387 research outputs found

    In vino veritas: Theory and evidence on social drinking

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    It is a persistent phenomenon in many societies that a large proportion of alcohol consumption takes place in company of other people. While the phenomenon of social or public drinking is well discussed in disciplines as social psychology and anthropology, economists have paid little attention to the social environment of alcohol consumption. This paper tries to close this gap and explains social drinking as a trust facilitating device. Since alcohol consumption tends to make some people (unwillingly) tell the truth, social drinking can eventually serve as a signaling device in social contact games. Empirical support is obtained from a cross-country analysis of trust and a newly developed index of moderate alcohol consumption. --social and public drinking,alcohol consumption,social contact games,trust,signaling

    In vino veritas: Theory and evidence on social drinking

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    It is a persistent phenomenon in many societies that a large proportion of alcohol consumption takes place in company of other people. While the phenomenon of social or public drinking is well discussed in disciplines as social psychology and anthropology, economists have paid little attention to the social environment of alcohol consumption. This paper tries to close this gap and explains social drinking as a trust facilitating device. Since alcohol consumption tends to make some people (unwillingly) tell the truth, social drinking can eventually serve as a signaling device in social contact games. Empirical support is obtained from a cross-country analysis of trust and a newly developed index of moderate alcohol consumption

    Interest and Recruitment in Science: A Reform, Gender and Experience Perspective

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    AbstractThis paper reports on Swedish results from a worldwide research project concerned with the Interest and Recruitment in Science Education (the IRIS-International study) together with results from a longitudinal national study on girl's views on out of school experience in science and technology in upper secondary education. The studies are framed in the structural situation of the Swedish educational system. The results show that there are reform and policy effects to consider in the discussion of recruiting more students in STEM. Interest in the subject, earlier school experience, achievement and teacher feedback is found to be important for educational choice in STEM. Specifically girls point out societal relevance as important. In addition there are elements outside the school setting with importance for educational choice. Moreover, girls point out visits to a museum and watching films and boys popularized forms of science and computer games. All students consider TV and activities outside school as important for their educational choice in STEM. When trying to implement outside school experience with girls in a longitudinal study in upper secondary education the interplay with school subject teaching is identified as missing. The friction between subject teaching in schools and connections with the surrounding world is proposed as important for future studies

    Fate of Ascaris at various pH, temperature and moisture levels

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    Soil-transmitted helminths (STH) are intestinal worms that infect 24% of the world’s population. Stopping the spread of STH is difficult, as the eggs are resilient (can withstand high pH) and persistent (can remain viable in soils for several years). To ensure that new sanitation systems can inactivate STH, a better understanding of their resilience is required. This study assessed the inactivation of Ascaris eggs under various conditions, in terms of moisture content (MC) (90%), temperature (20–50 C) and pH (7–12.5). The results highlight that the exposure of Ascaris eggs to elevated pH (10.5–12.5) at temperatures 27.5 C for >70 days had no effect on egg viability. Compounding effects of alkaline pH (10.5) or decreasing MC (<20%) was observed at 35 C, with pH having more of an effect than decreasing MC. To accelerate the inactivation of STH, an increase in the treatment temperature is more effective than pH increase. Alkaline pH alone did not inactivate the eggs but can enhance the effect of ammonia, which is likely to be present in organic wastes

    Alkaline dehydration of source -separated fresh human urine: Preliminary insights into using different dehydration temperature and media

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    For sanitation systems aiming at recycling nutrients, separately collecting urine at source is desirable as urine contains most of the nutrients in wastewater. However, reducing the volume of the collected urine and recovering majority of its nutrients is necessary, as this improves the transportability and the end-application of urine-based fertilisers. In this study, we present an innovative method, alkaline dehydration, for treating fresh human urine into a nutrient-rich dry solid. Our aim was to investigate whether fresh urine (pH11) could be dehydrated at elevated temperatures (50 and 60 °C) with minimal loss of urea, urine's principal nitrogen compound. We found that it was possible to concentrate urine 48 times, yielding dry end-products with high fertiliser value: approximately, 10% N, 1% P, and 4% K. We monitored the physico-chemical properties and the composition of various dehydration media to provide useful insights into their suitability for dehydrating urine. We demonstrated that it is possible to recover >90% nitrogen when treating fresh urine by alkaline dehydration by inhibiting the enzymatic hydrolysis of urea at elevated pH and minimisingthe chemical hydrolysis of urea with high urine dehydration rates

    The Effect of Educational Strategies Targeted for Nurses on Pain Assessment and Management in Children : An Integrative Review

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    Background: Nurses play an important role in children's pain assessment and management because they spend the majority of the time with them and provide care on a 24-hour basis. However, research studies continue to report on nurses' inadequate assessment and management of children's pain, which may be partly attributed to their insufficient education in this area. Objectives: This integrative review sought to examine the effect of strategies used in educating nurses on pediatric pain assessment and management. Design: An integrative review. Data Sources: Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, Cochrane, PubMed/Medline and Scopus. Review/Analysis Methods: Four databases were searched up to February 2018 based on a prescribed eligibility criteria. The review included 37 studies with varied methodologic quality. Results: Our findings revealed that various types of educational strategies improve nurses' knowledge, attitudes, and practice of pain assessment, management, and/or documentation. Conclusions: Developing a responsive program that includes expectations of beneficiaries, integrating it into existing facility training systems and delivering it through multidisciplinary collaboration, offers the benefit of securing sustainability of the educational gains. (C) 2019 American Society for Pain Management Nursing. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Wettbewerbspotenziale im deutschen Apothekenmarkt

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    Der vorliegende Beitrag analysiert den Ordnungsrahmen für den deutschen Apothekenmarkt und die dortigen Konkurrenzbeziehungen, welche durch signifikante Wettbewerbsdefizite gekennzeichnet sind. Ausgehend von unserer Diagnose und den Befunden werden die Vor- und Nachteile von zwei Therapieoptionen als diskutiert: Das sogenannte Selektivertragsmodell, bei dem Apotheken um das Kollektiv der Versichertengemeinschaft einer jeden Krankenkasse konkurrieren, und das Modell der Apothekentaxe, bei dem die Patienten die Leistung der Apotheke direkt vergüten. Für das Modell der Apothekentaxe werden in drei Szenarien die Wettbewerbswirkungen und das mögliche Einsparpotenzial pro Jahr ermittelt, dass sich auf bis zu 448 Mio. EUR beläuft. -- This paper analyses the institutional framework for pharmacies in Germany and competition in that sector, which is characterized by significant competition deficits. Based on our diagnosis and findings the advantages and disadvantages of two therapies are discussed: The selective contracting model, where pharmacies compete for the collective group of all members of every health insurance company, and the pharmacy fee model, where patients have to directly pay for pharmacy services. For the latter model we analyze, under three different scenarios, the competitive effects and annual saving potentials which can amount up to 448 million euro.Apotheke,Wettbewerb,Gesundheitsausgaben,Effizienz,Nachhaltigkeit,pharmacies,competition,health-care expenditures,efficiency,sustainability

    Evaluierung des aktuellen Standes und der Potenziale der Industriellen Biotechnologie im Freistaat Sachsen

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    Ziel der vorliegenden Studie ist es, die bisherigen Anstrengungen und Entwicklungen im Freistaat Sachsen im Bereich der Industriellen (Weißen) Biotechnologie (IBT) zu evaluieren. Hierzu werden der aktuelle Stand der technologischen Entwicklungen analysiert, die Technologie- und Anwendungsfelder Industrieller Biotechnologie im Freistaat ermittelt und die Position Sachsens im Vergleich zu führenden nationalen und internationalen Biotechnologieregionen bewertet. Strukturelle und inhaltliche Stärken und Schwächen des Biotechnologiestandorts Sachsen werden aufgezeigt. Weiterhin sollen die Ansätze und Impulse beim Aufbau einer "Grünen" Wirtschaft verdeutlicht sowie die Potenziale für eine künftige Entwicklung der Industriellen Biotechnologie in Sachsen erörtert werden.This project analyses the possible prospective developments of the sector of industrial biotechnology in the Free State of Saxony. Therefore, a broad appraisal - also using a survey of enterprises - of the current situation in this special field of biotechnology was conducted. Furthermore the local industry was a compared to selected national and international benchmark regions.. Based on this data, a general SWOT-Analysis and an analysis of the potentials for this industrial sector were conducted. With the help of this analysis policy advice are derived in order to set up new or to alter the existing general framework for improving the attractiveness of Saxony as a site for industrial biotechnology companies

    Modifizierung von Kunststoffoberflächen durch Niederdruckplasmabehandlung zur Verbesserung der Adhäsionseigenschaften

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    Viele Kunststoffe besitzen nur schlechte Adhäsionseigenschaften. So lassen sich viele technisch wichtige Kunststoffe adhäsiv nur dann zufriedenstellend mit Adhäsionsklebstoffen kleben, wenn die Kunststoffteile vorbehandelt worden sind. Versuche mit einer Niederdruckplasmabehandlung führten zu brauchbaren Ergebnissen