512 research outputs found

    Medical Malpractice Litigation Under National Health Insurance: Essential or Expendable?

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    Identification of time-continuous models from sampled data is a long standing topic of discussion, and many approaches have been suggested. The Maximum Likelihood method is asymptotically and theoretically superior to other methods. However, it may suffer from numerical inaccuracies at fast sampling and it also requires reliable initial parameter values. A number of efficient and useful alternatives to the maximum-likelihood method have been developed over the years. The most important of these are State-Variable filters, combined with Instrumental Variable methods, including the simplified refined IV method. In this contribution we perform unpretentious numerical experiments to comment on these methods, and their mutual benefits.CADIC


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    Hubungan supervisi klinis kepala sekolah dengan etos kerja guru di MTs Ma'arif NU Randegansari

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan hubungan supervisi klinis kepala sekolah dengan etos kerja guru beserta pengertiannya di MTs Ma’arif NU Randegansari. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan model product moment dan teknik nonprobability sampling dengan jenis teknik purposive sampling. pada pengambilan sampel anggota populasi dilakukan menggunakan teknik penentuan sampel dengan pertimbangan tertentu yang ada dalam populasi. Metode yang digunakan adalah kuesioner, wawancara dan dokumentasi, subyek penelitian meliputi kepala sekolah, dan sebagian guru. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan hubungan supervisi klinis kepala sekolah dengan etos kerja guru terdiri dari supervisi klinis kepala sekolah dan etos kerja guru Pada MTs Ma’arif NU Randegansari melakukan beberapa proses, yakni identifikasi yang dilakukan oleh pihak peneliti, dan penyususan skala dengan menggunakan skala likert. Dari penelitian yang sudah dilakukan dengan menggunakan statistical package for social science (SPSS) product moment for windows versi 22 diketahui jumlah item pertanyaan sebanyak 14 dengan nilai rata-rata (mean) 3,00 dan standart deviasi sebesar 0,87 merujuk pada kategori skor penilaian supervisi klinis kepala sekolah di MTs Ma’arif NU Randegansari tergolong baik. Etos kerja guru tergolong kurang baik dengan nilai rata-rata (mean) hanya 2,00 dengan standart deviasi 0,73 menjadikan itu tergolong kurang baik. Dari pengujian yang telah dilakukan dengan menggunakan korelasi statistical package for social science (SPSS) product moment for windows versi 22 diperoleh hubungan yang signifikan antara variabel supervisi klinis kepala sekolah dengan etos kerja guru. Hasil hitung korelasi product moment 0,649 lebih besar dari rtabel, pada taraf kesalahan 5% dengan nilai 0,632. Adapun tingkat hubungan yang ditimbulkan adalah tergolong kuat, hal ini berdasarkan “rxy” dengan nilai 0,649 yang terletak antara 0,60 – 7,99 yang mana interpretasinya adalah tinggi/kuat

    Microcontroller Implementation for Automatic Smart Bell

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    This study aims to design automatic school bell hardware based on the ATmega32 microcontroller, design automatic school bell software based on the ATmega32 microcontroller using Basic programming language, and test the performance of the automatic school bell based on the ATmega32 microcontroller. This automatic school bell uses a minimum system of ATmega32 microcontrollers which equipped with data input from the push button, LCD to display character output, ISD2560 to output sound, and a timer taken from DS1307 RTC. This research is a Research or Development (R & D) research. This research is carried out through two stages of design. The first stage is the stage of hardware design. The second stage is the stage of software design. Programs are made using the Basic programming language using the Bascom-AVR application. The results of the product were tested using the black box method with two stages. In the first stage, software testing uses a series of simulations on the Proteus 7 Professional application. The second stage, testing hardware

    Does virtue ethics allow us to make better judgments of the actions of others?

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    Virtue ethics encourages us to judge the actions of others, not merely as right or wrong, but as virtuous (kind, courageous, just, compassionate, etc.) or vicious (cruel, cowardly, unjust, selfish, etc.). In doing so, however, we risk acting viciously ourselves. That is, our judgments of others can be unfair, unkind, insensitive, uncharitable, or hypocritical, even while being accurate. I argue that in order to make good judgments of the actions of others we should turn to virtue ethics for action guidance. That is, our primary aim should not be to make accurate judgments but to act virtuously when judging others

    The unacknowledged legacy

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    This paper presents a critical discussion of the treatment of mimetic art, and particularly poetry and the theatre, in the work of the Athenian philosopher Plato (427-347 BC). It centres on Plato's discussion of the corrupting powers of the arts in the Republic, and the implications that his fierce attack on poetry and theatre have for his construction of the ideal polity. The legacy of Platonic ideas in later elaborations of the corrupting power of the arts is discussed. Furthermore, the paper investigates the relationship between current debates on cultural policy and the Platonic idea that the transformative powers of the arts ought to be harnessed by the state to promote a just society. The conclusion thus reached is that “instrumental cultural policy”, rather then being a modern invention, was in fact first theorized precisely in Plato's Republic