61 research outputs found

    Sacrum i Profanum - pokazać niewidzialne

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    The main theme of my doctorate studies are the terms Sacred and Profane in the context of the Christian culture. These terms are immeasurable in its wide and deep meaning. I express my feelings and thoughts through the colors and material structure of my graphics, even its tiniest component is indispensible and has a certain meaning. I picture Sacred as a complete excellence, something extra sensual, pure. However, Profane is material. It creates an esthetic and colorful burden; it’s a longing, searching for satisfaction. I’m trying to show through my graphics how the will to follow Sacred influences our fight with flaws and exchange of what’s temporary for something complete, the light and eternity. Choosing the right technique is strictly related with the theme, while the attempt to express something mystical is related with using non material substances like the light. To fully understand my graphics is crucial to be sensitive to each and every component of the artwork, including: texture, paper grammage and substance, contrast and color depth. All of these components cause emotional and sententious impact. All of these components cause emotional and sententious impact. I’d like to continue the thought of professor Filipowska by calling these series of work as contemplative art that shows “great values with the language of beauty”. Thanks to the abundance of graphic technics I’m crossing the line from the darkness, that is materiality, towards the exit for humanity, the light; the Absolute. I’m also inspired with the abstractive art, especially the theories and work of Kazimierz Malewicz and Wassilij Kandinsky. Following their footsteps I’m continuing their search for art that’s intuitive, sensitive and ascetic in its stylistic devices, to show the mystical richness of the metaphysical experiences. I can distinguish the universality of art in striving to portray something intangible and extra sensual. That’s why I often refer to, both in content and material, to “writing icons” as means to partially cover the road of the emotional and spiritual dialogue. I endeavor to show the light’s mysticism using it as a tool, goal, as well as an integral component of my works. Moderate and thought-out colors of the graphics enable me to clearly and precisely express my intentions and symbols contained in each of my masterpieces. White, gold, black broken with blue have a specific ideological and symbolical expression. While working on my work series Sacred and Profane – illustrate the invisible, I discovered another manner to express myself artistically. I broke out of part of my conservatism, which was characteristic to my works till now, thanks to numerous technical experiments and opening up for a bit of randomness, as well as accepting the natural character and features of each material I used. In addition, the moderate stylistic devices allow a deeper and more emotional reception of my creations. I hope that esthetic experiences from watching my graphics will move the spectators and lead us to meditate, contemplate, and listen to our inner selves to perceive something timeless

    Obrazy ze świata przyrody w nauczaniu Jezusa o ubóstwie i bogactwie

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    The presence of numerous animals and plants’ names in the New Testament, often accompanied by descriptions of their characteristics, is caused by the fact that the Jesus often used the language of imagery to present the revealed truths to their contemporary listeners. At the same time, it is essential to emphasize the fact that this rich natural world is for the Master of Nazareth just a tool used to translate God’s address into human language. For this reason, the knowledge of the animal symbolism in the Holy Writ allows for the accurate understanding of the pericope. In the New Testament we can also come across descriptions in which Christ refers to animal lives in order to illustrate his teachings about poverty and wealth. The following words of Jesus can serve as an example: “Foxes have dens and birds of the sky have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to rest his head” (Mt 8:20). Jesus also reached for bird images in his teachings about these issues: “Look at the birds in the sky; they do not sow or reap, they gather nothing into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them” (Mt 6:26).These words clearly show that those who listened to Jesus had to be familiar with those animals, especially with the way they fed and built their nests. The Jesus description of clothes moths shows the insignificance of earthly riches. The destruction of clothes by the moth in the Bible lands was not an occasional or incidental occurrence, but something which, in the given time, was bound to happen. As recorded in the words of Christ: “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal” (Mt 6:19 and Lu 12:33).Obecność licznych przedstawicieli świata zwierząt i roślin na kartach Nowego Testamentu, często połączona z opisem cech charakterystycznych dla ich wyglądu lub sposobu życia czy wykorzystania ich przez człowieka, związana jest z posługiwaniem się przez Jezusa językiem obrazu. Równocześnie należy podkreślić, że ten bogaty świat przyrody jest dla Mistrza z Nazaretu narzędziem pomocnym w przekładaniu orędzia Boga na język ludzki. Dlatego poznanie znaczenia i symboliki zwierząt i roślin pojawiających się na kartach Pisma Świętego pozwala współczesnemu człowiekowi lepiej zrozumieć perykopy biblijne, w których są one przywoływane. W Nowym Testamencie występują opisy, w których Chrystus dla zilustrowania swojej nauki o ubóstwie i bogactwie nawiązuje do życia zwierząt. Przykładem tego są słowa Jezusa: „Lisy mają nory i ptaki powietrzne – gniazda, lecz Syn Człowieczy nie ma miejsca, gdzie by głowę mógł oprzeć” (Mt 8, 20). W swym nauczaniu na ten temat Jezus odwołuje się także do ptaków: „Przypatrzcie się ptakom w powietrzu: nie sieją, nie żną i nie zbierają do spichlerzy, a Ojciec wasz niebieski je żywi” (Mt 6, 26). Powyższe słowa świadczą o tym, że słuchacze Jezusa dobrze musieli znać te stworzenia, a zwłaszcza sposób zdobywania pokarmu oraz gnieżdżenia się. Natomiast Jezusowe odniesienie do mola ubraniowego podkreśla znikomość ziemskich bogactw. Zniszczenie ubrań przez mole na terenach biblijnych nie było sporadyczne, ale było czymś, co, biorąc pod uwagę czas, musiało się stać, jak zapisano w słowach Chrystusa: „Nie gromadźcie sobie skarbów na ziemi, gdzie mól i rdza niszczą i gdzie złodzieje włamują się, i kradną” (Mt 6, 19 i Łk 12, 33)

    Posłuszeństwo oczekiwaną odpowiedzią Izraela na wierność Boga

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    The love of God that maintains for a thousand generations, is a faithfulness (cf. Ex 34:6–7). This truth constitutes the key to understanding each God’s action throughout the biblical History of Salvation, with reference to both the community (of the chosen people) and individuals (e.g. Abraham). God lets recognize him by his work, by his might, power and faithfulness to his promises (cf. Deut 7:7–9). In exchange for these He expects an obedience which should be understood as voluntary acceptance of His plans and entering the love dialogue with Him. Because the biblical obedience has nothing to do with the forced submissiveness and passive surrendering oneself stronger who wields some power. The obedience means your own free decision to entrust yourself to him as well as an intention of relying on his love.Miłość Boga, która trwa na tysiąc pokoleń, jest wiernością (por. Wj 34, 6–7). Prawda ta stanowi klucz do zrozumienia całego działania Boga w ramach biblijnej historii zbawienia, zarówno w odniesieniu do społeczności (narodu wybranego), jak i jednostek (np. Abrahama). Bóg daje się poznać przez swoje dzieła, przez moc, potęgę, wierność swoim obietnicom (por. Pwt 7, 7–9). W zamian wzywa do posłuszeństwa, które należy rozumieć jako dobrowolne przyjęcie Jego planów i wejście z Nim w dialog miłości. Biblijne posłuszeństwo nie ma bowiem nic wspólnego z wymuszoną uległością i biernym poddawaniem się silniejszemu i dzierżącemu jakąś władzę. Jest ono powierzeniem się z miłością i w całości Bogu, z własnej wolnej decyzji

    Wybrane przykłady realiów biblijnych ze świata flory i fauny wprowadzone do przekładu Pisma Świętego przez św. Hieronima

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    The article has as its aim the presentation of biblical reality (realia biblica). The topic of the analysis is the translation by St. Jerome of few chosen terms: a Hebrew name of a plant called קִיקָיוֹן (qîqājôn – castor oil plant) and Hebrew names for animals: ליִַשׁ (layiš – lion) and שָׁפןָ (šāpān – hyrax). In the case of קִיקָיוֹן (qîqājôn) from Jonah 4,6, St. Jerome has chosen for his Latin translation a term hedera (ivy) and this choice caused a considerable confusion. The Hebrew term ליִַשׁ (layiš) from Job 4,11 was translated as tigris (tiger). Finally, hyrax (probably met during his staying in the Holy Land), a small biblical creature from Lev. 11,5; Deut. 14,7; Psa. 104,18; Prov. 30,26, was translated as: hare, hedgehog or even a pig. These examples plainly show a category of problems encountered met by St. Jerome during his process of choosing biblical realities. In the article I wish to organize all relevant information about the identification of the listed plants and animals. Firstly, I analyze the texts where St Jerome was defending his choices and was responding to criticism; secondly, I will confront his translations with the approach that Septuagint translators have chosen, and then with the information on flora and fauna present in ancient written sources and actual achievements of natural sciences.W artykule przedstawiono problemy związane z oddaniem realiów biblijnych (realia biblica). Przedmiotem analizy jest kwestia przekładu przez św. Hieronima hebrajskiej nazwy rośliny קִיקָיוֹן (qîqājôn – rącznik pospolity) oraz hebrajskich nazw zwierząt ליִַשׁ (layiš – lew) i שָׁפןָ (šāpān – góralek). W przypadku terminu קִיקָיוֹן (qîqājôn), który użyty jest w Księdze Jonasza (4,6), św. Hieronim wybrał dla swego łacińskiego tłumaczenia nazwę hedera (bluszcz), co wywołało spore zamieszanie. Hebrajskie słowo ליִַשׁ (layiš), występujące w Księdze Hioba (4,11) przetłumaczył jako tygrys. Natomiast, jeśli chodzi o góralka, małe stworzenie biblijne (zob. Kpł 11,5; Pwt 14,7; Ps 104,18; Prz 30,26), które prawdopodobnie spotkał podczas pobytu w Ziemi Świętej, wprowadził kilka różnych identyfikacji: jako zająca, jeża, a nawet świnię. Przykłady te bardzo dobrze obrazują problemy, z jakimi św. Hieronim spotkał się przy doborze realiów biblijnych. Niniejszy artykuł jest próbą uporządkowania wszystkich istotnych informacji dotyczących identyfikacji wymienionych roślin i zwierząt. Autor artykułu po pierwsze analizuje teksty, w których Hieronim bronił swoich wyborów i odpowiadał na krytykę, a po drugie konfrontuje jego rozwiązania translatorskie z podejściem tłumaczy Septuaginty, informacjami o florze i faunie zawartymi w innych starożytnych źródłach oraz dorobkiem nauk przyrodniczych.

    Metafory zwierzęce w Błogosławieństwie Jakuba (Rdz 49, 1-28)

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    The relatively numerous references to animals in the blessing of Jacob(Gen 49: 1-28) show that the biblical author had a broad knowledge of nature.According to the current classification of living organisms and method ofresearch used by modern zoology, it is stated that these observations donot have the characteristics of scientific research. In spite of this, they arethe evidence of the clear-sighted observation of animals, which is reflectednot only in the knowledge of the appearance of individual species, but alsoof specific behaviours related to their way of life. It concerns not only domesticanimals, like the ass (cf. Gen 49: 14), but also wild representativesof the fauna. References concerning the latter apply to the species perceivedas highly dangerous to man and domestic animals, that is the lion(cf. Gen 49: 9), snake (cf. Gen 49: 17) or wolf (cf. Gen 49: 27). Amongstthe animals mentioned in the blessing of Jacob one can also distinguishthose which aroused admiration because of their appearance, such as thedoe (cf. Gen 49: 21). At the same time, it is essential to emphasise the factthat the wealth of animal metaphors is just a tool used to translate “God’saddress” into human language

    Does beta-trace protein (BTP) outperform cystatin C as a diagnostic marker of acute kidney injury complicating the early phase of acute pancreatitis?

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    Abstract: Acute pancreatitis (AP) belongs to the commonest acute gastrointestinal conditions requiring hospitalization. Acute kidney injury (AKI) often complicates moderately severe and severe AP, leading to increased mortality. Among the laboratory markers proposed for early diagnosis of AKI, few have been studied in AP, including cystatin C and neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL). Beta-trace protein (BTP), a low-molecular-weight glycoprotein proposed as an early marker of decreased glomerular filtration, has never been studied in AP. We investigated the diagnostic usefulness of serum BTP for early diagnosis of AKI complicating AP in comparison to previously studied markers. BTP was measured in serum samples collected over the first three days of hospital stay from 73 adult patients admitted within 24 h of mild to severe AP. Thirteen patients (18%) developed AKI in the early phase of AP. Serum BTP was higher in patients who developed AKI, starting from the first day of hospitalization. Strong correlations were observed between BTP and serum cystatin C but not serum or urine NGAL. On admission, BTP positively correlated with endothelial dysfunction. The diagnostic usefulness of BTP for AKI was similar to cystatin C and lower than NGAL. Increased BTP is an early predictor of AKI complicating AP. However, it does not outperform cystatin C or NGAL

    An insight into the stages of ion leakage during red blood cell storage

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    Packed red blood cells (pRBCs), the most commonly transfused blood product, are exposed to environmental disruptions during storage in blood banks. In this study, temporal sequence of changes in the ion exchange in pRBCs was analyzed. Standard techniques commonly used in electrolyte measurements were implemented. The relationship between ion exchange and red blood cells (RBCs) morphology was assessed with use of atomic force microscopy with reference to morphological parameters. Variations observed in the Na+, K+, Cl−, H+, HCO3−, and lactate ions concentration show a complete picture of singly-charged ion changes in pRBCs during storage. Correlation between the rate of ion changes and blood group type, regarding the limitations of our research, suggested, that group 0 is the most sensitive to the time-dependent ionic changes. Additionally, the impact of irreversible changes in ion exchange on the RBCs membrane was observed in nanoscale. Results demonstrate that the level of ion leakage that leads to destructive alterations in biochemical and morphological properties of pRBCs depend on the storage timepoint

    Jakość kształcenia na Wydziale Filologicznym Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku na podstawie wywiadów fokusowych ze studentami. Raport z badań

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    Niniejszy raport jest częścią ministerialnego projektu Regionalna Inicjatywa Doskonałości, realizowanego na Wydziale Filologicznym Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku w latach 2019–2022. Zadanie badawcze wchodzące w skład wspomnianego projektu miało na celu poszukiwanie rozwiązań dydaktycznych podnoszących jakość kształcenia na Wydziale Filologicznym.Projekt finansowany w ramach programu Ministra Edukacji i Nauki pod nazwą „Regionalna Inicjatywa Doskonałości” na lata 2019–2022 nr projektu 009/RID/2018/19 kwota finansowania 8 791 222,00 złCreswell J.W. (2009). Projektowanie badań naukowych. Metody jakościowe, ilościowe i mieszane, Kraków: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego.Czerepaniak‑Walczak M. (2006). Pedagogika emancypacyjna. Rozwój świadomości krytycznej człowieka, Gdańsk: Gdańskie Wydawnictwo Psychologiczne.Długosz P. (2020), Raport z II etapu badań studentów UP. Opinia na temat zdalnego nauczania i samopoczucia psychicznego, Kraków: Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie (https://ifis.up.krakow.pl/wp‑content/uploads/sites/9/2020/06/Raport‑Studenci-UP‑II-etap.pdf, dostęp: 14.11.2022).Freire P. (1993). Pedagogy of the oppressed, tłum. M. B. Ramos, London: Penguin Books.Gibbs G. (2011). Analizowanie danych jakościowych, tłum. M. Brzozowska-Brywczyńska, Warszawa: PWN.Gipps C. (1994). Beyond testing: Towards a theory of educational assessment. London: Falmer Press.Gutek L.G. (2009). New perspectives on philosophy and education, Pearson Education Upper Saddle River, N. J.Holec H. (1981). Autonomy and foreign language learning, Strasbourg: Council of Europe, Oxford: Pergamon.Kohonen V. (2000). Towards experiential foreign language education, (w:) V. Kohonen, R. Jaatinen, P. Kaikonen, J. Lehtovaara. Experiential learning in foreign language education, Harlow: Pearson Education Limited, s. 8−60.Krueger R.A., Casey M.A. (2000). Focus groups: A practical guide for applied research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.Krzystek M. (2018). Analiza tematyczna w badaniach jakościowych, Kraków: Fundacja Rozwoju Badań Społecznych.Łapińska Ł., Sudolska A., Zinecker M., (2022). Raport z badań empirycznych w zakresie kompetencji i zawodów przyszłości, red. P. Kryjom, Warszawa (https://przemyslprzyszlosci.gov.pl/uploads/2022/07/Raport-z-badan‑empirycznych-w-zakresie‑kompetencji‑i-zawodow‑przyszlosci.pdf, dostęp: 15.11.2022).Merriam S. (2016). Qualitative research: A guide to design and implementation. Jossey‑Bass.Morgan D.L. (1988). Focus groups the qualitative research. Beverly Hills: SAGE Publications.Morgan D.L., Kreuger R.A. (1993). When to use focus groups and why in Morgan D.L. (Ed.) Successful Focus Groups. London: Sage.Nowel S. (2021). Studiowanie, kształcenie, oczekiwania – z badań studentów pierwszego roku, (w:) Edukacja zorientowana na ucznia i studenta, red. A. Karpińska, W. Wróblewska, P. Remża, Białystok 2021, s. 73–85 (http://hdl.handle.net/11320/11279, dostęp: 15.11.2022).Pasikowski S. (2019). Funkcja nasycenia teoretycznego i jej nienasycenie – implikacje metodologiczne dla badań w pedagogice. „Przegląd Pedagogiczny: Studia i Rozprawy”.Piorunek M. (2016). Liczby i słowa w badaniach humanistycznych i społecznych (Nie)dychotomiczność paradygmatów badawczych. Poznań: Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAMRavitch S., Carl N. (2016). Qualitative research: Bridging the conceptual, theoretical, and methodological. London: Sage.Romaniuk M.W., Łukasiewicz‑Wieleba J. (2021). Raport z badań. Zdalna edukacja kryzysowa w APS w okresie pandemii COVID‑19. Z perspektywy rocznych doświadczeń, Warszawa: Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej (https://depot.ceon.pl/bitstream/handle/123456789/19833/Raport%20z%20badania%20Zdalna%20edukacja%20 kryzysowa%20w%20APS%20w%20okresie%20pandemii%20COVID-19.%20Z%20perspektywy%20rocznych%20do%c5%9bwiadcze%c5%84..pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y, dostęp: 15.11.2022).Shepard L.A. (2000). The role of assessment in a learning culture, Educational Researcher 29(7), s. 4−14.Strauss A., Corbin J. (1998). Basics of qualitative research, techniques, and procedures for developing grounded theory, 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.Wilczyńska W., Michońska‑Stadnik A. (2010). Metodologia badań w glottodydaktyce. Wprowadzenie, Kraków: Wydawnictwo Avalon.Włoch R., Śledziewska K. (2019). Kompetencje przyszłości. Jak je kształtować w elastycznym ekosystemie edukacyjnym?, Warszawa: DELab UW

    Temporal relationship between systemic endothelial dysfunction and alterations in erythrocyte function in a murine model of chronic heart failure

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    Endothelial dysfunction (ED) and red blood cell distribution width (RDW) are both prognostic factors in heart failure (HF), but the relationship between them is not clear. In this study, we used a unique mouse model of chronic HF driven by cardiomyocyte-specific overexpression of activated Gαq protein (Tgαq*44 mice) to characterise the relationship between the development of peripheral ED and the occurrence of structural nanomechanical and biochemical changes in red blood cells (RBCs).Systemic ED was detected in vivo in 8-month-old Tgαq*44 mice, as evidenced by impaired acetylcholine-induced vasodilation in the aorta and increased endothelial permeability in the brachiocephalic artery. ED in the aorta was associated with impaired nitric oxide (NO) production in the aorta and diminished systemic NO bioavailability. ED in the aorta was also characterised by increased superoxide and eicosanoid production. In 4- to 6-month-old Tgαq*44 mice, RBC size and membrane composition displayed alterations that did not result in significant changes in their nanomechanical and functional properties. However, 8-month-old Tgαq*44 mice presented greatly accentuated structural and size changes and increased RBC stiffness. In 12-month-old Tgαq*44 mice, the erythropathy was featured by severely altered RBC shape and elasticity, increased RDW, impaired RBC deformability, and increased oxidative stress (GSH/GSSH ratio). Moreover, RBCs taken from 12-month-old Tgαq*44 mice, but not from 12-month-old FVB mice, co-incubated with aortic rings from FVB mice, induced impaired endothelium-dependent vasodilation and this effect was partially reversed by an arginase inhibitor (ABH, 2(S)-amino-6-boronohexanoic acid).In the Tgαq*44 murine model of HF, systemic endothelial dysfunction accelerates erythropathy and, conversely, erythropathy may contribute to endothelial dysfunction. These results suggest that erythropathy may be regarded as a marker and a mediator of systemic endothelial dysfunction in HF. In particular, targeting RBC arginase may represent a novel treatment strategy for systemic endothelial dysfunction in HF. RBC arginase and possibly other RBC-mediated mechanisms may represent novel therapeutic targets for systemic endothelial dysfunction in HF.Endothelial dysfunction (ED) and red blood cell distribution width (RDW) both have prognostic value for heart failure (HF), but it is not known whether these pathologies are related. We comprehensively characterized endothelial and RBC functional status in a unique murine model of chronic heart failure with a prolonged time course of HF progression. Our results suggest that ED accelerates erythropathy and, conversely, erythropathy may contribute to ED. Accordingly, erythropathy in HF reflects ED and involves various changes (in functional, structural, nanomechanical, and biochemical levels) that could have diagnostic and therapeutic significance for HF