16 research outputs found


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    Consumption of fast food continuously can be detrimental to human health. An effective solution is to make innovative food that is able to meet the adequacy of nutrition, one of which is foodbar. The raw materials used in the manufacture of foodbar come from local commodities which are flourished, including sweet potatoes, green beans and Moringa and added porang to unite the three ingredients. Yellow sweet potato flour contains 77.7% carbohydrates with high digestibility (98%), while Moringa leaf flour contains 27.1 grams / 100 grams protein. Mung bean flour is used as a flavoring agent, while porang flour which is rich in glucomannan acts as a binder agent to produce foodbar products that are not easily destroyed. The treatment in this study used two factors, namely the composition of the composite flour and the composition of the addition of porang. Observations made include physical properties including water content, volume expansion, kamba density and texture of the foodbar. The best treatment on the foodbar was the combination treatment of 100 grams of yellow sweet potato flour (40 grams) green bean flour (60 grams) moringa leaf flour and (4%) porang (P3T1).Konsumsi makanan cepat saji secara terus menerus dapat merugikan kesehatan manusia. Solusi efektif yaitu dengan membuat makanan inovatif yang mampu memenuhi kecukupan gizi salah satunya yaitu foodbar. Bahan baku yang digunakan dalam pembuatan foodbar berasal dari komoditas lokal yang ditepungkan, antara lain ubi jalar, kacang hijau dan kelor serta ditambahkan porang untuk menyatukan ketiga bahan tersebut. Tepung ubi ubi jalar kuning mengandung karbohidrat 77,7% dengan nilai cerna tinggi (98%), sedangkan tepung daun kelor mengandung protein 27,1 gram/ 100 gram. Tepung kacang hijau digunakan sebagai pemberi cita rasa, sedangkan tepung porang yang kaya dengan glukomannan berperan sebagai binder agent untuk menghasilkan produk foodbar yang tidak mudah hancur. Perlakuan pada penelitian ini dengan menggunakan dua faktor, yaitu komposisi tepung komposit dan komposisi penambahan porang. Pengamatan yang dilakukan yaitu sifat fisik meliputi kadar air, ekspansi volume, densitas kamba dan tekstur dari foodbar. Perlakuan terbaik pada foodbar pada kombinasi perlakuan 100 gram tepung ubi jalar kuning (40 gram) tepung kacang hijau (60 gram) tepung daun kelor dan (4 %) porang (P3T1)


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    Lemuru production in Sumbawa has increased and is one of the processed productsthe famous one is bage fish. This bage fish is processed by a process of salting andpickling, then drying and frying. Request from the Sumbawa peopleThere are already many who want to bring this typical bage fish souvenir from the region. Bytherefore in this study a controlled drying process was carried out usingoven, and is expected to be a solution to improve the quality of bage fishphysicochemical and microbiological. The results showed that fresh lemuru hadthe average moisture content was 86%, protein content was 19.8%, fat content was 6.1%. Water contentThe highest bage fish was found in treatment with a temperature of 50 ° C for 2 hours (56.33%)while the lowest water content is found in 4 hours drying with a temperature of 60 ° C(28.41%). The highest TPC test value was obtained in bage fish drying at 50oCfor 2 hours, which is 21000 CFU / gr (2.1 x 104 CFU / gr).Produksi ikan lemuru di Sumbawa mengalami kenaikan dan salah satu produk olahannyayang terkenal adalah ikan bage. Ikan bage ini diolah dengan proses penggaraman danpengasaman, kemudian dikeringkan dan digoreng. Permintaan masyarakat Sumbawayang ingin membawa oleh-oleh khas ikan bage ini keluar daerah sudah banyak. Olehkarena itu dalam penelitian ini dilakukan proses pengeringan terkontrol menggunakanoven, dan diharapkan menjadi solusi untuk memperbaiki mutu ikan bage secarafisikokimia dan mikrobiologis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ikan lemuru segar memilikirata-rata kadar air sebesar 86%, kadar protein 19,8%, kadar lemak 6,1%. Kandungan airikan bage tertinggi terdapat pada perlakuan dengan suhu 50°C selama 2 jam (56,33%)sedangkan kadar air terendah terdapat pada pengeringan 4 jam dengan suhu 60°C(28,41%). Nilai uji TPC tertinggi didapatkan pada ikan bage pengeringan suhu 50oCselama 2 jam yaitu sebesar 21000 CFU/gr (2,1 x 104 CFU/gr)

    Efektivitas Campuran Ekstrak Daun Srikaya (Annona squamosal L.) dan Rimpang Kunyit (Curcuma domestica Val.) pada Mortalitas Larva Spodoptera litura F. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)

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    Spodoptera litura F. larvae (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) are polyphagous insects that cause damages to many types of plantations and horticulture that need to be protected. One of environmentally friendly method to protect ecological balance is the use of botanical insecticides whose bioactive compounds come from plant extracts. This study used a mixture of two plant extracts from A. squamosa leaves extract and C. domestica rhizome exstract (the mixed of experimental extracts). The mixed of experimental extracts are synergistic so that they are more effective and need a lower concentration to cause the mortality of S. litura larvae than the use of a single extract. The aims of the research were to know the efficacy of the mixed of experimental extracts on the mortality of S. litura larvae and determine the value of LC50 and LC90 extract test on its mortality. The initial and efficacy test were conducted by bait dip into the mixed of experimental extracts. The mortality data were analyzed using ANAVA, then continued by Duncan test and Probit analysis. The results of this research showed that the mixed of experimental extracts were effective to kill S. litura larvae. The calculated result of LC50 and LC90 showed that the LC50 value of the experimental extracts on the second and the third instar larvae were 5.252 ppm and 10.559 ppm, respectively, and the LC90 value for both instar larvae were 11.124 ppm and 13.638 ppm, respectively. It could be concluded that the mixed of experimental extracts is effective in S. litura larvae mortality and more effective in the mortality of the second instar larvae than that of the third instar larvae. Therefore, this test extract mixture can be developed further in a greenhouse to evaluate the effectiveness in the mortality of S. litura larvae which can be used as an alternative to controlling S. litura larvae with an environmentally friendly material in farmers.   Keywords: control, extract, mortality, Spodoptera litur


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    Bima Regency has great potential in producing shallots (Alliumascalonicum L.) because it can be planted throughout the year so that the production is abundantRed onion. Onion processing aims to maintain agesave and the quality of the onion. This study compared the characteristics of the pastashallots with two different emulsifying systems. Use of an emulsion systemthe right one affects the quality of the shallot paste. The research was conducted in a scalelaboratory using a completely randomized design (CRD) with two treatments andthree replications, the first treatment was addition of shortening with lecithin, andthe second treatment adding starch with oil palm. Characteristics of onion pastered that want to be investigated are water content (AOAC 2005), protein content (AOAC, 2005) andfat content (AOAC, 2005). The test results of shallot paste show thatThe addition of CMC 0.3% for 7 minutes had the lowest water content (44.11%).While the addition of 6% lecithin 4 minutes has a higher water contentcompared to other treatments (51.27%). The highest protein content is found intreatment with the addition of CMC 0.3% 7 minutes is 3.05%. while lowest onlecithin addition treatment 6% 4 minutes is 2.63%. Fat content of shallot pasteThe highest was the treatment with the addition of CMC by 0.3% with timestirring 7 minutes (0.89%), while the lowest was found in treatment withaddition of 6% lecithin with a stirring time of 4 minutes (0.82%).Kabupaten Bima mempunyai potensi besar dalam menghasilkan bawang merah (Alliumascalonicum L.) karena dapat ditanam sepanjang tahun sehingga berlimpah produksinyabawang merah. Pengolahan bawang merah bertujuan untuk mempertahankan umursimpan dan mutu bawang merah. Penelitian ini membandingkan karakteristik pastabawang merah dengan dua sistem pengemulsi yang berbeda. Penggunaan sistem emulsiyang tepat mempengaruhi mutu pasta bawang merah. Penelitian dilakukan dalam skalalaboratorium menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan dua perlakuan dantiga kali ulangan, perlakuan pertama penambahan shortening dengan lesitin, danperlakuan kedua penambahan pati dengan kelapa sawit. Karakteristik pasta bawangmerah yang ingin diteliti yaitu kadar air (AOAC 2005), kadar protein (AOAC, 2005) dankadar lemak (AOAC, 2005). Hasil pengujian pasta bawang merah menunjukkan bahwaPerlakuan penambahan CMC 0.3% 7 menit memiliki kadar air paling rendah (44,11%).Sedangkan penambahan lesitin 6% 4 menit memiliki kadar air yang lebih tinggidibandingkan perlakuan yang lain (51,27%). Kadar protein paling tinggi terdapat padaperlakuan penambahan CMC 0.3% 7 menit yaitu 3.05%. sedangkan terendah padaperlakuan penambahan lesitin 6% 4 menit yaitu 2.63%. Kadar lemak pasta bawang merahtertinggi terdapat perlakuan dengan penambahan CMC sebesar 0,3% dengan waktupenumisan 7 menit (0.89%), sedangkan terendah terdapat pada perlakuan denganpenambahan lesitin 6% dengan waktut penumisan 4 menit (0,82%)

    Sosialisasi Pengaplikasi Centrifugal Force Dalam Memproduksi Minyak Kelapa Murni

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    Cooking oil is one of the staple ingredients that is widely used in household and industrial needs. The high price of cooking oil has an impact on the food security of a family. Repeated use of cooking oil will also have an impact on family health. So it is necessary to socialize the healthy and quality cooking oil using virgin coconut oil. The purpose of this socialization was directed to the group of housewives in Pumo Village, Wuluhan District, Jember Regency. The economic condition of this housewife is classified as lower middle class. The Pumo Village Housewives Group (partner) is located in a coastal area with extraordinary coconut potential. Utilization of coconut is only limited to being sold in the form of coconuts, either young (degan) or old (copra). Though the potential will be greater if the processing is carried out, especially in the form of pure coconut oil. The solution offered to this problem is the application of science and technology with simple technology, namely centrifugal force as an effort to become independent partners in producing virgin coconut oil. The virgin coconut oil produced is not only to support family food security, but also to be a business opportunity for partners. The results of this service, the community can know the techniques of making, packaging products and entrepreneurship in the field of making virgin coconut oil


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    Virgin coconut oil (VCO) merupakan produk olahan dari daging kelapa yang berupa cairan berwarna jernih, tidak berasa, dengan bau khas kelapa. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh lama penyimpanan buah kelapa terhadap mutu VCO yang dihasilkan. Terdapat 5 perlakuan pada penelitian ini yaitu P0, P5, P10, P15, dan P20 dengan ulangan 6 kali dan dianalisa menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap non factorial dan uji BNJ. Perlakuan terbaik yaitu P20 (lama penyimpanan 20 hari) rendemen 15,65%; kadar air 0,2%; kadar asam lemak bebas 0,05%; viskositas 6,692 Pa.s


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    Pandemi Covid-19 berdampak pada dunia pendidikan. Mayoritas pelaku pendidikan dituntut untuk melaksanakan sistem pembelajaran daring. Teknologi daring menjadi salah satu solusi utama dalam menghambat penularan virus corona. Kendala seringkali dihadapi oleh guru dalam pelaksanaan daring, salah satunya adalah guru di SDN Glagahwero 02 Kecamatan Kalisat. Berdasarkan hasil survey awal di lokasi mitra, minimnya kemampuan guru dalam memanfaatkan teknologi daring menjadikan proses pembelajaran hanya dilakukan dengan mengirimkan materi dalam bentuk tertulis saja. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan peningkatan pemanfaatan teknologi guna mendukung kegiatan belajar mengajar melalui bimbingan teknis pembelajaran daring melalui WA group, google classroom, youtube, power point, dan zoom meeting. Melalui bimbingan teknis pembelajaran daring, guru yang awalnya kurang mahir menjadi lebih mahir dalam tatap muka secara maya, share materi, penugasan, kuis, dan ujian


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    Abstrak : Tebu merupakan salah satu tanaman penghasil gula. Kualitas gula yang dihasilkan sangat dipengaruhi oleh bahan baku utamanya yaitu nira tebu, sehingga diperlukan pengukuran kandungan nira pada tebu. Pada penelitian ini, dibuat alat ukur kandungan gula pada nira tebu yang terintegrasi dengan sistem PC. Selain nira tebu, digunakan larutan gula sebagai objek penelitian lainnya. Alat ukur yang dibuat memanfaatkan prinsip penjalaran sinar ketika melewati objek penelitian. Sumber sinar yang digunakan adalah RGB bright LED, fiber optic sebagai medium perambatan sinar, fotodioda BPW 34 sebagai fotodetektor, modul Arduino UNO sebagai modul mikrokontroler, dan refraktometer digital untuk mendapatkan data pembanding. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa alat ukur sudah bisa terintegrasi dengan sistem PC. Penelitian pada larutan gula menunjukkan bahwa sinar kuning mampu memberikan perubahan tegangan keluaran sistem sensor yang paling besar setiap variasi konsentrasi larutan, dan didapatkan kurva kalibrasi untuk penelitian pada nira tebu selanjutnya. Penelitian pada nira tebu menunjukkan bahwa masih ada perbedaan hasil pengukuran kandungan gula dari fotodetektor terhadap refraktometer digital.Kata kunci: fotodioda, kurva kalibrasi, nira tebu

    Peningkatan Pengetahuan Siswa SDN Glagahwero 02 Kecamatan Kalisat Mengenai Pentingnya Mengkonsumsi Sayuran Bergizi

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    SDN Glagahwero 02 merupakan salah satu sekolah dasar di Kabupaten Jember yang memperoleh bantuan program gizi anak sekolah tahun 2018. Program tersebut bertujuan untuk memenuhi asupan gizi guna meningkatkan kemampuan belajar dalam upaya membentuk karakter insan Indonesia yang sehat, cerdas, dan produktif. Selama program tersebut berlangsung, didapatkan informasi bahwa banyak siswa/siswi yang tidak suka mengonsumsi sayuran. Minimnya pengetahuan anak mengenai pentingnya mengonsumsi sayuran bergizi menjadi salah satu permasalahan dalam upaya memenuhi asupan gizi. Ditambah lagi, kurangnya peran orangtua dalam menyediakan makanan berupa sayuran bergizi untuk anak mereka. Padahal, sayuran bergizi merupakan sumber utama vitamin, mineral, dan serat yang penting untuk pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak. Oleh sebab itu, perlu dilakukan peningkatan pengetahuan mengenai pentingnya sayuran bergizi bagi anak-anak melalui kegiatan penyuluhan. Kegiatan penyuluhan tersebut terfokus pada 2 sasaran utama, yakni siswa/siswi dan orang tuanya yang bertujuan agar pemahaman mengenai pentingnya sayuran bagi anak akan lebih terintegrasi. Jenis luaran yang dihasilkan adalah peningkatan pengetahuan yang terintegrasi antara siswa/siswi dan orang tuanya mengenai pentingnya mengonsumsi sayuran bergizi, sehingga anak lebih menyukai sayuran dan orangtua selalu menyediakan sayuran bergizi untuk anaknya. Orangtua dapat memberikan edukasi pentingnya sayuran dengan berkomunikasi yang baik, menyediakan menu sayuran setiap hari, dan membuat inovasi dalam memasak sayuran

    Pengaruh Metode Pengolahan dan Level Roasting Terhadap Karakteristik Kopi Robusta Argopuro Jember

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    Jember, located in East Java, is renowned for its exceptional production of robusta coffee. The objective of this study was to analyze the physical properties of roasted robusta coffee beans sourced from Argopuro, Jember. The study utilized a fully Randomized Factorial Design incorporating two factors: processing method and roasting intensity. The processing method comprised four levels: natural process, honey process, semi-wet process, and full-wash process. Concurrently, the roasting level treatment consisted of three levels: light, medium, and dark. The observations encompassed the density of green beans, the density of roast beans, and the yield of roast beans. The green beans utilized in this investigation adhered to the quality criteria specified in the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) Grade 2. The research findings indicated that the processing technique had no substantial impact on the density of green beans. Neither the processing method nor the roasting level treatments had a different effect on the density or yield of the roasted beans. Nevertheless, the application of different roasting levels did result in a significant effect on both the density and yield of roasted coffee beans. The natural process approach yielded the maximum green bean density, weighing 365 kg/m3. The dark roast level resulted in the maximum bean density across all processing methods, including the natural, honey, semi-wet, and full-wash processes. The specific values for each method were 735.3 kg/m3, 637.3 kg/m3, 698.4 kg/m3, and 637.5 kg/m3, respectively. Moreover, the light roast level achieved the maximum output of roast beans, reaching 88.83%