints.Comment: Submitted to ApJL. Comments Welcome. Revised uncertainties in v

    A High-resolution Scintillating Fiber Tracker With Silicon Photomultiplier Array Readout

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    We present prototype modules for a tracking detector consisting of multiple layers of 0.25 mm diameter scintillating fibers that are read out by linear arrays of silicon photomultipliers. The module production process is described and measurements of the key properties for both the fibers and the readout devices are shown. Five modules have been subjected to a 12 GeV/c proton/pion testbeam at CERN. A spatial resolution of 0.05 mm and light yields exceeding 20 detected photons per minimum ionizing particle have been achieved, at a tracking efficiency of more than 98.5%. Possible techniques for further improvement of the spatial resolution are discussed.Comment: 31 pages, 27 figures, pre-print version of an article published in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, Vol. 62