197 research outputs found

    Functional Comparison of Six-Minute Walk Tests Between Shod and Minimalist Footwear Individuals in Mid-Life: A Preliminary Pilot Study Analysis

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    Research has shown that wearing minimalistic footwear can increase intrinsic and extrinsic foot muscle size and strength,although the effect of transitioning from shod to minimalist footwear on gait functionality–such as performance on a six-minute walk test–is not well documented. PURPOSE: We observed the differences in a six-minute functional walk test between mid-life (45yrs-65yrs) individuals who transitioned to minimalist footwear (MF) over a fourteen month period compared to habitually shod (HS) individuals. METHODS: Twenty mid-life individuals participated in this study. Participants were randomly assigned to either the MF (n=8, age= 56.5 ± 5.18 yrs, height= 162.71 ± 7.69 cm, weight= 82.71 ± 16.24 kg,) or HS (n=12, age= 57.36 ± 5.43 yrs, height= 162.91 ± 7.44 cm, weight= 73.48 ± 15.65 kg) group. MF participants were coached through a nine-week training to safely transition to MF. Participants assigned to the HS group were instructed to continue normal activity. Each participant underwent a data collection at 1 week, 9 weeks, 8 months, and 14 months. At each data collection, the individual was instructed to walk as far as possible around a set track for 6 minutes. Every lap around the track was 208 feet and partial laps were measured to the distance completed. RESULTS: A repeated measures ANOVA indicated a significant increase in distance walked at 8 months (1703.5 ± 190.2 ft, p=0.009) and 14 months (1708.1 ± 181.1 ft, p=0.025) compared to week 1 (1634.6 ± 194.7 ft). There was no significant difference between groups in the increase in walking distance (p=0.950). Significant covariates were biological sex (p=0.007) and height (p=0.034). CONCLUSION: Overall, participants in the study increased walking distance in the six-minute walk test regardless of group. Therefore, minimalist shoes do not appear to affect gait functionality in mid-life adults during the six-minute walk test

    Redesigning pictographs for patients with low health literacy and establishing preliminary steps for delivery via smart phones.

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    BackgroundPictographs (or pictograms) have been widely utilized to convey medication related messages and to address nonadherence among patients with low health literacy. Yet, patients do not always interpret the intended messages on commonly used pictographs correctly and there are questions how they may be delivered on mobile devices.ObjectiveOur objectives are to refine a set of pictographs to use as medication reminders and to establish preliminary steps for delivery via smart phones.MethodsCard sorting was used to identify existing pictographs that focus group members found "not easy" to understand. Participants then explored improvements to these pictographs while iterations were sketched in real-time by a graphic artist. Feedback was also solicited on how selected pictographs might be delivered via smart phones in a sequential reminder message. The study was conducted at a community learning center that provides literacy services to underserved populations in Seattle, WA. Participants aged 18 years and older who met the criteria for low health literacy using S-TOFHLA were recruited.ResultsAmong the 45 participants screened for health literacy, 29 were eligible and consented to participate. Across four focus group sessions, participants examined 91 commonly used pictographs, 20 of these were ultimately refined to improve comprehensibility using participatory design approaches. All participants in the fifth focus group owned and used cell phones and provided feedback on preferred sequencing of pictographs to represent medication messages.ConclusionLow literacy adults found a substantial number of common medication label pictographs difficult to understand. Participative design processes helped generate new pictographs, as well as feedback on the sequencing of messages on cell phones, that may be evaluated in future research

    Detection of pediatric upper extremity motor activity and deficits with accelerometry

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    Importance: Affordable, quantitative methods to screen children for developmental delays are needed. Motor milestones can be an indicator of developmental delay and may be used to track developmental progress. Accelerometry offers a way to gather real-world information about pediatric motor behavior. Objective: To develop a referent cohort of pediatric accelerometry from bilateral upper extremities (UEs) and determine whether movement can accurately distinguish those with and without motor deficits. Design, Setting, and Participants: Children aged 0 to 17 years participated in a prospective cohort from December 8, 2014, to December 29, 2017. Children were recruited from Ranken Jordan Pediatric Bridge Hospital, Maryland Heights, Missouri, and Washington University School of Medicine in St Louis, St Louis, Missouri. Typically developing children were included as a referent cohort if they had no history of motor or neurological deficit; consecutive sampling and matching ensured equal representation of sex and age. Children with diagnosed asymmetric motor deficits were included in the motor impaired cohort. Exposures: Bilateral UE motor activity was measured using wrist-worn accelerometers for a total of 100 hours in 25-hour increments. Main Outcomes and Measures: To characterize bilateral UE motor activity in a referent cohort for the purpose of detecting irregularities in the future, total activity and the use ratio between UEs were used to describe typically developing children. Asymmetric impairment was classified using the mono-arm use index (MAUI) and bilateral-arm use index (BAUI) to quantify the acceleration of unilateral movements. Results: A total of 216 children enrolled, and 185 children were included in analysis. Of these, 156 were typically developing, with mean (SD) age 9.1 (5.1) years and 81 boys (52.0%). There were 29 children in the motor impaired cohort, with mean (SD) age 7.4 (4.4) years and 16 boys (55.2%). The combined MAUI and BAUI (mean [SD], 0.86 [0.005] and use ratio (mean [SD], 0.90 [0.008]) had similar F1 values. The area under the curve was also similar between the combined MAUI and BAUI (mean [SD], 0.98 [0.004]) and the use ratio (mean [SD], 0.98 [0.004]). Conclusions and Relevance: Bilateral UE movement as measured with accelerometry may provide a meaningful metric of real-world motor behavior across childhood. Screening in early childhood remains a challenge; MAUI may provide an effective method for clinicians to measure and visualize real-world motor behavior in children at risk for asymmetrical deficits

    Real-time motion analytics during brain MRI improve data quality and reduce costs

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    Head motion systematically distorts clinical and research MRI data. Motion artifacts have biased findings from many structural and functional brain MRI studies. An effective way to remove motion artifacts is to exclude MRI data frames affected by head motion. However, such post-hoc frame censoring can lead to data loss rates of 50% or more in our pediatric patient cohorts. Hence, many scanner operators collect additional 'buffer data', an expensive practice that, by itself, does not guarantee sufficient high-quality MRI data for a given participant. Therefore, we developed an easy-to-setup, easy-to-use Framewise Integrated Real-time MRI Monitoring (FIRMM) software suite that provides scanner operators with head motion analytics in real-time, allowing them to scan each subject until the desired amount of low-movement data has been collected. Our analyses show that using FIRMM to identify the ideal scan time for each person can reduce total brain MRI scan times and associated costs by 50% or more

    Cardiac myocyte-specific knock-out of calcium-independent phospholipase A2γ (iPLA2γ) decreases oxidized fatty acids during ischemia/reperfusion and reduces infarct size

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    Calcium-independent phospholipase A(2)γ (iPLA(2)γ) is a mitochondrial enzyme that produces lipid second messengers that facilitate opening of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore (mPTP) and contribute to the production of oxidized fatty acids in myocardium. To specifically identify the roles of iPLA(2)γ in cardiac myocytes, we generated cardiac myocyte-specific iPLA(2)γ knock-out (CMiPLA(2)γKO) mice by removing the exon encoding the active site serine (Ser-477). Hearts of CMiPLA(2)γKO mice exhibited normal hemodynamic function, glycerophospholipid molecular species composition, and normal rates of mitochondrial respiration and ATP production. In contrast, CMiPLA(2)γKO mice demonstrated attenuated Ca(2+)-induced mPTP opening that could be rapidly restored by the addition of palmitate and substantially reduced production of oxidized polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). Furthermore, myocardial ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) in CMiPLA(2)γKO mice (30 min of ischemia followed by 30 min of reperfusion in vivo) dramatically decreased oxidized fatty acid production in the ischemic border zones. Moreover, CMiPLA(2)γKO mice subjected to 30 min of ischemia followed by 24 h of reperfusion in vivo developed substantially less cardiac necrosis in the area-at-risk in comparison with their WT littermates. Furthermore, we found that membrane depolarization in murine heart mitochondria was sensitized to Ca(2+) by the presence of oxidized PUFAs. Because mitochondrial membrane depolarization and calcium are known to activate iPLA(2)γ, these results are consistent with salvage of myocardium after I/R by iPLA(2)γ loss of function through decreasing mPTP opening, diminishing production of proinflammatory oxidized fatty acids, and attenuating the deleterious effects of abrupt increases in calcium ion on membrane potential during reperfusion

    Associations of depression and anxiety with substance use and social health among older adults living with HIV

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    Life expectancy after HIV infection dramatically increased following the development of antiretroviral therapies (ART) in 1996. As the population of older adults living with HIV increases, concerns have grown about possible disparities in mental health. We evaluated mental health outcomes, specifically depressive symptoms and anxiety, among older adults living with HIV in two large urban cities. We also examined the relationship between mental health outcomes and substance use and social health. We recruited 154 participants from infectious disease clinics in Los Angeles, CA and New Orleans, LA to complete cross-sectional surveys. We assessed prevalence of depressive symptoms (CES-D-10) and anxiety (GAD-7). Bivariate analyses and multivariate linear regressions were run to examine the factors associated with depressive symptoms and anxiety. We found that 44.8% of all participants were at risk for clinical depression, 55.8% reported mild to severe levels of anxiety, and 40.0% met criteria for both. In multivariate analyses, greater depressive symptoms and anxiety were associated with greater perceived HIV-related stigma and smaller social networks. Depressive symptoms were additionally associated with younger age. Substance use was not associated with depressive symptoms or anxiety. Findings suggest older adults living with HIV may be at high risk for depression and anxiety and that the presence of these conditions may also be linked to poorer social health indicators. This highlights the importance of screening for and addressing depression and anxiety among older adults with HIV

    Risk indicators for oral ulcers among people living with HIV during the first wave of the pandemic: A cross-sectional study

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    Background: Little is currently known about HIV-related parameters that may increase the risk for oral ulcers during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study aimed to overcome this gap in research by assessing the associations between HIV viral load, antiretroviral adherence profile, co-morbidity status, SARS-CoV-2 infection and oral ulcers among people living with HIV (PLHIV). Methods: This was a secondary analysis of data generated from 21,206 to 18 years and above, recruited from 152 countries through an online survey between July and December 2020. Data were extracted for 874 people who reported living with HIV. The dependent variable was reporting having oral ulcer. The independent variables were the viral load, adherence to antiretroviral treatment and a history of SARS-CoV-2 infection. The confounding variables were age at last birthday and sex at birth. A multivariable logistic regression analysis was conducted to determine the associations between the dependent and independent variables after adjusting for the confounding variables. Results: Of the 874 participants, 99 (11.3%) reported having oral ulcers during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. The odds of PLHIV having oral ulcers during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic was significantly higher for people who did not know their viral load than those who had undetectable viral load (AOR: 2.036; 95% CI: 1.204–3.443; p = 0.008); and people who did not adhere to the use of antiretroviral treatment than those who adhered (AOR: 4.113; 95% CI: 2.567–6.589; p < 0.001). Also, PLHIV who had SARS-CoV-2 infection had significantly higher odds of having oral ulcers than those who did not have the infection (AOR: 14.556; 95% CI: 4.500-47.078; p < 0.001). PLHIV who had co-morbidities had non-significantly higher odds of having oral ulcers than those without co-morbidities (AOR: 1.170; 95% CI: 0.656–2.085; p = 0.595). Conclusion: Oral ulcers may be an indicator of poor adherence to antiretroviral therapy and unsuppressed viral load among PLHIV. It may also be an indicator of SARS-CoV-2 infection and a signal to take prompt and critical care of affected individuals because of the risk for severe COVID-19 for these individuals.publishedVersio

    Toward a more comprehensive assessment of school age children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy

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    BACKGROUND: Cerebral palsy (CP) is the leading cause of disability in children. While motor deficits define CP, many patients experience behavioral and cognitive deficits which limit participation. The purpose of this study was to contribute to our understanding of developmental delay and how to measure these deficits among children with CP. METHODS: Children 5 to 15 years with hemiplegic CP were recruited. Cognition and motor ability were assessed. The brain injury associated with observed motor deficits was identified. Accelerometers measured real-world bilateral upper extremity movement and caregivers completed behavioral assessments. RESULTS: Eleven children participated, 6 with presumed perinatal stroke. Four children scored below average intelligence quotient while other measures of cognition were within normal limits (except processing speed). Motor scores confirmed asymmetrical deficits. Approximately one third of scores indicated deficits in attention, behavior, or depression. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings corroborate that children with CP experience challenges that are broader than motor impairment alone. Despite the variation in brain injury, all participants completed study procedures. IMPLICATIONS: Our findings suggest that measuring behavior in children with CP may require a more comprehensive approach and that caregivers are amenable to using online collection tools which may assist in addressing the therapeutic needs of children with CP
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