419 research outputs found

    Fathers and substance misuse: a literature review

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    Purpose To review the following research questions from the available literature: • What evidence is there to suggest that substance misuse specifically by fathers (including alcohol and other drugs) causes wider harms, including child welfare concerns? • How do professionals respond specifically to substance misuse by fathers? • Do interventions aimed at parental substance misuse (particularly in the UK) include both mothers and fathers and if so how? Design/methodology/approach Scoping literature review, identifying 34 papers, (including scoping reviews published in 2006 and 2008 and six cited papers, covering the period 1990 – 2005), and 26 additional studies published between 2002 and 2020. Findings The review is organized into six themes: 1) Negative impact of men’s substance misuse problems on their parenting behaviours 2) Quality of the relationship between parents is affected by substance misuse of the fathers, in turn affecting the parenting behaviour and outcomes for child/ren 3) Importance to fathers of their fathering role (for example as financial provider) 4) Difficulties fathers may face in developing their fathering role 5) Sidelining of the fathering role in substance misuse services 6) Professionals tending to focus on the mother’s role in parenting inventions and services Originality The review focuses on fathers and substance misuse, an under-researched field within the wider contexts of fathering research and research into parental substance misus

    The role of UK alcohol and drug (AOD) nurses in a changing workforce

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    Background: This paper presents the findings from an exploratory study on alcohol and other drugs (AOD) nurses’ views on current career opportunities and challenges and on how their role has been affected by clinical and structural changes in service delivery. Methods: The paper is based on qualitative interviews with a purposive sample of twelve AOD nurses in the UK. A narrative approach to interviewing aimed to encourage emergence of new insights and suggest theories for future examination. Interview domains were informed by the research team’s knowledge of AOD nursing and by themes from published literature. Interviews were recorded, transcribed, and coded and a reflexive thematic analysis was conducted. Results: Key themes emerging focused on the growth, advantages, and challenges of non-medical prescribing (NMP), and the impact on AOD nursing of changes in workforce structures and environments. The findings indicate considerable doubts about career opportunities for nurses in AOD services although NMP may offer some limited routes to career advancement. Conclusions: Some long-standing issues around the identity and professional status of AOD nurses persist and current clinical and structural changes have created a “liminal space” within which the nursing role and AOD nurse identity are disrupted and in transition

    Delivering alcohol IBA: broadening the base from health to non-health contexts: review of the literature and scoping

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    A review of the literature and scoping on alcohol brief interventions. The review considers the evidence base on the delivery of identification and brief advice in a wide range of settings. It concludes that broader delivery of IBA is feasible, but requires strong organisational support, effective training and financial investment

    Double Spin Asymmetries of Inclusive Hadron Electroproduction From a Transversely Polarized He-3 Target

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    We report the measurement of beam-target double spin asymmetries (ALT) in the inclusive production of identified hadrons, →e + 3He↑ → h + X, using a longitudinally polarized 5.9-GeV electron beam and a transversely polarized 3He target. Hadrons (π±, K±, and proton) were detected at 16 ° with an average momentum ( Ph ) = 2.35 GeV/c and a transverse momentum (pT) coverage from 0.60 to 0.68 GeV/c. Asymmetries from the He-3 target were observed to be nonzero for π± production when the target was polarized transversely in the horizontal plane. The π+ and π- asymmetries have opposite signs, analogous to the behavior of ALT in semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering

    A Compact Solid State Detector for Small Angle Particle Tracking

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    MIDAS (MIcrostrip Detector Array System) is a compact silicon tracking telescope for charged particles emitted at small angles in intermediate energy photonuclear reactions. It was realized to increase the angular acceptance of the DAPHNE detector and used in an experimental program to check the Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn sum rule at the Mainz electron microtron, MAMI. MIDAS provides a trigger for charged hadrons, p/pi identification and particle tracking in the region 7 deg < theta < 16 deg. In this paper we present the main characteristics of MIDAS and its measured performances.Comment: 13 pages (9 figures). Submitted to NIM

    Exclusive measurement of coherent eta photoproduction from the deuteron

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    Coherent photoproduction of eta mesons from the deuteron has been measured from threshold up to incident photon energies of 750 MeV using the photon spectrometer TAPS at the tagged photon facility at the Mainz microtron MAMI. For the first time, differential coherent cross sections have been deduced from the coincident detection of the eta meson and the recoil deuteron. A missing energy analysis was used for the suppression of background events so that a very clean identification of coherent eta-photoproduction was achieved. The resulting cross sections agree with previous experimental results except for angles around 90 deg in the photon-deuteron cm-system where they are smaller. They are compared to various model calculations.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Quasi-free Compton Scattering and the Polarizabilities of the Neutron

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    Differential cross sections for quasi-free Compton scattering from the proton and neutron bound in the deuteron have been measured using the Glasgow/Mainz tagging spectrometer at the Mainz MAMI accelerator together with the Mainz 48 cm \oslash ×\times 64 cm NaI(Tl) photon detector and the G\"ottingen SENECA recoil detector. The data cover photon energies ranging from 200 MeV to 400 MeV at θγLAB=136.2\theta^{LAB}_\gamma=136.2^\circ. Liquid deuterium and hydrogen targets allowed direct comparison of free and quasi-free scattering from the proton. The neutron detection efficiency of the SENECA detector was measured via the reaction p(γ,π+n)p(\gamma,\pi^+ n). The "free" proton Compton scattering cross sections extracted from the bound proton data are in reasonable agreement with those for the free proton which gives confidence in the method to extract the differential cross section for free scattering from quasi-free data. Differential cross sections on the free neutron have been extracted and the difference of the electromagnetic polarizabilities of the neutron have been obtained to be αβ=9.8±3.6(stat)12.1.1(syst)±2.2(model)\alpha-\beta= 9.8\pm 3.6(stat){}^{2.1}_1.1(syst)\pm 2.2(model) in units 104fm310^{-4}fm^3. In combination with the polarizability sum α+β=15.2±0.5\alpha +\beta=15.2\pm 0.5 deduced from photoabsorption data, the neutron electric and magnetic polarizabilities, αn=12.5±1.8(stat)0.6+1.1±1.1(model)\alpha_n=12.5\pm 1.8(stat){}^{+1.1}_{-0.6}\pm 1.1(model) and βn=2.71.8(stat)1.1+0.6(syst)1.1(model)\beta_n=2.7\mp 1.8(stat){}^{+0.6}_{-1.1}(syst)\mp 1.1(model) are obtained. The backward spin polarizability of the neutron was determined to be γπ(n)=(58.6±4.0)×104fm4\gamma^{(n)}_\pi=(58.6\pm 4.0)\times 10^{-4}fm^4

    Measurement and simulation of the neutron response of the Nordball liquid scintillator array

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    The response of the liquid scintillator array Nordball to neutrons in the energy range 1.5 < T_n < 10 MeV has been measured by time of flight using a 252Cf fission source. Fission fragments were detected by means of a thin-film plastic scintillator. The measured differential and integral neutron detection efficiencies agree well with predictions of a Monte Carlo simulation of the detector which models geometry accurately and incorporates the measured, non-linear proton light output as a function of energy. The ability of the model to provide systematic corrections to photoneutron cross sections, measured by Nordball at low energy, is tested in a measurement of the two-body deuteron photodisintegration cross section in the range E_gamma=14-18 MeV. After correction the present 2H(gamma,n)p measurements agree well with a published evaluation of the large body of 2H(gamma,p)n data.Comment: 20 pages 10 figures, submitted Nucl. Instr. Meth.